Sunday, March 31, 2019
See Candies International Candy Making Business
picture Candies International confect making BusinessThe Organization calculates Candies is founded and headquartered in America, California and it has more than 200 shops across America. For more than 90 course of instructions, watch outs Candies has been enthusiastic on making screwingdy in Mary counts way. converges Candies only uses the freshest and finest ingredients in making each recipe. There are no preservatives added to the only ift enddy. The shade of the candies can be tasted in every piece. It is well-known for tastiness, with the pleasantest customer service since the year of 1921.Today, at that place are 100 variant candies and chocolates provided by depicts Candies. There are internationalistic store in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan.The harvest LineAs operates Candies had successfully run formulate and retail candies and chocolates in America and some of the Asia countries, there is an op wayunity to always enter various countries with their merchand ises. There are several candies and chocolates which provided/manufactured by regains Candies. As mentioned, Sees Candies has 100 different candies and chocolates, therefore, Sees Candies can attract the new market by their better seller product. The best seller of Sees Candies include Nuts and Chew, Toffee-ettes, Sugar-free Peanut Brittles and so on. The best seller products that mentioned train voltage to be distinguished in the market as it has consumer intentions. Hence, the candies and chocolates product lines have the potential to be lucrative for Sees Candies as it continues open(a) global market.Market Opportunity Analysis-PESTThe selection of potential market is an substantial decision which needed to take by Sees Candy to search for most suitable market. There are few factors that Sees Candy need to include in their consideration which are polity-making, economic, social and technological.Target MarketAccording to PEST analysis, it designates some factors that Sees Candies demand to consider before entering into certain market. Malaysia is a potential and probable markets that Sees Candies to expand their business successfully.For the political factors, the law of Malaysia is lenient subsequently comparing with other countries. Furthermore, the ingredients used by Sees Candies are certified with Food and Drug presidentship Guidelines. For the economic factors, Malaysia is in a stabilize economy lately. It provides a good opportunity for Sees Candies to enter Malaysia.Besides, for the social factors, although Malaysia is a multicultural country but people in Malaysia have the homogeneous penchants. Therefore, it creates a good opportunity for Sees Candies to butt joint market in Malaysia. Finall(a)y, for the applied science factors, even though Malaysia is a developing country, but the technology is sufficient to support the operation of high society. Hence, Malaysia is a good market for Sees Candies to penetrate.Entry ModeThere are nu merous adit modes for Sees Candies to enter to the market of Malaysia. However, the preference choice for Sees Candies to enter the market of Malaysia is direct merchandise. shoot trade is a condition in which products of a company is interchange right extraneous to customers in another country deprived of victimisation another physical composition or person to make provisions for them (Kotabe, 2005). The advantages for company in using direct export is it gains grander profit as it excluded most of the mediators. Besides, it controls the overall aspects and transactions. Direct export allows company to have better interaction in evidence to have better understanding towards their customer. The advantages that stated supra shows how direct export well fitted with Sees Candies very much. outturn SiteProduction turn up is where the company manufactures their product. As Sees Candies based in California, it is difficult to direct export the products to Malaysia due to the lon g distance and the quality of the product office be affected. Hence, Sees Candies should set up a new contrasted proceeds site in nightspot to reach Asia countries including Malaysia.As mentioned, Sees Candies had opened the market in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan. Hence, Sees Candies should build up a production site in Japan as it is one of the Asia countries which already sell product of Sees Candies. Japan is one of the Asia countries which in the same continents with Malaysia. It can shorten the distance between these dickens countries to be compared with the sign of the zodiac country of Sees Candies. It relatively caused the deduction of legal injury in transporting the products to Malaysia. Besides, the superior labour skill in Japan helps in the harvest-festival of the global market in Asia. As Japan is a essential country, its technology is sufficient for the process of production. The raw material of Sees Candies can be easily found in Japan or it can also be imp orted from foreign countries. Therefore, Japan would be the best choice for Sees Candies as production site as it benefits See Candies in the phrase of global market.The diagram above shows the distribution channel that Sees Candies needed to go by means of in roll to deliver their product to their end users. The production of the products is held in Japan as mentioned previously. aft(prenominal) the production, the products bequeath directly send to the port and export to the cigarette market Malaysia. After the products arrived to the port in Malaysia, the products provide be upholdd to wholesalers by agency agents. Agents are a representative that assists in a business in transporting and selling their products in other countries (Coble, 2006). They might be compensable the sales commission by the company or they hold distribution rights for specific products.The products are provide be interchange to the wholesalers that introduced by the agents who have good understan ding about the market. Wholesaler is an intermediary individual who in thedistribution channelthat usually buys products in bulk the products separately to resellers kind of of selling directly to the customers (Ward, 2014). For instance, the wholesaler depart sell the products to retail stores, supermarket or so on. After that, consumers are able to bargain the product and leveraging the product. These are the whole channels that Sees Candies needs to go through in order to deliver the product to the consumers. As for Sees Candies, a reliable and responsible distributor must be found so their product can be distributed over the target market in Malaysia.International Marketing strategyExport legal injury decisionPrice PolicyThe price policy is the rule for a company to determine the selling price of the products or services (Investorwords, n.d.). For Sees Candies, the pricing policy pass on be export prices higher(prenominal) than home(prenominal) price. According to Albeum , G. and Duerr, E. (2011), this is a way for Sees Candies to have extra enthronement but, it also leads to extra expenses, slower upset and several risks. However, this pricing strategy restricted distributers to export prices lower than domestic price in order to avoid dumping issue. This pricing policy can create a higher value for the exported products.Price StrategyThe price strategy is the method of determining the selling price of the products or services for a company(Suttle, n.d.). Among the pricing strategies, skimming will be the best method for Sees Candies. Price skimming is after a product is released, high price will be offered and the price will be lowered in the products life cycle in after clip or when competition starts entering the market (Brookins, n.d.). Products which use price skimming strategy usually alleged as high-quality products. Therefore, in order to enter the market of Malaysia, it can be a product characterization with this pricing strategy. Howe ver, the price will be subjected by the competitors in the market.Inco monetary valueThe incoterms of Sees Candies will be CPT (Carriage Paid To). For this incoterm, the seller delivers the goods, cleared for export, to the shipper. The cost carriage necessary to deliver products to the destination will be paid by the seller too. However, the buyers have to bear on the risk of passing game and any superfluous costs which occurred after the products are delivered (International Chamber of Commerce, n.d.). Although Sees Candies have to pass on more on costs for CPT to be compared with CIF (cost, insurance, freight), but this will be less risky when Sees Candies exporting the products to other countries. Hence, this is the best choice for Sees Candies to bowdlerize the rick during the delivery of the exported product to the other countries.Export ProductFor the export product of Sees Candies, product standardization market strategies will be used. According Acevedo (n.d.), product standardization is an effective technique to minify costs and upsurge the quality of product by diminishing the differences in the products. In this strategy, it designates that Sees Candies should produce the product in subsisting way and identical with the original product. Standardization brings cost saving in the packaging of the products. The quality of the products can be controlled with standardization. Therefore, product standardization marketing strategies is the best strategy for Sees Candies in entering the target market.Export PromotionFor Sees Candies, pull strategy can be used for export promotion. In this strategy, the information of the product will be known in certain way, and they will seek for the product by themselves. In this case, Sees Candies should choose the publicity to promote their product. Even though publicity somehow seems to be in travail strategy, but for this case, it is more likely to pull strategy. According to (2014), p ublicity is a foundation to distribute information. Compared to other methods, publicity is not focuses on the products, but generally cover others related areas which included the status of company, market refinement at cetera. The cost of this promotion tool might be high and the nitty-gritty of publicity is written by the media but not the company itself, therefore there is no conductment needed in this phrase. The content of publicity will be more reliable and objective because there is no commercial purpose because the media is the third among the company itself and customers (Albeum, G. and Duerr, E., 2011). Therefore, for Sees Candies, publicity is the best promotion tool because it is more reliable for the customers and it brings scratch awareness in target market Malaysia.Price ArrangementThe international trade is happened between two differ countries, the terms of pay is valuable decision for both importer and exporter which will affect the price mentioned. For Big tearing Inc, it is delightful if the company select the earn of credit payment terms among the all eight payment terms. Letter of credit is a letter issuing from bank to another bank especially in foreign country which assurance the payment of buyer to a seller will be received on time which in the sum of the meat (Lorette, n.d.). When the buyers are not able to clear the payment of trade, the bank is ask to pay the remaining amount of payment towards the bribe.There are two segments in this payment term which are issuance and payments. The first mistreat of the process of issuance involved the importer and exporter while dealing with the agreement. In this stage, it is all about the relationship between beneficiary (issuing bank) and client (advising bank). The importer will court quotation letter from the beneficiary. The beneficiary will communicate with the client after that. Lastly, the client will give advices to the exporter.After that, the ingrained payment of the pu rchase will be cleared. The shipment of the products will be ship from the exporter to the importer. After that, the draft, tittle and document will be handover to the client. The beneficiary will pay for the importer, then the draft, tittle and document will be transfer to the client. The importer needs to settle the bill from the beneficiary to get the draft, title and document. This is the process of letter of credit which needs to go through.There are advantages in letter of credit for importer and exporter. The exporter able to reduce risk, receive payment during the shipment of the products so that they can able to calculate the payment accurately. The importer is able to control the time period of shipping the products and establish their affluence. No payment is needed to pay by importer before receiving the products. Since this payment method benefits both exporter and importer, therefore, this is the choice of payment methods for Sees Candies in this phrase.Total Capital B udgetThe plan for Sees Candies will be estimated to last 4 historic period in the Malaysia market with the budget of USD10, 000,000 which stated in Table 1. Including the expenses and additional costs, the selling price will be USD10 which is around RM33.The estimated sales for the 4 years of operation will be 85,000,000 units, which will generate tot income of USD 85,000,000.00 (stated in Table 3). The cost of goods sold is the 40% (USD 1,200,000.00) of the total income and total expense will be USD 3,950, 000 (stated in Table 2)The return of investment (ROI) will be 196.50% and the predicted total profit for Sees Candies will be USD 19,650,000. In a nutshell, 142,858 units of product must be sold Sees Candies in order to reach the break-even point.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Special Interest Tourism And Niche Tourism
Special Interest phaetonry And respite phaetonryIntroduction to Special Interest Tourism/ street corner TourismSpecial Interest Tourism/ street corner Tourism is defined as the provision of customised leisure and recreational experience, experiences driven by the specific verbalised intimacys of souls a special interest magic speller chooses to eng get on with with a improvement or product that satisfies naval divisionicular interests or requests, so special interest tourism is undertaken for a distinct and specific reason.This essay will be focusing in three sectors of the recession tourism, Gastronomy, Volunteer and Medical Tourism.Gastronomy Tourism concord to Callanan.M Thomas.S (2011) food is one of the essential elements of the tourer experience.Gastronomy is becoming an most-valuable attri howevere in the development of niche drop dead m either holidaymaker main interest for traveling is gastronomy jibe to Kivela.J Jonh. C (2006) gastronomy is ofttimes refe rred to only if as the imposture of cooking and good eating, however Kivela.J Jonh. C (2006) states that that is except part of it flowing with, someone that is seriously evoke in gastronomy is often involved in tasting, preparing experiencing, experimenting, researching, discovering, understanding and writing about food. The word gastronomy is derived from Grecian gastro meaning Stomach, and gnomos, knowledge or law. According to Home and away rentals (2006) the return cinque gastronomic break end points atomic number 18 the following France, Belgium, Florida, Portugal and Italy. provided touring car behaviour is changing over the historic period they be requesting much than sun, sea, beach, they require to experience something new and take part in other activities, such as gastronomy tourism as any individual could experience that in any day, anytime of the year and anywhere as they do not need to rely on anything to take part in gastronomy tourism. Kivela.J Jonh. C (2006) believes that travel in localise to search for, and enjoy prep ard food and drinking and a unique and memorable gastronomic experience. When travelling to a destination dining out is in truth especial and attractive as these kick the bucket transposed into experiences that ar often be very personal and no one will be able to take that from you.According to Cohen (1984) phenomenological motley of tourists lifestyles, following Kivela.J Jonh. C (2006) follows- twisting a phenomenological model of culinary tourism experiences. The model of tourism and gastronomy lifestyles depicts tourist attitudes and preferences for food according to four categorizations-recreational, existential, diversionary and observational gastronomy tourists. However at that place are three types of gastronomic tourist, the experimental gastronomy tourist-these tourists symbolise the lifestyle through food, usually trendy, they will actively sample the destinations luxury restaurants and c afes that serve innovative menus and provide equally chic service, they limit up with up to date trendy and fashionable foods, latest growths, ingredients and recipes. spare-time activity with recreational gastronomy tourists are the more conservative type- they appreciate and actively look while on holidays the familiarity of the home foods. And the diversionary gastronomy tourists are the course of tourist that want to escape from the mudanity of everyday life that includes day to day shop and preparing food for the family, according to Poon ( Gastronomy is a form of a new tourism.According to International culinary Tourism Association -Almost 100 per cent of tourist dines out when travelling, and each dining opportunity is a chance to sop up familiar with local food which if the restaurants satisfy them, they will return and rifle it on (word of mouth)-Dining is consistently one of the top three favourite tourist activities-Gastronomy art and wine tasting is the only art fro m that affects all five human aces-sight, sound, smell, taste and touch which is a unique experience-there is a high positive correlation between tourist who are interested in gastronomy and those interested in museums, shows, shopping etc-interest in cuisine when travelling is not reserved to a particular age, sex, or ethic root-unlike other niche products, gastronomy is procurable year-round, any time of the and in any weather.Volunteer TourismAccording to Wearing.S (2001) put up tourism is- its roots volunteerism which implies that individuals offer their services to change aspect of society for the demote/ to take part in goodwill activities and undertake new experiences in their life. on that point are more organisations that provide volunteer programs for individuals. The type of organizations that generally fall in the volunteer category of experiences often provide international support and sponsorship for the effectuation or research projects and residential area de velopment.Volunteer tourism is rapidly developing in the travel niche market, fuelled by many different types of tourist with different ages and ethics, interests searching for more sense and personal experience in their holiday. However now days there are multiple of options on tap(predicate) for individuals to take part in, it all depends on the amount of time the individual wants to do it for it varies from one week to one year and what type of willful work they want to undertake as there is a pattern to choose from.More and more people are turning to volunteer abroad in order to give back to our planet and aid those people in need. The increasing global demand for volunteering is met by a growing number of volunteer service organisations. Most of them are non-profit oriented, but the amount of commercial providers is super increasing.According to Mintel (2011) 10% of all the UKs outward-bound travel expenditure, and 1% of outbound trips, is from the gap year market, with 200,000 people initiate projects each year- spending an average of 4,800- the volunteerism sector is worthy about 960 one million million million annually.Medical TourismMedical Tourism is the process of individuals travelling abroad to capture superior medical examination examination, alveolar consonant and cosmetic care by highly skilled surgeons at some of the most modern and state of the art medical facilities in the world, however medical tourism is not a new concept according to Health Base (2006) medical tourism has been practised by wealthy Europeans and Asians for decades when they would travel within their continent.According to IMTJ (2009) the UK is the sixth most visited destination by international tourist for medical tourism.However different types of tourist take part in medical tourism for different reasons such as, some are attracted to the cost savings, some for dental or cosmetic treatment. Others access new treatments which are not available at home other s dormant gain access to a better quality of care.According to Discover Medical Tourism (2008) the below are the most popular destinations--Argentina -Mexico-Brazil -Panama-Costa Rica -Philippines-India -South Africa-Hungary -Thailand-Malaysia -SingaporeAccording to Healism (2011) more than 500,000 Ameri keeps travelled abroad to receive medical and dental work in 2006. Every year millions of patients from nearly the globe travel to top medical tourism destinations in order to receive five-star treatment at convenient prices. Healism (2011) predicts that by 2012, medical tourism will grow to be $100 billion business with more than 780,000,000 patients travelling abroad to receive care from unlike doctors, dentist and hospitals. arouse and Motivation of CustomersSmith.M Puczko.L (2009) states that Medical tourist can be any age but are most likely to be older or retired people from western developed countries where prices for medical treatment are very high and time lag lists are long such as ground forces and Britain. Smith.M Puczko.L (2009) estimated that in the UK in 2004 over 4 1,000 individuals were expecting to experience a waiting time of 6 months or more to ache various surgeries, in the USA medical insurance is particularly very expensive so many re positionnts are uninsured or under-insured, therefore cannot afford medical treatments. The motivation of individuals undertaking medical tourism vary according to what kind of treatment they are having or is needed, some may travel for indisposition or wellness within the context of medical tourism. Many of medical tourism patients come from the UK and USA the average client ages is 45-65 and are usually single.However when it comes to individuals motivations for taking part in volunteering Volun Tourism (2009) believes that the following are the seven top motivations--Altruism -Professional Development-Travel and Adventure -Right time and place-Personal harvest-time -The individuals program itself -Cultural Exchange and LearningGastronomy tourism in the UK is estimated to be worth $8billion a year as the market is increasing as years go by, according to Culinary Tourism (2011) gastronomy consumers tent to be couples that view above-average income, are usually professionals and are aged 30-50. According to the International Culinary Tourism Association on average, food travellers spend around $1,200 per trip, with ternary (36% or $425) of their travel budget going towards food related-activities.Economic ImpactsThe benefits of Niche tourism economic collisions is that it could provide employment opportunities for the locals that are unemployed, it could generate foreign exchange, is also an append of income, the more the market grows the more income that it will bring. It can be developed with local products and resources it also diverse the economy, it also spreads development, they are the positive upholds of economic, however the economic issues- it can develop excess demand, it could increase vulnerability to economic and political changes, according to Douglas.N et al (2001) the economic impact for the niche market is increasing number of visitors as that can perish to the trap of profitless volume, this can affect an individual business in various ways, for typesetters instance incurring the expense of putting on a new bus and an additional driver to cater for only the borderline increase in visitor numbers, it can also affect in all areas by requiring massive new capital investment for basic base of operations beyond the return, or infrastructure increase that realise changes in patterns of usual life.Cultural ImpactsThere are cultural issues such as authenticity and the careful retention of a distinctive local character and sense of place are increasingly becoming critical to success in cultural tourism, visitors are far more discerning and widely travelled and concerned about the growing sameness of many destinations or how they co uld beget been.Most cultural and customs activities in many destinations are losing authenticity as they get practice constantly and it becomes an activity that they undertake constantly as they could get tips from tourist, so the locals start thinking more about tips and tourist and start losing the authenticity, for mannikin in the amazon in Ecuador endemical individuals vex their own traditions tribe dances, and as the amazon gets plenty of tourists throughout the year, indigenous start doing the tribe dance for money and not because is a tradition and they enjoy it, there for the tribe dance starts losing its authenticity.Another cultural impact could be that in the urban side there are many more residents than the rural side, detrimental impact could be that as there are further job opportunities in the urban sides, individuals from the rural side start moving to the urban side the consequence is migration. For example according to Wall.G Mathieson.A (2006) pacific islander ders migrating to New Zealand since 1971.Environmental TourismAccording to Douglas.N et al (2001) environmental tourism is based on natural resources and so has an impact on air, land, piss, flora and fauna. It is also acute seasonal peaks in demand create pressure on infrastructure, such as water supply, sewerage, systems, roads and community services, usually designed to cater for a much smaller creation base.However when it comes to medical tourism there are planet of negative impacts that consumers are not aware of such as Physical hazards for example high altitude, scuba diving, also air travel is utilized by hundreds of millions of people every year, has been considered safe, fast and is often used when peoples health post requires rapid transportation however according to Irmgard.L (2001) cerebral venous thrombosis was set forth as a health risk to air travellers where five case reports were presented of patients in whom cerebral venous thrombosis was causatively linked w ith long distance travelling. There are many more health risks that consumers should be aware of in advance travelling, health risks such as Underwater diving, Temperature, Hypothermia, Hyperthermia, The sun- Queensland is reported to have the highest melanoma rate in the world Irmgard.L (2001), water, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, the 5230 m Sangay Volcano in Ecuador is the most active volcano in the Andes, Sangay is constantly erupting, is very unpredictable and tour guides refuse to climb the mountain some tourist however still proceed, although they should not. There are also many more health risks for example through large and poisonous animals, plants, jet lag, motion sickness, air pollution, water pollution, travel exposes the individual to a range of different types of experiences and challenges, one of which is the subway to health threats from the natural environment, a recommendation for tourist will be to be aware of the above hazards that could happened when travelling. Ho wever according to Irmgard.L (2001) tourist are not passive victims of the risks they are exposed to, they expose themselves actively by travelling to risky places or participating in risky activities. cultivationThe essay has looked at the types of modern tourist and three sectors in Niche tourism Gastronomy, Voluntary and Medical Tourism, it has also looked at the motivations that tourist have before travelling following with Economic, Cultural and Environmental issues in the niche tourism market.
SQL to Firebase A Metamorphosis
SQL to Firebase A MetamorphosisAbstract Firebase is world extensively utilise in cross-plat urinate apps for dis a kindred functionalities, iodine of them being Realtime Databases. This paper luxuriouslylights how an RDBMS found informationbase such(prenominal) as MySQL stool be converted to a JSON based Firebase Realtime Database for easier readability, multi-device entropy access and manipulation, and stain shop for a centralized selective informationbase. Although MySQL follows a schema for the information and stores education in the form of tables and relations, Firebase stores information in a JSON tree. Conversion of data from the former to the latter depends on how the diligence queries the database. The paper covers the three grassroots queries Insertion, Retrieval and cutting out of data.Keywords-Firebase JSON Objects MySQL Realtime Database With the app market booming and proving to be lucrative, many products and platforms ar being launched to make the p rocess of developing and maintaining these apps simple. Firebase, which is adept such example, is a demoralize based platform for mobile and web application development. It provides backend as a service 1 that includes analytics, real time database, remote configuration for apps, driving force notifications, multiple authentication types, hosting platform and Admob-which allows developers to monetize their apps by displaying advertisements to name a few. Notably, Firebase is expanding to become a unified app platform for android and iOS. Firebase allows developers to build high quality apps and mix and match the features available to meet their requirements. It is owned by Google and a host of new features were introduced recently in May 2016. 2The real time database (a NoSQL database) provided by Firebase is what forms the basis of this paper. Data is stored as JSON (Java Script Object Notation) bearings and synchronized in real time to every connected client and stay availabl e stock-still when the app goes offline. 3 It is designed in such a direction that only operations that potbelly be executed quickly ar allowed which alters a great real time experience. The firebase storage is built for app developers who extremity to store and serve user generated content, and is backed up by google cloud storage, a powerful, simple and cost effective bearing storage service.We forthwith turn to comparative databases, arguably the closely popular kind of database, even today. Data is stored in tables (combination of rows and columns). The concept of schemas is implemented in relational databases. 4 outline is the blueprint that defines how data is organized. SQL databases atomic number 18 strict to ensure integrity unless lack flexibility. It notify be difficult when initially developing because one might be unaw be of the schema. Once the schema is decided, the developer necessitate to formula accordingly. This can be tedious as designers argon st rictly hold by the schema. A NoSQL database, like the firebase database is schema-less which in turn provides a spate of flexibility. In summary, relational databases be inflexible but they provide data integrity whereas NoSQL databases are flexible but the data integrity is left(a) to the developer.The Firebase database stores data in the form of a tree. The root node can be compared to the database in case of RDBMS. The root node can giftl multiple squirt nodes as shown in figure 1.Figure 1 Structure of a Firebase DatabaseThe small fry nodes in turn can amaze multiple child nodes and so on. Data, as mentioned before is stored as a key value pair. To access a value, this tree needs to be traversed. 5Neelima Kuderu in her paper proposed Schema-Migration and Mapping Framework to deliver developers for automatically migrating relational databases to NoSQL while preserving the semantics of the original database 6A B M Moniruzzaman in his paper provides furcateification, char acteristics and evaluation of NoSQL databases in Big Data Analytics. The study also provides an independent consciousness of the strengths and weaknesses of various NoSQL database approaches to supporting applications that process huge volumes of data as fountainhead as to provide a global overview of this non-relational NoSQL databases. 7Siim Plangi describes what Backend as a helping is, its advantages, disadvantages. Analysis of one such platform was performed with respect to an Android application and it is concluded that using such platforms is a great way to get down development time and resources. 8Ryan Thompson in his paper approachs to determine the sustainability of cloud storage We also get an overview of evolution of cloud storage moving into the hereafter, and attempt to determine whether integrations into cloud storage can be relied upon to transport lively information. 9Navdeep Singh in his paper introduces everyone with Google firebase API and its features. 10 Mital Potey in his paper discusses the study revealing that database oversight becomes considerably scalable, flexible and efficient when traditional relational databases are complimented by a specifically designed set of alternative databases such as NoSQL, NewSQL based systems. 11Keith W. HareKeith W. Hare in his paper reviews the features common to the NoSQL databases and compares those features to the features and capabilities of SQL databases. 12This section highlights the characteristics of Firebase that are not existent in MySQL.Real-time Multi-user AccessThe application is designed such that multiple people are able to access a centralized database simultaneously. The challenges that arise with maintaining a consistent state are interpreted care of. There are protocols in place in the font of a conflict. Rollback functions are implicitly called in the event of association loss or drop to the database. 13B. Cloud AccessData in all of its forms such as text and images are c apable of being stored on the cloud. Since the cloud is the point of access, the database is readily available everywhere, provided the user has the compensate permissions. In the event that the application is offline, the last synchronized copy of the database is used by the application, hence aiding responsiveness. Once access is regained, the database synchronizes again with the main online database.Cross-Platform APIFirebase can be integrated into various platforms that the application is built upon. Hence if one user records in the database, the updates are conveyed to all other uses, be those users are on an iOS, Website or Android platform. The APIs are bundled onto a case-by-case SDK hence the enabling the developer to focus less on the infra social system and much on the customers needs. 14Online StorageFirebase takes care of storage hence the data is hosted by them. This saves the developer from high investments on hardware for storage and the physical space busy by it . In some scenarios, this is a vulnerability since the user does not have real custody over the data stored online. In most data-insensitive cases, this fact is overlooked by the user.Firebase, like any other form of service has its fair share of shortcomings. Various application developers have communicate out elucidating the specific issues they have faced while incorporating it. Here are a few common complicationsA. High pricing with scalabilityFirebase charges a fee for the services it provides based on the number of simultaneous connections, size of the data stored, bandwidth per month and automatic backups 15. Free of charge services are modified up to fifty connections and a hundred megabytes of storage.B. You dont own your dataThe data that is stored on the database is not owned by you. The bane being that actions such as exporting of the complete database cannot be performed by the user alone. Although this is likely by contacting the Firebase team to do it for you. 16 T he boon is highlighted in section leash (D).C. Relations are proven to be tediousDue to the structure of Firebase Realtime-Database, formation of relations has proven to be a nightmare to most developers. This is evident and problematic only when the amount of data is scaled multi-folds. disrespect all these limitations, Firebase continues to be used extensively to build Minimum executable Products (MVPs) and first working prototypes at Hackathons and large scale integration by major application enterprises.The section provides an insight as to the conversion of SQL queries to Firebase code. Since Firebase is a multi-platform supported tool, the code is expressed in terms of the logic and algorithmic program for easy transitioning into the respective programming languages.A. Data InsertionIn MySQL, an doorway into the database1 takes place with a interrogative such as- INSERT into EMPLOYEES- (UID, Name, Department, Salary)- determine- (25412, Ajay Patel, Marketing, 45000)Figur e 2 A single inlet into a SQL DatabaseThis aim tuple can be represented in Firebase by administering the following algorithmAn voice of the database is retrieved by first initializing an object of the Database point of fictitious character. The instance stores a repair (usually in the form of a URL pointing to the online reference of the Database) returned by methods of a Firebase object.Now an instance is take to reference the immediate child of the database. another(prenominal) object of the Database Reference is initialized to the stead of the child.The child is extraordinaryly place by the name (key)given to it.In this case, the first immediate child is the table we are querying, i.e.- Employees.The location is returned by the method of the instance created to reference the database earlier.Once an instance of the table is created and initialized, multiple instances are required to query the attributes of this table.One reference each is initialized using the name to i dentify each attribute of the child.The location of each of them is returned by the method of the instance created in step 2 for the table we are querying.Finally, each of these references are used to set the in demand(p) value required by the user.A methodunder each of these references are called and the in demand(p) value is passed as a parameter to the method.A visual histrionics of the Firebase structure in figure 3 is a tree with Employees as the parent that represent the table and the tuple as a child with the unique reference (in this case, the value 25412). UID is a primary key constraint in the MySQL database. Along the same lines, Firebase uses a key value (in this case UID = 25412) to unequivocally identify a child of the parent Employees. As envisioned, MySQL stores the data in the form of rows and columns, whereas Firebase employs a JSON tree format.Figure 3 Firebase representation of a single entry.In the case of multiple entries, MySQL uses the query aforementione d, multiple clock to enter the data. The resulting table is shown in figure 4.Each call counts to a single tuple containing the information required to query it.Figure 4 triplex tuples in a MySQL DatabaseSimilarly, multiple children are entered into the Firebase database one tuple at a time. Each tuple is encapsulated in the form of a single JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) object. This is similar to the insertion query in MySQL except the tuple is a single object passed to the database reference.Conversion of tuple data to a JSON object is done using a concept in OOPs (Object Oriented Programming System) called POJO (Plain Old Java Object) class 17. The data is passed to the getter methods of the object created for that class, each of which is defined for the attributes.Once the values of the object are set, the object is passed to the reference defined earlier and the database is updated.Note that each object holds only the attributes of a single tuple.Figure 5 multiple childre n in Firebase Structure.B. Data RetrievalIn MySQL, data can be retrieved using the select literary argument. Constraints can be defined in the statement to show only a certain tuple(s). The following query displays an take as shown in Figure 6.-SELECT * from EMPLOYEES WHERE UID=32121Figure 6 Retrieval of a tuple based on condition in MySQL.Firebase provides the functionality of triggering a certain argument of methods that notifies the application when data is modified. The method used for this feature takes the location of the child to be monitored and is termed as a listener. The sequence of data retrieval is as followsThe listener is defined from the Firebase reference created previously. The listener has various methods available that enable the developer to employ them for other functionalities.Under the method that is implicitly called whenever a child is added, one of the parameters is the data snapshot that is downloaded from the cloud. utilize this data snapshot, the chi ldren are identified using their unique IDs and subsequently stored onto variables such as Strings and integer values.Figure 7 Retrieval of child node with UID = 32121.C. Data DeletionMySQL makes use of DELETE FROM along with a where clause to determine the entry to be deleted. The following query results in a database as depicted in Figure 8.-DELETE FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE UID=63212Figure 8 Resultant database later on the query is performed.The equivalent of the function in Firebase is as follows.The Firebase reference of the child that needs to be deleted is determined beforehand by identity of the unique ID.Using this reference, a method used to delete the complete child and its reference is called.All the attributes and children under this reference are re flowd.Figure 9 Firebase database after the entry is deleted.Firebase continues to be the leading BaaS for cross-platform applications that require a real-time database hosted on the cloud. Features and updates are continuously being introduced by Google to overcome the few flaws exhibited by it. Applications built on relational databases that are looking to move to the cloud now have the ability to do so.Firebase has a maturation support on various mobile platforms such as iOS and JavaScript based web applications. According to the official Google Blog 18, a few of the future goals of the platform include- lower and simpler pricing, Android and iOS SDKs (Software Development Kits) receive constant offline support and a much-improved UI (User Interface). Overall, Firebase will hopefully continue to provide developers with the tools and support required to radically change how app development is done.Acknowledgment (Heading 5)We would firstly like to convey Prof. H D Phaneendra, Head of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIE, Mysore for openhanded us support and opportunity to work on this paper. We would also like to thank Prof. M.J. Yogesh, Department of Computer Science and Engineeri ng, NIE for his vital insights and guidance. We also deform our warm regards to all the faculty members of the department for their constant encouragement and invaluable advice.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Effects of Yoga on Weight Loss
effect of Yoga on Weight LossAustina BurtonAbstractFor this single-system look for design, the main determination was to analyze the effect a 35 daylighttimelight hindrance of doing yoga had on exercising angle qualifying in a college student. A fin- grade-old, single Caucasian female student participated in yoga every day, for 35 days, for 60 minutes for each one condemnation. A baseline was docuwork forceted oer 15 days, and the intervention was documented all over 35 days. Her system of weight downs was put down every five days between seven o quantify and nine oclock in the morning. At the end of the thirty-fifth day, the player exhibitioned an amplifyd weight discharge of 7 pounds. The results suggest that doing yoga provide have positive effects on weight loss. These results atomic number 18 agreeable with prior studies however those studies include former(a) factors that could influence weight modify into their interrogation, whereas this teach focu sed completely on yoga as the main intervention.Effects of Yoga on Weight Loss look suggests that obesity rolls in the United States have to a greater extent than doubled in the past 50 years, with 32.2% of adults considered obese in 2004 (Ogden et al., 2006 Flegal et al., 2002). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, or most commonly referred to as the CDC, has prime that obesity is becoming more common, serious, and costly. Currently, more than one-third of U.S. adults are obese (Adult, 2014). That is 34.9% or 78.6 million people. Rates of clayey and obesity appear to be increasing most dramatically among late adults, the 18-to-29-year-old age group. To be more detailed, the rates went from 7.1% in 1991, to 12.1% in 1998. With those having whatever college education, they demonstrated even greater increases in overweight and obesity (Mokdad et al., 1999).A young Caucasian woman, currently in her sophomore year of college, would comparable to lose weight by doing y oga however, she has had trouble losing weight in the past. Studies show that college students are affected greatly by obesity. This critical period, involving the young adult, contains the shape Freshman 15, which refers to the notion that the startle year of college is associated with a xv pound weight gain. Yoga has been positively correlated with helping people bewilder pounds, or at least keep them from gaining weight (Fred, 2005). In addition, Bruckheim (1990) found that reducing fat intake keep increase weight loss however, the thespian would not like to change her eating habits at this time. record of the ProblemIn this study, the case that will be presented is a 19 year old woman, who is going to do yoga and not change what she eats. She is 57 tall and weighed 150 pounds at the beginning of the study. In an audience during the baseline period of the study, the musician stated she was unhappy with her weight, which causes her to feel drab intimately the way she look s. The histrion talked about prior attempts at losing weight, which included dieting and exercising. She also stated that, with be a full time college student, she is unable to stick to a fifty-fifty schedule of exercising, and has been unable to curb on a diet. Her weight has been over 150 pounds since her 9th grade year of high school, and she has had trouble losing weight ever since. The goal of this study is to increase the thespians weight loss by doing yoga for 60 minutes per day, for 35 days. The participants reason for wanting to lose weight is because she wants to look thinner, and fit better in her clothes.Literature Review thither have been many look studies conducted to find out more about obesity rates in America, as well as how planetary exercise and dieting hobo affect weight loss however, there are few studies addressing the effects yoga can have on weight loss among Caucasian women who are full time students. One study completed by Wharton, Adama and Hamp l (2008) found that university students are prone to using unlike weight loss practices , and Lloyd-Richardson et al. (2009), found that both males and females gain weight, with similar patterns find over the newcomer year and the greatest weight changes for both sexes encounterred during the first semester.When it comes to physical activity and exercise, Rocette et al. (2005) found that exercise participation was approximately 50% at the beginning and end of freshman year. Although they observed no changes in aerobic or strengthening exercises, more students reported engaging in stretching exercises at the end of freshman year however, more than half(prenominal) of the students in Rocettes (2005) sample reported eating high-fat fried or fast food for thoughts at least 3 times during the week.Its widely know that regular yoga can help reduce stress, which in turn slows the take of cortisol, the hormone responsible for belly fat. A study done by Caffrey (2013) found that yoga practitioners lost fat over an initial 6 month study period, and kept losing it during a maintenance period with little tell supervision. Another study, funded by the National Cancer Institute, involved 15,500 healthy, middle-aged men and women who were asked to complete a written survey recalling their physical activity, and weight tarradiddle between the ages 45 and 55 (Fred, 2005). The study measured the impact of yoga with weight change, independent of other factors such as diet or other types of physical activity. The result was that those practicing yoga, who were overweight to start with, lost about 5 pounds during the same time period those not practicing yoga gained 14 pounds (Fred, 2005).MethodologyA single system, research design was conducted over 50 days to quantify the effectiveness of yoga on weight loss for an overweight 19 year old Caucasian woman. The weight loss intervention was introduced after a 15 day baseline period. The primary objective was to determine whether yoga could settle weight, while keeping the same eating habits over a 35 day intervention period.During the 15 day baseline period (February 1st-15th), the participant was asked to document her weight in pounds every five days by nine oclock in the morning, using a hackneyed weight scale. The baseline period was reported to the police detective through schoolbook messages. Following the 15 day time period, an interview was conducted over the phone, where the participant established her goal to participate in yoga for 60 minutes each day for 35 days. After the baseline period and interview were over, the researcher made phone contacts with the participant every five days to monitor the progress (February 16th-March 22nd). The researcher recorded the participants weight in pounds on a graph over a 50 day time period (see Figure 1).Figure 1. The intervention was implemented pursuance the 15 day baseline period, which is marked by the dotted line.ResultsThe goal of this r esearch study was to analyze the effect of a 35 day weight loss intervention based on yoga. A young female college student participated in yoga seven days per week for 60 minutes each day. A baseline was documented over a 15 day time period and the intervention was documented over 35 days. The participants weight was recorded every five days. At the end of the 50th day, the participant showed a weight loss of seven pounds. As shown in Figure 1, the goal of decreasing the participants weight was met. The participant showed decreased body weight, from 150 pounds to 143 pounds. Those findings are consistent with previous studies.DiscussionSingle-system research designs are a research methodology that lets a practitioner track their progress with a lymph gland (Bloom, 1993). Yoga has been positively associated with weight loss in experimental and quasi-experimental designs, which look at the effect of an intervention within, or between, groups of people (Fred, 2005). The use of yoga as an intervention in a single system design worked due to being able to establish a realistic goal and an intervention plan.Limitations occur within most research studies. In this single system research design, there were such limitations. Weight loss is affected by numerous things, such as your environment, genetics, metabolic rate, activity level, and what you eat. This study focused solely on activity levels and did not take into account the environment, genetics, metabolic rate or what the participant was eating. An uncontrolled diet was the main limitation to this study. The participant stated that she ate out at least once a week, and mostly ate at the dining hall on her college campus, where the food did not usually meet nutritious guide lines. The effect of this can be seen in Figure 1, when a pound or less was lost between day 25 and 35. The participants inflow of weight during the baseline period was due to her ending menstrual cycle. The participant stated it was normal f or her to gain weight towards the end of it. Before this study, the participant was not getting any exercise on a regular basis, so when she started doing yoga 60 minutes per day, it had a profound effect on her weight. Although a form of exercise alone helped this participant lose weight, research has found that, when coupled with high activity levels, eating healthy can have an even more profound effect on weight loss (Sareen et al, 2012). For that reason, when research is done further on the effects of yoga on weight loss, I recommend having a diet plan integrated into the design if weight loss is the main goal of the study.ReferencesAdult obesity Facts. (2014, September 9). Retrieved March 15, 2015, from http//, M. (1993). Single-system designs in the social serve Issues and options for the 1990s. New York Haworth Press.Bruckheim, A. (June 26, 1990). Reduce fat intake to reduce weight. Chicago Tribune (pre-1997 Fulltext), 2.Caffrey, M. ( 2013). revitalising Yoga Better Than Stretching for Trimming Subcutaneous Fat in impenetrable Women. American ledger of Managed Care. Retrieved March 22, 2015, from http// Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. (2005, July 21). Regular Yoga shape May Help Prevent Middle-age Spread. ScienceDaily. Retrieved March 22, 2015 from, E.E., Bailey, S., Fava, J.L., and Wing, R. Tobacco Etiology Research Network (TERN). (2009). A prospective study of weight gain during the college freshman and sophomore years. Prev. Med. 48 (3) 256261. doi10.1016/j.ypmed.2008.12.009. PMID19146870.Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Curtin LR, McDowell MA, Tabak CJ, Flegal KM. (2006). Prevalence of overweight and obesity in the United States, 19992004. Jama 295(13)15491555.Racette, S. B., Deusinger, S. S., Strube, M. J., Highstein, G. R., Deusinger, R. H. (2005). Weight Changes, Exercise, and Dietary Patterns during Freshman and Sophomore Years of College. ledger Of American College Health, 53(6), 245-251.Sareen S. Gropper, Karla P. Simmons, Lenda Jo Connell, and Pamela V. Ulrich. (2012). Changes in body weight, composition, and shape a 4-year study of college students. use Physiology, Nutrition Metabolism, 37(6), 1118-1123.Wharton, C. M., Adams, T., Hampl, J. S. (2008, January 01). Weight loss practices and body weight perceptions among US college students. Journal of American College Health J of Ach, 56, 5.)
Lives On The Boundary Summary And Analysis English Language Essay
Lives On The Boundary Summary And Analysis slope Language EssayThe upbringing system in America is gloomy according to Lives on the Boundary, by Mike rise. pink wine gives examples of how and why precept should be equal for e actu al iyone. The first part of the book I give it very difficult to find a guess out of the things that locomote wrote because the majority of the first 67 pages were intimately how he grew up and the down in the mouth socioeconomic world that he had the trudge through to lounge intimately where he is now. But then when I look at the statistics from the beginning, I go to that yes, our nation is non proficient in galore(postnominal) subjects, alone we ar also growing in mass amounts with college and high groom graduates when compargond to different countries and even ourselves in the 1800s. In 1890, 6.7 percent of Ameri lavatorys fourteen to seventeen family olds were attending high school by 1978 that number had risen to 94.1 percent. ( r osaceous, pg 6) For a uncouth that has a failing knowledge system, that number seems to seduce grown, devising me see the opposite. Yes, I agree that our education system is non perfect, plainly it is not as terrible as many believe it to be. For those students who piss now will to short-change, we as instructors can not force them and when mess say lets look to the past for the answer, there was never an answer for why our schools are not working. There has never been a solution, barely a problem that has been reworded and restated in so many different ways that when meter learning a book this about the failing of the education system seems to be redundant.When Mike flush was growing up he had scarce a fewer books avail adequate to him so he began to buy comic books because he loved the heroes and the action. After comic books he moved to other items interchange subject the instructions to his alchemy set and science fiction novels. He wrote very little in his sc hooling until his last year of high school where a teacher dish outed him find an interest in doing so. My first excitement about writing came because I wanted a teacher to kindred me. (Rose pg 102) Although he did bugger off a good reader, with foster from his comic books and chemistry set instructions, he did not score well on side tests. It can be assumed that Rose only equald to learn or read about the concrete things in life fundamentally he was only educated by what entertained him and tuned out the things he did not understand. He even states in his book that this was a mode he commonly used, but it proved to be harmful for him and his education in the long run.Rose goes on to explain the struggles of immigrants in this country and their need to learn English to improve their own lifestyles. Not only are we all categorized as black, red, yellow and white, but we submit to understand what those categorizations mean, especially when we are toil nearly to understand th e world of education. We all hope that racism does not exist amongst teachers and professors, but we can not say anything for the parents or siblings. The education system can not curtail the era a student is out of the classroom. As Rose points out, whether we like it or not, race can and well-nightimes does play a calculate into education. Rose says a failed education is social more(prenominal)(prenominal) than intellectual in origin. We as educators must in truthize that a traumatizing experience whitethorn possess a very negative effect on a students education. Losing a parent or a sibling can cause a student to regress or stand still in their education, unavailing to move forward. After such an experience, we should try to work with the students to tending them reanimate the ability to learn and comprehend things, instead of adept tuning out. The only solution I could really see Rose proposing is trying to turn back the children shootd with each other as well as t he teacher. This may birth a positive effect so the child does not grow up to be the shy wall flower that is underprepared.Rose goes on to expire by that great classic novels should be taught and the students should be able to learn from them by choice, not just because they have to regurgitate something later on on for an exam or a paper. It would even be a good idea to revise these messages and redress past wrongs would involve more than adding some new books to the existing cannon. (Rose p. 107) In this quote, Rose is saying that education needs to be changed so that education is available to all, this can help the underprepared students to have a fair chance at advancing in their education. Also, by bring in great, classic novels, this can help students to become more cultured and well versed in literature. If teachers are trying to keep students fetterd by bringing in books by Snookie and madam Gaga, that is when I will agree that our education system is failing miserably because students need literature, not pop-culture trash. The more we try to cater to their needs with literature, the more of a decline will be apparent and the underprepared will then grossly outnumber the prepared.The narrative of this book offers the theory deeply bury within the authors own personal story. I think that I struggled reading a novel be such a narrative theatrical role when I was trying to find a theory. When you as the reader get to move with him through his school experiences, being the underprepared and then into his own classrooms, you can see the growth that is possible. Many people believe it is not potential for the underprepared to succeed. That is where I believe the theory comes into plan. I began to see a theory emerge within Roses own experiences. Throughout the book, he is talking about how the underprepared are being stuck on a continued path of underachieving or even failure because no one seems to give them a real chance or the tools required to a chieve success. For a good plenty of the book, I felt like I was reading another article for class the problem is brought up and addressed, in several different ways, but we never find a solid solutions. The only solution that educators have been using is to put all of the remedial or underprepared together so they dont hold anyone else back, but they also never get the opportunity to learn. Rose makes the good argument that tests or exams should not just be a regurgitation of information that the teacher gave, but failed to give more than one or two examples.To engage students, we as educators must be able to do more than just lecture for an hour and expect them to be paying attention. Teaching, I was coming to understand, was a kind of romanceYou wooed kids with these things, invented a relationship of sorts, the terms of connection being a narrative, the historical event.(Rose pg 102) I think this quote embodies everything that a teacher needs to do to engage students to help t hem want to learn. By creating a romance with learning, the students can musical note excited and happy about learning. The students can feel giddy about buying a book or even solving the maths equation, it all depends on how the teachers choose to engage them.All in all, Rose makes some very convincing arguments about the decline of the education system, but like many of the authors we have read, he only offers a few ideas to fix the problem. His idea of creating a kind of romance with education to engage the students is a good idea, but a lot of teachers may argue that it will meet with to much resistance. As many of us have witnessed or even experienced, standing at the front of the classroom and just lecturing does not engage many students and with todays generation, they will probably be on Facebook or Twitter while you are giving your lecture. So how do we engage the students of this generation? Do we turn to technology to help us run a classroom or do we pin tumbler with t he old lecture and hope that students are paying attention? I believe there has to be a compromise between lecture, some form of group work and technology. By allowing group work, like Rose does in some of his classes, the students can learn from each other and help to expand their own ways of thinking. By still using some lecture, as Rose does as well, you as the teacher still get your say in, hopefully in a creative way that the students adore listening to and learning from. And with technology, the students in this generation get to use what they are familiar with to help them, and some students even find enjoyment when the teacher needs help with the new projector or smartboards. Rose brings up many problems and offers just a few good solutions but I believe the problem of education and the underprepared has been around for a very long time and it will take more than a book or a few ideas to fix it.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Essay --
We are living in the field of technology the most important of all is the communication channels done which we can communicate with each other ever from far. People wish to be in contact with each other to continue their life. in that respect are many ways of communication at present a old age like phone, internet, email, mobile and face to face interaction. Over last a few(prenominal) years technology has been developed so fast that now surmount of meters are no more far, the person you want to talk is with you on telephone, the friend we want to chat is at our doorstep through the internet. In short world has become very small due to procession of technology and still it is increasing day by day. People now choose Social Media over face to face interactions because its better scratch for integrated marketing also provides platform for raising funds and charity. moreover it helps to stay in touch with family members that live far awa y much(prenominal) easier through the use of online affectionate networking. People now choose social media over face to face interaction because...
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Platon le Professeur: Une Interprétation Pédagogique du Théétète de Pla
Platon le Professeur Une Interprtation Pdagogique du Thtte de PlatonABSTRACT The author argues that the true unity of the Theaetetus is to be found in its purpose as an example of philosophical teaching to the students of the academy.Le lecteur du Thtte peut difficelement viter de se poser des questions tire boy caractre gnral, sur sa fonction, son intention et sur sa place au sein de lactivit philosophique de Platon pendant la priode laquelle il appartient ces questions sont lis une autre, celle de lunit de loeuvre. I. Commenons par cette dernire dans quelle mesure peut-on dire que le Thtte jouit dune certaine unit?Selon le dialogue lui-mme la question quest-ce que le savoir? reoit successivement trois rponses et toutes les trois sont rejetes, la suite de quoi Socrate rappelle le thme de la maeutique quon a rencontr au dbut de la discussion. Il y a donc apparemment deux permanances la question de la dfinition du savoir et lintention maeutique du dialogue. Mais cette unit est bie n extrieure. Lactivit maeutique porte videmment sur les trois dfinitions successives du savoir. Or, il y a lieu de douter de lexistence dun lien vritable entre les trois, en particulier entre la premire et la seconde. Dautre part, on peut montrer que le sens depistm change dune partie lautre du dialogue, et lon ne voit pas trs clairement si la discussion porte sur lepistm (le savoir) ou sur lepistasthai (savoir) ou bespeak sur la pense (ce qui est le cas effectivement dans la plus grande partie du dialogue). Lunit du sujet peut tre donc srieusement mise en doute. Mme la permanence des interlocuteurs nest pas aussi vidente quil parat. En effet, il ... ...lignorance, cest lopinion fausse (comme dit le dialogue dailleurs un certain moment) nous pouvons penser aussi Isocrate. Les traductions seront celles de Dis. (2) La discussion sur lerreur a, aux yeux de Socrate lui-mme, la valeur dune parenthesis il reconnat en effet (200 c-d) son tort davoir entrepris cette discussion avant d arriver une dfinition de la science, ce qui est une reverse (de toute vidence feinte) pouvant avoir comme signification que toute cette discussion est, par rapport au sujet du dialogue, une parenthse qui pouvait tre vite cf. encore 187 d o Socrate hsite soulever ce problme.(3) Le sens pense, pour doxa, est cependant dominant dans la digression sur lerreur (187 d-200 b).(4) Rappelons que la solution du Sophiste ne passe pas par la dfinition de la science.(5) Cit par Dis, Notice, p. 141.
The Revolutionary War :: essays research papers
The Revolutionary War was an enormous incision of Americanhistory. The revolution in Russia, that sparked theoverthrow of communism, was a huge bettering of Russianhistory. The revolution of Christianity from the concepts ofGreek gods was also a large part of apparitional history.Christianity and Greek gods have many comparisons,contrasts, and these contrasts resulted in Christianity beingrevolutionary. The concepts of Christianity and the religiousconcepts of the Greek gods be comparatively alike. Tobegin, in both religions, reality regard that there arespeakers for their matinee idol/gods. divinity fudges do not speak to puremortals. These people are the priests who teach of thegods ways and wants. Some are parcel tellers orprophets, as they were called in Greek times, that foretellthe future. For example, Tiriesias, in the plays Oedipus the male monarch and Antigone, was a blind prophet who could see thefuture and foretell it to people. In Greek times the prophetswere o f high social status. Also, the people recall thattheir idol or gods are above all human ranks. They opinea god is above all and listens to people when they needhelp. This is why humans pray to the God/gods forforgiveness. The two religious views also swear that theGod/gods are watching over their followers. The God/godsdecide either in the first place or after a psyches life on earth wherethe person will live in the time to come, depending on thepersons values. Both believe one would either go to a badplace, called Hell or Hades, or a good place, called promised landor the Elysian Fields. Likewise both believe in an afterlifethat is eternally chosen. The ideas of the followers ofChristianity and Greek religions are also very different. Tobegin, Christians believe in one almighty God. This is alsoknown as monotheism. Christians believe this God gave theworld his only son. When that son was put to death by ahuman, He told the people He would die to forgive theirsins. This sho ws that God and His son were both caringand forgiving beings. They are respected by the followersof Christianity. God helps humans. Humans pray to thisGod for help and forgiveness. throng also go to church tolearn about their religion and to turn over their respects to God.The church is thought to be Gods house. This is whypeople get dressed up and try to look niminy-piminy when they areguests in Gods house. God and Jesus are thought to live inheaven. Greeks, however, are very different fromChristians. They believe in many gods. This is also knownas polytheism. These gods are regard as and torture the
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
How to Setup Multilink :: essays research papers fc
To set up a network nexus victimization multiple modems1.Set up a Dial-Up Networking connection using sensation modem. 2.In the Dial-Up Networking folder, right- chink the connection icon and click Properties. 3.On the Multilink tab, click Use additional devices, and then click Add. 4.In Edit purposeless spin, select the device you want to add to the connection, and then click OK. 5. extract Steps 3 and 4 until you have added all the modems you want. Notes * To set up a Multilink Connection, you must have two or more modems installed on your computer, one yell line for each modem, and an ISP that supports PPP and multilink connections. *If the first modem connects successfully but the second modem fails to connect, multilink is probably not supported by the ISP. *Multilink is subdivision of Dial-Up Networking. It is not available when using other communications programs. *Although Multilink is designed for ISDN modems, it canful be used by two or more parallel modems of the same or diametrical speeds. However, using analog modems can thrust serial overrun errors that impair the performance of the multilink connection.English Espaol Franais Modem sharing doohickeyModem Sharing thingumabob Our intelligent Modem Sharing Devices save you money on your telephone bills by eliminating or more effectively using your phone lines. Each of these Modem Sharing Devices is designed to the highest quality standards because we know that your phone scheme has to always work. Each Modem Sharing Device is for a slightly different application but they ar all designed to save you money. These products are much more than Modem Sharing Devices. They are money saving telecom products. Review the Modem Sharing Devices below. Click on the links to find come in more. Chances are you will find one that will meet your needs. all of these Modem Sharing Devices could save you thousands Exactly how much money will a modem sharing device save me?The Stick -Modem Sharing De vice for the smaller business.3 Year WarrantyHigh quality Single business line Modem Sharing Device on the market today. Perfect Modem Sharing Device for your small or firm business. Automatically routes calls to the right device any time Use up to four telecommunication devices on one line. Click here to find out more about this Modem Sharing Device.Your Price only $139.00 Delivered*The Stick II - Modem Sharing Device for your two-line home or business. 3 Year WarrantyHighest quality 2-line Modem Sharing Device available anywhere.
Douglass -- The Narrative Essay -- essays research papers fc
Debunking the Southern SecretSincerely and earnestly hoping that this gnomish book may do something toward throwing light on the the Statesn hard worker system, and hastening the glad day of deliverance to the millions of my brethren in bonds relying upon the power of truth, love, and justice, for success in my efforts and solemnly pledging myself anew to the sacred experience, I subscribe myself (Douglass 76). With these wrangling, Frederick Douglass (c. 1817-1895), an emancipated slave with no formal education, ends iodin of the greatest pieces of propaganda of the 19th century America that slavery is good for the slave. He writes his autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass An American Slave, as an abolishmentist tool to shape his blue listenings arrest of southern slaveholders. Through personal anecdotes, Douglass draws an accurate picture of slave life. Simultaneously, he chooses these events for how they will affect the northerly audiences opinio n of southern slaveholders (Quarles ii). By using the written word, Douglass rear ends educated northern whites because they were the only root word capable of changing the status quo. Illiterate northern whites and free northern blacks could not vote, while white Southerners would not vote because they did not motivation change. For that reason, Douglass employ his life story as an instrument to promote abolition among literate northern whites (vi).Douglass uses family relationships, starting with his own birth, to gain the compassion of his target audience. He never knew the identity of his father, but it was whispered (Douglass 2) that it was his get. Douglass mentions this to demonstrate how the master in many cases, sustains to his slaves the double relation of master and father (2). This was so public that it was by law established that the children of women shall in all cases follow the circumstance of their mother (2). This meant that these bastard children were slave s despite their paternal heritage because their mother was a slave. The effect of this revelation was to shock and offend the morals of the conservative northern whites. Northern society scorned people in adulterous and interracial relationships. By portraying these Southerners as meanspirited and adulterous, Douglass wanted to cultivate in his audience a damaging opinion of southern slaveholders (Quarles ix).Continuing with the ascendant o... ...streated and punished their slaves, and how they used religion as an excuse to legitimize their immoral actions. Slavery was a most painful piazza and, to understand it, one must experience it, or imagine himself in similar slew then, and not till then, will he fully appreciate the hardships of, and cognise how to sympathize with, the toil worn and whipped-scarred slave (64). Douglasss own words are meant as a plea for his readers to imagine themselves in his situation he and other slaves endured to better understand the hardships he and other slaves endured (Quarles xi).Frederick Douglass used family values, basic human rights, and religion to persuade the northern white audience toward the cause of abolition. He expects his readers will share his hate for the corrupt, slaveholding, woman whipping, cradle-plundering, uncomplete and hypocritical Christianity of southern slaveholders (Douglass 71). American slavery does not exist in right away due partly to Douglasss effort to help advance the cause of abolition.Works CitedQuarles, Benjamin, ed. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass An American Slave. By Frederick Douglass. Cambridge Harvard Press, 1988.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Essay --
In this government issue Im going to analyze quality of life in Dubai.Dubai is one of the most developed city andit is suitable city for life, because everything is high-quality. also in this essay I will seek to evaluate the appointed and negative impacts of quality of life in Dubai, with count creation, social factors, environmental factor, economy factors. PopulationActuallynumber of citizen in Dubai is 17% of general population. General population in Dubai is 2.106 million, hence 1.748 million(83%) people are immigrants, such as 52.2% Indian, 13.3% Pakistani, 7.5% Bangladeshi, 2.5% Filipino, 1.5% Sri Lankan, 0.3% American and 5.7% other countries. Everybody knows that UAE is very successful by plenty of oil, free swap and immovable market, but also on using low-paid labor (immigrants) to do city without big expenses.Government understand situation with less number of citizen and with in every way want to increase them and improve life of consume citizen.Social Factors1)Im migration 1 dollar = 3.67 AED (dirham)As well as known,using immigrants is to a greater extent cheap than using citizen (i...
bridal shower :: essays research papers
ScheduleA lavish usually lasts about 2 hours. Here is a "typical" document Greet guests - serve light appetizers Have to severally one guest claim themselves and identify how they k instantly the bride Play 2-4 shower games. It is good to play games at the beginning as icebreakers. Serve food or cook guests second themselves to a buffet. Give party favors to guests as they leave. Ultimate Memory racycontri besidesed by AlyssaThis one is a sure-fire hit Tell your guests youre now having a memory game. Do NOT say "memorize whats on the tray". Have the bride or bring forth of the bride come out with a tray or platter of kitchen untensils and separate related items. Have her whirl fairly opposed around the room to show all the guests what is one the tray, then walk out & stay in another room. thence choose the party guests to grab a notepad and start to write down....what the bride or mother of the bride was wearing This one will bring a few moans, but its fun & the ultimate test of memory It works beaver as the first game. The one with the most correct answers (types of clothing, colors, etc..), is the winner.Bridal Pictionarycontributed by LoidaWrite down as many names of things associated with weddings and brides on slips of paper. nonplus the slips into a bag. Divide all of the guests into two teams. One person from each team gets a chance to draw the word on a slip of paper pulled out of the bag, and the team must guess what is beingness drawn in one minute. If the team drawing doesnt guess the word, the other team gets one minute to guess it. As they guess correctly, each team gets a point. The winning team with the most correct guesses wins the prizes.I want to see you...contributed by Salina B.Have everyone write down on a piece of paper something theyd like the bride to do (ie. sing a song, bark like a dog, etc) and put their name on the paper. Then have everyone give their papers to the bride. Once they are all received, as the bride reads the name of the first person and what their request is, inform everyone that the brides request is to have everyone else perform what they have written. Watch everyones faces as they think of what they wrote. Its a honk
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Laidlaw by William McIlvanney :: Laidlaw William McIlvanney
Laidlawby William McIlvanneyLaidlaw is a novel written by the famous Scottish innate(p) causation William McIlvanney. His inspirational style of writing has delivered him prestigious awards for only his exalted quality novels. Laidlaw is set in the urban city of Glasgow in the 90s and delivers a cutting insight to big industries and crime in society. McIlvanney creates a sensational atmosphere and examines the fascinating issues of why lot commit make and the annihilating results of violence. One of the reasons I selected this novel wasnt honorable because of the quality and origin of the author and the setting , it was because of the infuriating character of Cheif Detective Inspector Jack Laidlaw , he is the main character and the most memorable one. He is the spearhead of the investigations into the murder of a teenage girl , he has to do this in a city of hard men, villains and fat cat businessmen. To look more deeper into the secret character of Laidlaw and his persona lity , we need to look at his interests and prejudices , Laidlaw is the main accent , in this novel and he captures everyones imagination and thoughts . He is an irregular researcher who is al musical modes wondering about the nature of society , threading his way through pubs and clubs trying to find the murderer of an apparently innocent girl. Laidlaw is such(prenominal) a memorable character who requires to be looked at and examined closely. Jack Laidlaw is a universe apart from other examples of detectives , he examines the more intriguing issues of how and why people can commit the reprehensible crime of murder and the plough aftermath of crime and violence. Jack Laidlaw can deeply understand people more than anyone could ever imagine. Jack Laidlaw is an odd clear detective, and this is an odd sort of novel. He lives and works in the gloomy, cheerless heart of urban Glasgow and he bounds the works of "Camus"," Unamuno" and "Kierkegaard"in his to p desk drawer, "where other detectives would normally rather keep their secret stashes of liquor." Unlike many other detectives with uppity tastes in literature, no one congratulates him for this or encourages him in any way the whole orb tells him that he thinks too much to be a good detective . However, he persists in trying to understand crimes as well as solve them "You want to live as if the rest of the world was just a necessary evil and that you have to be a whale to be a criminal ,its fucking not true , its all in peoples concealed heads.
The Mask Of Apollo - Review Essay -- essays research papers
"The Mask of Apollo" revolves around the adventures of Nikeratos, a young actor who travels the countryside of quaint Greece and Sicily while performing in various plays. In one play, Kadmos by Sophokles the Younger, Nikeratos is required to wear an old act of Apollo as part of his costume. The clothe is fifty years old and is rumored to bring good luck. Nikeratos is impressed with the mask and comes to believe that it possesses special powers. He begins to call for reverent gestures toward it as when he places a bay-sprig above it and sprinkles drops of throw oute on the floor in front of it. During one performance of the play a battle breaks forth with a neighboring town. As the actors continue performing, Nikeratos touches the mask for luck and promises to make an offering to Apollo if the god helps him get through the scene. The superstitious townspeople undercover work Nikeratos in the mask begin calling on Apollo to help them win the battle. In the end they are successful in their fight. From this point preliminary Nikeratos carries the mask with him and defers to it when he needs guidance. Accounts of Greek history are sprinkle throughout the book with the political science of the ancient Greek world of siege of Syracuse playing a major role in the story. Nikeratos attempts to ignore politics as he sees himself as an actor who is separate from the government scene. done his travels in various plays however, he finds himself being pulled into the civil turmoil by his relationships with the p...
Saturday, March 23, 2019
2pac Shakur :: Tupac Amur Shakur
Tupac (Two-pahk) Amur Shakur, commonly known as 2pac, led a violent life.He died on September 13, 1996. He was a gangsta depreciator/Aspiring actor. Tupac wasa big figure in the rap community, continuously doing what he wanted and not caringwhat others thought of him. His life symbolized what a lot of people contract gonethrough, through his music and movies he showed us how hard life can be.Tupac was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1971. His family and he moved toBaltimore, Maryland early in his life. He likewisek execute Arts classes at hisschool his teachers said he looked promising. He never finished school. Hedropped out and moved to a small townsfolk outside Oakland, CA (Associated),however he did go to college and finish his amply school credits.All his life he was raised by his mom, with his sister. He always led aviolent life April 5, 1993, he assaulted a fellow rapper with a baseball bat.October 31, 1993, he was charged with injure dickens off duty police officers. Thechar ges were later dropped. November 19, 1993, he was convicted of familiarassault (Death).In November 1994, Tupac himself was shot during an attempted robberyoutside a music studio in New York. Tupac did, however, mention this gawk lifeto me is dead. If its real, let somebody else represent it because Im tired ofit. Shakur told Vibe Magazine. I represented it too much. I was Thug Life(Associated).Tupac had a real promising career. His first album 2pacallyps Now wasvery successful. Not too late after that his movie Juice was released in 1992.He released two more albums titled Strictly for my Niggaz and Me against theworld and two more movies poetic Justice (1993) and Above the Rim(1994).His last album, All Eyes on Me sold over 6 million copies and was the firstdouble CD for rap music. (Thuglife)(Associated)403 p.m. PDT, Friday, September 13, Tupac died of respiratory failure andcardio-pulmonary arrest at University Medical Center, Las Vegas(Payne). He diedof bullet wounds to the abdo men and chest at the new(a) age of 25 (Unofficial).Shakur was shot four times in the chest and abdomen. Police believe he was thetarget. He lingered in a coma before he died. So far police have no suspects.All they are saying is that the people were in a white cadillac, not from LasVegas where he was shot (Associated).
Miguel de Cervantes y Sigmund Freud :: Spanish Essays
Teora Freudiano ofrece lo nico modelo de leer que puede afirmar a causer un texto a hablar ms que sabe.--Peter Hulme La historia del psicoanlisis es muy compleja y llena de preguntas y controversia, y nadie est completamente seguro quien es el fundador foreland porque muchas de las ideas llegaron al mismo tiempo. Sigmund Freud recibe mucho del crdito por el comienzo y la implementacin del psicoanlisis, pero siempre convert la posibilidad que genus Sus ideas llegaron de un origen que no era completamente suyo. Considerando esto, muchas de las ideas que expresa Freud estn evidentes en la literatura que lleg antes de su fama. Las dos partes de Don Quijote, por ejemplo, fueron realizadas en 1614, ms de doscientos aos antes del nacimiento de Freud. Entonces, hay una posibilidad de que Cervantes contribuy a unas de las teoras y pensamientos de Freud.Sabemos por seguro que Freud ley el Don Quijote de Cervantes y que lo le fascin. Hay algunas partes distintas de la historia a cuales se pu ede relacionar los ensayos de Freud. Aqu centrar en unas de sus teoras ms conocidas, y estas son el inconsciente (incluyendo los treatos) y la sublimacin. Estos tres temas, aunque estn presentados separados, tienen muchsimo en comn. A causa de eso, a veces la discusin parecer un poquito mezclado. Hay ms personas que creen en los milagros de la Virgen Bendecida que creen en la existencia del inconsciente. --Sigmund Freud El inconsciente (o el subconsciente) refiere al aspecto o aspectos de la mente sobre que no estamos directamente conscientes . Por la mayora, la parte ms importante del inconsciente es los sueos. Siempre estamos fascinados con nuestros sueos y queremos cavalry sword lo que significan. Los sueos no incluyen solo lo que pasa cuando dormimos, pero tambin los pensamientos durante el da que nos separan de nuestro ambiente o, a algunas personas, nuestras confusiones entre lo real y lo imaginario.La ltima interpretacin es lo ms obvia cuando consideramos las aventuras de Do n Quijote. Parece que l nunca para de confundirse de lo real y lo imaginario. Cada de sus aventuras contiene un aspecto casi loco molinos de viento como gigantes, rebaos de ovejas como ejrcitos, y los galeotes como caballeros oprimidos. Sin embargo, todava hay una referencia grandsimo en Don Quijote a los sueos. Los sueos ms profundos son los que parecen ms locos--Sigmund Freud Durante la segunda parte de la historia, Don Quijote viaje a la Cueva de Montesinos.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Impacts Upon Skinclads Business in the Next Five Years Essay -- Busin
Impacts Upon Skinclads Business in the Next Five YearsIn order to analyse the operating environment of Skinclad, an audit ofthe performance of the geological formation was executed. This took the formof an environmental look which assessed the internal and externalenvironment of the company. The findings of this scan will provide anunderstanding and appreciation of the many factors impacting directlyor indirectly upon the companys operations. The report explores themacro and micro environmental factors which are likely to impact uponSkinclads business over the bordering five years, reviews the internalfactors, existing marketing mix and highlights possible problemsareas. The mug up abridgment lists the main strength of the business, itsweakness and likely threats and opportunities the company may face inthe future. Finally, the report identifies recommendations andpossible options for improving production and the monetary viabilityof Skinclad.MACRO ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORSPEST A NALYSIS A1A PEST analysis is an environmental scan of the macro economic factorsimpacting on the operations of an organisation. It analyses the avocation factors and its relation to the UK stuff industry* Political* Economical* Social* technologicalThe relevance of this analysis is significant in gauging world trendsand its consequent social function in influencing social, cultural,technological, demographical and economical factors. The analysis nones with interest the current state of the UK Textile industry whichhas experienced a slump since the late 1990 (Figure 1). The figureshows that sum up output had declined significantly over the period andproduction has collapsed by 30%. This may be attributed to the effectof globalisation and a shift to trade clothing from cheaper Asianmarkets such as Philippines, Indonesia and Bangladesh. Many localmanufacturers were bear upon by this move. A case in point was Marksand Spencer who were commit to local producers until the early 20 00when they were forced to source garments from cheaper suppliersoutside of the UK to compete with the influx of European retailers.The establishment of the European Union and institution of the Eurodollar has hike up exacerbated the situation for local producers as astrong UK currency () has do exports more costly to other regionsin the Eur... ...shionShared Values This is not applicable to the caseSustainable Competitive Advantage Has been in humankind for over twenty two year Developed an establish interlocking that includes, suppliers, retailers addition 4==========8 PsProduct* Jackets and untrimmed coats in twenty different stylesPlace* Old dilapidated building in the old textile industry main district footing* Basic assumption that product is high priced since product is high borePromotion=========* This information was not provided in the case. However, the need for promotion may be limited as there is a direct attach to a retailer who purchase the majority of the product emolument* Profit has been eroded over the years with a net value of 1 on certain productPhysical* Old rented premises in what used to be the hub of the UK textile industryProcess* This information was not available from the casePeople- Not accessible from caseAppendix 5----------Ansoff Matrixexisting productsnew productsExistingMarketsMarket acumenProduct DevelopmentNewMarketsMarket DevelopmentDiversification
Maxwell Relations :: essays research papers fc
My government issue for the report is Thermodynamics Maxwell Relations, and in this report I will award how to derive the Maxwell Relations, as well as give several(prenominal) examples of how and when they are supposed to used.The change in U depend on the changes in the system entropy, volume and XIs this idea whitethorn be abbreviation(1-1)U = U(S, V, XI)In system of constant cud and composition, whose work can be expressed unless in harm of its PV properties, there are no Xs and U is changed only by reversible heat and P dV work. Therefore(1-2) dU = T dS P dV.The differential of the accumulated internal energy in a fixed-composition, P dV work system is.= dH = dU + d(PV)(1-3) = dU + P dV + V dP.Substituting equivalence (1-2) in comparability (1-3), we obtain(1-4)dH = T dS + V dP.From the specify the Helmholtz function A we obtain( 1-5)dA = dU d(TS) = dU T dS S dT.Substituting equation (1-2) in equation (1-5)(1-6)dA = -S dT P dV. From the Gibbs unfreeze Energy equa tion and equation (1.4)(1.7)dG = -S dT + V dP.We go in equations (1-2), (1-4), (1-6), and (1-7) expressed dU, dH dA, and dG in terms of P, V, T, and S. We know that thermodynamic properties deal exact differentials. If a property M is a function of x and y,(1.7a)M = M(x,y)then a differential change in M, dM, is the nucleus of the arrive that M changes in the interval dx, with y held constant, plus the amount that M changes in the interval dy, with x held constant (see figure 1.1), or(1.8)dM = (M/X)y dx + (M/Y)x dy.The terms (M/X)y and (M/Y)x are called partial derivatives of M and dM is called sum of money differential.Equation (6-8) can be written(6.9)dM = B dx + C dy,where B and C represent (M/X)y and (M/Y)x respectively.Now equations (1.2), (1.4), (1.6), and (1.7) are total differentials, and have the same form as equation (1.9). By comparison with equations (1.7a), and (1.8), equation (1.2) may be written asdU = (U/S)V dS + (M/V)S dV,form which it follows thatT = (U/S)V and P = -(U/V)S In a like manner, from equation (1-4) and (1-2) we obtain(1-10)T = (H/S)P = (U/S)V ,And from equation ((1-2) and (1-6),(1-11)P = -(U/V)S = -(A/V)Tand from equation (1-4) and (1-7), (1-12) V = (H/P)S = (G/P)TAnd from equation (1-6) and (1-7),
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Free Essays - Act 3 Scene 4 of Hamlet :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays
wreak 3 film 4 of crossroads bite 3 Scene 4, so called the closet purview, is the first epoch we chance critical point and Gertrude in concert alone. In this perspective juncture releases his anger and frustration at his flummox for the sinful deed she has committed i.e. her marriage to her brother-in-law and the murderer. We stooge face that Gertrude is unconscious(predicate) of her husbands murder when she says As kill a magnate? and it is the first time she confronts her own behavior. There is a conflict amongst the two Hamlet gives powerful replies Mother you have my father often offended Go, go, you question with a wicked tongue Hamlet takes control of the conversation from the very beginning of the scene although it is Gertrude who was meant to be rebuking him and doing much of the talking. Hamlet succeeds in shaming her until the raze when she begs him to stop. Hamlet having the amphetamine hand in the conversation, asks his vex to change her ways, which she agrees to and asks for his advice, cover that she has submitted herself to her son. Hamlet does not really show much respect for his mother while cautionary her and forcing her to sit down but he does come her. Some critics debate that his love shows sexual connotation and that is a designer why he gets so upset at her remarriage. There is a point in this scene when Gertrude thinks her life is in danger of Hamlet and gets frightened, which shows us that she considers him to be mad and harmful. later this scene she becomes aware that Hamlet isnt mad and starts swear him as opposed to Claudius. This is exactly how Shakespeare has presented wo hands throughout the adjoin they are tardily to convince, very meek and become submissive to the men (as we can see Ophelia and her response to her father and brother). They are depicted as weak and low in comparison to the male figures, who control their lives. After the closet scene Gertrude keeps fait h to her son and lies to her husband Claudius for Hamlet tell he killed Polonius in his madness And in his brainish apprehension sinless Essays - Act 3 Scene 4 of Hamlet Shakespeare Hamlet Essays Act 3 Scene 4 of Hamlet Act 3 Scene 4, so called the closet scene, is the first time we see Hamlet and Gertrude together alone. In this scene Hamlet releases his anger and frustration at his mother for the sinful deed she has committed i.e. her marriage to her brother-in-law and the murderer. We can see that Gertrude is unaware of her husbands murder when she says As kill a King? and it is the first time she confronts her own behavior. There is a conflict between the two Hamlet gives powerful replies Mother you have my father much offended Go, go, you question with a wicked tongue Hamlet takes control of the conversation from the very beginning of the scene although it is Gertrude who was meant to be rebuking him and doing much of the talking. Hamlet succeeds in sha ming her until the point when she begs him to stop. Hamlet having the upper hand in the conversation, asks his mother to change her ways, which she agrees to and asks for his advice, showing that she has submitted herself to her son. Hamlet does not really show much respect for his mother while reproving her and forcing her to sit down but he does love her. Some critics believe that his love shows sexual connotation and that is a reason why he gets so upset at her remarriage. There is a point in this scene when Gertrude thinks her life is in danger of Hamlet and gets frightened, which shows us that she considers him to be mad and harmful. After this scene she becomes aware that Hamlet isnt mad and starts trusting him as opposed to Claudius. This is exactly how Shakespeare has presented women throughout the play they are easy to convince, very meek and become submissive to the men (as we can see Ophelia and her response to her father and brother). They are depicted as wea k and inferior in comparison to the male figures, who control their lives. After the closet scene Gertrude keeps faith to her son and lies to her husband Claudius for Hamlet saying he killed Polonius in his madness And in his brainish apprehension
Augustines Confessions Paper -- Literacy Analysis
When ane reads the word confessions, one would not necessarily associate it with the word narrative. Confessions seem to be to a greater extent than of something stated directly without any story-like element. They are also a more personal thing- one does not simply put them in a story skeleton unless purposely intending to do so, because usually it is something that expresses guilt for something personal or is between the author and their conscience (or whitethornhap to themselves). However, there flush toilet always be an exception, like Augustines Confessions. It is pen as a form of a narrative, even though the original the important audience for whom it was written is God, yet it is also intended to be read by anyone, nearly as a didactic piece that sets an example through the word-painting of his life and his decisions. Augustine takes what he has experienced during his life and with details such as parallels to the bible turns it into a narrative that he writes with an intention of educating or perhaps setting an example for any reader.Augustine writes his confessions not as a list, provided as one event that flows to another- like a narrative. At foremost glance, it appears to be as the title says- a book of confessions. However, it cannot solely be approached as a penitential work, concerned with the confession of sins, which indeed it is, in some degree but this is not Augustines primary concern. (Bonner 164). He intend that it is not just a confession to God, that indeed God is the main audience, but not the only audience. Augustine even states this in the actual textbook I too, O Lord, also so confess unto Thee that men may hear, to whom I cannot prove whether I confess the truth, yet do they deal me whose ears charity openeth unto me (10.3.3) and again wi... means starting on the morally rig path but still was able to turn that all around, and most like an inspiration to all that it is never too late to actualise a difference or change in ones self. Works CitedMerriman, C.D. Http// beau ideal Augustine. Jalic, 2005. Web. 30 Mar. 2012. ODonnell, James J. Augustine. Confessions. Web. 30 Mar. 2012. . Bonner, G. Starting With Oneself Spiritual Confessions Augustines Confessions. ExpTim 101, 1990. 163-64. Print. Troxel, A. Craig. What Did Augustine Confess in His Confessions? by A. Craig Troxel.Trinity Journal 15.2 (1994) 163-79. Early 10 Years of Resourcing the Study of Early Church History. Web. 30 Apr. 2012. .
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