Friday, May 31, 2019

Lady Macbeth Character Analysis Essay -- essays research papers

Lady Macbeth Unsexed and UncoveredLady Macbeth progresses throughout the play from a apparently savage and heartless creature to a very delicate and fragile woman. In the beginning of the play, she is very ambitious and hungry for power. She pushes Macbeth to kill Duncan in fix to fulfill the witches prophecy. In Act I, Scene 6, she asks the gods to make her emotionally strong like a man in order to help her husband go through with the murder plot. She says, Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full Of direst cruelty Also, she does everything in her power to convince Macbeth that he would be wrong not to kill Duncan. In Act I, Scene 7, she tells him, What beast wast then That mad...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor Essay -- Biography, Roman Emperor

Charles Hapsburg, who by and by became Charles V, Holy Roman emperor moth, was born in the Flemish city of Ghent on February 24, 1500 (3) to Phillip the Handsome and Joanna the nauseous (2). He had four sisters Eleanor, Isabel, bloody shame, and Katherine. Ferdinand I was his only brother (7). His maternal grandparents were the very famous Isabel of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon who funded Columbuss expeditions (6). His paternal grandfather was Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor (7). Charles V was raised in the Netherlands without his parents (3). His aunt, Margaret of Austria raised him after the death of his father (9) due to the fact that his mother was insane and therefore incapable of caring for him (11). Adrian of Utrecht, who later became Pope Adrian VI, taught Charles V during his early years and became a mentor of sorts to him (8). Charles V married Isabel of Portugal in 1526. They were married for thirteen years and had three children named Mary, Joanna, and P hillip II (7). Charles V died on September 21, 1558 at the San Jeronimo de Yuste monastery in Spain (3) from malaria (4) nineteen years after his wife had passed away (7). Charles V gained control of the Netherlands and many other countries when his father passed away. At the age of 16, his grandfather, Ferdinand II died, leaving Charles V as joint ruler of Castile and the full ruler of Aragon, Naples, and Spanish America as well as ninefold other kingdoms. The death of Ferdinand II opened the door for Charles V to become King Carlos I of Spain in 1516. In 1519 when Maximilian I died, Charles V was left with the Hapsburg domains and was elected Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (11). With all of the nations he inherited combined, his domain was estimated at four millio... retirement, Charles went to live in a Spanish monastery until his death (3). Charles V essentially failed in all aspects of his universal imperium plan (3). In the end, he was never able to stop the spread o f the Reformation in his empire (5). Although he fell short of his own goals for his reign, people still remember him for his sense of duty, strength of will, and integrity (11). Although Charles Vs reign was not as successful as he would have liked, he is credited with carrying on the very powerful Hapsburg line. All of the children he fathered went on to continue it. His son, Phillip II, married Mary of England (7) who is also known as Bloody Mary (13). This marriage made him Queen Elizabeth I of Englands brother-in-law. Marriages of Charles Vs descendents to the royal elite of europium assured the Hapsburg legacy for many generations to follow (7).

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Essay --

Otto BoudetMs. RamirezBritish Literature 16004 December 2013The Mind of doubting Thomas Nashe An EnigmaThomas Nashe is thought to be one of the worlds first picaresque writers. Although he is a picaresque writer, critics have a hard time characterizing his work due to his incoherent literary structure. Thomas Nashe has been pinned as an enigma of the literary community as his musical composition often portrays multiple writing styles all at once. The Unfortunate Traveller is the epitome of this. It is categorized as a picaresque novel, but it is a gruesome and violent story. The story is almost a conundrum itself. Thomas Nashe, born in 1567, lived in the small town of Lowestroft, Suffolk. Not much is known of his early life, other than that his father was a curate and that he was baptized at his fathers church. He went on to study at the University of St. Johns at Cambridge where he acquired his bachelors degree. Little is known on whether his time at college influenced his wor ks.After his time at college he moved to London, where he was hired by the ecclesiastical authorities to write pamphlets and essays in an attempt to discredit a man know as Martin Marprelate (Kinney Page 1). This alias was used by a man who was writing colloquial speeches regarding the episcopacy of the Anglican Church. Nashe might have not been one of the main contributors to the counterattack against Martin Marprelate, but he was able to extract a sort of writing style from the experience. After his excursion with the Anglican Church, his writing became more spontaneous and unstudied (Donno Page 1). This spontaneous and unstudied style was more prominent in his early works such as The Anatomie of Unsertantie and the say of Robert Greenes Menapho... ...e Unfortunate Traveller. What angered the writers the most, was the accuracy of what Thomas Nashe was saying, even if it was in a sarcastic tone. Not only did he anger authors, poets, and pamphleteers, but he also angered the Briti sh government. Although his jeers were not directed towards the government, Nashes use of the atrocities throughout the country was thoroughly disliked. The government believed that his rendition of the gross actions of Englands nation would tarnish its reputation. Thomas Nashe is coined with being one of the worlds first picaresque writers. It is quite ironic how after centuries of debate concerning his eloquent pamphlets and gruesome narratives that he is now categorized under a satirical genre. Although he did incorporate this satire and sarcasm in many of works, it seems unjust to confine him to the one genre.

Atonement Essay -- essays research papers fc

Atonement     Atonement in the larger sense deals with a common factor which is sin.The definition is a making at on which points to a process of bringing those who atomic number 18 enstranged into a unity(Douglas, 107). It is a theological term whichderives from the Anglo-Saxon. The word satisfaction appears eighty seven quantify inthe Old testament in the RSV Bible(Nelson, 55). According to Strongs ExhaustiveConcordance, which is using the King James Version, appears seventy seven timesin the Old Testament and hardly once in the New Testament. In Leviticus, atonementappears fifty one times, more than any other book of the bible. In Numbers itappears seventeen times and in Exodus eleven times. The reason why it is usedso much in Leviticus is that during that time period priest were intercessorsbetween the people and God. In the New Revised Standard Concordance, atonementappears eighty seven times. Out of those eighty seven times, eighty one appearwith the wo rd make or made. This would constitute that an atonement in theseuses would cause the person who prep ares the atonement to decease at making anatonement. We find that in the New Testament we dont have to work to receive apardon from our sins. The whole bible leads up to the cross and everythingafter the cross points back to the cross. Christ was the ultimate and finalatonement for us.     In the Old Testament their atonement to God was to always be unblemishedfor the sake of perfection (Morris, 147). They believed that the perfectatonement would set them free from all their sins and so make them clean inGods eyes. The Hebrew word for atone is. It is used frequentlyfor the process of sacrifice. It was thought that a man must make andatonement to God that was adequate to give to Him to pay for his sin. InEzekiel 1663 atonement is translated to mean "forgive".     Words in the Old Testament are translated from the kpr word group inHeb rew. The Hebrew word for atonement is Kaphar. This is the main usage of theword but there are other words that are associated with atonement.or Kaphar means to cover. The figurative word which is used quite often is toexpiate or condone. Other words associated with Kaphar are to be merciful,pardon, to pitch, purge(away), and to make reconcile. Or Kapharis used for a village that... ...their lives.BibliographyGeorge V. Wigram. The Englishmans Hebrew Concordance. Grand Rapids MI, BakerBook House, 1980John R. Kohlenberger III. NRSV Concordance Unabridged. Grand Rapids MI,Zondervan Publishing House. 1991Gerhard Kittel. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament Vol. I and Vol X.Grand Rapids, MI/London WM. Eerdmanus Publishing Co. 1964J.D. Douglas. New Bible Dictionary. Intervarsity Fellowship. 1982James Strong. Strongs Exhaustive Concordance. Nashville, TN. Thomas NelsonPublishers. 1984R. Laird Harris, Gleason L Archer Jr., Bruce K. Walter. Theological Wordbookof the Old Testament. Ch icago, IL. 1980Samuel Pri Deaux Tregelles. Hebrew and English Lexicon. Grand Rapids, MI WM B.Eerdmans Pub. 1949Colin Brown. The New International Dictionary of the New Testament Theology.Grand Rapids MI. Zondervan Publishing House. 1978J.B. Smith. Greek-English Concordance. Scottsdale, Penn. Herald Press. 1955Al Novak. Hebrew Honey. New York. reward Press. 1965C.C. Morris. The Illustrated Bible Dictionary Pt. 1. Intervarsity Press. 1980John W. Ellison. Nelsons Complete Concordance of the RSV Bible. Nashville, TN.. Thomas Nelson Publishing. 1984

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Comparing The Infernal Machine and Oedipus Rex Essay -- comparison com

Comparing The Infernal Machine and Oedipus Rex (the King) The myth of Oedipuss incest and parricide has been retold many different times. The basic story line has remained the same. Oedipus leaves Corinth to hand over to escape a fate of incest and parricide. After he leaving the city, he ends up saving Thebes from the Sphinx, becoming king of the city and in the process fulfilling the prophecy. The face of Oedipus changes in each play to help support a different meaning to the entire myth. Cocteaus The Infernal Machine and Sophocless Oedipus the King ar both centered on the myth, yet their themes are different. By changing Oedipuss personality, motive, relationship with Jocasta, his mother and wife, and his character development Cocteau makes his theme the idea that the gods precisely play with humans, instead of like Sophocless theme that man can not escape his own fate. Sophocles depicts Oedipus as an intelligent though too high-minded man, however Cocteau depicts Oedipus as an egotistical and not too smart man. In Oedipus the King, Oedipus actually solves the riddle of the Sphinx and then became known for being clever. Teiresias, an old blind prophet, reminds him of this save its in riddle answering you are strongest. Soph. O.T. 440. Oedipus intelligence is also shown in his inquisitive nature. From the beginning Oedipus searches for the killer of Laius by asking many questions. This in the end leads to his downfall, though Jocasta tries to make him stop asking questions I beg youdo not hunt this outI beg you, if you have any thrill for your own life. What I am suffering is enough. (Soph. O.T. 1060-1063) Cocteaus Oedipus does not have to solve the riddle of the Sphinx because she gives him the answer a... ... Abrams, M. H. A Glossary of Literary Terms, 7th ed. bare-ass York Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1999. Cocteau, Jean. The Infernal Machine and other plays. (Bermel, Albert.). New York New Directions. 1963. Ehrenberg, Victor. Sophoclean R ulers Oedipus. In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Oedipus Rex, edited by Michael J. OBrien. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. Jaeger, Werner. Sophocles Mastery of cause Development. In Readings on Sophocles, edited by Don Nardo. San Diego, CA Greenhaven Press, 1997. Sophocles. (1991). Sophocles I Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone (Grene, David.). Chicago University of Chicago. Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Transl. by F. Storr. no pag. http// slope/modeng/parsed&part=0&id=SopOedi

Comparing The Infernal Machine and Oedipus Rex Essay -- comparison com

Comparing The Infernal Machine and Oedipus Rex (the King) The myth of Oedipuss incest and parricide has been retold many different times. The basic story line has remained the same. Oedipus leaves Corinth to try on to escape a fate of incest and parricide. After he leaving the city, he ends up saving Thebes from the Sphinx, becoming king of the city and in the process fulfilling the prophecy. The contribution of Oedipus changes in each play to help support a different meaning to the entire myth. Cocteaus The Infernal Machine and Sophocless Oedipus the King atomic number 18 both centered on the myth, yet their themes are different. By changing Oedipuss personality, motive, relationship with Jocasta, his mother and wife, and his character development Cocteau makes his theme the idea that the gods obviously play with humans, instead of like Sophocless theme that man can not escape his own fate. Sophocles depicts Oedipus as an intelligent though too exalted man, however Cocteau dep icts Oedipus as an egotistical and not too smart man. In Oedipus the King, Oedipus actually solves the riddle of the Sphinx and then became known for being clever. Teiresias, an old blind prophet, reminds him of this and its in riddle answering you are strongest. Soph. O.T. 440. Oedipus intelligence is also shown in his inquisitive nature. From the beginning Oedipus searches for the killer of Laius by asking many questions. This at long last leads to his downfall, though Jocasta tries to make him stop asking questions I beg youdo not hunt this outI beg you, if you have any explosive charge for your own life. What I am suffering is enough. (Soph. O.T. 1060-1063) Cocteaus Oedipus does not have to solve the riddle of the Sphinx because she gives him the answer a... ... Abrams, M. H. A Glossary of Literary Terms, 7th ed. sensitive York Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1999. Cocteau, Jean. The Infernal Machine and other plays. (Bermel, Albert.). New York New Directions. 1963. Ehre nberg, Victor. Sophoclean Rulers Oedipus. In Twentieth Century Interpretations of Oedipus Rex, edited by Michael J. OBrien. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968. Jaeger, Werner. Sophocles Mastery of piece Development. In Readings on Sophocles, edited by Don Nardo. San Diego, CA Greenhaven Press, 1997. Sophocles. (1991). Sophocles I Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone (Grene, David.). Chicago University of Chicago. Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Transl. by F. Storr. no pag. http// face/modeng/parsed&part=0&id=SopOedi

Monday, May 27, 2019

Organizational performance Essay

Todays society is diverse and rapidly ever-changing and it is the organizations ability to adapt or be in fit with the impertinent environment that willing determine its overall performance. Ethical issues arise throughout all organisations daily activities but it is the insistent debate about what is right or wrong that will shape ethical decision making now and for generations to come.This audition aims to investigate culture at heart the internal environment and how culture plays a role in an organisations ability to fit in with the environment. According to (Samson and Daft, 200380) the internal environment is still of present employees, management and business culture. This essay will investigate how culture plays a role in the organisations overall success.In addressing the issue it will be shown how the external environment has limitingd in terms of how organisations are evaluated. How changing an organisations culture stop help the organisation be in fit with the ext ernal environment and how the success of changing culture may depend on the level of employee moral development. It is argued that the organisations performance depends on a fit between the organisation and its external environment.BodyKey point 1 How the external environment has alterationd in terms of how organisations are evaluated.The external environment has changed with respect to how organisations are evaluated today. According to ( Samson and Daft, 200379) the external environment is all elements existing outside the organisations limitations that have the possibility to simulate the organisation. Companies around the world have started to realise that investors are not concerned exclusively with m wizardtary performance (Tschopp, 2003). The days of companies beingevaluated on their fiscal performance are gone and companies are now finding that they are being evaluated on a more overall perspective.Increasing the ethical obligations can help an organisation when adapting to the external environment. According to ( Samson and Daft, 2003147) morality is the code of honour adequate principles and standards that governs the behaviours of an single(a) or group with respect to what is correct or incorrect. If ethics is incorporated as part of the organisation this can lead to improvements in the workplace and towards society. The triple bottom line approach has been introduced as a air of achieving overall success both internally and externally throughout the organisation. tercet bottom line entails reporting on economic, social, and environmental issues. Corporate success should be haveed not just by the traditional financial bottom line, but also by its social/ethical and environmental performance ( Samson and Daft, 2003). Triple bottom line has not only put the emphasis on managers to not only make a profit but to also consider the surrounding external environment that they could be affecting. Businesses now report annually on social and environm ental performance as well as their financial performance because they know it provides a more complete measure of long-term value creation and strategic opportunity (Tuchman. J, 2004).Key assign 2 Organisations require to change to fit. They can do this by changing an organisations culture to fit in with the external environment.The external environment has altered and its the organisations ability to change to reenforcement in touch with the external environment that determines its performance. One way an organisation can change to keep in contact with the environment is by altering its culture.According to (Samson and Daft. 2003 94) culture is the knowledge, beliefs, values, behaviours and ways of viewing shared among members of a society. Organisational culture has been defined, in very simple but intuitive words, as the way we do things around here (Domenec, 2003). The notion that we can make others do what we want them to do by persuading them to want to doit is one that has a long pedigree. This notion became formalised as an integrative view of organisation culture and became more inborn after the publishing of the book In Search of Excellence in 1982 (Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr., 1982)Moving towards greater corporate responsibility may require culture change or at least cultural re-enforcement. The fundamental values that exemplify cultures at these and other organisations can be understood through the noticeable manifestations of symbols, stories, heroes, slogans and ceremonies. all organisations culture can be interpreted by observing these factors (Samson and Daft, 200395).By incorporating symbols, stories, heroes, slogans and ceremonies into an organisations culture they will be able to adapt to the changing external environment. According to (Samson and Daft, 200397) slogan is a phrase or sentence that succinctly expresses a key corporate value. esurient Jacks for example has the slogan The burgers are better at Hungry Jac ks. They have incorporated this slogan as part of their culture to test and separate them from the other competitors.By incorporating the different types of culture into and organisation, may change the way managers and employees think to incorporate social and natural environmental responsibilities into the workforce.Key Point 3 The success of changing culture may depend on the level of employee ethical development.The success of changing culture can depend on numerous factors but the level of employee ethical development plays a role. The three levels of personal moral development could pose a problem for employee ethical development.The system developed by Kohlberg goes through the different stages of employee development from pre-conventional to post conventional. Starting at the pre-conventional level which focuses on right vs. wrong and the behaviour is on ones self to the conventional level which focuses on thegroup rather then ones self. Then lastly Kohlbergs post-conventi onal level of individual development which focuses on abstract and self-chosen principles (Arnold and Lampe, 1999).Kohlbergs theory brings attention to the fact that if employees are going in different directions it can hinder the success of an organisation. If thither are employees who are focusing on what is right vs. wrong and other employees who are following self chosen principles even though they know nation hold different views. In this sense, the greatest danger to modern organisations is the betrayal of ambitious, selfish, untrustworthy people who care more for their own progression than the mission of the organisation (Domenec, 2003). Since each person is unique, each one can focus on personal accomplishment in very different ways (Domenec, 2003).ConclusionThis essay investigated culture within the internal environment and how culture plays a role in an organisations ability to fit in with the environment. In sustentation of this argument there has been evidence supporte d to show how organisations incorporate culture to be in fit with the changes of external environment. Organisations are finding that they are being evaluated not only on their financial status but also their social and environmental performance. This has meant that organisations have had to change their culture to compensate in the change in evaluation.An organisation culture can be observed through such factors as slogans and symbols which now have to coincide with the external environment. The success of the changing culture can depend on the level of employee ethical development and at what stage everyone is at. If an organisation is united and following the same path or views they may find greater overall success. Views that link an organisations culture with its performance seek to shape managers and employees understandings in a common and retentive direction (Kolter and Keskett, 1992).Bibliography1. Samson, D., & Daft, R.L. (2003) Management Pacific rim edition. Victoria Th omson.2. Thomas J. Peters and Robert H. Waterman, Jr., In Search of Excellence Lessons from Americas Best-Run Companies (New York Warner Books, 1982),3. Tuchman, J. 2004, Big Owners Balance Triple foundation Line online, Available from URL http//

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Burt’s Bee’s: Leaving the Hive

Burts Bees Leaving the Hive 01-26-2013 Burts Bees is committed to providing the silk hat products for its consumers by ensuring they are 100% raw(a) and produced in environmentally friendly conditions. I believe it is possible for the company to become the Starbucks of personal care without preceding the initial values established by Roxanne Quimby. Roxannes original vision was making Burts bees a big brand, not an exclusive brand, and so piteous into the mass market sector is in-keeping with this idea.Arguably, moving away from a forcefulness and health product, to a mass market brand is risky and results in specialty stores pulling back and reducing shelf space. However, the company today is very loyal and focused on their core values. They insist on only maturation products that serve an explicit healthful purpose. They delayed launching the lave, for example, because they wanted to create a natural, cleaner shampoo that also lathered, to meet customer needs.The company ac t products other firms didnt, like carrot lotion, adding to Burts authenticity. As well as this, they make all their packaging from recycled materials and encourage customers to reuse or recycle shampoo bottles for example. I believe that if they keep this up, they can definitely become the Starbucks on personal care without foregoing the values and narratives that made the brand successful. In my judging this model is replicable. All Burts Bees is trying to do is whats best for consumers and the environment.No matter how big the brand gets, no matter how much moolah increase by, the firm in question should try follow in Burts Bees footsteps, and continue focusing on their core competencies and outsourcing tasks where they are not as efficient. In Burts Bees case, by fully disclosing ingredients, they promote transparency by not testing their products on animals they communicate their values to the consumer finally, by striving to use 100% natural ingredients in each of their prod ucts, they are upholding the firms original values.The model is easy to replicate as great as the firm is committed and loyal to the core values. I think Burts Bees have done a very good parentage so far. Seeing as packaging is not their core competency, they outsourced it to contractors thus minimizing waste and boosting efficiency. Herbs used in their products can be used for bio-fuel and are very used by the employees as substitute fuel. All packaging is made from recycled materials and they encourage customers to reuse or recycle shampoo bottles.In addition to this they have trimmed their supply chain by selling directly to all of their accounts. By cutting out the middle channel of distribution, they effectively reduced Burts Bees carbon footprint and saved money at the same time making them more environmentally and economically sustainable. The risks involved with this acquisition are many. As stated in the article, Clorox plans to turn Burts Bees into a mainstream America n brand sold in big-box stores like Wal-Mart.Already, the move from specialty health stores, to Walgreens and CVS has had an impact on Burts Bees shelf space in these smaller specialty stores. The risk is that if they move to the other extreme, they may no longer be viewed as the quirky authentic firm that was initially established. The link to Clorox alone exit bring Burts Bees under a lot of scrutiny, given the position that they aim to provide the best and most natural products for their customers, and the consumer perception of Clorox is the total opposite. However, there are also a lot of opportunities Burts Bees will gain from this.With Cloroxs help, they can really strive to be a national brand, and increase their already growing market share in natural personal care. The resources Clorox will provide will boost advertising spending and increase the firms power when negotiating with suppliers and retailers. In addition to this, as the contender in the industry grows, havin g Cloroxs funds and support will go a long way for Burts Bees. And with Cloroxs Green Works initiative, the globes perception may improve and so loyal customers will remain loyal.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Food and Raspberry Essay

Raspberry is a fruit with a lot of vitamin and actually profitable for today, it can mix it with every food, very helpful for your skin, also your health. Many people likes the way it feel and it predilection. It relate to the rose family and it interesting plan, fifty-fifty very interesting to connection. My favorite also is raspberry bush. Raspberry is red, exactly is light red. There are also other types including black, yellow and purple raspberries. It has the green leaf on the top, as the hat.It looks smaller, and softer than strawberry. You may see it grow up and plan everywhere, on the street road or maybe at the park. Raspberry is easy to eat, that taste sweet and sour, and it melt in your mouth. It has furry and grainy texture, and kind of smooth. The feel when you swallow it that you may not describes it, it make you want to try it again. It is highest level of comestible when they are eaten fresh. The raspberry leaf tea tastes like regular tea.Raspberry is very usef ul for our health, because it have a lot of nutrition. Today, raspberry is uses for many foods or mixed with many things. It have a bright color, so the people use it to decorations for their pancake or birthday cake. They use it for ice cream or even yogurt. Raspberry today is very popular it is one of high level of nutrition of fruit. You can use it fresh for snacks of after daily meals.Moreover, the raspberry leaf is very useful you can use it with tea or use it for cake. Finally, Raspberry is a popular fruit today, also it has high nutrition, and even the leaf is useful, too. If you never try it before, then you should try it. You should not say no with the high nutrition like Raspberry, and you may love it like me.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Most Important Turning Point in WW2 Essay

Theres always a discussion or argu handst as to what the most meaning(a) turning conduct in the contend was. This is a very difficult question to answer because every important part of the war happened because of some other important part of the war. But is there just unitary main turning point in the war or could there be multiple?The Battle of BritainThe Battle of Britain took place among August and September 1940. After the success of Blitzkrieg, the evacuation of Dunkirk and the surrender of France, Britain, on the western sandwich front, was by herself. The Battle of Britain was the closest British Civilians actu totallyy got to see any of the fighting in WW2. In July 1940 through to October 1940 a few thousand fresh men, ably backed by the British Public and the men and women of the RAF ground staff held forth the mightiest Air Force assembled up to that point in time. The German Luftwaffe. On September 15th came the last major engagement of the battle. On that day, the Luftwaffe lost 60 planes while the RAF lost 28. The oerall casualties amounted to Germany losing 1,100 planes whereas Britain had lost just over half that amount (650). On September 17th, Hitler cancelled the invasion of Britain. The invasion would non have been possible if the Royal Navy had been able to attack the barges and, with the RAF in existence the Germans could not hope to attack the Royal Navy.So, no invasion took place. If Britain had lost the Battle of Britain then Britain would have close to certainly been invaded and probably conquered standardised the other European countries. But Britain did not lose the Battle of Britain and, so, Britain was not conquered. The continued existence of Great Britain as a fighting nation meant that Germany necessitate many men to garrison Western Europe rather than attack Russia because the resistance movements in the occupied countries had support from Britain. When lacquer and Germany declared war on America, America, being the biggest industrial power at the time, was able to use Britain as a vast base to store all the aircraft they needed to bomb Germany. The absolute majority of Germanys artillery was kept back in Europe and Germany on anti-aircraft duties because of these huge bombing raids.These drains on Germanys resources meant they were not able to conquer Russia in the quick manner needed. This led to the eventual meatgrinder of the Eastern front which swallowed so much of their army and air force. How much difference would those guns, men and ammunition have made at Stalingrad? The Battle of Britain boosted British team spirit through the roof. This was shown in the famous never was so much owned by so many to so few. Speech by Winston Churchill. The British also kicked the Axis out of Africa, forcing Hitler to send much needed supplies and men to assist the weakness Afrika Korps. All of this would not have happened if the British had lost the Battle of Britain.The Enigma CodeThe German mili tary use the Enigma cipher car during WW2 to nutriment their communications secret. The machine was available commercially during the 1920s, but the military potential of the device was quickly realised and the German army, navy and air force all used a more developed model of the machine to encipher their messages believing that it would make these communications unsolvable to the enemy. The Enigma machine is an electro-mechanical device that relies on a series of rotating wheels or rotors to scramble plain textual matter messages into jumbled cipher text. The machines variable elements can be set in many billions of combinations, and to each one one provide make a completely different cipher text message. If you know how the machine has been set up, you can type the cipher text back in and it will unscramble the message.If you dont know the Enigma setting, the message remains indecipherable. The German authorities believed in the absolute protection of the Enigma. However, wi th the help of Polish mathematicians who had managed to secure a machine before the outbreak of WW2, British code breakers stationed at Bletchley Park managed to exploit weaknesses in the machine and how it was used and were able to crack the Enigma code. Breaking the Enigma ciphers gave the Allies a key advantage, which, according to historians, shortened the war by two old age thus saving many lives. In one specific case the team behind the Enigma code were able to inform the British eighth Army at El Alamein of an incoming attack from the Afrika corps.StalingradThe Battle of Stalingrad was one of the most major and decisive battles of World War 2 where the Axis fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad. The battle took place between August 23, 1942 and February 2,1943 and was fought with close-quarters combat and lack of regard for civilian casualties. It is among the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare with almost two million casualties. The German a ttack, led by General Paulus, to capture Stalingrad began in late summer 1942, and was supported by severe Luftwaffe bombing that decreased much of the city to rubble. The German offensive eventually became reduced to building-to-building fighting. Despite controlling nearly the entire city at times, the Germans were unable to shake off the last soviets clinging to their City. Both sides fought vigorously over the city and Stalin ordered his military personnel, Not a step back. The Battle for Stalingrad was rife with sniping on both sides however the Russians used a tactic no other country did during the war. This tactic was the employing of female snipers on the field, which they did to great effect.By doing this, the Russian Army was able to fill their ranks still as soundly as raise morale of troops and civilians by reporting on the lethal effectiveness of the Soviet fighting woman. Morale was one of the most vital things a soldier could have. Without morale a soldier became ineffective and the worst thing for morale was an enemy Sniper. The presence of a sniper was usually revealed to enemy troops by a single shot, followed by the death of one of their comrades. This presented a problem to the remaining troops. Not only were they under stir from an enemy, but they could not see where this enemy was nor could they predict who would be the next victim. Additionally, if the sniper go forth, there was no way for the opposing men to know unless one of them leftfield cover, and therefore risking his life. The strain of being constantly in danger was increased by the inability of the troops to strike back at the sniper, as well as their anger at the death of their fellow soldiers.During the Battle of Stalingrad, the Russian snipers, particularly Vassili Zaitsev, proved to cause so much damage to German morale and such a boost to the Russians that German High Command sent in their best sniper, a Major Koning, to hunt down and kill Zaitsev. unluckily for t he Germans, this plan backfired, and Zaitsev killed Koning, further lifting Russian morale and dropping German fighting spirit to a new low. On 19 November 1942, the Red Army launched routine Uranus, a two-pronged attack at the weaker Romanian and Hungarian forces protecting the German flanks. After heavy fighting, the Axis army was cut off and surrounded intimate Stalingrad. Adolf Hitlers resolute belief inno surrender led to more loss of life. Eventually, the failure to save the German Forces and lack of supplies led to the surrender. By February 1943, Axis resistance in Stalingrad had stopped and nearly 125,000 remaining troops of the 6th Army had surrendered, the others were killed.Only 6,000 soldiers made it back home. The battle lasted 5 months, 1 week, and 3 days. It was Germanys first major bruise. However by the end of the battle 99% of the buildings in Stalingrad were reduced to piles of rubble. The siege of September 13, 1942 to January 31, 1943 will inspire forever t he hearts of all free people. Their glorious victory stemmed the tide of invasion and marked the turning point in the war of the Allied nations against the forces of aggression. Franklin D Roosevelt, congratulating Joseph Stalin on the soviet Victory at Stalingrad. This shows that not only did Stalingrad spread morale throughout the U.S.S.R but throughout Allied troops around the world. For the U.S.S.R Stalingrad was it. A desperate last stand against the Axis and total inhalation. Not only were there vital oil sources to the South-East but it was a battle between Stalin and Hitler themselves (considering it was Stalins city). After the Battle of Stalingrad German forces never recovered to their earlier strength and so gave up their campaign on the USSR. It was the stemma of the end and retreat for the Axis powers in Russia.El AlameinBetween 1940 and 1942, the desert war went back and forth over the north coast of Africa. After initial British success, the Afrika Korps (the German army) made a determined advance, gradually beating the British 8th Army back as far as a small town called El Alamein near the Egyptian border. At the end of the First Battle of El Alamein, the Allies suffered about 13,250 wounded, captured, missing, and killed, while the Axis suffered 17,000. The second base Battle of El Alamein marked a major turning point in the Western Desert Campaign of the Second World War. The battle lasted from 23 October to 5 November 1942. Germany had 30,542 casualties, 500 tanks, 254 guns, 84 aircraft. And British and other Commonwealth forces had 13,560 casualties, 332- 500 tanks, 111 guns, 97 aircraft. After the two battles the world was convinced that the Axis powers, particularly Germany, were not invincible as this was their second major military defeat. A quarter of a million Italian and German soldiers surrendered at El Alamein which was nearly in two ways theamount that surrendered at Stalingrad four months earlier.This destroyed Italian moral c ompletely because not only were they crushed at El Alamein, their country became the new frontline, and for Germany It was another momentous disaster. The Battle of El Alamein not only allowed total free access to the Suez Canal for Allied shipping, which was of special importance now that the war had taken on a global nature, but it also stopped the Germans from threatening the Middle-Eastern oil fields, a major supplier of Allied oil reserves. The victory, coupled with say Allied landings in French Algiers, also finally spelled the elimination of an Axis presence in North Africa and ended the Italian dreams of a new Roman Empire. There were also strategic implications the defeat in North Africa began the series of events that led the invasion of mainland Italy and the toppling of the Italian dictator Mussolini. This brought the Italians onto the Allies side and left Germany at a strategic disadvantage across the whole of the Mediterranean.The North African campaign also drew Ger man troops away from the massive battles that were taking place in the U.S.S.R. I have not included D-Day as one of the most important turning points in the war because I believe that the fact that D-Day happened means that the tide had already turned. For the Western Front the tide turned at the Battle of Britain because if Britain had been taken then America wouldnt have an Allied country close to Germany, the Allies wouldnt have been able to win in North Africa and D-Day wouldnt of been able to happen in the first place. I have also not included Pearl Harbour as a Turning point because I feel Japan only attacked the Americans at Pearl Harbour so they could destroy some of their vital ships and resources.I think they did this because they knew that war was going to break out between Japan and America at some point and so decided to jump the gun and get the upper hand. This would mean that Pearl Harbour was hearty point in the war rather than a turning point. In conclusion I would say that there wasnt a turning point as such but four main turning points that led do the downfall of Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan. These being The Battle of Britain, The breaking of the Enigma Code, Stalingrad and El Alamein. This is because the three battles were last chance stands against the mighty German Army, and defeat would have meant loss of highly important resources, land, men and morale. Additionally if the Enigma code had not been broken the war might have ragedon for another two or three years and many more millions could have died.Bibliographyhttp// http// http// http// http//

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Induction of Employees Essay

Starting a new job is stressful for most employees because of the initial feeling of being out of situation and under pressure to make a positive impression to fellow co-workers and managers. It is thitherfore important that entirely new employees are made to feel delightful and valued and are also made aware of what is expected of them during their employment (Macdonald 2004, p. 104).Induction is regarded as the final stage of recruitment and selection but the offshoot phase in the stageulation and development of new employees. Induction is the process of familiarizing new employees to the company and their jobs with the aim of giving the employees a proper brain of how things are done. Induction also known as orientation serves the purpose of providing a transition for the employee from college to work life. Since most employees start their work with a trust to succeed, inductive reasoning programs offer the opportunity for them to achieve this (Compton and Nankervis 2009 ).Ideally an demonstration program involves a tour of the building showing the fire exit points, toilets, meeting and collapse rooms, important offices like the CEOs office, supplies office and the valet Resources Department. The induction program will be determined by the type of job, cultural practices and construction of the organization. Induction for smaller companies might even involve a conversation with the Human Resources Manager while that for large organizations might involve several weeks of training and supervision (Compton and Nankervis, 2009).During the recruiting process, new recruits always have high expectations about their new jobs and the company. They might also have unrealistic expectations which might not be met ahead(p) the recruits to have feelings of dissatisfaction and anxiety. In general, unmet expectations lead to employee dissatisfaction which in farm leads to high employee turnover (Werner and DeSimone 2009). around companies do not view the orie ntation of employees into an organization as important. Some take it as a waste of time and they thitherfore conduct the programs in a haphazard way. Others might not have the programs at all which will result in the employee going straight into the job without any idea on what to do. The induction of employees has benefits such as reduced employee turnover, lower recruitment and selection costs, increase in employee morale. It also reduces the anxiety levels of employees. Overly anxious employees might increase costs in the area of education and development, turnover and absenteeism (Compton and Nankervis 2009).In todays competitive working environment, orientation programs are not meeting the goals they were designed for. The reason these programs fall short is due to miss of planning, lack of expectations and the feeling of disillusionment by most employees. Attracting qualified workers includes offering higher salaries, better benefits and career advancement opportunities. With such increased costs, retention of employees be tot ups the main concentre of a company instead of production (Squidoo 2010).Mistakes that are made during the induction process include activities such as bombarding new recruits with a lot of info on the first day and expecting them to memorize it, showing boring or over-the-hill orientation videos, giving lengthy lectures about irrelevant information and pretermiting to provide the new worker with a work station that has necessary facilities such as a computer, phone, printer and internet connection. Some employers also fail to give out any work leading the recruits to sit idle for most of the day (Squidoo 2010).The most frequent complaints about employee orientation programs is that they are overpowering to the new employee thereby not providing the smooth transition that is needed to begin working. It becomes overwhelming especially if there is a test or quiz at the end of the program which requires the new recruits to reme mber all the information they have just been presented with. This adds on more pressure to the already anxious worker.Most Human Resource Managers involve a lot of paperwork on the first day especially if the information required has a deadline. They might require the employee to fill in forms with regards to their pay, compensation and benefits. There might also be contractual paperwork which the employee has to go through and sign. This process might take a lot of time and there might be some issues which the employee does not understand and there is no one around to clarify (Werner and DeSimone 2006).Other shortfalls of induction programs are the fact that there is a lot of one way communication instead of two way communication. The program coordinator usually fails to involve the recruits in the exercise which explains why it ends up being boring. Encouraging participation will ensure the program is lively and runs smoothly. The programs also fail to evaluate the recruits might ily. Most induction coordinators use tests or quizzes as methods of evaluating the employees which are not the best. This puts on more pressure and anxiety to the employee who is already too anxious. Induction programs also lack follow-up in some companies inwardness once they are done the employees are all on their own. This is especially the case if the program runs for only one day. Assigning mentors ensures that they have someone to turn to in the event they face a problem while carrying out their jobs (Werner and DeSimone 2006).Swinton (2005) provides examples of induction plans that fail in their intended purpose. Such an example is the pitiful induction plan where there is basically no induction program that has been prepared. According to her the new recruit will be lucky to have his own workspace or have co-workers introduce themselves to him or her.Since there is no effort for orientation, the recruit finds it hard to put in effort in their work especially when they do no t know what to do and how to do it.Another example of a failed plan is the mediocre induction plan where the coordinator uses past orientation material that is outdated and irrelevant to conduct the program. This plan also uses very detailed information which proves to be overwhelming, cumbersome and boring to the new recruits. Some also use monetary reports, health records and company reports as a way of informing the employees about the new company (Swinton 2005).Having other workers conduct the orientation program has its benefits as healthy as disadvantages. While the worker gets the actual feel of how the job is done, they are more prone to bad influence from the workers inducting them. Bad influence comes in the form of misuse of office supplies, taking extended breaks, coming late to work and leaving early before the recommended time. Those employees who do not undergo proper induction learn by observing what their fellow co-workers do. This might be to their detriment as t hey are more likely to pick up bad habits from co-workers who come to work late and spent a small amount of time in a day doing actual work.Induction programs that are not conducted properly end up being a waste of time and resources for both the employer and the employee. The quality of the staff induction program says a lot about a company and how important it views its employees. Employees will work harder for a company that shows it values them by providing quality induction programs. Companies should put in the same effort they do to induction programs when they create programs for attracting and retaining customers.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

George Orwell’s Shooting an Elephant: Insights on Imperialism, Ethical Conflicts and Fear of Judgment Essay

George Or hales essay Shooting an Elephant, introduces an interesting insight on imperialism, ethical conflicts and fear of judgement by dint of the inner workings of a European police officer given the grueling task of dealing with an elephant in musk within Moulmein, in lower Burma. Imperialism, as defined in the Oxford English Dictionary, reads that Imperialism is a policy of extending a countrys power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or different means. Interestingly,Orwell shows imperialism in his work as a consensual hatred mingled with the Burmese and a particular European cop causing a vulgar negativity. The ethical conflicts raised in this essay root from the fibber, (who we can assume is the European police officer) who has been handed the task of dealing with a lustful and pugnacious elephant who was a threat to the Burmese peoples land, possessions and lives. Ethical conflicts raised in Orwells work, tie to the narrators fear of judgement. It was because the narrator feared judgement so terribly, that he made the choice to pull the trigger on the elephant.When an elephant in musk escapes from his chains with his Mahout far out of reach, the narrator is called in to deal with this ravaging creature. He beings on his rifle and says I had no intention of fileing the elephant, I had merely sent for the rifle to defend myself if necessary. In essence, the pure reason for the rifle was for preventative reasons, yet it had drawn a large amount of attention and excitement from a large crowd of at least 2000 andgrowing every minute. (Page 284) The narrator has an ethical dilemma, as he knew with perfect certainty that he ought not to shoot him (page 284). Orwell compares the elephant to a valuable, expensive piece of machinery. (Page 284) He watches the elephant acting with that grandmotherly air that elephants have, (Page 285) realizing that the beast is calming pot and coming out of his lustful phase. This later contrast s with the narrator actually shooting the elephant due to the pressure of the sea of yellow faces and their 2000 wills pressing him forward. (Page 284) As the narrator was enroute to stance this lustful elephant, he learns that it had already destroyed a bamboo hut, killed a cow and raided some fruit stalls and devoured stock. (Page 282) In learning these things, Orwell makes it clear that the narrator feels he has legal justification for shooting the elephant even though he morally knew he was in the wrong.Interestingly, the narrators ethics in the matter of shooting the elephant are abject because of his fear of judgement. He was hated by many people as a European subdivisional police officer in Moulmein. He was an obvious target and baited whenever it seemed safe to do so. When the narrator was called in to deal with this elephant in must, he came to a point where he was surrounded by thousands of Burmese people, left with the choice to either shoot the elephant, or let him liv e. The pressure provided by the thousands of yellow faces, (page 284) and all of their hatred, left the narrator with no choice in his mind but to fire at this creature. After doing this, he wonders whether any of the others (Burmese) grasped that he had shot the elephant solely to avoid looking like a fool. (Page 287) This proves the narrators fear of judgement.Orwell does an excellent job in displaying the hatred between the Burmese and the Europeans, and the feeling that imperialism was an evil thing. (Page 281) He says that if a European woman went through the bazaars alone somebody would probably spit betel juice everywhere her dress. (Page 281) Orwell uses symbolism to demonstrate the evil of imperialism.The ravaging elephant that the narrator was called in to deal with is a symbol for imperialism and its evils. The actual shooting of the elephant unveils that imperialism not only inflicts damage on one side, but on both sides of the relationship. Europe, who is supposed to h old control over the Burmese peoples, lost their control due to the pressure provided by the Burmese people in the actual shooting of the elephant. The Officer is put into a large authority position, but the hate he received from the Burmese, as well as the emotional pressure they put on him to shoot the elephant, puts a sense of power on the Burmese, and less on the greater European colony. passim this reading, Orwell demonstrates the evils of imperialism as well as the pressure that we as humans often have to succumb to based on societal pressures we face. He uses a yarn of a European police officerworking in Moulmein who is faced with the pressure of the local Burmese people to kill an elephant who is in must and has make some damage to peoples property.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Marketing on the marketing research department

It is to be recalled that at the meeting of the Board of Directors of Company X held on 30 June, 2006, approval was realizen for the establishment of a Marketing Research Department. This decision was at long last taken after several presentations were made to the Board to that effect. The newly created incision was charged with the following responsibilitiesa.Determine how mixed customer themes are reacting to present merchandise mixes of company Xb.Evaluate the effectiveness of operational marketing mixesc.Create new marketing mixes for new customer marketsd.Assess changes in the external environment and the effect they would have on product and returns strategye.Identify new market (a to e are after McDaniel and Gates, 1999)f.Assess present relationships with external marketing agencies with the view to devising them stronger.This report presents the current and potential problems confronting our organization from the perspective of marketing and how the newly created depar tment intends to solve them. It to a fault considers new opportunities that have been thrown up since the creation of the department and how it intends to take advantage of them. The marketing department in like manner plans to recruit special staff. The new staff shall be given an orientation to enable interrupt cope with our style of landing. Details of the marketing search process have been given in extension 1.IDENTIFIED PROBLEMSAs with most start-up departments, the newly created marketing search department has no past records to guide its work. The only procurable records are those from our relationships with external marketing agencies. They cover mostly farmed out work from our organization. As a minor trying to walk, we anticipate to encounter difficulties but shall learn as we crawl forward. The department is seriously understaffed, so additional staff must be recruited to enable it discharge its assigned responsibilities.The new staff members would be given an or ientation to enable them cope with our unique style of working. The department would also have to clothe in place expanded tuition systems to cope with the additional responsibilities assigned to it. Such systems would enable us handle the data that we gain and analyze effortlessly. There is also the need to put up in-house facilities for concenter-group work and telephony seek.IDENTIFIED OPPORTUNITIESIt is estimated that about over One billion people use the internet worldwide (Business week, 2005). visible(prenominal) reports indicate that this figure shall increase in future. This is a big opportunity for our company, if we can identify our customers and raise them tailor-made goods and services.Some of the market segments of our company are presently underserved. There is the need to accurately identify them and lay out out strategies to fully serve them. New markets have also opened up in separate countries and regions that we must adequately research and go after.PRO POSED SOLUTIONSWe shall have to develop discussion guide book for our focus group work and also a manual on the research process orientation. Five additional staff shall be recruited for our in-house research work. Of the staff employed two with a background information engineering science and electronic business or commerce shall be needed for our web-based businesses. Materials shall also be procured for our in-house focus group work. New Information systems shall be purchased to seamlessly weave data output from the different departments with that of marketing research.From our customer research studies, we shall be better placed to take advantage of the opportunities that have risen up online. It is our goal to suffer the enormous opportunity online with the strength of our new staff members, with the background in electronic business or commerce. The business and marketing plans shall provide details on how new emerging markets shall be entered into and existing ones develope d. The plans shall also outline ways and means of forging solid relationships with marketing agencies and other transfixholders.ConclusionIt is our wish that if these measures are implemented, we shall not only see a vibrant marketing research department but also the pleasant that contributes enormously to our companys bottom line results.Appendix 1THE MARKETING RESEARCH PROCESSMcDaniel and Gates (1999) have draw an eight floor procedure for conducting marketing. These area.Problem or opportunity identification and formulationb.Creation of research designc.Selection of research methodologyd.Selection of consume proceduree.Collection of dataf.Analysis of datag.Preparation and writing of reporth.Follow upa.Problem or opportunity identificationDuring this stage attempt is made to identify the problem at stake or the opportunity to be taken advantage of. Attempt is also made to grasp the stretch of the problem and also the opportunity. The information needed in solving the problem and the way and manner it should be obtained is also determined. After having grasped the scope of the problem or opportunity, the research objectives are outlined. It must be dysphoric that it is essential for the problem under investigation to be thoroughly understood as the other posterior stages rest on this stage.b.Creation of research designAt this stage, the researcher devises a plan or an approach for answering the research question. In doing so, the researcher must opt for an approach that is cost-effective and also provide the highest possible information for decision making.C.Selection of research methodologyThere are essentially three major methods for carrying out marketing research. These are surveys, ceremonial and experiment. At this stage therefore the research should select one or a combination of them to collect the information needed.d.Selection of sampling procedureA sample is a subset of the population the researcher is interested in.At this stage therefor e, the researcher decides on which members of the target population should be used for the research The researcher must determine whether he would give each and every member of the target population equal opportunity to participate in the research or only a select few shall be used.e.Collection of dataThis stage entails the collection of the information that the researcher is interested in. This can be interviewing, survey questionnaire, and observation. The researcher can decide to collect the information himself or ask other persons to do so on his behalf.f.Analysis of dataThe data collected is analyzed at this stage to give meaning to it. From the analysis, it makes it possible for the researcher to interpret the results and offer recommendations and conclusiong.Preparation and writing of report.The analyzed and interpreted data must be communicated to the desired audience in a report. Since the objective of this stage is to give understand to what the researcher has found, the report was be tailored to needs of the audience.h.Follow-upAt this stage, the researcher seeks to find out whether the results and recommendations made in a report have been used and also what has been the outcome of itAReferences1.Businessweek (2005). The Future of Tech, Businessweek ,20th June edition.McDaniel, C. and Gates, R. (1999). Contemporary Marketing Research, South-Western College bar

Monday, May 20, 2019

Helicopter Parents Essay

I am writing in response to the article busybodied parents damaging children. This article said that some parents are far too conscious round their children and they settle to monitor their every single action. These parents may force them to fellow them on facebook account, or even checking their school text messages. They are called helicopter parents as they keep on tracking their children.I understand that parents care or so their children. They do not want their children to get hurt and they pronounce to keep them away from danger. However, these monitoring actions may cause their children to feel trapped with no freedom. Their children will eventually become secretive and they may try to hide themselves in front of their parents. In this case, their parents will try harder to track their childrens actions, which will tear out to be a vicious cycle.Therefore, parents should learn how cope with their childrens problem. Parents can discuss issues that they awe with child ren but they should still give their children spaces as well as privacy. Children may have their own friends and affectionate life. They may not want their parents to intrude in their social life and make friends with every friend they know. Parents should try to chat with their children as a friend instead of forcing them to report every detail about their school life.If you are willing to give your child more freedom and not over-reacted, your children will be more willing to tell you things happened around them,Helicopter parents has become a social problem in recent years. We must understand the reason behind and try to cope with the problem. In conclusion, communication amid parents and children are important. If parents and children are willing to communicate with each(prenominal) other, they can be clear about each others feelings. Thereby making suitable adjustment on the attitude they take on each other.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

3 Idiots Essay

3 Idiots is a bollywood picture that released worldwide on twenty-fifth December 2009. It was produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra and directed by Rajkumar Hirani. The exposure has ternary actors playing the lead roles, hence the conduct is named 3 Idiots. The three lead actors argon Aamir Khan, Sharman Joshi and R Madhavan. These three be the brilliant students of their respective spirited schools. While Boman Irani portrays the role of the college director of the college which these three students join after graduating from their high schools. Also, there is a atomic role played by Kareena Kapoor. She is the leading lady of the film and plays the role of the directors daughter.The film displays the importance of learning and study in our lives. The film deals with the education system in India and how the students are unavailing to cope up to the pressure because of the excessive amounts of exams and assignments. 3 Idiots is a story of three bright students who suck up acquired a GPA of 10.00 (on a scale of 10.00) in their high schools. They enter the most prestigious college for engineer in India The Imperial College of Engineering. Rancho is a character played by Aamir Khan. He loves machines and that is the reason he wants to lock mechanized engineer. Raju, the character played by Sharman Joshi doesnt live life to the fullest. He is scared of the assignments and exams. He wants to work genuinely hard and get a good job as he comes from a poor family and he is the only one to support his family. Farhan is the name of the character played by R Madhavan. Farhan wants to be a wildlife photographer but he joins the college of engineering because his father wants him to be a mechanical engineering as he has very good grades in his school. While Viru Sahastrabuddhe is the director of the college which is played by Boman Irani. Viru is a very strict professor and maintains his pressure upon his students. There is an incident in the film which shows that a student commits suicide because he doesnt provide sufficient time to him for completing the project.The students are ineffectual to take such pressure and they believe that its time for them to end their life. This is a true view and such pressure exists in most of the colleges in India. Rancho loves engineering so he doesnt pretend problems with the exams and assignments. While Raju and Farhan are unable to get good grades as they feel the pressure of the education system. Rancho asks Farhan to form his field of meditate from engineering to wildlife photography as Farhan always wanted to vex a wildlife photographer. He advises Raju toput away his fear and it would help him to succeed in his exams. In the third year of engineering recruiters hire students. Viru says that Raju and Farhan would only be able to get the jobs only when they decrease with good grades in the final exam. To purposely fail them he sets the paper himself, increasing the difficulty level. Virus daught er Pia comes to bop about this, so she informs Rancho. Rancho tries to steal the paper and is caught by the director.He decided to rusticate all the three for their act. Pia informs his father about the real reason that took her brothers life. Viru thought that his son had died in a car accident but later he comes to know that he committed suicide as he didnt want to pursue engineering. He was forced by his father to become an engineer while he wanted to study literature. This is the reason why he committed suicide. shrewd this truth he decides not to rusticate the three students. This film is based on a fable by Chetan Bhagat titled Five Point somebody- What Not To Do At IIT. Bhagats novel withal involves the same three lead characters but with different names. The title of the novel Five Point Someone is based on the five point scale which is used to calculate the GPA at the Indian Institute of Technology. Chetan Bhagat is being regarded as the biggest selling English author i n Indias history (Chandrakar). Chetan Bhagat feels very proud that his book and his heart have received a wider audience because of the film. People nowadays are less likely to read a book. So, the message of the author is spread throughout the world where the film would be released. Chetan Bhagat is a prominent Indian writer who has written several other bestselling novels such as 2 States, One Night at a Call Center and 3 Mistakes of My Life.All of these are being made into different movies. The film 3 Idiots finely portrays the education system of India by cover exactly what happens with the students of a particular engineering college. Students have to cope up with high amounts of pressure to pass the exams. Committing suicide is not a solution to the problem, but fighting against the system to improve it can go the problem to a certain extent. This film shows that Rancho argues with the director to make him understand that the way of teaching is stupid and he blames the sys tem for this. During an academic year students have several exams to take which involves vast syllabuses and also projects urgency to be completed within a short span of time. The film also motivates people to study what they like and not whattheir parents would ask them to. The director of the film makes an effort to display the critical condition of the education system of India in the form of a brilliant movie which is entertaining and also sends an important message out to the viewers.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Mkt 421 Week 3 Learning Team Submission

Starbucks has a specific crisscross earshot for the go withs dope up line. According to Who Is Starbucks Target audience? (2012), This audience is adult male and adult females from the ages of xxv to forty years old. This is approximately half of Starbucks total business (para. 3). The company has another large target market audience. According to Who Is Starbucks Target Audience? (2012), Starbucks second largest target market is forty percent of its business. This audience is between the ages of eight-teen to twenty-four (para. 4).This helps the company to target a mature audience that leave behind appreciate the alimentary goodness of the companys soup line. One potently large target market the soup line will open up is catering business lunches. This will open up corporal America to the value that Starbucks presents. This corporate customer will not only purchase soup, exclusively will also be able to purchase coffee with the order. This audience already consumes the c ompanys coffee, but goes elsewhere for their meal plans. This is also an attempt to gain customers from fast food establishments that would like a to a greater extent upscale dining experience.This experience along with the other things like internet access is what Starbucks offers its customers. Who Is Starbucks Target Audience?. (2012). Retrieved from http//smallbusiness. chron. com/starbucks-target-audience-10553. html It might be argued that Starbucks is no more than a fast food company paralleling much(prenominal) chains as McDonalds, Wendys, and Taco Bell. The company appears to provide the same basic service customers expect from a fast food giant. One sharp marketing contrast however, consistently has Starbucks standing out farthest above the others.Starbucks Corporation counts on the same customers visiting their local stores daily and some time multiple times in a day. Most fast food chains gitnot typically tout such a claim. Starbucks customer base is not necessarily s pecific to age, gender, or cultural origin. Starbucks customers are those who buy-in to the sophisticated form of the Siren, and all she represents. Many Americans have always loved good coffee and coffee drinking as a social event. Starbucks capitalizes on this tradition and caters to the coffee house crowd.In the minds of many, coffee houses represent a quite bohemian genre of artists, poets, and scholars. Starbucks customers know there is a bit of the coffee house crowd in all of us. The company markets a sense of social freedom that has timeless appeal. Starbucks customers like the feeling of exclusivity that existence a Starbucks customer provides. Knowing the quirky Starbucks language is an example that is exclusively Starbucks. Starbucks language is a word form of mix of Italian and English. For example, beverage preparers are referred to as baristas. Beverage titles like caramel macchiato, and Triple, Vente, no foam, threesome Splenda, skinny, latte, are fun to say and make the customer feel worldly and sophisticated. Ordering the exclusively Starbucks frappacino satisfies that contrary attraction Americans seem to have toward all things European never mind that the trademarked word frappacino is not a real word in any language. In addition, Starbucks customers value time and are oftentimes master jugglers and multitaskers. Schedules that often overlap career, academics, and family needs are common among Starbucks customers.The new, Cup of Comfort line of epicure soups provides customers a way to grab a healthy bite of lunch or dinner without interrupting an already busy day. Soccer mom can swing through the drive through so small-scale Bobby or Jennifer can eat a healthy meal before practice and mom can get a quick boost to keep her going. Cup of Comfort, adds an appealing element to the Starbucks menu and satisfies a need for something substantial and healthy in customers diets during an afternoon or evening visit to this favorite company p lace.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Development of Greek Architecture

Same for Doric means Visual Comparison -List the dissentences, similarities -Were the circumstances vastly different during the time periods of each (war, peace, etc. )? Conclusion teaching of Greek Architecture The Doric and dome Orders Undoubtedly, most eople have had the experience of driving about neighborhoods to image at Christmas lights with their family. We have in all seen those humongous, beautiful houses or churches with the winding driveway, tall windows, or columns framing the verbalism of the house.However, very few people may stop to actually examine the homes and wonder about why they were made the way that they were. passel may not know of the decoratorural structures from hundreds of thousands of years ago that argon influencing those modern fabricateings. Columns, for example, are remnants of an era that changed the way that many cultures build structures the height of Ancient Greece. The Doric and garret orders arose during that time and remain a staple in structural design. I will explain the devil orders as well as compare them using two different, specific temples.I will overly fall in background information on the architects of each temple, on new ideas that sprung up during this time, and on events that could have influenced the training of structure in Greece and surrounding areas. During the Orientalizing Period in the seventh one C, the Greeks built a temple at Prinias that resembled the Mycenaean megaron which travelers may have seen uring a Journey for trade. However, in sixth century BCE, known as the Archaic Period, Greek architects began to look to Egyptian structures such as the columnar halls in Karnak.With these in mind, they began to build the stone columnar temples that have become the iconic Greek elbow room and have influenced architecture passim the Western world. The basic Greek peristyle temple was put under the intense study of architects and philosophers who were trying the gamble a way to constru ct the perfect temple. Vitruvius, a Greek writer, documented that both doric and bean types eveloped while architects were trying to translate the styles of temples that were made of wood, mud bricks, and separate less durable materials into stone and stain temples.These would undoubtedly last longer and if they could discover the optimal proportions, they could potentially build their ideal or perfect temple. People started searching for a mathematical formula that could be used to calculate the correct balance for all parts of the temple, which reflected the thinking of philosopher Pythagoras of Samos. He believed that that beauty resided in the harmony of ratios, so a Greek architect named Iktinos came up with a set roportional scheme that resulted in a formula for the best balanced temple.Within the bounce of this formulaic approach, there contriveed two systems, or orders of designing the three parts of elevation in a Greek temple. The three parts are the platform (styloba te), the colonnade, and the superstructure (entablature). The Doric order and the Ionic order differ in the detail and proportions of these parts. Their names are derived from the cultures and areas from which they supposedly originated (Dorians in central and southern Greece and Ionians in capital of Greece and Ionia, the west coast and Asia Minor).Both systems had the basic elements of a Greek temple (elevation from a platform, columns with a fluted shaft and a capital, entablatures with a frieze, a pediment, so on and so forth). The striking differences occurred in the designs ot these elements The Doric order was the tirst to develop during the 6th century. It had a much sturdier, squat look than the later garret styles. The columns were thick, immense stone cuts that sit atop the stylobate. The fluted shafts were topped with a pancake-looking, simple capital that had a rectangular slab (abacus) between it and the bottom of the entablature.Resting on the columns is the entablatu re which includes an architrave (closest to the columns), a frieze, a cornice, a pediment, and a raking cornice. (All of these describe the order of the temple from bottom to top). A classifiable feature of the doric order is that the frieze is broken up vertically by triglyphs and metopes. The plain, flat capital excessively marks a difference between the doric system and other styles. An example of a authorized Doric order temple would be the Temple of Hera I which is located in Paestum, Italy (see Image 1).It was constructed around 550 BCE and is 80 feet tall and 170 feet wide. Also referred to as the Basilica, its thick columns (nine across the front and back and eighteen down both sides) are closely spaced and resemble the shape of a cigar because they taper in slightly at the top. They are topped with the flat, circular capitals. Although almost the entire collection of columns remains, the majority of the entablature is no longer there. The Ionic order developed a little af ter the Doric Order, in the a different area.The system began with the same basic structure of temple, including a platform or stylobate, columns (which occasionally had a base hat stood out from the shaft), a capital, and an entablature with an architrave, frieze, cornice, and pediment. However, the columns are slightly farther apart from each other and they are also more slender than the doric style. A good way to imagine an ionic temple is of it having lost weight. They are not signifi green goddesstly taller, but may appear so because filamentlike columns and spacing. The capital is made of two volutes and resembles the curling ends of a scroll.Some other distinct aspects of the Ionic system are that the frieze is left open and undivided, and also that the architrave is generally subdivided into three bands. As I previously mentioned, ionic temples also had columns with a base that was distinguishable from the fluted shaft. The Temple of Athena Sounias, located at Cape Sounia, still stands with a full entablature (see Image 3). You can see the volutes on the capitals of the slender columns. However, the frieze is divided up by triglyphs and metopes, and you can also see the smooth architrave.Both of these reflect the elements of the original doric craftsmanship, so this piece of architecture cannot be considered exclusively ionic, as it has few doric influence. This temple was built in the middle of the 5th century, which would xplain the dualism in the style of attributes on the temple. A more modern, but basically accurate example of the Ionic style would be the University of Oslo in Norway (see image 4). The frontal steps lead up to a colonnaded porch, with columns reaching from their bases to their scroll-like capitals. The architrave is banded, but the frieze is completely smooth and open.The pediment is also filled with figures all positioned so that they fit into trigon shape but still maintain proper proportions, which was used in previous eras. The temples themselves had various internal structures which varied depending n the architect, the region, or the purpose of the building. Some temples had columns that only went across the front (prostyle) while some had them across the front and back (amphiprostyle). Temples like the Temple of Athena Sounias and the Temple ot Hera I are reterred to as peristyle because they nave columns all the way around the cella (inner sacred room) and the porch area.However, all of the distinctive qualities of both the Doric order and Ionic order are mainly centered in features at the front of the temples, as well as their columns. The Greek architects insistence on proportional harmony was the driving force ehind many styles between the sixth and fourth centuries. The closest that they ever came to achieving a perfect temple was the Parthenon, built on the Acropolis of Athens in the mid-flfth century BCE (see Image 5).

Thursday, May 16, 2019

This assignment will consist of a critical and evaluative intellectual Essay

This assignment will consist of a critical and evaluative intellectual biography of a contemporary leading thinker - Essay causaNorton is a consultant as well as a speaker withregard to strategic performance solicitude and a founder of Palladium group. The profession group mainly deals with performance measurement and management and ahead founding andbecoming the groups director he engaged in Renaissance Solutions a consulting bon ton he founded together with Robert Kaplan in 1992.The balanced wag aims at helping the development and management of schema through focusing on the way key measures relate in tracking progress. In the authorship Kaplan and Norton believe only adherence to quarterly financial returns and bottom line does not offer an geological formation the overall strategic view. However, the balanced scorecard goes beyond only the exploitation of financial measures through incorporation of three other essential perspectives. These other perspectives include cust omer perspective, internal transaction perspective and the schooling or innovation perspective. Customer perspective addresses the way customers consider an transcription while internal business perspective requires an organization to establish what is needed for it to excel moreover, the innovation perspective addresses what is needed in an organization to improve and create value in future. Through evaluation of the present and offering indications of future drivers, the scorecard is capable of measuring stick and motivating business performance (Kaplan& Norton, 1992). Kaplan and Norton published Strategy Maps, in this book they exhibit that despite the increased significance of cognition based assets, many organizations still focused on measuring short term financial performance. The book elaborates strategy as a notion by describing it in terms of its relationship referred to as strategy map. The book shows shifting trend from product-driven economy toward a knowledge econo my values intangible assets in organizational performance. However, at the time of writing the book there was no literature offering

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Many topics you can chose from Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Many topics you put up chose from - Essay ExampleGround pee can likewise lead to formation of wetlands or oases.There are ways in which foothold irrigate can be extracted from the creations surface for a score of uses. It can be used for plaza purposes, industrial usage, in addition to agricultural use for activities like irrigation. This can be possible by construction of extraction wells that draws water under(a)neath the surface of the earth. Ground water has been distributed differently under the surface of the earth. In addition, underground water undergoes movement under the earths ground. Study of ground water motions, plus distribution is known as hydrogeology. It is also called ground water hydrology. Ground water can also include soil moisture, immobile water that is found in bedrocks that have genuinely low permeability, and oil formation water that is found very deep in the earths surface. Ground water is thought to act as lubricants that cause movement of faults .The points under the surface of the earth where ground water originates are identified as aquifers. An aquifer has layers of porous materials that contain and transmit water. When aquifer is not confined, water can move freely between the earths surface and the saturated govern of an aquifer. Since temperance causes water to move downwards, deeper zones of the aquifer are further saturated as compared to the swiftness parts. Water table refers to the upper zone of the saturated layer of an unconfined aquifer. Below the water table, all spore spaces are saturated with water. This zone is known as phreatic zone. There is a substrate that slight porosity and allows little transmitting of ground water. This substrate is called an aquitard. Aquifers have diverse features depending on the geology, and the structure of the substrate as well as the topography in which they happen. Aquifers that contain a high amount of water are situated in sedimentary geologic formations. Crystalline rocks that are weathered and fractured produce a

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Music Industry Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Music Industry - consideration Paper ExampleBefore the profit had arrived, the distribution of melody was done through a fewer standards. These included CDs in the 1980s and the 1990s and before that, tapes processed one of the important mediums for the transmission of music to the final listener. All these standards had one feature in common. These mediums were traceable, secure and physical. Music theft and infringement was non common. Proper proceeds were given to the recording company, and henceforth to the artist. However, the sprawl of the internet led to websites, which started offering gratis(p) music, which was available for download for everyone (Burgelman, Year). In this regard, the music industry started losing quite a lot in revenues. most worrisome statistics will properly paint a picture of the loss of the music industry, because of an increase in digital media. Since peer-to peer, networking sites crap evolved, around 47 percent of the music sales in the United States have dropped. Moreover, internet users consume around $7 billion to $20 billion of the music, which is completely pirated, and the proceeds do not reach the right owner of the music. Around 30 billion songs illegally downloaded on the internet, through different websites in a span of five years (RIAA, n.d). ... Lastly, it tries to explain solutions to this problem in this high-octane and globalized world, where information is shared in nano-seconds. Concerning the legal issues involved in the music industry, it is important to discuss the depicted object of copyrights initially. copyrighting is a way of providing legal protection, given to different forms of art, especially musical comedy compositions such as lyrics, records and songs. In the music industry, the issue of copyrighting includes protecting the music itself (which includes lyrics and a melody) and the recording (such as mp3s, CDs, cassettes, DAT and other form of recording). If the music is recorded on a tangible medium, the creator has copyright protection. It is more prudent to depict with the Copyright office, to gain maximum protection (Lawyers for the Creative Art, n.d). In this regard, distribution of music on the internet, without obtaining the consent from the original owner becomes a copyright infringement. The United States Copyright Act states that the protection of a musical recording applies to sound recording. The reproduction of a particular sound recording forms the exclusive right of the Copyright owner. Infringement occurs when another party reproduces the musical recordings, without the permission of Copyright owner. Much of the music on the internet is obtained and transmitted without this permission. Therefore, it becomes illegal. However, not all the websites on the internet transmit the music illegally. These websites include iTunes, Rhapsody, MusicNet, and Liquid digital Media among others. When an individual downloads music off this website, he or she h as to pay a certain amount to the website (Bass, n.d). The mp3 engineering or the

Monday, May 13, 2019

The Organizations Internal and External Labor Markets Assignment

The Organizations Internal and External Labor Markets - Assignment ExampleCompensation standards qualify in the system of rules are considerably grounded on the internal and external labor market conditions prevailing. For example, in this particular system, the remuneration standards for those skills and expertise which are found in teemingness in the labor fool are kept at low levels, while the rare skills which are rated highly by the organization but not found in abundance in the market need to be compensate above industry standards. This is done with the aim of attracting, retaining and developing potentiality talents from the industry which accounts for one of the most potential competitive strengths for the organization (Osterman, 2004, p.2-3). Thus, it is seen how wage rates in the organization are determined and influenced by the existence, abundance or scarcity of human resources in the market. Likewise, the existing internal labor structure and strength of the organi zation forms the basis on which aspects such as career development planning, succession planning etc are designed in the organization. For this, labor forecasts are done to portray the afterlife talents and skills which would be required for meeting organisational objectives. Long-term objectives of the firm might call for an increase in particularly skilled resources while a shrinkage in the demand for some other resources. It is crucial to determine or identify the gaps betwixt the existing level of talent in the organization and the expected future talents which would be required in the organization. The organization plans its training and developmental activities based strongly on the skills it desires to nurture for accomplishing future goals. anyways that, the present recruitment and selection strategies are also designed in a way which helps to the future workforce requirements in the organization.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Organizational change is inevitable but how change is implemented Essay

Organizational diverseness is inevitable nonwithstanding how interpolate is implemented depends upon the organizational culture - Essay ExampleThis suggests that barriers to change could occur from different sources. Managers ar the change doers that shape the conditions for change (Saka, 2003). However, they too have to deal with the external environment which includes the organizational culture, the employees, and the pinch care. In addition, their skill and knowledge to cope with the change process is also critical for the success of the change management process. Despite the importance given to managing change, the change management process at most organizations is a difficult task. Thus, this paper evaluates the change dilemmas and decisions during mergers and the factors that influence change. It also evaluates the role of motivation in implementing change. Change has endlessly been associated with resistance. Resistance can occur when the purpose of change has not bee n communicated in an appropriate manner. Lack of effective communion can lead to resistance because it disturbs the equilibrium of the workforce that is used to set patterns (Hoang, 2007). Additionally, the change agent may lack the skills, competencies and the ability to manage the change process. They may also fail to recognize that change to a refreshful environment takes time (Kee & Newcomer, 2008). This would make them push the employees toward change which can lead to frustration. apart from resistance, employees may demonstrate a demoralized attitude and indifference to work. Gollan (2006) clarifies that management of people is more crucial than the combined effect of strategy, product quality, service, technology or even investments in research and development. If the staff is not taken into confidence they feel demoralized and they could give vent to their emotions of distrust, shock and anger. According to Schramm (2007) the change management program should be initia ted much before the change process so that the transition and change is smooth. AT&T appears to have adopted the right change management strategy as they linked their HR strategy to the strategic goals of the organization. AT&T merged two its stage business units in 1992 and the outcome was the new Global Business Communications Systems (GBCS). When AT&T merged two business units they faced dilemmas as they encountered several problems in the change process. Human resource effort is necessary to recast policies and programs into tools for linking the new business principles to daily life. The organization recognized that reorganization of the HR function was essential to support the strategic linkage. The change manager at AT&T was asked to examine every aspect of people dimension which show the need to engage the workforce and create an environment that would support their people as the only sustainable, private-enterprise(a) advantage (Plevel, Lane, Nellis & Schuler, 1993). Thi s conforms to Alimo-Metcalfe and Alban-Metcalfe (2005) who contend that transformational leaders must be able to articulate a strong batch and purpose to the followers. Transformational leaders must take on teaching role whenever necessary and this is precisely what the leadership at AT&T organized. The supervisors were asked to work as partners of the employees. The change management process was initiated much in advance. The employees were taken into confidence and the purpose of change was adequately communicated. To counter the apprehensions of the employees, AT&T initiated extensive communication at the beginning of their change process (Christen, 2005). An

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Europe in crisi.Does the crisi create opportunities for the country of Research Paper

europium in crisi.Does the crisi create opportunities for the country of Ballkan locality, specially for Albania - Research Paper ExampleThe fall in the deliverance of atomic number 63 has in any case stirred the economic conditions of the countries of Baltic region especially Albania and the GDP values of these countries nonplus decreased.This report deals with the miserliness crisis in Europe that is perhaps the most important discipline of todays world. As we know that crisis is an unsteady situation in which too much problem or obstruction is being faced. It is the most crucial or most vital turning point that can return to many another(prenominal) changes. When any crisis takes place then there are chances for the improvement as well. It cannot be give tongue to that a crisis can never get resolved. In this paper we are dealing with the economy crisis that has interpreted place in the European countries in the current time period. This is currently the most thrillin g issue that is under discussion everywhere. This crisis has many impacts not only over the European countries but also to many other countries of the globe. This global impact is because the economy of Europe is very powerful economy and there are many countries that used to invest in European countries so these countries are definitely being affected due to this economy crisis. The main issue that we have to discuss in this paper is the economy crisis in European countries and its affects over the countries of Balkan region. We have especially discussed the affect over Albania. This paper thoroughly discusses that does this crisis providing any opportunities to the economy of countries of Balkan region or not? As Europe is having one of the biggest economies of the world and the economy crisis in Europe is threatening the economic conditions of many other countries of the world. With the economy crisis in Europe the economy of Baltic countries has also decreased which shows that t hreat to the economy of Europe is also a threat to the economy of Baltic region countries. (Financial crisis

Friday, May 10, 2019

Structure of Society and Social Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

complex body part of Society and Social Policy - Essay ExampleThe relevance of this trait to programs for the elderly is that the high serving of young community shifts government policy priorities away from the needs of older persons (Schulz, 2005). Creating new jobs for young people is much much of a state problem than meeting the service needs of older people. disposal attention in health c are is also more focused on reducing infant mortality rates than in developing geriatric checkup care. The family is the social unit with primary responsibleness for the care. This is consistent with social, cultural, and religious mores. Although reliance on the family to care for elderly members has subsided in recent years, for reasons discussed later, there is a pervasive understanding that government policy should be designed to bolster the role of family care (LaVeist, 2002). abject class people often incur higher out-of-pocket costs for medical care and defecate fewer choices am ong health care providers. Theoretically critics accepts this to result in fewer health care contacts, out-of-the-way(prenominal) fewer of the routine examinations that are so important for proto(prenominal) detection of potential problems, and greater mark in seeking care when ill. Research has found this to be true (Schulz, 2005). Considering the ultimate cost of brusk health, it is also un scotch. The issue of poverty, a major contributing factor to poor health and one that impacts more severely on poor people, is simply too far beyond our purview to treat here. However, it bears remarking that some(a) of the recommendations, in fact, poverty reduction measures. For example, policies that would threesome to a reduction in drug and alcohol villainy would also lead to a reduction in poverty, for just as substance abuse is partially a result of poverty, so is it also partly a cause. Even more effective as poverty reduction devices are policy proposals yet to appear. Although t heir primary purpose is to relieve other problems, measures much(prenominal) as family planning services, teen pregnancy prevention programs, parent training classes, infant stimulation programs and early childhood education all attack poverty at its roots. Good education and high remunerative job leads to social mobility and allows a person to maintain high standards of living and receive better medical help (Schulz, 2005).2. Social class determines the level of medical care and dietary patterns available for people. Life sweep has long been the thermometer used to measure the health of the public. Only in this case, assuming quality of life is maintained, nurture indicates better health. We have come to expect greater longevity as one of the benefits of continued economic development. A fall in life expectancies is cause for alarm. Fortunately, this has happened only rarely. Poverty makes it more difficult to lead a healthy life. Shelter and diet whitethorn be inadequate. Neig hborhood air quality may be poor. Life is generally more stressful. Few people consciously choose to live a life of poverty, but people can and do make unhealthy lifestyle choices. People who are poor and less educated tend to make them more often, perhaps because of lesser understanding of the doable consequences (Schulz, 2005). More likely it is because some of those choices provide considerable utility, particularly in the very short flush and particularly to persons whose long-run expectations are low. Poor nutrition can be deadly (LaVeist, 2002). The traditional diet,

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Nation-State Boundaries are Becoming Obsolete Essay

Nation-State Boundaries are Becoming Obsolete - Essay Example1997, p.1). Many professionals ranging from commentators to journalists, from politicians to scholars across all disciplines, wear tried to describe and analyze this phenomenon and tend to agree that globalization, along with the halt of the Cold War, has radically changed the underlying rules of the game for a variety of key factors, particularly states (Smith et al. 1997, p.1).With the onset of this globalization and transnational companies, there come been long debates about the relationship of alleged(prenominal) sovereign states to each other (Wallerstein 1999, p.20). Wallerstein (1999) states that views range from those who emphasize the potent sovereignty of the various states to those who are cynical about the ability of so-called weak states to resist the pressures (and blandishments) of so-called strong states. Krasner (1999, p.34), on the other hand, reports that whatsoever analysts argue to the point that t he world is entering into a clean era, one in which the existing institutional structures, especially the sovereign state (by which they often mean several(prenominal) different things) is being undermined weakened, marginalized, or transmuted, by globalization.According to Krasner (1999, p.34-35), globalization can mean some assortment of developments that might include the legitimization of human rights, the digitalization of transactions, the speed of communication, the density of global non-governmental organization (NGO) networks, the transmission of diseases, the amplification of international capital markets, the surge of manufacturing in geographically dispersed areas, the universal availability of MTV, the increase in illegal migration, legal migration, and the like. Most analyses that emphasize the growing importance of globalization point to the transformatory nature of raw technology e.g. costs of communication and transportation have plummeted.Kelleher and Klein (1 999, p.146) defines sovereignty in that states accept no semipolitical authority as superseding their own. According to the principle, no international institution has the right to determine the laws and policies that apply to throng inwardly the borders of any sovereign state. Sovereignty, then, has the effect of de cutating government as the sole representative of the population of a state (Kelleher and Klein 1999, p.146). Krasner (1999, p.35) also provided that the term sovereignty has been commonly used in at least quartette different ways1. Interdependence sovereignty has referred to the ability of a government to actually control activities within and across its borders (including the movement of goods, capital, ideas, and disease vectors).2. Domestic sovereignty has referred to the organization of authority within a effrontery polity.3. Westphalian sovereignty has referred to the exclusion of extraneous authority the right of a government to be independent of external aut hority structures.4. International legal sovereignty has referred to the recognition of one state by another some entities have been recognized by other states others have not. Recognition has been associated with diplomatic immunity and the right to sign treaties and join international organizations.Globalization A Threat to SovereigntyAccording to Krasner (1999, p.36), many observers have suggested that the increase in