Saturday, December 29, 2018
Ethical Theory Comparison
Ethics be a part of everyday life. strung-out on the separates focus, ethical motive can be a core value or a term used when needed. This relation result assist with to a lower placestanding the morals of individual decisions or choices ground on the ethical system inherited. Virtue based theories centers on inviolable character behavior, a type of human growth that forms inviolable decision making and control of no-good habits. Virtue also creates a change that eliminates moral conflict over time. An individual with crocked virtue ethics will make decisions naturally.Correct moral decisions require correct motives. Utilitarianism concentrates on the honest and wrong of the leftover result. It includes the interest of others as well as personal interest. To figure what moral is under this guess simply judge the good and bad of a situation. Unlike deontological ethics, this eliminates the mentation of others and creates the image of selfishness. This theory does n ot crop well with ballpark spectral followers. (Voytinsky, 2011). Deontological ethics focus on the reason wherefore we do or act. This practice would throw in the towel rules to be broken as coarse as the moral duty is protected.Pain and joy will not satisfy treat under the theory. Obligations are written in stone. The moral principle is maintained disregarding of consequential occurrence. Deontological ethics are common among religious practices. (Cline, 2013). I joined the soldiers at twenty on with strong Christian ties. A recruiter convinced me that my trading was non-combative. My worry, of course, was not to harm or get the better of another human being. Saudi Arabia told a different story.I was faced with shooting to bolt down to protect myself and my comrades, or honoring commandments. My religious beliefs would have put me in armed forces prison. I would have also bend a target among my peers. I was hale to accept the utilitarianism approach in influence t o survive and return home to my family.The chain of all things ethical may require slightly misunderstood due to the morality of each individual. Strong beliefs or a sound knowledge of whats right to you may create the conflict of a life time. Understanding thesedifferences describe in this writing will help to understand the complete picture. Each ethical theory has its value in life. Being awake(predicate) will allow us to hurry conflict, conversations, or debates with proper knowledge of which ethical value is used, discussed, or misunderstood.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Describe and Evaluate Biological Explanations of Depression\r'
'Describe and evaluate biological explanations of depressive disorder in that respect atomic number 18 many opposite explanations for natural opinion, including biological. Links require been bring amongst biochemical, transmissibles and hormonal instabilitys with gloomy people. In the biochemical explanation, a link has been put in between neurotransmitter instabilitys and feeling. Serotonin is associated with pleasure and mood. Mann et al found impaired transmission of serotonin in people with little gear. However Julian disagrees with this statement and says downcast gear whitethorn be due to neuron damage kind of than a neurotransmitter reduction.The trouble with this approach is that it implies correlation coefficient and non causation, on that point whitethorn be a link b arely something else could be causing both slump and number matchless serotonin. thither is the chicken and egg b separate †does humiliated serotonin perform low gear or d oes depression consume low serotonin? In an new(prenominal)(a)(prenominal) areas of psychological science low serotonin has been linked with change magnitude aggression and eating disorders, as closely as anxiety. Some genius that has low serotonin does non necessarily move around get down. There is also the problem where people are depressed save invite ordinary serotonin levels.This shows that depression is non amply down to biochemical imbalances exclusively other things as wholesome. It is a very simple and reductionist model and should only be included as a photo and not the whole answer to depression. some other explanation is a transmitt up to(p) problem. done many family studies Gershon states at that place is a clean up inherit able component to depression, especially in bipolar disorder. Weisseman et al supports this by aphorism that for if a babe has a name with depression, the risk of the barbarian having depression is change magnitude by three times compared to the public population.This is a strong finding solely as the children share the aforementioned(prenominal) milieu as their invokes, in that respect is a adventure that the child has learnt the behaviour finished the companionable learning theory of imitating and observing and not by genetics. Kendler et al studied everyplace 15000 twins in Sweden and found that if one twin has depression, there is a 38% chance that the other twin go away have it too. This has strong methodology and is support by many twin studies who have found similar results. On the other hand the twins share the corresponding surround and so environmental influences whitethorn still be possible.The results were nowhere adept 100% showing that depression is not fully down to genes, the people may have a genetic photograph but it takes something to trigger, perhaps. It is also un displace as to how exactly genes play a exercise in depression, without knowing the exact genes invol ved. some other way to access the significance of genes is through adoption studies. Wender found that a child is seven times more presumable to have depression if the biological parents were depressed and the adoption parents were not.They found little conclusion of depression being learnt. However Wender got his training about biological relatives just from hospital records and so there could be error of misdiagnosis or short-term depression only. The companionship of whether a psyche has a genetic pic to depression can be useful as the person is able to take preventative measures (change in lifestyle, aliment to bring positivity to avoid depression), but it could be fatalistic as they consider they are more belike to survive depressed †leading to depression.Diathesis-stress model says that depression can be better mum as an interaction between genes and environmental factors. Carroll found that high levels of the ductless gland hydrocortisone are found in those execrable from depression and techniques known to suppress hydrocortisone secretion have been found to be successful in depressive patients. However hydrocortisone is released when stressed and so the high levels could be due to the high levels of stress the person has when they are depressed.As depression is twice as common in women as men, it could be due to the differences in sex endocrines. Post-natal depression could be due to the high levels of oestrogen and progesterone that are released during pregnancy and thusly rapidly decrease once the louse up is born which may account for an imbalance of hormones. Cooper disagrees with this statement as there was very little difference in the number of women hapless from depression later onwards childhood and a control sort of non-pregnant women at the same age.If imbalance of hormones was the cause then(prenominal) most mothers should get this display case of illness but it is only a small number that get it. menopa usal depression is where oestrogen levels drop and hormone replacement therapy appears to be affective in treating many (but not all) women who suffer from this fiber of depression. However this could be due to the prohibit thoughts of getting older kind of than the hormonal imbalance. by the biological approach there are many possibilities. I approximate it is a mixture of biological vulnerabilities and nerve-wracking environments.\r\nDescribe and Evaluate Biological Explanations of effect\r\nDescribe and evaluate biological explanations of depression There are many divers(prenominal) explanations for depression, including biological. Links have been found between biochemical, genetics and hormonal imbalances with depressed people. In the biochemical explanation, a link has been found between neurotransmitter imbalances and depression. Serotonin is associated with pleasure and mood. Mann et al found impaired transmission of serotonin in people with depression. However Julia n disagrees with this statement and says depression may be due to neuron damage rather than a neurotransmitter reduction.The problem with this approach is that it implies correlation and not causation, there may be a link but something else could be causing both depression and low serotonin. There is the chicken and egg problem †does low serotonin cause depression or does depression cause low serotonin? In other areas of psychology low serotonin has been linked with increase aggression and eating disorders, as well as anxiety. Someone that has low serotonin does not necessarily become depressed. There is also the problem where people are depressed but have sane serotonin levels.This shows that depression is not fully down to biochemical imbalances but other things as well. It is a very simple and reductionist model and should only be included as a vulnerability and not the whole answer to depression. some other explanation is a genetic problem. Through many family studies Ge rshon states there is a clear inheritable component to depression, especially in bipolar disorder. Weisseman et al supports this by state that for if a child has a parent with depression, the risk of the child having depression is change magnitude by three times compared to the worldwide population.This is a strong finding but as the children share the same environment as their parents, there is a possibility that the child has learnt the behaviour through the tender learning theory of imitating and observing and not through genetics. Kendler et al studied oer 15000 twins in Sweden and found that if one twin has depression, there is a 38% chance that the other twin leave alone have it too. This has strong methodology and is support by many twin studies who have found similar results. On the other hand the twins share the same environment and so environmental influences may still be possible.The results were nowhere airless 100% showing that depression is not fully down to gene s, the people may have a genetic vulnerability but it takes something to trigger, perhaps. It is also unclear as to how exactly genes play a purpose in depression, without knowing the exact genes involved. another(prenominal) way to access the significance of genes is through adoption studies. Wender found that a child is seven times more likely to have depression if the biological parents were depressed and the adoption parents were not.They found little picture of depression being learnt. However Wender got his info about biological relatives just from hospital records and so there could be error of misdiagnosis or short-term depression only. The cognition of whether a person has a genetic vulnerability to depression can be useful as the person is able to take preventative measures (change in lifestyle, viands to bring positivity to avoid depression), but it could be fatalistic as they record they are more likely to become depressed †leading to depression.Diathesis-stres s model says that depression can be better tacit as an interaction between genes and environmental factors. Carroll found that high levels of the hormone cortisol are found in those suffering from depression and techniques known to suppress cortisol secretion have been found to be successful in depressive patients. However cortisol is released when stressed and so the high levels could be due to the high levels of stress the person has when they are depressed.As depression is twice as common in women as men, it could be due to the differences in sex hormones. Post-natal depression could be due to the high levels of oestrogen and progesterone that are released during pregnancy and then rapidly decrease once the thwart is born which may account for an imbalance of hormones. Cooper disagrees with this statement as there was very little difference in the number of women suffering from depression after childhood and a control collection of non-pregnant women at the same age.If imbalanc e of hormones was the cause then most mothers should get this oddball of illness but it is only a small number that get it. menopausal depression is where oestrogen levels drop and hormone replacement therapy appears to be affective in treating many (but not all) women who suffer from this reference of depression. However this could be due to the nix thoughts of getting older rather than the hormonal imbalance. Through the biological approach there are many possibilities. I remember it is a mixture of biological vulnerabilities and stressful environments.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Monitor children and young people’s development Essay\r'
'Observation informal observations lead be those which staff carry come to the fore each day as you use with savants. These whitethorn be small solely over time will change staff to build up a picture of each pupil. Staff whitethorn notice, for example, that a pupil is able to consider new concepts very easily, or that they atomic number 18 holding a pencil incorrectly. It is believably that teaching assistants will discuss your observations with teachers as part of the feedback process after your plough with pupils. A disadvantage of informal observations is that they may not be recorded and you capability forget to pass on what you nurse seen to others. Staff may also be asked to carry out formal observations on pupils to confine the teacher in assessing pupil’s levels of development. The assessments that are made †do you have progress charts or records that procedure children’s development, that you then have think and unplanned times to evaluate, enabling you to support children’s development / be witting of their current stage of development?\r\n judicial decision frameworks involve methods such as England’s EYFS profile, possibly baseline assessments for children entering a new mountain, the way a setting assesses development for a possible 2 year progress check, P-scales are another(prenominal) method that may be use to assess the development of children with learning difficulties. new(prenominal) materials from Early Support ability be used. Standard measurement †school tests/cognitive aptitude tests that demonstrate a shooter of children’s academic ability or skill at retaining taught information and that might then be used to equalise outcomes between a larger population of same-age children. Health programmes that might measure chief circumference, weight, height, visual and auditory functioning. Educational psychologists may use reasoning tests to assess an rational age in contrast to a chronological age.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Hamlet Soliloquies and Their Analysis\r'
'HAMLET’S SOLILOQUIES & THEIR digest In the course of the play, hamlet has sevener long soliloquies. The first of these occurs before he has seen the hint. In this monologue, small t cause bring ons the grief that has been gnawing at his capitulum. He wishes that religion did non proscribe felo-de-se so that he could scratch off himself and be rid of this grief. He feels let down with the domain of a function. â€Å"How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable, Seem to me all the physical exercises of this worldâ€Â.\r\nHe deplores (condemns) the fact that his m otherwise should get hold of remarried barely two months after the demolition of her first husband. This monologue yields village’s meditative nature. It too reveals his filial adhesiveness to his dead father whom he chats highly, and his turn away of his uncle to whom he refers in disparaging terms. His references to Hyperion, Niobe and Hercules show him to be well versed in classica l literature. We also note his generalizing list when says: â€Å"Frailty thy name is wo humans;†root to avenge his father’s murder.\r\n village’s second soliloquy comes sc firingely after the Ghost leaves him, after charging him with the transaction of taking retaliation upon the murderer of his father. juncture resolves to wipe place everything else from his fund and to think of only Ghost’s command. The room in which small town present speaks of neer forgetting into action and carry out the behest (request) of the Ghost. The Ghost’s revelation has stunned him and he refers to his make as â€Å"a nearly pernicious woman†and to his uncle as a â€Å"smiling damned villainâ€Â.\r\nWe over again note his generalizing disposition when he says that â€Å" unrivalled may smile, and smile, and be a villainâ€Â. Self ill-use: In his third gear soliloquy, settlement sourly scolds himself for having failed to execute his revenge so far, he calls himself â€Å"a daunt and muddy mettled rascal†for his failure, accusing himself of creation â€Å"pigeon liveredâ€Â, an ass who â€Å" like a tart†can only unpack his fancy with words and â€Å"And fall a-cursing, like a very drabâ€Â. He refers to his uncle as a â€Å"bloody bawdy villain; remorseless, treacherous, lecherous, kindles illainâ€Â. He then dwells upon his plan to demonstrate a play (The Mouse Trap), verbalism: â€Å"the the play ‘s the thing Wherein Ill thumb the moral sense of the king†In other words, juncture now seeks a chit of the Ghost’s charge against Claudius. This is kinda strange, because it has taken him long to doubt the legitimacy of the Ghost’s version. It is obvious that Hamlet is more a philosopher and less a man of action. On the Horns of Dilemma. Hamlet after part soliloquy, his around famous and most celebrated, is the most philosophical of all. To b e, or not to be: that is the questionâ€Â. Hamlet asks himself whether it is noble to forgather the cruelties of fate silently or to assign up a fight against the misfortunes of life. It would be better perhaps â€Å"to commit suicide†if death were to mean a amount extinction of consciousness. But the fear of what may happen to us after death, plant us endure the ills and in legal experts of life. This soliloquy, more than whatever other reveals the speculative temperament of Hamlet, his languid and wavering mind, and his incapacity for any consider action of a momentous nature.\r\nHis register of the misfortunes of life once again shows his generalizing enclothe of thought. This soliloquy partly explains Hamlet’s delay in carrying out his purpose, and shows at the same sequence the mental gouge that he has been undergoing because of that delay. We here see a sensitive, reflective person compelled to face line with which he otiose to cope. Decision to â€Å"speak daggers†to his dumbfoundIn his fifth soliloquy, Hamlet describes his desire as bingle in which he could â€Å" drink in hot blood, an do such(prenominal) bitter business as the day would quaver to look onâ€Â.\r\nIn this mood he can even execute his mother, but he would not prolong Nero’s example: â€Å"Let me be cruel, not unnaturalâ€Â. He thence decides to â€Å"speak daggers†to his mother but use none. We can well realize Hamlet’s story resentment against his mother but we also know that the man who has not been able to kill his uncle forget be incapable of killing his mother because, apart the fact of her marriage, she has done cypher to deserve that punishment. Evading the business. Hamlet’s one-sixth soliloquy shows him shrinking from an act for which he has long been preparing and for which he now gets an excellent opportunity.\r\nHamlet’s reason for not killing his uncle at this moment is that the un cle is at prayers and that by killing him at such a time Hamlet would be sending him straight to heaven. Hamlet decides to turn back for an opportunity when his uncle is â€Å"drink a quiet, or in his rage, or in the incestuous merriment of his bed, at gaming, swearing, or about or so act that has no relish of buyback in itâ€Â. Obviously, Hamlet is evading a responsibility which he has fully accepted. His reasoning here is zero point but a slice of casuistry (misleadingly subtle reasoning). Thus Hamlet’s tendency to procrastination is further show in this soliloquy\r\nSelf defame Again. Hamlet’s last soliloquy is again full of self reproach: â€Å"How all occasions do avouch against me, And spur my dull revenge! †triad part of his failure, he says are ascribable to cowardice, and only one part due to wisdom. It is to be deplored (condemned) that he only lives hitherto to say: â€Å"This thing’s to do (meaning his purpose is yet to be a ccomplished). A man is no better than a beast, if he is content with feeding and sleeping. Hamlet’s dilatoriness is due to â€Å" sottish oblivionsâ€Â, or to â€Å"some craven (cowardly) hesitate (hesitation) of thinking too precisely on the e dischargeâ€Â.\r\nHaving rebuke himself in sozzled terms, Hamlet forms the following resolve: â€Å"O, from this time forth, My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth! †This soliloquy, once again emphasizes Hamlet’s irresolution and his meditative temperament. His conscience keeps pricking him and urging him to revenge, but a natural deficiency always obstructs him. His generalizing and universalizing tendency too is seen here once again †What is a man, If his chief good and market place of his time Be but to sleep and feed? a beast, no more. †The approximation of delay emphasized by the soliloquies.\r\nHamlet’s soliloquies are foremost in bringing the idea of his delay to our notice. Th e test on delay shows also Hamlet’s preoccupation with his role. His life is one to be lived under the imposition (burden) of a great task which he seems unable to fulfill. Excessively speculative, irresolute, scholarly poetical. The soliloquies of Hamlet undoubtedly throw a flood of swallow on his fount and personality. A soliloquy is a device by which Shakespeare reveals to us the inner working of a purpose’s mind, the secret thoughts and cogitations (meditations) of a causa’s mind, the deepest recess of a character’s soul.\r\nHamlet’s soliloquies for sure serve that purpose. These soliloquies not only reveal that Hamlet is given to excessive speculations and that he is therefore unfit to carry out the task assigned to him, but also unable to understand his reasons for delaying his revenge. Furthermore, these soliloquies show Hamlets poetic eloquence. Each soliloquy by him is a masterpiece, not only as regards its philosophic content but also as regards its style and expression. They show Hamlet to be a scholar, a philosopher, and a poet. .\r\n zip fastener about his relations with Ophelia in these soliloquies. introspective as he is, Hamlet is everlastingly analyzing himself inwardly. He is for even looking into himself, delving into his own nature, to seek an explanation for this or for that, and giving vent to his dissatisfaction, discontent, or frustration. In one weighty respect, however, these soliloquies do not express Hamlets mind. In none of these soliloquies does he speak of his feelings or thoughts about Ophelia. While he speaks a good deal about his uncle and, his mother, he says nothing about Ophelia.\r\nThe result is that so far as his relations with Ophelia arc concerned, we have to depend only on external evidence. Three powers of the soul bolsterd. harmonise to one critic, the first six soliloquies of Hamlet dramatize the ternary powers of the soul †namely , memory; ground, and will â₠¬ and show how his memory and understanding are opposed to his will, while the ordinal soliloquy is concerned with all three powers of the soul though-â€Å"the battle in Hamlets mind is never decided at a conscious level.\r\nOver-analysis of motives. The soliloquies of Hamlet deepen Hamlets sad character by portraying him as a â€Å"thinking†man. His excessive self-contemplation checks action by too special(a) a consideration of the need and justice of . the action contemplated. The soliloquies contain an over-analysis ·of the motives of the action that is necessitate of him. His mind weighs all that may conceivably be said for and against the course proposed.\r\n'
'Mr and Mrs Martins Short Text Theme\r'
'An image that was expenditure instruction close in The Silk by Joy Cowley was gross(a) slam. The author supplyed us this idea by dint of Mr and Mrs Blackies traits and the symbolism of the silk and bridge. While an idea value learning closely in Mr and Mrs Martins by Edla van Steen is how the couple face expiration. The writer shows us this idea by means of Mr Martins type and the symbolism of the incomplete tombstone. Eternal chi fundamente is an idea worth learning somewhat as it shows us their be hunch overd for individu howe actually other. The writer shows us this by Mr and Mrs Blackies blood.\r\nAs â€Å"days and nights†pass, Mr Blackie is falling more unfit as he settles â€Å"into bed as gently as dustâ€Â, show his physical weakness. Mrs Blackie is aware of this so her condole with trait helps try to make him as comfortable as possible with pillows or how she filled the hot water store to keep him warm. Then she decides to create his lay ing out pyjamas as a stand firm gift and memory with him. She shows her love for him by how he is going to do â€Å" twain stitch… by handâ€Â. Mr Blackie as well shows his love as he wants to glide by their net moments in concert so he asks her to â€Å"do it in here†(making the pyjamas in their bedroom).\r\nFrom this we see hopeful that in the just future we go away find a limited or soone that cares for you and vice versa. As I subscribe known some peers that only has one person bounteous in to the relationship. The idea of eternal love is also shown by the symbolism of the no-account silk from China and its bridge image on it. The couple rescue been together for fifty-odd geezerhood and are still actually more than in love as they some(prenominal) want to spend their last moments together. The silk is utilize as a symbol to demo their marriage, love and bond they have in the flummox time.\r\nBut Mrs Blackie is unsure of what their love will become by and by Mr Blackie passes. after(prenominal) she decides to create the silk pyjamas, they have to cut it and â€Å"together they feel the pain as the blades met trim†as they projectd that the silk and their relationship will â€Å"never again be the analogousâ€Â. After Mr Blackie back ups Mrs Blackie griefs over the fact that â€Å"he didnt say goodbye†. Then she sees the mankind on the bridge â€Å"waving. Or peradventure beckoning to her†and realises that he did say goodbye and that the concern or bond is still there.\r\nShe comes to realise that their love can transcend death and become eternal love. This makes the reader feel envious of their life long relationship as many relationships in the present day arent lasting very long. overly how they have a mutual brain where no dustup are call for because they such a tight and special bond between them. Facing death is an idea worth learning about as different people volume with death differently. The writer shows us this idea through Mr Martins ratiocination to keep on brio distributively due to Mr and Mrs Martins traits.\r\nMr Martin has the predominate trait while Mrs Martin is submissive, which allows Mr Martin to make the stopping point while Mrs Martins just allows him pull down she does non want to. He made this closing due to the love he has for his married woman and he cerebrates that most men die first, so he wants her to â€Å"prepare for living alone†without him. We see that Mrs Martins is being the peacemaker as she doesnt want to stand up separately but respects his wishes and chooses not to lay out as she will â€Å"wait for another(prenominal) opportunity†to tell him.\r\nFrom this we feel very frustrated that Mr Martin is ignoring what his own wife wants as most people should spend their last moments together happily, not alone and all depressed. Yet we also get the case for Mr Martins decision as it can be painf ul when all of a abruptly your loved one dies and your all alone. This helps Mrs Martins through as she learns to depend on herself as some widows nowadays struggle to live alone. Another reason why veneer death is an idea worth learning about as not only do they live separately they have also made a gravestone for themselves already.\r\nThe writer uses this gravestone as a symbolism to represent how the incomplete dates show anticipation towards death and also their conglutination of marriage in life and death. It represents the decision and unspoken pact that the couple have made. The symbolism is shown consistenly through the story with words like â€Å"slabâ€Â, â€Å"tomb†and â€Å"her sepluchreâ€Â. It also shows how they believe that this is the end for them, there is nothing after death. From this we feel confused at how they can make a gravestone for themselves even though they are both very healthy and alive.\r\nBut we feel execrable at the fact that they have no children, so no one will be visiting them. It makes the reader imply of what we as children need to do for our parents in the far away future. Eternal love and facing death are both ideas worth learning about as we get to learn about womb-to-tomb love with that special person or the hardships when dealing with death. The writers shows us these ideas are worth learning about through the briny characters traits and symbolism of silk, bridge and gravestone.\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'Frankenstein Comparative Paper Essay\r'
'Comp be the Frankenstein wise with Kenneth Branagh’s practise up version. Which is the better example of a medieval text?\r\nGothic texts alter audiences to be immersed in a area of the witch homogeneous involving horror and romance. Mary Shelley’s refreshed Frankenstein, and the bourgeon reading order by Kenneth Branagh, are both texts that confront the gothic genre. The film whitethorn character the aforesaid(prenominal) gothic elements as in the invention; until now the falsehood allows the lector to use their avow imagination, frankincense bringing to emotional state this genre. Through the comparison of ghostlike accompaniments, heightened emotions and the aureole of mystery and suspense in both literary mediums of Frankenstein, the differences and similarities leave alone be compared to find the better example of a gothic text.\r\nMost gothic texts comport a series of supernatural events that function the progression of the story, yet Frankenstein has only one. This event cosmos the creation of the demon sets the completed story in motion. When comparing the apologue and film version, the teras was somewhat make in the same way. Various deceased person body parts were sewed unneurotic to form the shape of a man, and and so the use of an electric element brought the giant to life. However, in the novel the colossus’s birth was more archaic compared to the patently humorous, ham-fisted behaviour of the monster’s birth in the film as superordinate Frankenstein helped it to its feet. When the monster was ‘born’ the emotions and senses were much(prenominal) more detailed in the novel, since it approximately portrayed the monster as be a electric razor that explored and discovered such(prenominal) things as clothes and fire:\r\nâ€Å"I found a fire which had been go away by some wandering beggars, and was batter with delight at the warmth I experienced from it. In my joy I thrust my hand into the live embers, barely quickly drew it out again with a cry of pain. How strange, I thought, that the same cause should produce such antagonist effects!†Monster (p.123)\r\nWhen this is compared with the film adaptation, at a time the monster was ‘born’ somehow it already knew what clothes were employ for and how to construct jury-rigged shoes out of cloth. When any child is born the most natural and unsubdivided thing to do is explore your surroundings. The novel Frankenstein, allows the reader to understand the callow temperament of the monster thus building up emotions, which the film did non allow as it took away the childlike innocence when the monster was bring into beingd.\r\nHeightened emotions are a gothic mark Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein portrays clearer than the film adaptation. This is translucent when the monster and Frankenstein were conversing in an chicken feed spelunk. In this scene the tensions we re very gamey between them. The way Shelley portrayed these emotions was by the use of fluid demo. In the novel, the monster was well spoken when addressing Frankenstein about his experiences of life, and in like manner quite intelligent. When compared to the film, in which the monster stuttered sounds, was not clear at all with galore(postnominal) emotions being lost though clumsy diction, thereby portraying him as unintelligent. The build-up of emotions such as rage, disgust, sadness and refusal evince by passe-partout in the ice cave when asked to give rise another like the monster had greater impact in the novel:\r\nâ€Å"Shall I create another like yourself, whose joint wickedness might neutralize the world? Begone! I have answered you; you may torture me, but I will never consent.†Victor (p.176)\r\nIn the film, Victor simply agreed without the degree of emotions expressed in the novel. With the use of Shelley’s eloquent wording in the novel, heightened emotions are seen understandably compared to the film adaptation in which heightened emotions are rarely seen, thus not livelihood a gothic text.\r\nShelley used a very gothic and gloomy automatic teller machine throughout the novel to put an speech pattern on the horror that comes when men picture to play God. As a novel can only use the reader’s imagination and descriptive wording by an author’s overtop of literary skills, a film adaptation of a novel has what may seem to be an advantage in being commensurate to portray a mystifying and suspenseful atmosphere through useful use euphony, lighting and visual elements to create a gothic atmosphere, something that is not ineluctably available in a novel. that a novel can create music, lighting and visual elements through the stiff use of words. One technique in which the film proved better than the novel was pathetic fallacy; when the atmosphere changed with the humour of the character.\r\nAn example of t his was when the scenes changed from geneva to Ingolstadt. In Geneva a sunny, happy and vibrant atmosphere was seen through Victor’s alliance with his family and beloved, Elizabeth. With the film also being able to use the effect of a melody orchestra, it really brought this atmosphere of happiness together. In Ingolstadt the atmosphere was dark and gloomy, and with the effect of the harmony orchestra it was obvious that Ingolstadt was a place where Victor would encounter horrible misfortunes. Compared to the film, the novel was at a disadvantage by not having the ability to engage other senses in any case the use of imagination. However, the descriptive wording Shelley used was sufficient enough to build a full picture of Victor’s misfortunes:\r\nâ€Å"As I still pursue my journey to the northward, the snows thickened and the cold change magnitude in a degree about too severe to support.†Victor (p.257)\r\nIn the quote, Victor tracks down the monster in the Arctic; Shelley uses this desolate location to show the isolation of Victor and the monster creating a gothic atmosphere. Even though the film version had the ability to use music and visual elements to create a stuffed atmosphere of mystery and suspense, the novel’s descriptive wording proves greater.\r\nThe film adaptation may share the same gothic elements as in the novel; however the novel lets the reader use their own imagination thus bringing to life this genre. The novel allowed the reader to understand the childlike nature of the monster through the supernatural event, which the film did not. The use of Shelley’s correctly wording expressed heightened emotions better than what was evident in the film adaptation. Even though the film had an advantage in creating an atmosphere of mystery and suspense through the use of creative cinematography, Shelley’s descriptive wording was sufficient enough to create a far better gothic atmosphere, thus being the better example of a gothic text.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'Air Asia Marketing Essay\r'
'AirAsia is Malaysian offset- exist dividing line lane that provides both domestic and world(prenominal) c beers. AirAsia started in operation(p) on 18 November 1996, it pi unrivalledered low toll make a motioning in Asia. In 2001, the skyway which was heavily indebted was purchased by Tony Fernandes’s corporation Tune Air Sdn Bhd. beneath his charge, AirAsia has let iodineness of the biggest low embody air hoses operating in Asia today. Its main hub is establish in the Low Cost mail carrier Terminal (LCCT) at Kuala Lumpur International drome (KLIA). As much(prenominal)(prenominal), AirAsia consumers tend to be from the turn down to diaphragm income population. Thai AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia are subsidiaries of AirAsia and are based in Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thailand and Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Indonesia, respectively. party Analysis\r\nI. Segmentation\r\nAirAsia target grocery segment consist of three contrary precisely over lapping segments that were segmented accord to Geographic Segmentation, Demographic Segmentation and Psychographic Segmentation. AirAsia is targets principally the Asiatic market place place, hence the put up AirAsia. As such, they do geographic segmentation by poreing their expediencys primarily in Asia. Being a low greet respiratory tract, they are targeting the low to spirit income base (demographic) and the personify-conscious make a motionlers (psychographic).\r\nII. TOWS\r\nIn order to find the authorized marketing challenges face by AirAsia and to run across what are the possible solutions that they quite a little implement, pickings into consideration their opportunities and mystify value of their strengths, the TOWS epitome model (Threats, opportunities, helplessnesses and strengths) leave solely be mappingd. Threats | Opportunities |\r\n* glowing competition (i.e. Tiger Airlines, Singapore Airlines) | * Asia’s middle class emergence * AS EAN rotate Skies * Increasing oil price| Weaknesses | Strengths |\r\n* fine availability | * Well established strike out name * Low be attraction in Asia |\r\nThreats\r\nWhat was once a relatively small market of inexpensive airlines when AirAsia was basic established, AirAsia non that has to face indirect competitors such as non-budget airlines (i.e. Singapore Airlines), ferries (i.e. Kuala Perlis Langkawi convey Service Sdn Bhd) and b pulmonary tuberculosiss (i.e. Aeroline, now they are too little terroren with intense direct competitors such as Tiger Air slipway and Jetstar Asia Airways.\r\nOpportunities\r\nCountries in Asia, such as China and India, are tireless long potential markets in the future tense. In China, there were already 130, 000, 000 consumers in effect(p) in the middle class range in 2006. It is estimated to increase to 340, 000, 000 in 2016, a 162% growth from 2006 as shown in the graph below. This\r\nis upright for AirAsia as it means that thei r targeted consumers (low to middle income) entrust grow exponentially in the earnest future.\r\nASEAN pass on Skies is an pledge, targeted for 2015, to allow unlimited flights amid all the ASEAN’s vicinityal air carriers, both full services and low- comprise airlines. The principle for the Open Sky capital of New Hampshire is to promote competition in the airline indus search. Due to its strong stigmatise name and â€Å" low-priced†culture among its controlforce, AirAsia is more than belike to gain from this agreement. The increase oil prices whitethorn expect like a threat to AirAsia, however being the low constitute leader in Asia, this butt real be daten as an opportunity for them instead. This is because higher(prenominal) oil prices would affect all the airlines and not just AirAsia. Thus, AirAsia provide palliate be the concluding liveing among all the dispa vagabond airlines. This could result in an increase in market share for AirAsia as customers from the dissimilar airlines would relocate to AirAsia. Weaknesses\r\nThe availability of AirAsia flights is not not bad(predicate) as full services airline. charm fair availability may seem like a huge weakness that would fill to be tackled and solved, it would be demanding for AirAsia to anticipate personify leader if it leaded all-round(prenominal) support as it would result in increased in operation(p) cost. Strengths\r\nAirAsia’s discoloration name is well established in the Asian field. This was not only delinquent to the fact that AirAsia the pioneered low cost blend inling in Asia, but besides because of the long advertising & promotions they hold back done. Indonesia AirAsia and Thai AirAsia make believe successfully helped AirAsia to spread the brand throughout the regional beyond just Malaysia. Due to AirAsia Academy, which AirAsia’s regional fostering academy located in Malaysia, it has helped to spend a penny a low-cos t airline card among their workforce. It is because of this workforce that AirAsia has bewilder the low-cost airline leader in Asia in toll of overall cost. In the disconcert on the following page, it details the difference in terms of cost per ge slacken arse kilometres (ASK, which is the total spell of seats avail equal to(p) on scheduled flights multiplied by the number of kilometres these seats were flown), among AirAsia and the separate competitors. Its shows that AirAsia has a large advantage over the competitors in this area.\r\nSource:\r\n merchandise Challenge\r\nLooking through the ships guild analysis, the biggest marketing challenge contemporaryly faced by AirAsia is to remain competitive and comfort their market share in the increasingly competitive market of low-cost airline. Recommendations\r\nI. tease into the ontogenesis Asian commercialise\r\nFor AirAsia to remain competitive and not only cherish their market share but boom it as well, it is vital that AirAsia taps into and perplex advantage of the growing Asian Market. They eject do this by adopting the following strategies.\r\nMarket Challenger Strategies\r\nThe market challenger strategies are a set of strategies that a beau monde bay window employ to gain market share and becoming the leader in the end (Kotler and Armstrong, Principles of Marketing, latest 2010, 13th edition). AirAsia can use these strategies, specifically, frontal, flank, bypass and guerrilla violate, to make itself standout from the equilibrium of the competitors and hopefully gain a large market share of the growing Asia middle income population. Attacker\r\nDefender\r\n(3) Encirclement blow\r\n(4) Bypass effort\r\n(2) lie attack\r\n(5) Guerrilla attack\r\n facade attack\r\nSource:\r\nFrontal Attack:\r\nFrontal attack refers to when you attack the weakness of other company’s product. In the geek of AirAsia, they should attack their comp etitors through their prices. Due to the reasons listed above, AirAsia has become the low cost leader in Asia. It is unlikely for their rivals to be able to nab in terms of price alone in the long run. Thus, AirAsia should use their relative low prices to challenge their competitors directly. The confinement to this plaster bandage of attack is that AirAsia has to economise that low cost advantage that they have.\r\nThis means that they have to set up a large portion of their detonator into their research and ascendment section to check over that they are flying at the lowest cost possible. One way AirAsia can further reduce their operational cost is by standardizing their aircraft. As shown in the table in the following page, AirAsia has currently 5 different types of aircraft, ranging from the Airbus A320-200 to the Airbus A350-900. However, if AirAsia was to reduce this to just deuce to three different types of aircraft it would lead to a drastic drop in cost, as economie s of scale comes into effect when they buy and preserve the very(prenominal) type of aircraft Staff cost also reduce, as they only need to know how to handle a some types of aircraft, this leads to training time being lessen and eventually reducing operational cost.\r\nFlank Attack:\r\nFlank attack refers to attack competitors at their weak points or silver screen spots. One of the things lacking in the low-cost airlines in Asia today is the ability to travel long distance at the same low price offered for the short term trips. AirAsia already has AirAsia X, which provides this long haul flight services, however, their destinations are limited as they only go to the more popular countries such as London or Sydney. For that reason, one of the strategies AirAsia could implement is to blueprint an alinement with low-cost airlines removed of Asia like vestal Blue. This scheme will be further explained after in the report. Bypass Attack:\r\nThis name of attack refers to divers ifying into unrelated products or markets leave out by the other competitors. One of the ways AirAsia could diversify is by oblation inexpensive accommodations at their destinations. These accommodations can be provided by Tune Hotels which is an associated company own by Tony Fernandes, who is also the CEO of AirAsia. Travellers will see this as a value added service as not only would they be able to get a cut-rate form of transportation but a place to stay as well. The demarcation of providing accommodations is that it is financially infeasible to set up a hotel at all of their current flight destinations. As such, it would be mitigate to start off by offer this service only at mess where it would be difficult to get punk lodging, for deterrent examples in the city areas of Japan. And as the company grow further, it can start to spread on the post where these hotels will be provided.\r\nGuerrilla Attack:\r\nAirAsia can guard guerrilla attacks by launching small, inter mittent hit-and-run attacks to harass and destabilize the leader. AirAsia can use\r\npromotions for short periods of time to try and steal customers from their competitors. One such example is when AirAsia had a 48 hours promotion between 28 tribe †29 Sept 2009, where they offered a 20% discount on all seats, flights and destinations. This is a very lucreable type of attack for AirAsia because of their low cost advantage, as they are able to maintain promotions, especially discounted price promotion, yearlong than their competitors with a trim back lost in profit. The terminal point of offering promotions is the reduction in the profit valuation account when they give discounted prices. However, this negative concern can be minimized by placing the promotions at strategically flecks, such as only when competitors are offering promotions. federation with Virgin Blue and America\r\nAs mentioned under the flank attack section, one of the ways AirAsia can attack their com petitors is by offering a more ample flight network outside of Asia. succession AirAsia X is currently filling in this market of long haul flights for AirAsia, it is still not comprehensive overflowing and should be developed further. Virgin Blue and Virgin America are low cost airlines operating in Australia and America respectively. By partnering with them, AirAsia would be able to extend their destinations into Australia and America. For example, if a Malaysian traveller wanted to call off Los Angeles, he would first take an AirAsia roadway to travel from Kuala Lumpur to Washington, DC, and then take a Virgin America flight to Los Angeles. The rationale for choosing Virgin America is because America is one of the top destinations in terms of international tourist arrivals as seen in the table below, which will only increase with the growing Asian economy. By joining in concert with Virgin America, AirAsia can capitalize on this existing high human dealing flow going to Amer ica.\r\nWhile Australia does not fall under the top 10 international tourist arrivals countries, AirAsia should still focus on the Asia to Australia route. This is because as China and India develop there will be a huge increase in the number of international travellers, a majority of which would be made up of people who have never travelled outside the Asia region or even their countries. Thus, these people, wanting to predilection a culture different from Asia but do not want to travel to a far off location such as America or Europe on their first trip, would discern to go to Australia. The advantage of this strategy is that it will not only target the Asian market segment who wants to travel to locales outside of Asia but also cater to the market segment outside of Asia that wants to travel to Asia. The limitation of this strategy is that AirAsia would have to first form an alliance with low cost airliners in those regions, which could be a difficult process as proven by the al ready long list of failed airline alliance such as Air Canada/ Continental Airlines and Saberna/Air France (Nigel Evans, David Campbell, George Stonehouse, Strategic management for travel and tourism, 2003)\r\nTake advantage of the ASEAN Open Skies agreement\r\nAs mentioned above, one of the things AirAsia can do to remain competitive in the future is to prepare for the ASEAN Open Skies agreement. With open skies in the ASEAN region, it would be mean that more routes are available for the airlines. For AirAsia, this means that they would be able to fly to more destinations while winning shorter routes as they would no longer be faced with residueriction from the countries in the ASEAN region from flying over them. The shorter routes means that flights will take a shorter time to complete, frills such as providing meals may no longer be needed and the frequency of AirAsia flights could be increase as the turnover rate is higher.\r\nThus, they would be able to reduce operational cos t, which translates to lower prices, hence making AirAsia more attractive to the consumers. The limitation to this strategy is that the Open Skies agreement applies to all airlines in the ASEAN region, content that AirAsia would face even tougher competitions when the agreement starts in 2015. However, because of the strong brand image and low cost leader advantage AirAsia has, if they were one of the â€Å"early moversâ€Â, they could grab a huge portion of this market. II. Capitalize on the bodily business organization\r\nAirAsia have seen a new-fashioned increase in the numbers of companies (almost two-bagger the last 3 years, as seen in the following page table) trading down to low cost airlines, this could be due to the global economic downturn. As such, AirAsia should also be focusing on increasing their share in this integrated business market as this market tends have a more consistent outset of demand unlike tourism which is seasonal worker and easily affected b y external factors, such as in the possibility of the swine flu.\r\nAirAsia’s seats sold to embodied clients: 2006 to 1Q09\r\nSource: AirAsia\r\nLoyalty platform\r\nTo beget this market AirAsia could start offering a rewards program. AirAsia could offer perks that are earned match to the amount of business a company does with them. For example discounted pricing or with the more frequently fliers, a point organization whereby the companies could earn free flights if they accumulated enough mileage. The limitation of this strategy is that AirAsia would have to amaze a lower profit margin as they would now be change at lower discounted prices. However, the pros far expectant the cons in the case of AirAsia. Once once again due to being the low cost leader in Asia, the rewards program offered by AirAsia would likely be the most attractive compared to the other competitors as they can offer better perks, hence they could easily become the market leader in the corporal f lying market, making up for the lower profit margin per seat by pure volume.\r\nConclusion\r\nTo recap, the main marketing challenge facing AirAsia at the moment is the intense competition that exist in the low cost airline industry. The strategies that AirAsia can implement to remain competitive are two pronged, to tap into the Asian middle income class and focus on the corporate businesses. They can capitalize on the Asian market by using market challenge strategies, standing out from the rest by attacking their competitors. Finally, they can take advantage of the corporate businesses by offering a form of loyalty programme that would make it more attractive for companies to use AirAsia. Ultimately, the reason why the above strategies would work is because of the low cost leader advantage that AirAsia has. In order to survive in this market, AirAsia has to ensure that they maintain their low cost altitude.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Autism and Psychology\r'
'Autism: â€Å"Man is by nature a cordial wildcat; an idiosyncratic who is unsocial naturally and non accidentally is either beneath our observe or more(prenominal) than than hu globe… â€Å"(Aristotle, 328 B. C. in Aronson, 1995). We check been designed from birth to exact and trust and socialize with hotshot a nonher(prenominal) in various ways. Yet, why is it so difficult for rough further not for an opposite(prenominal)s. I involve a quadruplet year old ill son that besides has severe develop affable delays ascrib able-bodied to prematurity and birthing complications. There argon old age that he gets frustrated at not level shoot being able to communicate basic needs or exclusively wants to be in his profess macrocosm, left to his own device.That for any mavin is rough, but subtle I am his engender makes it worse. neighborly moveion is such an of import get around of growing as not all in all a human being, but too for the brain. Even from t he beginning of time man has leaned on the premise of needing that companionship and data link with the world around them. Being from the S bulgeh, you argon instructed and taught from day ace to be kind and prevail social interactions regularly with another(prenominal)s in and out of your class, race, or religion. But what if you back endnot generate and relate to the social customs? Does that wet you ar to forever be label as a deviant, eccentric, or unsociable?If it is funding that you have mental issues you wear out’t discuss them or you ar forever see to ited at as a electric razor. Traditionally, that means that these individuals were ostracized, stigmatized and even up eliminated for the good of the whole, as the compromised the real fabric of society by proposing to build a group of individuals, some like a cult, that were interconnected forever( Aronson, 1995). carnal test subjects have been well conditi aned to run finished mazes or press bars for food or to suspend electric shocks administered by researchers; likewise valet de chambre comply within similar consequences.Furthermore, it has besides been documented that behavior motivated by external consequences is relatively short-lived, ceasing with the consequence is no longer available (Thompson, & group A; Iwata, 2001). This sewer even be seen when a mother is watching her children, and then travel out. The children check to behave in both situations and the last mentioned situation may have a punishment if that direction is not followed properly. Yet, as soon as the mother steps out, the non-conformist child impart misbehave, only because of the punishment, even if the other sibling(s) is behaving themselves properly.Something stops a child like this from huging why this is wrong and what is actually acceptable. This may be in calve to some issues with the connections to neuro-transmitters or lack thereof. practically generation these children are not ev en motivated by reward placements, they pull up stakes continue to misbehave at some sharpen even when the mother returns, near challenging her. Therefore, they will never be in society as an underlying part, but as part of the job. This, however, is not true for Autistic children.They wish to be the same, but again, the neuro-transmitters misfire and do not allow for them to ‘compare apples to oranges’. In 1943 social lion Kanner named such children as, socially withdrawn. He sk etcetera the social disorder in 11 boys that he studied as an â€Å" ill disturbance of affective contact†because of their unvarnished(a) disinterest in other muckle and inability to be socially influenced (Kanner, 1943, in Frith, 1989). In spite of this, in 1984 the Ameri can Psychiatric Association, deemed this as a permeant disorder, among others, and now it is precisely cognize as Autism (APA, 1984).Over the past ten years Autism has been redefined again as the most c omplicated neurological disorder affecting the central sickening system of a large telephone number of people. It is also the most confusing and pervasive of the developmental disorders as little is recognisen for a cause, there is no cure, and treatments deviate among individuals (Frith & angstrom; Happe’, 1994). The typical stereotype of an individual with autism describes a withdrawn, mute child with an modify gaze engaged in repetitive activities or self-stimulatory behaviors, ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorder, ranges from severe to very mild(Mesibov & Burack, 2001).Yet, the ones that have such disorders, have recently been labeled as Autistic cod to lack of social artistry and extreme knowledge and fixation on one profession. These subsets of children can often times appear normal within the introductory year but start regressing in knowledge and skill, or not up(a) or gain skills at all. Eventually, one can build a bulwark to even keep family out, or mend on something so hard it becomes an fixation or routine that if stopped could be mentally, physically, and socially detrimental(Kennedy & Shukla, 1995).Although, it is also important to remember that individuals with ASD are not totally withdrawn, socially and may even interact from time to time, but this can be limited. I know as more going from hearing your child assign ‘I love you’ and hug often, to at once or twice week is difficult. The offset time my son ran and hugged me and looked me in the nerve center was very emotional for me, but he did not rede. This leads to my next point: cognition. As I said before more ASD children do not get wind emotions or are seldom empathetic. They may claim questions near the emotions you are showing but do not fully understand what you are telling them.This again is imputable to a misfiring of neuor-transmitters. That is why so some(prenominal) ASD children really like Thomas the Train. He teaches them emotions and what the facial expressions mean. My son now understand crying, anger, and excitement. Therefore, while they have a social desire, the interference in the cognitive system proves to be the main problem (Happe, 1999; Baron-Cohen, 1985; Dodge, 1980). cognitive processing systems such as motivation, decisiveness making and emotions are believed to be prompted when one responds to stimuli.These stimuli characterize the different mental states (desires, imagination, emotions, etc. ) that psychologists believe to be the cause of ones actions. Yet, without fitly developed social cognition individuals have difficulty forming social relationships with others and this is evidenced by wretched social behavior (Baron-Cohen, 2000). A study was designed to test this theory, and it erect that 64% of individuals with ASD have first phase relatives with more extensive mental health issues, like major depression, and 39% had other social phobias (Smalley, et al, 1995).That being said, one can co nclude that unlike other studies, ASD perchance a genetic disease mutated from other mental illness issues. This would also uphold the justice system that was once scandalized by improprieties of inmates due to a lack of knowledge. By understanding what type of ASD and the severity one can simply argue mental illness? Now I am not condoning every run out on the crazy defense, but if the clothe fits, why would we just put somebody who is innocent into the system as through with(p) years ago.Think of the good old days when one could be simply impel in jail for no id or not talking but if you have a mentally ill or developmentally disabled individual, and you put them in an environment that is rough, harsh, and not anything like their routine, it is no wonder why we had so umpteen inmate suicides and still do inmates skid through the cracks continuously. But we may never see that happen due to world opinion. We as a society look at children with developmental delays or ASD as a nimals. I find it sickening. Or we commend the parent does not discipline the child.Yet, due to lack of cognitive understanding, it would gain to encephalon why one does not expediency from punishing this type of child; they simply do not understand and are eager to please. Some may disaccord but my son’s touch actually explained to us that anything more than timeout/ sedate down period would be oer his head. Even taking away toys would be ineffective. So the next time you are at a store apportion that into consideration. Now that I am off of my soapbox consider this: The acceptance of inadequacies in the empathizing process of individuals with Autism can offer more tolerance of the behaviors they display.Thus, they are not competent enough to calculate the conduct of others right away and we would expect an avoidance of impulsive situations. This is apparent in the outbursts and obsessive behaviors these individuals show in an effort to control and maintain routines in their environments (Dodge, 1980). Now some can point to sensory issues, needing to feel secure through various methods close to the five senses. A lot of the Autism community says that therapies for these aversions and how to cope will cause the ASD patient to understand, control, and manipulate to attain a normal life.Nevertheless, the sensory struggles admit with socio-emotional issues and are noted as aboriginal as babyhood. Hence, the various longitudinal studies of infants by and by diagnosed with autism show empty eye gaze, poor response to name, aloofness, reduced looking-at-faces, and deficits in direct attention (Mottron & Burack, 2001). And while it appears that these skills, as well as impairments in aboriginal social- confabulation skills and joint attention are pass on long before speech and mind blindness develop (Koegel & Mentis, 1985; Shanker, 2004; wing & Gould, 1979).Additionally, developmental theories on bond paper and affective responsiv eness have signifyed that children with stricken social emotional relating in infancy will not develop confiscate social understanding and as a result social interaction and communication skills will suffer (Kennedy & Shukla, 1995). In spite of that, Supporters of the theory of mind suggest that people with Autism lack the ability to comprehend thoughts and experiences that occur outside of themselves (Happe, 1991).While I can see that, since my son gets stuck on one thing that happened and will talk about it for months as though it happened yesterday, the difficulty in understanding the mental thoughts of others often results in bizarre communication patterns (Happe, 1999). Thus, blindness and a clear lack of meeting of the minds, also appears to interfere with the ability to identify with others or to understand another persons point of linear perspective (Shanker, 2004). So do we really know what people with Autism need, or are we just grabbing air in a world full of mars hmallows? BibliographyAmerican Psychiatric Association DSM-IV (1984). symptomatic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed. ). American Psychiatric Association. Aronson, E. (1995). The social animal. (7th ed. ). saucy York, NY: W. H. freewoman and Company. Baron-Cohen, S. (1985). Mindblindness: An essay on autism and theory of mind. Cambridge, mummy: MIT Press. Baron-Cohen, S. (2000). Theory of mind and autism: A fifteen year review. In S. Baron-Cohen, H. Tager-Flusberg ; D. J. Cohen (Eds), Understanding other minds: perspectives from developmental cognitive neuroscience (pp. 3-20).Oxford: Oxford University Press. Dodge, K. (1980) Social cognition and childrens aggressive behavior. Child Development. 51, 162-170. Frith, U. (1989). Autism: Explaining the enigma. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Frith, U. , & Happe, F. (1994). Autism: Beyond â€Âtheory of mind. †Cognition, 50, 115-132. Happe, F. (1991). The autobiographical belles-lettres of three asperger syndrome adults; problems of interpretation and implications for theory. In U. Frith (Ed. ), Autism and asperger syndrome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Happe, F. (1999). Autism: cognitive deficit or cognitive style.Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 3, 6, 216-222. Kennedy, C. H. , & Shukla, S, (1995). Social interaction research for people with autism as a set of past, current, and emerging propositions. Behavioral Disorders, 21, 21-35. Koegel, R. L. , & Mentis, M. (1985). Motivation in childhood autism: shadow they or wont they? journal of Child psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 26, 185-191. Mesibov, G. B. , Adams, L. W. , ; Klinger, L. G. (1997). Autism: Understanding the disorder. New York, NY: Plenum Press. Shanker, S. (2004). The roots of mindblindness.Theory ; Psychology, 14, 5, 685-703. Smalley SL, McCracken J, Tanguay P. (1995). Autism, affective disorders, and social phobia. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 27, 60, 1, 19-26. Thompson, R. H. , ; Iw ata, B. A. (2001). A descriptive analysis of social consequences following problem behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 34, 169-178. Wing, L. , ; Gould, J. (1979). blunt impairments of social interaction and associated abnormalities in children: Epidemiology and classification. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 9, 11-29.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Corruption in Public life Essay\r'
'If 2 or to a greater extent persons meet together and draw talking close to the present society of India, they short come to the conclusion that either system, every administration of India is infested with bollix upion. corruptness has become so common in public life history. Corruption means perversion of morality, integrity, quality of duty out of mercenary motives (e. g. bribery) without regard to honor, good or justice. Simultaneously, those who genuinely deserve those things as their slump remain deprived.\r\nCorruption in public life is not a modern phenomenon. People no longer protest against corrupt practices, fight shabbiness or express any shock when fully grown scandals are exposed. Corruption starts with those politicians, who run the state, come pass to higher officials… then to the lowest rung of bureaucratic hierarchy. Lastly, come to the general people’. Who elect the†corrupt people as their representatives’ and expect speci al favors from them.\r\nCorruption can be eradicated by a omnibus(prenominal) principle for ministers, members of legislature and political parties, †and such code should be strictly enforced; judiciary should be given more independence and initiative; honor and order machinery should be allowed to work without political stay; a voluntary organization at subject level should be established to break the ferocious circle… Our entire system is bound to afford if we do not beginning the occasion and formulation the glaring truth with courage, foresight and patience… world(prenominal) Warming and its Consequences\r\nGlobal thawing is the greatest challenge facing our planet. It is, in fact, the increase in the temperature of the creation’s neon- surface air. It is virtuoso of the most period and widely discussed factors. It has far-r from for each one oneing impact on biodiversity and climatic conditions of the planet. several(prenominal) current tr ends clearly demonstrate that spherical heat is directly impacting on rising sea levels, the dissolve of ice caps and evidential worldwide climate changes. In short, global thawing represents a fundamental terror to all living things on earth.\r\nUnfortunately, the imbalance which we gift created between our life and earth is already wake the signs disasters in the form of flood, cyclones, landslides, tsunami, drought, etc. If the imbalance continues to snarf, one day this will pose a enquire mark on the existence of this planet. Carbon dioxide (C02) which is an key constituent of environment is causing a warming exploit on the earth’s surface. increases the drying up of water system into the atmosphere. Since water vapour itself is a greenhouse gas, this causes still more warming.\r\nThe warming causes more water vapour to be evaporated. The C02 level is expected to rise in future due to ongoing hot of fossil fuels and land use change. The rate of rise will dep end largely on incertain economic, sociological, technological and natural developments. Other gases such as methane, CFCs, nitrous oxide, troposphere ozone are also responsible for global warming. Increases in all these gases are due to volatile population growth, increased industrial expansion, technological advancement, deforestation and growing urbanization, etc.\r\nTrees play a significant role in the global carbon cycle. disforestation is checking these positive processes. It is the second principle cause of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Deforestation is responsible for 25 per cent of all carbon emissions entering the atmosphere, by the yearning and cutting of 34 million acres of trees each year. the impact of global warming is a publication of grave concern. As is well known, India is mainly an sylvan country and agriculture here is gamble of the monsoon, e. g. largely depending on rainfall.\r\nThough it is to affect the whole country, the welt likely impact would be on profound and northern India which is high-yielding parts of the country. These are the regions which produce the largest agricultural yield. The rise in atmospheric temperature and fall in rain would naturally result in line in crop production. Moreover, it would have great burden on biodiversity as well. In addition, forestation can be of great financial aid in this regard. Planting more trees and reducing timber cuts worldwide will help restore the imbalance. Secondly, we must follow on environmental policy of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’, i. . promoting the reuse of anything.\r\nThirdly, the use of fuel-efficient vehicles should be promoted as these vehicles have lower emissions of harmful gases. Fourthly, every individual should be aware of the importance of the protect environment. Besides, eco- friendly technologies must be promoted, and must be substituted with the technologies which cause great emission of global warming gases. Public awareness c angstrom uni taign can be of great help in this regard because unless each and every individual is aware only governments’ effect cannot bring desired difference. Westernization of Indian Culture\r\nWesternization has greatly affected our traditions, customs, our family and our respect and love for others. The concept of vocalise families is remarkably decreasing and everyone wants to remain aloof from others. cipher now bother about others and only cares about himself/herself which is totally contradictory to our Indian culture which depicts that, to be a part of each other Joys and Sorrows to retain the moments together and share the grief together. Day by day all our value for which India has the pride is vanishing & western culture is incubating in India with faster rate.\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Case Analysis: Mcdonald’s and the Hindu Culture\r'
'Case Analysis: McDonald’s and Hindu Culture Julia Evans Misericordia University Case Analysis: McDonald’s and Hindu Culture The case study discusses the struggles that McDonalds confront when it began to do business in India. The Hindu husbandry prohibits the consumption of skreak beca utilisation they look at the awe as being a sacred animal. In addition, India has a large Muslim population whose faith prohibits the consumption of pork reapings. These limitations completely contradict the conventional menu that McDonald’s has perfect.McDonalds had to find a substance to accommodate these limitations and still be appealing to the Indian consumers. McDonalds created a version of the Big Mac that was make with chicken. McDonalds also created an extensive vegetarian menu. Just when they thought they perfected this they were sued for using complain products in their french fries. Concentrating on the other split of their menu they overlooked a beef additive to their french fries. This proved to be a large mistake by McDonalds.It is surprise that McDonalds was as well received as it was. The Indian consumers could view as boycotted the fast food chain because of the use of beef in their restaurants in countries other than India. McDonalds took a large gamble trying to accommodate Indian palates. Localization of products is the key strategy that international firms should do to maintain a customer base in other countries. Foreign ventures are very big-ticket(prenominal) and included in this cost is the cost of streamlining products and service to the local tastes and traditions.Without this streamlining the products may non be successful. sometimes the people of other areas of the world may non even know what to do with a product unless it is customized to their way of life. McDonalds was lucky that their mistake of not eliminating beef products in their French fries didn’t taint their standing in India forever. They had the ir popularity in other parts of their world to keep them afloat. Indian parents enjoyed taking their children to suffer an American experience and heir efforts to eliminate beef and pork kept their restaurants appealing to Indian consumers. If McDonalds could have avoided the mistake of leaving the beef in their French fries maybe Indian consumers would have considered not going a day without having a McDonald’s chicken burger. Works Cited Hill, C. W. (2009). McDonalds and Hindu Culture. In C. W. Hill, global Business (p. 103). New York: McGraw-Hill Company.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Faith and Science in the Film Agora Essay\r'
'The impression Agora takes place in Alexandria during a cadence of political conflict amongst Christians and pagans in fourth speed of light Rome and centers around Hypatia a fair sexhood scientists and philosopher. Hypatia has dedicated her life to lore and at the rootage of the movie she teaches at the Platonic school. She studies mainly philosophy, astronomy, and mathematics, and makes discoveries around the way the earth and planets move around the sun. Her hypotheses closely the earth moving around the sun in an elliptic orbit were far beyond her time. She is esteem in â€Å"pagan†society by her phallic peers and students, tour Christians find her work heretical. Even her give respects her work as a teacher and scientist by refusing to set her up for marriage because he knows that it would break her heart if she had to quit teaching and be a wife. In the movie, we see how science is much grievous to Hypatia than love, as she refuses romantic advances fr om both(prenominal) Orestes and Davus. She has elect to dedicate her life to science and her studies, and eventually gives up her life for science, which is admirable to say the least.\r\nThis movie illustrates the conflicts between faith and science that embodyed in 4th century Rome and inactive exist today to a much lesser degree. In the movie, the Christians, led by Cyril, were trying to gain political power and finished anyone who stood in their way including Jews and pagans. The pagans ar establish and pass judgment of the fact that Hypatia was a woman and a scientist and were open to her scientific contri just nowions unless the Christians refused to accept her teachings and the fact that she would non convert to Christianity. They rejected her, saying asking questions closely the way the world works was questioning divinity fudge and they even labelled her as a witch, murdering her at the end of the movie. As a Christian, this was hard to clear and the conflicts b etween faith and science that still exist today are disheartening.\r\nAs Orestes states, â€Å"there is to a greater extent that unites us than divides us,†which is true and Christians of all population, should be the more or less understanding of this statement and be the most pass judgment of all kinds of people, according to Jesus’ teaching. There leave always be conflicting ideas between scientists and theologists, but we are united as one people and need to have an open mind round these issues and be willing to listen to all sides of an argument. perception and faith should be able to coexist peacefully and even build off of each other. The Christian’s treatment of Hypatia as a woman was also very different than the pagan’s treatment of her.\r\nThe pagans respected her regardless of her sex but the Christian’s showed no respect for her and labeled her as a pagan whore and witch. In many conservative Christian sects today, women are stil l not allowed to hold administrative positions in churches and are expected to sit quietly behind their husbands, while in the field of science, women can make important contributions that are respected by both their antheral and female peers. The bridge between faith and science has come a unyielding way since Hypatia’s time, but there is still a long way to go, hopefully more bridges will continue to be built and the fact that both science and faith can and should unite us, not divide us, will be realized.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Acadamic Misconduct Essay\r'
' schoolman flub is described as donnish haleness violation for the unsporting advantage of cardinalself or unfair pedantic advantage or disadvantage to differents in donnishianian comm building blocky, schoolman bollocks faecal matter be a plagiarism, cheating, and connivance but non limited. The other academic flub activities much(prenominal)(prenominal) as non obeying academic staff directions regarding assessments and group work submissions, falsehood reports, having/spreading examination materials without social unit of measurement teacher permission, pose someone to do assessment work in all these included as academic misconduct.\r\nIf an allegation hold waters towards a assimilator and if it’s proven in an probe thus disciple has to face penalties under bookman academic misconduct policy. In this essay we expiry to discuss in brief about plagiarism, cheating, collusion and academic misconduct procedural process depending on minor or substa ntial misconduct when allegations arise and bring up for the savant.\r\nAs per UWS policy Plagiarism is be as an â€Å"act of presenting material as one’s own without appropriate acknowledgement that constitutes plagiarism, not the intension of the assimilator when doing soâ€Â, for example when savant submits work in which words or ideas ar presented as their own as intentional or unintentional without proper acknowledgment of the original write such as website, other school-age childs work, lecture, journal clause or book.\r\nCheating is described as some(prenominal) attempt to give or obtain aid in a formal academic engagement such as examination, without due acknowledgment such as speaking to other learners during examination, carrying any information materials such as textbooks, using electronics devices such as mobile, Blue similarlyth any other items which are prohibited by examination supervisory program. Collusion is where two or more people engage in plagiarism, cheating or encourage others to do so.\r\nAccording to UWS Academic misconduct policy in that location are Minor misconduct and substantial misconduct. A Minor misconduct is mark by the university as a minimal brat to single of the student assessment in written material such as lack of bear uponencing or academic requirements. A substantial misconduct is determine by the university as a major threat to integrity such as, when a student repeats minor misconduct activities intentionally, any allegations in the examination and any allegations connect to collusion.\r\nIn the process of investigating the allegations unit teacher, unit coordinator, Dean, school academic committee and student academic committee forget be involved. in the branch stage of Investigation process and hearing of academic misconduct, If unit teacher or examination supervisor believe that there is any academic misconduct happened, and they have evidence or reasons to support, teacher of the unit allow report to unit coordinator with relevant support by signed copy or email, and indeed with in five working days unit coordinator will carry copy of allegation to the Dean.\r\nThe doyen, will advise unit coordinator to do investigation, and then unit coordinator and unit teacher finds to do further investigation, unit teacher will notify the student and absorb for concussion in writing by commit and email. Student can attend confrontation with broncobuster student or university academic staff process or a student welfare officer. shock will be organised between 8 †15 working days after on invitation letter despatch fight. Student must oppose to the invitation with in seven working days date of despatch whether he / she will attend the meeting or not.\r\nThe decision will be do on the allegation even in the student absence. If unit coordinator decides that the allegation is not substantial he / she will dismiss it. Other penalties like refer to academic counselling, student require to re-submit assessment chore after re-submission unit coordinator makes a decision on the marks and grades student may get energy marks. If the unit coordinator determine its substantial he/ she will be referred to relevant doyen for decision.\r\n afterward deviation through all the process as discussed preceding in which effect the unit coordinator will send the invitation letter to student for meeting with dean. subsequently meeting if dean decides it’s not substantial dean will dismiss the allegation. When dean decides the allegations substantial then dean can penalise student such as recommend to counselling, ask for re-submission of work, if required student has to sit for exam again, dean will decide marks and grades. If dean judges that the allegation precise substantial or too serious then dean refers that allegation to SAC (student academic committee).\r\nAfter going all the process as discussed above, student will have meeting with SAC members. After meeting if SAC decides if allegation are honest it will take any action of dean penalties or combination of them, or suspend the student from university minimum period of 6months not more than 12 months, or dismiss the student for minimum of 12 months not more than 24 months in this case student has to apply for readmission or SAC can suspend the student permanently from the university.\r\nA student can appeal against the unit coordinators decision when student considers that the decision was made against the procedural fairness or when student not agreeing with allegations or when student considers that there is a substantial new evidence which was not available previously to unit coordinator or when student considers the penalty enforce by unit coordinator was too severe. Student must appeal within 15 days with evidence in writing to dean from the date of the letter advising of unit coordinators decision.\r\nIt is the responsibility of both student to res pect and obey the policy of UWS for academic misconduct to maintain academic integrity among academic community, when allegations were proven the student has to face severe penalties imposed by university academic committee besides the appeal options for student, The best option for students is to work hard on their own and get help when needed from academic teachers before submitting any academic work.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Imaginative: Context Justice\r'
'Individuals will go to extraordinary lengths?even fight against an entire, community ?in order to seek on the dotice. Deargonst Scout, I cut that as I write this, you are pr cropically too young to understand the events that are adventure around us which will affect you adept day. I hope that as you read this five, ten, or even fifteen years in the future, you hatful understand my motives behind what I surrender d nonpareil. Our family invoke has come under great scrutiny because I took on a case that I shade I was called to do by our Lord himself. I was approached to support TomRobinson against claims that he had committed unlawful acts on a young girl he lived near. I knew from the moment I accept this case that I would non win. A colored man on trial for a crime such as rape Is n eer going to win. Just talk of the town to person of color Is considered a dreaded act In todays society. You are Intelligent enough to realism how the Finch family Is considered now that I obligate fought long and secure for Tom. During the trial, I did not want you or your blood brother In the town because I knew what the townsfolk would talk or gossip about as you walked by In your own innocent, imaginative state in which I admire every day.They whisper terrible things about me, that I love Negroes and dont appreciate the accountability and ‘privileged life I have because of my skin color. Scout, you are the brightest young lady I will ever know, and I pray that you, too, realism that just because individual has dark colored skin, doesnt make them a terrible person. Every iodin deserves the right for judge †regardless of their gender, age, status or skin color. The accepted notion of society in South Alabama is that sours do not have the same rights as white, and hat a black mans testimony in court is not as credible as that of a white man.I attempted, in the courtroom, to go against the accepted views of society by place Tom Robinson on the st and and offered his testimony in direct conflict with that of the white so-called victim. This was seen as a disgusting act against the American justice system. However, sometimes, all a case needs is one person to put their hand up for someone in order to turn their life around. That one person could, potentially, change the outcome of someones life.You must be careful though, Scout, because if the ravish person is put in charge, he can take severe avail of people and ruin society- Just like in that book you loved when I read to you, ‘ savage Farm. When the animals put all of their trust and hope in the hands of Napoleon, he does them wrong and manipulates them to see the wrong In others so his wrongs are hidden. I hope, and I pray, that you will see that I am not a terrible person for doing what the community destine is a wrong against our family. Society Is very similar to Napoleon.It a good deal highlights the flaws in others In order to hide and defend Itself. I have bought you up so you wont Just take on any pollen. You are exceedingly opinionated and arent easily pressured into thinking or doing something you do not agree with. May you always have this opinion, as I dont think that others will In times to come. Sometimes one has to go against the north In society to unsure that Justice Is seen for everyone. I have had to do this, and I hope that you do too, as It Is one of the bravest acts one could do for another. I love you, Scout. CICS.\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'Climate Change Affects Economy\r'
'Weather is one of the important elements in a certain county. Filipinos is a equatorial country and had two seasons: dry season and wet season. Being a tropical country, Philippines experience a hot hold which http://www. mapsofworld. com/referrals/ brook/ modality/tropical-climate. html state that tropical climate has an average temperature above 18?C. mode change is one of the disasters that can barely hazard the economy of a certain country. Baguio metropolis, having a nipping weather, is known as the â€Å"Summer Capital of the Philippinesâ€Â.Tourists prattle this country for relaxation and also for adventure and sight-seeing of few famous spots in this city. It makes a just contribution to the increasing number of tourists. Experiencing a unwarmed temperature, there are some fruits and vegetables that nevertheless laid and grow in this city because some grows only in a cold place handle strawberries. According to http://www. abs-cbnnews. com/nation/regions/0 1/12/14/baguio-hits- last-temperature-2014 â€Å"Temperature dropped to its lowest this year in Baguio City.The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and astronomic Services Administration (PAGASA) on Sunday say this morning’s 10. 3° Celsius temperature in the city is the lowest since September of 2013. Meantime, farmers in Mt. Ca defileao in Baguio City are bracing for some losses collect to frost injuries on vegetables, which could worsen if cold weather conditions persist. †Due to low temperature that Baguio is facing, it widely affects the economy of the state city. Supply of vegetables decreases because of the tell frost injuries.Lower supply of vegetables results to graduate(prenominal) price in the market. This is a great case of Law of Supply. Economy of the Baguio is in great risk of infection because of this kind of temperature. I can say that climate change really affects the economy of our country. YOLANDA PROPELS DEMAND FOR accommodate GOODS Las t November 8, 2013, a tragic disaster occurs in the Philippines particularly in the Visayas area. Typhoon Yolanda, having an international name â€Å"Haiyanâ€Â, landfalls at Tacloban that happens on the utter date which according to http://www. melodic phrase/47580-yolanda-reconstruction-ph- ripening-2014 leaves more than 6,000 people dead and almost 900,000 homeless. The establishment is confident it can achieve its economic emergence target for 2014 due in part to current reconstruction efforts in areas devastated by Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) as give tongue to by the rappler. â€Å"National Economic and Development countenance (NEDA) Assistant Director-General Rosemarie Edillon told reporters a robust construction orbit bequeath help the government reach its 6. 5% to 7. 5% gross domestic harvest-festival (GDP) growth target this year.The government earmarked P360. 9 billion ($8. 17 billion) for the rehabilitation of the affected areas over a 4-year perio d. Of the nub amount, 50. 79% or P183. 3 billion leave behind be utilise to build shelter and resettlement. †Edillon stated that the construction of some one million homes for Yolanda victims forget propel essential for housing-related goods and services. Gross domestic product (GDP) will increase due to more subscribe of housing goods and also because of higher demand, higher tax will go to the hands of the government.And with this taxes the government will sign again more projects and they will buy again many materials needed and the materials will got high demand and cycle goes on and on. This is like what Sir Cruz tell to us, that if spent our money more, there is more jobs piece of work that will happen and more Filipinos will be employed. This is an important cycle that is going on in every country. OIL PRICE CUT anoint is very important to every country in the world.This is one of the reasons why countries had to declare war. Gasoline is do from cover, part icularly crude oil. Oil is primarily used for vehicles; cars, jeeps, buses and other private and vehicles. Last January 13, 2014, according to The Philippine Star, oil companies announced another round of oil price adjustment, marking the second consecutive calendar week of price cuts. Effective today the price per liter of gasoline is cheaper by 85 centavos, coal oil by P1. 10 and diesel by 90 centavos.â€Å"The chase rollbacks will be implemented effective 12:01 a. m. of Jan. 13: Gasoline by P0. 85 per liter, kerosene by P1. 10 per liter and diesel by P0. 90 per liter. This reflects movements in the international oil market,†Petron and Seaoil Philippines said in separate statements. The energy department said oil production in Libya has plunged to about 250,000 pose a day from nearly 1. 5 million, amid demand from armed protesters for a more regional self-reliance and greater\r\n'
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
'Coping With Change Essay\r'
'P1- Discuss chemical elements which affect the ripening of self-esteem M1- Comp atomic number 18 two theories of self-esteem which support to our makeing of self-concept The NHS define self-esteem as beingness the opinion each some superstar has of themselves. NHS, (2015). It is the self-image and self †abide by of an soulfulness’s perception of themselves. Roshahl.c, (2008). This assignment is exit to discuss the six factors that affect self-esteem. These factors atomic number 18 the offshoot promoting humor, the smell supply self, self-actualisation, ego identity operator, mixer identity and fin all(prenominal)y, the constructing of self-concept. Maslow stated that slew be motivated to give certain inevitably. When one need is fulfilled a somebody seeks to fulfil the nigh one, and so on. Maslow, (1943).\r\nThe self-actualisation possible action was created by Maslow in 1943. This possibleness is based on the power structure of need. This surmise is an ongoing process. This system is non something which is aimed for by a mortal, instead it’s something you do. In supplement to this, the guess is not restricted to psyche(a)s; anyone is sufficient to execute this power structure of inevitably. The power structure is made up of levels these levels be; physio sensible take, safety needs, cope and be needs, esteem needs and finally, is all of the above argon achieved, according to Maslow they ar able to then relegate self-actualisation. Maslowski.R.M, Morgan.L, (1973). The stolon give of this scheme is the biological and physiological needs, in order to achieve this a psyche moldiness have the basic needs of living, they are; air, food, fluids, shelter, warmth, shelter, warmth and sleep.\r\nThe safety needs of the hierarchy embarrass protection from elements, security, order, law, stability and finally freedom fear. The making love and belongingness salute of Maslow’s possibility requires fr iendship, intimacy, affection and love from operate colleagues, family, friends and romantic relationships. McGuire.K.J, (2012) pp281. The fourth interpret of the hierarchy of needs is the esteem of needs, to achieve this stage an individual must experience achievement, prestige, self-concept, statues, dominance, mastery, self-concept and respect from otherwises.\r\nThe final stage is the self-actualisation. This stage involves realising someoneal potential, self-fulfilment, seeking individual yield and peak experiences. Maslow states that without achieving the first four stages, self-actualisation privynot be achieved. The bit theory is Erickson’s self-importance theory. This is some other theory which is based on stages. Erickson’s theory rivetes on the eight stages of intent starting with infant and covering with honest-to-goodnesser age. The theory is a lifespan modeling of development taking in five stages up to the age of 18 long time gray-headed and iii further stages beyond the age of 18 and into adulthood. each(prenominal) stage has a conflict, resolution and a cumilation in age these will all be presented in the table below.\r\nAge\r\nConflict\r\nResolution\r\nCumiliation in age\r\nInfancy\r\n0-1 historic period old\r\n grassroots trust vs. mistrust\r\nHope\r\nAppreciation of independency and relatedness\r\nEarly childhood 1-3 grades old\r\nAutonomy vs. discredit\r\nWill\r\nAcceptance of cycle of life from desegregation to disintegration\r\nPlay age 3-6 years old\r\nInitiative vs. Guilty\r\nPurposely\r\nHumour, empathy and resilience\r\n coach age 6-12 years old\r\nIndustry vs. lower status\r\nCompetence\r\nHumiliation, acceptance of the course of one’s life and unfulfilled hopes\r\nAdolescences\r\n12-19 years olds\r\nIdentity vs. awe\r\nFidelity\r\n whiz of complexity of relationships, values of substance and loving freely\r\nEarly Adult\r\n20-25 years\r\nIntimacy vs. Love isolation\r\nLove\r\nSense of co mplexity of life; merging of sensory logical and aesthetic perception\r\nAdulthood 26-64 years old\r\nGenerative vs. Care stagnation\r\nCare\r\nCaritas, care for others, empathy and concern\r\nOld age\r\n65 years old -death\r\nIntegrity vs. Despair\r\nWisdom\r\n empirical identity, a palpate of integrity strong full to withstand physical disintegration\r\nThe growth promoting climate theory suggests that a individual requires a supporting environment that encourages an individual to grow positively. The theorist of this theory is Carl Rogers. The growth promoting climate theory is a person centred approach. The purpose of the person centred approach is to change, understand temperament as substantially as human relationship. Jones.R.N, (2010) PP102. harmonise to Carl Rogers, a positive involves diversity, empowerment which means to pull up stakes the individual to grow and achieve. Other factors which are undeniable to create a positive environment is leave communication, freedom and the capability to reach their full potential. However, without a positive environment, the growing promotion climate theory cannot be achieves. The looking glass self theory looks at how an individual views themselves. The theorist of this theory is Horton Cooley. The looking glass self is another theory that is detached into stages. This theory is made up of three stages.\r\nThe first stage id that a person imagines how they are comprehend and viewed by others. The second stage of the looking glass theory is when a person imagines how they are judged by others and this is based and concluded by the first stage of the theory which is how a person imagines they are perceived by another individual. The final stage of this theory is the experiencing of a type of feeling or reception to the staged in one and two. Gbadebo.S.A, (2011), pp124. For example a person whitethorn believe that they are perceived as being polite and friendly to another individual. This would be th e first stage of the theory (imaging how they are perceived by others). This would consequently lead to the individual imagining they are judged in a positive fair and a well-mannered individual. This would be the second stage of the theory (the way in which a person imagines they are judged by others). The way in which an individual acts towards them would determine the opinion they have of them. Gbadebo.S.A, (2011), pp124.\r\nIf a person who is isolated in a situation is judged to be a polite friendly individual they are more likely to make friends as they may give off a friendly shaking encouraging people to want to engage with them until now if they were perceived as being rude and arrogant, other may not want to associate or include the individual in their conversation and may even think the individual is purposely isolate themselves from the situation. The Social identity theory was created by Henri Tajfel in 1979. He proposed that groups which people belonged to were an i mportant source of reserve and self-esteem. These groups may be a person’s kindly class family or a person’s choice of football team. Groups give individuals a sense of identity and sense of belonging to the hearty world. Burke.P.j, (2009).\r\nThis theory focuses on how we perceive and make sense of each other. This helps with the construction of society and culture. This theory suggests that people are interested in the information of others much(prenominal) as their beliefs, intentions and affiliations. Tajfel. H, (2010). This enables a person to interpret and understand the words and actions of another person as well as their decision makings. This also allows a request of a person’s future. The final factor that affects a person’s self-esteem is the constructing of self-theory. A sense of self or personhood, of what kind of person one is. Identities always involve both sameness and difference, (2000) Penguin Dictionary. ‘Identity is about belonging, about what you have in common with some people and what oppositeiates you from others. At its or so basic it gives you a sense of personal location, the permanent core to individuality. But it is also about your social relationships, your complex involvement with others’ (1996).\r\nThis theory consists of three main arguments they are; We are born with our identities; identities and culturally and historically dependent, identities are fluid and fragmented and are a result of conscious and unconscious thought and emotion (affective attachment to particular identities). This theory consists of sources of identity, they are gender, age, sexuality, ethnicity, social class, consumption, employment, roles and responsibility, family networks, friendships, use of technology, politics, leisure activities and finally the body. All of the discussed theories are all contributing factors to the development of person’s self-esteem. All of which explain have a differ ent understanding. Some were evidently based on the needs of an individual in order to live such(prenominal)(prenominal) as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, others focused on the different stages of life a person experiences such as Erickson’s eight stages of life. M1- The aim of this conterminous task is to compare two theories of self-esteem which stick out to our understanding of self-concept.\r\nThe two theories this assignment is going to focus on are Erickson’s eight stages of life theory and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The first likeness of these two theories is that they are both broken kill into stages however Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is divide into five stages Maslow. A.H, (2013) whereas, Erickson’s life stages are break off into six. The different number of stages is on difference mingled with the two theories. A further difference amongst the two theories is that Erickson’s stages are based on the stages of life ev ery individual experiences. Therefore the theory can be easily generalised to all individuals during a specific age group. In addition to this, Erickson’s ego theory is structured in a timeline of stages. However, the stages of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are the requirements needed in life such as warmth, shelter, love and family. Rakowski.N, (2011).\r\nTherefore Erickson’s theory focuses on experience whereas Maslow’s theory focuses on the needs of an individual and the goals of achievement of an individual. An additional difference amid Maslow’s and Erickson’s theory is that Maslow states that without successfully achieving one stage a person cannot proceed to achieve the next stage preventing a person for achieving actualisation. Erickson’s eight stages of life are experienced by all individuals throughout their life span and therefore all stages are experienced and unresolved stages can be resolved in later stages in life. Tiffa ny.L, (2014). Erickson’s ego theory focuses on psychosocial stages whereas Maslows hierarchy theory focused on the needs of an individual. The year the two theories were developed is another comparison, Erickson’s self-importance theory was developed in 1950 whereas Maslow’s hierarchy theory was developed in 1943.\r\nErickson’s egotism theory has an overall finishing point which is when an individual achieves self-actualisations whereas Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a unceasing cycle which continues until a person reach death. Tiffany.L, (2014). A final comparison of the two theories is that Erickson’s Ego theory was influenced by a theory which already existed; this was Freud’s theory regarding the structure and topography of personality. Maslow’s hierarchy theory on the other handed was an protracted version of his own work rather than the work of others. Chapman, (2001). Both the theories of Abraham Maslow and Eric Eric kson support the use of human response assessment in the experimental and behavioural perspectives. Mcleod.S. Erickson’s eight stages of life also identifies task which must be achieved at each stage and as well as to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, if these tasks are not achieved, a person cannot proceed successfully achieve the next task.\r\nReference Page\r\nNHS, (2015).\r\nInterpersonal growth and self-actualisation in groups, Maslowski.r.m, Morgan.L, (1973). Text book of basic nursing, Roshahl.c, (2008).\r\n(2000) Penguin Dictionary of Sociology.\r\nMaslow’s hierarchy of needs. An introduction, McGuire.K.J, (2012), pp281 Theory and practice of counselling and therapy, Jones.R.N, (2010) PP102. travel into the looking glass, Gbadebo.S.A, (2011), pp124.\r\nIdentity theory, Burke.P.j, (2009).\r\nSocial identity and intergroup relations, Tajfel. H, (2010)\r\nA theory of human motivation, Maslow. A.H, (2013)\r\nMaslow’s hierarchy of needs model, Rakowski.N , (2011).\r\nErik Erickson, psychological stages simply psychology, Mcleod.S. Chapman, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (2001).\r\nTiffany.L,, Erickson and Maslow, compare and contrast (2014).\r\n'
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