Wednesday, November 27, 2019
A Beautiful Mind Understanding Schizophrenia and Its Impact on the Individual and the Family
The film A Beautiful Mind is a film revealing the life of outstanding mathematician and Noble Prize winner John Nash. The movie starts with early years of the scientist when the first signs of paranoid schizophrenia were revealed. Despite incredible skills and abilities, his psychological disorders somehow contribute to his perception of the reality.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Beautiful Mind: Understanding Schizophrenia and Its Impact on the Individual and the Family specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, Nash learned to define which of his experiences were paranoia and hallucinations and which ones were his real perceptions. In the movie, the hero seems to have an ability to control his illusions and choose the one that help him solve mathematical problems. With regard to this assumption, schizophrenia may suddenly develop and can influence greatly career, family, and communication within social mediu m. For instance, John Nash can see mysterious people resembling undercover agents whom others cannot see. He believes that he is chased by those agents, which is in fact is false. The emerged confusions and misconceptions lead to conflict and disagreement with real people. The psychological disorder presented in the movie refer to one of the most common of schizophrenia – paranoia. It is characterized by the emerging hallucinations accompanying delusions that often have grandeur character. Specifically, there is an assumption that â€Å"†¦stressful life experiences and a combination of biological factors, including heredity, biochemical imbalances, and structural abnormalities in the brain, contribute to its development†(Nevid, 2008, p. 546). Hence, scholars are inclined to believe the genes influence the development of the disorder and, therefore, they point out a person’s propensity for schizophrenia. However, heredity cannot serve as a sufficient explan ation for causes of the disease. In other words, genetic vulnerability does not imply a 100 % possibility of the disorder occurrence. Additionally, there is an argument that the development of schizophrenia can be caused by biochemical imbalances in the brain (Nevid, 2008, p. 547). Brain abnormalities are proved to be associated with the disease and, therefore, they may influence the reinforcement of deviated behavior. Finally, biological influences and psychological pressure occurred in the early childhood could also be a reason for the appearance of brain trauma. Judging from the above-presented assumptions, the movie proves that that John Nash initially presents himself as a strangely behaved person revealed through specific way of thinking and expressing ideas. His approach to mental thinking and ability to imagine is slightly explained by his psychological disorders.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There is another concept that is worth introducing to understand the underpinnings of the schizophrenia occurrence. Specifically, Nevid (2008) provides evidence revealing that both environmental and biological connection contribute to the reinforcement of antisocial personality disorder. Lack of and inconsistence in outlooks on moral values explains certain situations in the movie. Hence, the story reveals that John Nash is estranged from other people because of extreme engagement with his mathematical equations. His entire world seems to be composed of figures, equations, and schemes. Currently, little evidence is found concerning the relation between psychological influences and the detected disease. (A Beautiful Mind, 2001) However, the film shows that stress life can play a significant role in shaping the patients’ attitude to the social setting. Absence of social communication skills is explicit when it comes to the way the character interacts wi th other people, including his colleagues, friends, and his wife. In this respect, signs of deviate behavior lead to the conclusion that John Nash has certain psychological disorders. Finally, abnormal behavior can also be grounded on the interaction of specific biological and psychological factors. In particular, deviant behavior can be caused by biological influences, such as neurotransmitter functioning, or brain abnormalities. Interaction of biological and socio-cultural factors contributes greatly to shaping the patterns of abnormal behavior. The movie shows that Nash worked for Pentagon to decipher secret messages, which, probably, amplified the scientist’s perception of the responsibility he undertook (A Beautiful Mind, 2001). With regard to this situation, bio-psychological model explains a particular predisposition that increases the probability of developing a specific disorder. This phenomenon is commonly referred to as diathesis caused by particular sources of str ess. In conclusion, schizophrenia can be caused by a complex of psychological, social, and biological factors that should be carefully considered because a particular kind of treatment is implemented. Currently, there is no a unanimous opinion and evidence concerning the effectiveness of different therapies. The disorder, however, is still subjected to experimental treatments by means of medications and psychotherapy. Because the movie reveals a real story, it can be stated that patient John Nash has not been fully recovered from auditory hallucinations, but he is able to distinguish between the reality and illusions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on A Beautiful Mind: Understanding Schizophrenia and Its Impact on the Individual and the Family specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Known methods of treatment involve psychological treatment along with biological therapy, as presented in the movie. As a result, the patien t recognizes that he has a certain disorder, which is great advancement, but he still suffers from illusions and paranoia. In whole, anti-psychotic medications are ineffective if they are not psychologically and socially supported. In my opinion, a movie reveals a true story proving that people with schizophrenia can have the right to normal existence and that their mind can function effectively even if they suffer from hallucinations. Works Cited A Beautiful Mind. Dir. Ron Howard. Perf. Russell Crowe, Ed Harris, Jennifer Connelly, and Paul Bettany. Imagine Entertainment, 2001. Film. Nevid, Jeffrey S. Psychology: Concept and Applications. US: Cengage Learning, 2008, Print. This essay on A Beautiful Mind: Understanding Schizophrenia and Its Impact on the Individual and the Family was written and submitted by user Isaac Diaz to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Extra Credit Journal Professor Ramos Blog
Extra Credit Journal English extra credit journal for The Curse of La Llorona movie, currently in theaters. 10 Points. 250+ words, proof of purchase. Comment below with the following. Summary of the Curse of La Llorona movie. Connect it to one of our readings in class.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Introduction of tall buildings and urban development. criticised on Dissertation
Introduction of tall buildings and urban development. criticised on the high density and energy issue.understand ecological desi - Dissertation Example By investigating the energy efficiency, health issues and other ecological design component this proposal aims to highlight the rationale of vertical expansion as opposed to horizontal expansion. Highlighting the ecological footprint of buildings from its construction to its maintenance and operation the question remains. Is it really the solution? Solution or not, it is being adopted by countries worldwide, to note in the last decade alone there are more than 602 structures that is more than 200 meters in height. With the urban landscape being changed and the trend is toward the construction of taller mega structures a collective appreciation of its significance to the lives of the common people and the professionals that makes them should be studied and presented. It should be noted that the trend is not confined to one side of the world it is balanced and is existing even in developing countries. For some countries its significance is the ever increasing urbanization of its cities . For some countries it is the first step towards development. ... Urban development has been mostly synonymous with the construction of the tallest building in any locality. It is the most visible indication of how modern a locality is. History background of skyscrapers and urban development The skyscraper and the urban skyline have become the iconic representations of cities around the world (Howeler, 2004). There are about three ways to categorize tall buildings. The first one would be the Architectural Style of the tall building. The second would be the Structural System of the tall building and the Third would be Function of the tall building. The first one is the Architectural Style of the tall building where in it would be taken to consideration the way the tall building was built. These styles are the functional style, the eclectic style, the modern style and the post modern style. The first kind is a functional architecture style, where the building could be used in different ways. An example would be an apartment building. The second would be the Eclectic architecture style. This kind of Architecture style is goes between the lines of functional and traditional designs of architecture. An example of that kind of architecture style is the Barasoain Church that is found in Bulacan, Philippines. The third would be the modern architecture style. The architecture style of the building would be one of the modern times. It has been a popular design of modern buildings to consists of glass mirrors to be the walls instead of concrete. An example would be the IBM Plaza that is located in Chicago, Illinois. The fourth would be the post modern style where in it is between the functional style of a building and a
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Whether or not trayvons martin case was justifed correctly Essay
Whether or not trayvons martin case was justifed correctly - Essay Example The case may involve issues on race (Jefferson, 9). Eighty seven percent of the African Americans say that there was no justice in the ruling; amongst whites, only 33 percent support the African Americans’ claims. A thin majority of about 51% of the whites endorse that the verdict was innocent in the trial whereas African Americans strongly disapprove the claims. Only a small percentage of the African Americans approve the claims by the whites. On the public views, there is also a follower tinge. Amongst thirty percent of the republicans, disapprove the verdict while seventy percent of them approve the verdict. Instead of focusing on the skin color people should focus on hearts (Anthology 15). In reference to the criminal justice system, a total number of 86 percent among the African Americans claim that blacks among many minorities get unequal treatment in the law; only 41percent by the whites make such claims whereas the other 54% claim that there is equality for the marginal groups. Less than 40% of jailed people are ethnic and racial minorities (Birzer 27). Eighty-one percent of the African Americans claim that the federal government should observe the civil rights defiance and charge Zimmerman in a federal court. Fifty percent of the whites oppose such charges, whereas 27percent of them agree to the charges showing the presence of White supremacy in action (Yancy and Jones 9). Sixty percent of the Hispanics claim that blacks among other marginal groups fail to receive fair treatments like the whites do and a ratio of two to one disapproves the ruling. Martin weighed ten pounds lighter, but six inches taller than the Hispanic who put Trayvon’s life to an end (Anthology 1). It was at night during the shooting and Martin was on his way home when he saw a vehicle behind him, which followed him for some time. Martin ran away to the backyards sidewalks from the street sidewalks (Jefferson 5).
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Finance and Surplus Funds Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Finance and Surplus Funds - Assignment Example Finance companies can facilitate Carlsons expansion by providing long-term loans to meet the company's fund requirement that is used to buy the long-term assets such as machinery, equipment, land and building. The funds provided by financial institutions are essential to finance the fixed assets procurement necessary for the expansion of the existing business or for totally a new line of business. Commercial Banks are depository institutions. Deficit units such as Carson are provided loans by commercial banks. Commercial banks have large assets generated by providing the deposit accounts to surplus units. The financial institutions look at financial leveraging of the firm such as debt ratio, debt-equity ratio, interest coverage, that decides company’s capacity to pay the interest and original debt over a long period of time. Obviously, that hinders Carson to access more debt funds for further expansion and growth. The primary market can support expansion program of Carson by absorbing their issued stocks and bonds to the common investors at the predetermined price. The money thus garnered falls under the category of equity or debt as the case may be and can be used to meet the expansion needs. The financial institutions work as financial intermediaries especially, when the market is imperfect. When the market is perfect, information is available free to buyer and seller and market settles at the lowest possible cost of funds discarding the need of any financial institutions for they cannot give any benefit to either buyer or seller. Every commercial bank would like to review the risk profile of the business and the company to whom they have provided the line of credit. Accordingly, it is quite obvious that in case of Carson undertaking any large expansion, commercial banks would like to know how the line of credit provided by them will be used and in what way the new expansion will alter the risk profile of the company. Banks would also like to assess about how the expansion plan of Carson will affect the fund security and the ability of the Carson to pay them the due interest on the borrowed funds.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Gender And Gender Norm Communications Essay
Gender And Gender Norm Communications Essay The aim of this essay is to analyse how gender norms shape performances of attractiveness and how physical norms and performances of attractiveness are related to the construction of gender and gender norms. In the first section, definition of gender and gender norms will be provided and reference is made to theories put forward by academics in the field of gender studies. Following this, attractiveness in terms of the body as a form of capital will be evaluated with a particular focus on physical attractiveness. In the third section, this paper will produce some insight into how masculinity and femininity are represented in the media and the impact of media on the construction of gender and gender norms as well as performances of attractiveness. Finally, the concept of â€Å"metrosexual†and â€Å"tomboy†will be presented as a primary example of new tendencies to challenge traditional gender norms in order to support the idea that gender norms are not fixed and subje cted to be changed over time. 1. Gender and gender norm To begin with, it is essential to consider what is meant by gender and gender norms. This section will explore the definition of gender and gender norms and reference is made to the works of academics in the field of gender studies. Gender, in Hermess words, â€Å"is the cultural significance given to biological difference of reproductive organs. It refers to men and women, as well as to appropriate ways to be a man or a woman (masculinity and femininity)†(Hermes,2007,p.190). It can be seen that, in Hermess account, peoples gender are socially constructed , are culturally built upon male or female bodies. This notion of gender is widely accepted in our society and many feminists defined ‘gender in relation to ‘sex. Feminists assume that sex is biological given and gender is cultural or social construction of this given sex (Gauntlett , 2002). When it comes to gender, it not only means that one is man or woman, â€Å"but rather a set of meanings that sexes assume in particular societies. The operation of gender in our society takes up these sets of meaning, organizes them as masculinity or femininity, and matches or line them up with male and female bodies†(Cranny-Francis et al, 2003, p.3). In other words, feminists argued that people will have certain kinds of identity or role due to the fact that they are ‘male or ‘female in terms of biology (Gauntlett, 2002). In 1987, West and Zimmerman conceptualise ‘gender not â€Å"as set of traits, nor variable, nor a role†but as something people ‘do recurrently in their interactions with others in social life. They stated that: â€Å"Doing gender involves a complex of socially guided perceptual, interactional, and micropolitical activities that cast particular pursuits as expression of masculine and feminine ‘natures†(West and Zimmerman,1987,p.14). For instance, when a man hold a womans hand and guide her across the street, he â€Å"does†being masculine and his partner â€Å"does†being feminine when she allows to be guided (West and Zimmerman,1987). In West and Zimmermans account, â€Å"doing gender is unadvoidable†because societys structure is based on the â€Å"essential†differences between male and female. In other words, individuals just can make their activity accountable by performing it as a woman or a man. Butler: â€Å"the binary divide between masculinity and femininity is a social construction built on the binary divide between men and women which is also a social construction (Gauntlett,2002,pp.135)†. No distinction btw sex and gender A person has a masculine gender not really base on he has a male body or not. Gender is socially constructed and is performed by the individual subject through the repetition of à through the process of social construction(butler) Gender is a performance -> link: the performance of attractiveness is the performance of gender, people express their masculinity or femininity through their performance of attractiveness. So, what is the embodiment of masculinity and femininity? How can we assess the masculinity or femininity of a person? It depends on gender norms. Gender is a performance, therefore, gender norm can be understood as the social expectation of people to perform their gender in everyday life. Gender norm is a set of rules of social order (gender is the repetition of acts -> people everydays actions reinforce and reproduce a set of expectations -> a kind of social structure -> its varied in different context such as history or culture and flexible, can be changed over time) (see Giddens in Gauntlett) In our society, gender norms seem to be established base on how people look in term of physical appearance due to the fact that they are male or female , how they present their self, what kind of activities they take part in. Gender as a social structure: Giddens (1998) notes that: â€Å" Society only has form, and that form only has effect on people, in so far as structure is produced and reproduced in what people do†(quoted in Gauntlett, 2002,p.95). It can be implied that 2. Attractiveness in term of body as a form of capital 3. Attractive men and women and the representation of gender in the media ( Masculine and feminine gender norms) Who can be seen as attractive (discuss about traditional gender norms) Masculinity and femininity in media Media change gender norms In summary, gender is unstable and subject to change in different context and in different time. As Hermes (2007†,p.191) put it: â€Å"Gender does not assume the same cultural significance everywhere, and gender codes have changed significantly over time†. 4. ‘Metrosexual and ‘tomboy: against the traditional norms In an attempt to demonstrate the idea that gender norms are flexible and can be changed, this section will produce some insight into the concept of ‘metrosexual and ‘tomboy which can be seen as against the traditional masculine and feminine norms. â€Å"By understanding gender as the crucially important difference between men and women, heterosexuality maintain itself as absolute norm†. or â€Å"we understand the difference btw men and women as fundamental and as the norm†(Hermes, 2007,p.197) -> masculinity in many ways is defined as how not to appear to be effeminate , femininity is meant not to be masculine -> link to â€Å"metrosexual†and â€Å"tomboy†-> challenge the traditional norms. ‘Metrosexual Conclusion To bring this paper to a close, I summarise the main points here: gender norms shape performances of attractiveness, at the same time are changed and reconstructed by the way individuals perform their gender. Media as a guidance has exerted far reaching influence on peoples perception of gender norms and performances of attractiveness. Moreover, by representing counter-hegemonic images such as ‘metrosexual man, media has played a vital role in the reconstruction of gender and gender norms. This paper set out to examine how gender norms shape performance of attractiveness. Firstly, in order to define gender and gender norms, a literature review was presented. Secondly, this essay produced some insight into how attractiveness in terms of the body as a form of capital and discussed how physical norms and performances of attractiveness are related to the construction of gender and gender norms. In the third section, the effect of the media on peoples performances of attractiveness was considered through the way masculinity and femininity are represented in advertising, magazine, and television. In attempt to demonstrate the idea that gender norms are flexible and can be changed, evidence was presented in relation to the concept of ‘metrosexual and ‘tomboy. In conclusion, this assignment suggested that gender norms remain crucial to performances of attractiveness in our society and varied in different context such as history or culture. It could be argued that by the way people choose to perform their gender as well as perform their attractiveness, they are simultaneously reinforcing and changing gender norms.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Lads & Lassies
Arthur Gharakhanian Lads & Lassies (LL) ACCU-620 Brandman University Week 4, Assignment 2 November 14th, 2012 Lads & Lassies Introduction Classifying how the income statement needs to be coded for Lads & Lassies is a two step processes. I will be using the data provided in the case along with information from FASB's Accounting Standards Codification. FASB's coding system is being used to help prepare the layout and ensure proper reporting of the items listed in the case analysis. Some minor changes need to be done to the income statement format to make it presentable which will be noted in the analysis.Please reference Appendix A throughout the analysis to see how the income statement is ultimately being constructed. Analysis – 2005 When constructing the 2005 income statement for Lads & Lassies, I will be using a multi step income statement as this is the format that â€Å"includes other important revenue and expense classifications makes the income statement more useful†(Kieso, 2012). We have limited information to use for 2005, but we can still construct an income statement up to gross profit.We will adhere to FASB rule ASC 225-10-S99-2 (Regulation S-X Rule 5-03, Income Statements), which regulates the relevant items and their components which should be separately stated in the income statement and their arrangement for the presentation. This coding rule provides us the guidance on how to label and present the revenue generated by Lads & Lassies. Also included in this rule is the requirement on how to report costs and expenses associated with the applicable sales be reported separately on the income statement. Therefore we will breakout the expenses directly tied to sales on their own line item (Cost of Goods Sold).Lastly in 2005 we will calculate the gross profit, which â€Å"tells us how much money an entity would have earned if it Lads & Lassies didn’t pay any other expenses such as salary, income taxes, office supplies, utility, ren t, etc. †(Kieso, 2012). Analysis – 2006 The accounting reporting standards mentioned in the 2005 analysis still apply, however, there are additional standards that need to be applied in 2006. When constructing the income statement we will have to address the gain on sale of corporate headquarters and the class action settlement.In accordance with ASC 225-20-45-4(d), †the sale or abandonment of property used in the business is being excluded from being presented as an extra-ordinary item†(FASB, 1973). However, when the gain or loss of a building is associated with the movement of corporate headquarters, we would use ACS 225-20-45-16 (Presentation of Unusual or Infrequently Occurring Items). This rule states that â€Å"a material event or transaction that is unusual in nature or occurs infrequently but not both, shall be reported as a separate component of income from continuing operations†(FASB, 1973).Rules ASC 225-20-45-4 & ASC 225-20-45-16 also a ddress the presentation of the settlement received from the class action lawsuit. We must report the gain or loss from the class action lawsuit in other income (expense) section of the income statement. This section will follow the income and cost of goods sold sections, thereby â€Å"adding back†revenue to the gross profit to reveal a new gross profit. These transactions could be considered below the line entries and would follow indirect expenses (salaries, rent, etc. , but since those items are not present these entries will follow revenue and cost of goods sold. Conclusion Using FASB we are able to determine how to properly present Lads & Lassies income statements. The changes that accompany the growing company from 2005 to 2006 are easily Lads & Lassies recorded and presented in the income statements year over year. Being able to distinguish what is an unusual or infrequently occurring item is crucial in determining if it falls under operations or non-operating income ( loss).Although the income statement is not complete as we are missing information regarding expenses not directly tied to revenue, the income statements presented (Appendix A) are complete and prepared to code. References FASB ASC 225-20-45-2. [Predecessor literature: â€Å"Reporting the Results of Operations,†Opinions of the Accounting Principles Board No. 30 (New York: AICPA, 1973), par. 20. ] FASB ASC 225-20-45-4. [Predecessor literature: â€Å"Reporting the Results of Operations,†Opinions of the Accounting Principles Board No. 30 (New York: AICPA, 1973), par. 3, as amended by â€Å"Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-lived Assets,†Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 144 (Norwalk, Conn. : FASB, 2001). ] FASB ASC 225-20-45-16. [Predecessor literature: â€Å"Reporting the Results of Operations,†Opinions of the Accounting Principles Board No. 30 (New York: AICPA, 1973), par. 23, as amended by â€Å"Accounting for the Impairm ent or Disposal of Long-lived Assets,†Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 144 (Norwalk, Conn. : FASB, 2001). ] Kieso, D. E. , Weygandt, J. J. , & Warfield, T.D. (2012). Intermediate accounting, 14th edition binder ready version. (14 ed. ). Wiley. Appendix A | | | Lads & Lassies Income Statement| Fiscal Year Ending on January 29, 2005| (Figures in Millions)| |  |  | Revenue|  |  | Clothing| $ 70. 60 |  | Sassy Spa| $ 3. 90 |  | Total Revenue|  | $ 74. 50 | |  |  | Less: Cost of goods sold|  | $ 46. 50 | |  |  | Gross Profit|  | $ 28. 00 | | | | | | | Lads & Lassies Income Statement| Fiscal Year Ending on January 28, 2006| (Figures in Millions)| |  |  | Revenue|  |  |Clothing| $ 71. 10 |  | Sassy Spa| $ 11. 20 |  | Transaction value| $ 4. 20 |  | Total Revenue|  | $ 86. 50 | |  |  | Less: Cost of Goods Sold: Clothing| $ 46. 50 |  | Cost of Goods Sold: Sassy Spa| $ 9. 60 |  | Total Cost of Goo ds Sold|  | $ 56. 10 | |  |  | Gross Profit|  | $ 30. 40 | |  |  | Non-Operating Income|  |  | Gain (Loss) on Sale of Building| $ 1. 70 |  | Income from Law-Suit Settlement| $ 2. 70 |  | Total Non-Operating Income|  | $ 4. 40 | |  |  | Net Income|  | $ 34. 80 |
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Basic Concepts in Quality Planning and Management
Quality Management (Basic Concepts) 1) What Is Quality? The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied  ASQ (American Society for Quality) needs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Performance Reliability Durability Serviceability Aesthetics Features Perceived Quality Conformance to Standards Will the product do the intended job? How often does the product fail? How long does the product last? How easy is it to repair the product? What does the product look like? What does the product do? What is the reputation of the company or its product? Is the product made exactly as the designer intended? Quality Management Slide 2 of 35 1. 1 Components of Quality Customer Quality of Design Product Features vs Customer Requirements Requirements Performance Quality of Specifications Sales and Marketing Product Specifications vs Product Features Quality of Conformance Features Product Product Characteristics vs Product Specifications Design Manufacturing Quality of Performance Product Characteristics vs Customer Requirements Specifications Quality Management Slide 3 of 35 1. 1. Voice of the Customer The term Voice Of the Customer (VOC) is used to describe customers’ needs and their perceptions of your product or service. VOC data helps an organization: †¢ Align design and improvement efforts with business strategy. †¢ Decide what products, processes and services to offer or enhance. †¢ Identify critical features/performance requirements for products, processe s and services. †¢ Identify key drivers of customer satisfaction. Quality Management Slide 4 of 35 1. 1. 2 Kano’s Model of Customer Needs Performance Quality Satisfiers Excitement Quality Noriaki Kano Delighters Basic Quality Dissatisfiers Quality Performance Quality Management Customer Satisfaction Slide 5 of 35 1. 2 Quality is Customer Satisfaction Supplier Metrics †¢ Cycle-Time Customer Needs †¢ Timeliness †¢ Cost †¢ Price †¢ Defect Rate †¢ Quality Quality Management Slide 6 of 35 1. 2 Quality is Customer Satisfaction A â€Å"customer†is anyone who is impacted by the product: 1. External Customers – Include not only the end-users, but also †¢ the intermediate processors (OEMs, distributors, retailers) †¢ non-purchasers who have some connection to the product (government regulatory bodies) . Internal Customers – Include not only other divisions of the company that are provided with components for an assembly, but also †¢ others that are affected (the Purchasing department that receives an engineering specification for a procurement) Quality Management Slide 7 of 35 1. 3 Two Views of Quality Internal View of Quali ty Compare product to specification Get product accepted at inspection Prevent plant & field defects Concentrate on manufacturing Use internal quality measures View quality as a technical issue Efforts coordinated by quality manager External View of Quality Compare product to competition (and BIC) Provide satisfaction over product life Meet customer needs on goods & services Cover all functions User customer-based quality measures View quality as a business issue Efforts directed by upper management Quality Management Slide 8 of 35 2) What is Management? Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, accomplish efficiently selected aims. Quality Management Slide 9 of 35 2. 1 Management Functions Goals of Claimants Use of Resources Reengineering the System What , When Planning How Organizing Who Staffing Leading Controlling Produce Results Quality Management Slide 10 of 35 Facilitate Communication Links 2. 1 Management Functions Strategic Tactical Quality Management Time Spent in Carrying Out Managerial Functions Slide 11 of 35 Controlling Organizing Planning Leading 3) What is Quality Management? Quality management is the process of identifying and administering the activities needed to achieve the quality objectives of an organization. Desired Quality Performance Current Quality Performance Quality Management Slide 12 of 35 3. Juran’s Trilogy CHRONIC WASTE ( opportunity for improvement ) Joseph Moses Juran (1904-2008) †¢ Quality Planning designing products, services and processes to meet new breakthrough goals †¢ Quality Control meeting goals during operations †¢ Quality Improvement creating breakthroughs to unprecedented levels of performance Slide 13 of 35 Quality Management 3. 1 Juran’s Trilogy Quality Planning †¢ Establish quality goals †¢ Identify customers †¢ Discover customer needs †¢ Develop product features †¢ Develop process features †¢ Establish process controls, transfer to operations Quality Control Choose control subjects †¢ Choose units of measure †¢ Set goals †¢ Create a sensor †¢ Measure the actual performance †¢ Interpret the difference †¢ Take action on the difference Quality Improvement †¢ Prove the need †¢ Identify projects †¢ Organize project teams †¢ Diagnose the causes †¢ Provide remedies, prove that the remedies are effective †¢ Deal with resistance to change †¢ Control to hold the gains Quality Management Slide 14 of 35 4) The Need for Quality Management Two primary components of quality: †¢ Product Features †¢ Freedom from Deficiencies Features Deficiencies Price Share Cycle Time Waste Warranty Income Cost Profit Quality Management Slide 15 of 35 4. 1 Drivers for Quality Changing business conditions: †¢ Increasing competition – Customers are not willing to pay for higher quality †¢ Changing customer – Consumer markets commands priority based on volume †¢ Changing product mix – Low-Volume, High-Price > High-Volume, Low-Price †¢ Increasing product complexity – More stringent requirements for reliability †¢ Higher levels of customer expectation – Improved service quality both before and after the sale Quality Management Slide 16 of 35 4. 2 Deming Chain Reaction William Edwards Deming (1900-1993) Quality Management Slide 17 of 35 5) Total Quality Control Armand Villan Feigenbaum (born 1922) Quality Management Slide 18 of 35 5. 1 Key Elements of Total Quality †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Strategically Based Customer Focus Obsession with Quality Scientific Approach Long-Term Commitment Teamwork Continual Improvement of Systems Education and Training Freedom through Control Unity of Purpose Employee Involvement and Empowerment Slide 19 of 35 Quality Management 5. 2 Scope of Quality Management Traditional (Little Q) Emerging (Big Q) Products Manufactured goods All products, goods & services, (whether for sale or not) Processes Processes directly related to manufacture of goods All processes, manufacturing support, business, etc Industries Manufacturing All industries, manufacturing, service, government, etc (whether profit or not) Slide 20 of 35 Quality Management 5. 3 Triple-Role Concept TripleUnder this enlarged concept (Big Q), all jobs encompass three roles for the jobholder: †¢ customer : receives processed information and/or goods †¢ processor : converts inputs into outputs †¢ supplier : delivers resulting products to customers e. g. The Product Development function †¢ receives information on customer needs from Marketing †¢ creates designs for new products †¢ furnishes specifications to Operations Quality Management Slide 21 of 35 5. 3 Triple-Role Concept TripleInput I am Responsible for Quality As a Good Customer I will As a Good Process Owner I will As a Good Supplier I will Output My Supplier My Customer Requirements & Feedback †¢ Agree on & document my requirements with my supplier †¢ Learn & apply the tools of quality – teach others †¢ Understand my customer requirements, agree on, & document my deliverables Requirements & Feedback Return defective inputs to my supplier promptly & tactfully †¢ Continuously improve my process – reduce defects, cycle-time & know benchmarks †¢ Reduce defects & variations in my output †¢ Feed back input quality data to my supplier †¢ Document & display my process, defect levels, & CI projects †¢ Measure my out put quality from my customer’s perspective Quality Management Slide 22 of 35 3. 2. 1 SIPOC Diagram Supplier Input Process Function 1 Output Customer Internal Internal Function 2 External †¦ External Function i †¦ Customer What are my requirements? Function n End-User What are their expectations? Who are my Suppliers? What are my Funtions? Who are my Customers? Exercise 1 Describe the triple-role for the following: †¢ a process engineer †¢ an equipment engineer †¢ a quality manager †¢ an under-graduate For each scenario, identify the key responsibilities for each triple-role. Quality Management Slide 24 of 35 6) The Importance of Quality The first job we have is to turn out quality merchandise that consumers will buy and keep on buying. If we produce it efficiently and economically, we will earn a profit in which you will share. William Cooper Procter (1862-1934) Company Employees Address in 1887 Three issues critical to manufacturing and service: †¢ Productivity †¢ Cost †¢ Quality Quality Management Slide 25 of 35 6) The Importance of Quality Improved Quality †¢ Competitive Advantage †¢ Reduced Cost Less returns, rework and/or scrap †¢ Increased Productivity Increased Profits †¢ Satisfied Customers Quality > Sales > Profit > Jobs Quality Management Slide 26 of 35 6. 1 Cost of Poor Quality GM announces recall April 14, 2009 06:56 PM HUNTSVILLE, AL (WAFF) – General Motors is recalling 1. 5 million vehicles because of potential engine fires. GM says there have been no reports of any fires or injuries. Some of the recalled vehicles are no longer in production. The recall involves vehicles with a 3. 8-liter V6 engine. The government says drops of oil could fall into the exhaust system and cause a fire in the engine. The recall includes the 1998-1999 oldsmobile Intrigue, the 1997-2003 Pontiac Grand Prix, 1997-2003 Buick Regal, and the 1998-2003 Chevrolet Lumina, Monte Carlo and Impala. A gm spokesperson says the recall is just a precautionary measure for consumers. Quality Management Slide 27 of 35 6. 1 Cost of Poor Quality Sony recalls 438,000 laptops on burn concern Fri, Sep 05, 2008 Reuters NEW YORK, US – Japan's Sony Corp has launched a voluntary recall of 438,000 Vaio portable computers, citing a potential hazard that could cause the machines to overheat or possibly burn a user. It is one of the biggest computer recalls since 2006 when Dell Inc recalled 4. 1 million notebook computer batteries because they could overheat and catch fire. Quality Management Slide 28 of 35 6. 1 Cost of Poor Quality Prima Deli chocolate cakes likely cause of food poisoning By Hasnita A Majid, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 03 December 2007 2259 hrs SINGAPORE: If you've bought chocolate cakes from bakery chain Prima Deli, you should throw them away. The advice comes from the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA). The two agencies say these cakes are likely to contain a bacteria called Salmonella Enteriditis, which has caused some people to get food poisoning. Salmonella is a group of bacteria that can cause symptoms such as fever, watery diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain. 106 people have so far reported getting food poisoning after eating the cakes. Six had to be hospitalised, but have since been discharged. They tested positive for Salmonella Enteritidis. Quality Management Slide 29 of 35 6. 1 Cost of Poor Quality The Space Shuttle Challenger disaster occurred on January 28, 1986, when Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds into its flight, leading to the deaths of its seven crew members. The spacecraft disintegrated over the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of central Florida, United States at 11:39 a. m. EST (16:39 UTC). The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster occurred on February 1, 2003, when the Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated over Texas during re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere, with the loss of all seven crew members, shortly before it was scheduled to conclude its 28th mission, STS-107. Quality Management Slide 30 of 35 6. 2 Quality, Costs and Schedules Quality †¢ Emphasis on Quality – Elimination of causes of error and rework Reduction in Costs Improve delivery Schedules †¢ Emphasis on Quality – Unnecessary product features – Unrealistic tolerances – Perfectionism in inspection Increase in Costs Missing delivery Schedules Costs Schedules Will emphasis on Quality have a positive or negative impact on Costs and Schedules? Quality Management Slide 31 of 35 6. 2 Quality, Costs and Schedules Quality is about doing things right the first time and about satisfying customers. But quality is also about costs, revenues, and profits. Quality plays a key role in keeping costs low, revenues high, and profits robust. Perry L Johnson http://www. pji. com/aboutplj. htm Quality Management Slide 32 of 35 7) The Quality Odyssey Transformational change or radical change is different from incremental change. A breakthrough can mean different things to different people. Radical Change Carry-Over Modules from Past †¢ â€Å"As-is††¢ Minor modifications †¢ 5S †¢ Root causes are not always identified Incremental Change †¢ Quality improvement †¢ Lean Manufacturing †¢ Process flow revisions †¢ Customer focused †¢ Re-design †¢ Creative thinking †¢ Innovation †¢ Six Sigma †¢ Benchmarking †¢ New technology Fix as Fail Self-Inspection †¢ Check †¢ Inspect †¢ Quality Control †¢ Revise Towards â€Å"Best-in-Class†Quality Quality Management Slide 33 of 35 7) The Quality Odyssey Recognize Leaders recognize the need for change and focus on achieving â€Å"Best-InClass†Quality. Define Leaders define the strategy, goals and objectives necessary to pursue â€Å"BestIn-Class†Quality. Organize Steps are taken to measure and analyze the organization’s current position. Improve Deploy strategy by selecting key problem areas, training people, establishing measures, developing solutions, and implementing improvements. Control Determine if improvements are working. If so, establish controls to maintain this new level of Sustain Integrate improvements throughout the organization & standardize best practices. Select new areas for improvement. Alignment between customers’ expectations and the organization’s strategic plan, processes and activities ultimately results in the right things being done right. Quality Management Slide 34 of 35 Recommended Further Reading 1. Juran’s Quality Planning and Analysis for Enterprise Quality Frank Gryna, Richard C H Chua and Joseph A DeFeo McGraw-Hill, 5th Edition, 2005 Chapter 1 : Basic Concepts Quality Management Slide 35 of 35
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on The Road Not Taken
The reason I choose â€Å"The Road Not Taken†by the great Robert Frost is simply because I like this it. Not only is it written by Frost who is my favorite poet but is about being a nonconformist, which I think I am. In lines 18-20 â€Å"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.†Frost is trying to get the point across that it is ok not to do what everyone else does just the be yourself. The speaker of this poem is the author Robert Frost. The occasion of this poem is a choice, it could be anything whether is be something small like buying a pair of sneaker, something significantly big like a career choice. Audience is anyone really who wants to do there own thing. Purpose would be that you could be yourself and not have to worry about it. Also, I think he is saying that just cause other people are doing it that you do not have to. Subject and the purpose is pretty much the same thing. The tone of this poem is happy and satisfied. In conclusion, the poem â€Å"The Road Not Taken†is an inspiration to everyone. It’s telling people to be themselves do what you like and don’t worry about what other people think of you. It might not always be easier but you will feel better afterwards. The path you choose it up to you.... Free Essays on The Road Not Taken Free Essays on The Road Not Taken The reason I choose â€Å"The Road Not Taken†by the great Robert Frost is simply because I like this it. Not only is it written by Frost who is my favorite poet but is about being a nonconformist, which I think I am. In lines 18-20 â€Å"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.†Frost is trying to get the point across that it is ok not to do what everyone else does just the be yourself. The speaker of this poem is the author Robert Frost. The occasion of this poem is a choice, it could be anything whether is be something small like buying a pair of sneaker, something significantly big like a career choice. Audience is anyone really who wants to do there own thing. Purpose would be that you could be yourself and not have to worry about it. Also, I think he is saying that just cause other people are doing it that you do not have to. Subject and the purpose is pretty much the same thing. The tone of this poem is happy and satisfied. In conclusion, the poem â€Å"The Road Not Taken†is an inspiration to everyone. It’s telling people to be themselves do what you like and don’t worry about what other people think of you. It might not always be easier but you will feel better afterwards. The path you choose it up to you....
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Checking Immigration Case Status With USCIS
Checking Immigration Case Status With USCIS The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency has upgraded its services to include checking case status online and using a virtual assistant online to answer questions. Through a free, online portal, MyUSCIS, there are multiple features. Applicants can submit an online request, get automatic email or text message updates when a case status changes and practice the civics test. Being that theres a multitude of immigration options from applying for U.S. citizenship to green card residency status and temporary working visas to refugee status, to name a few, MyUSCIS is the one-stop site for all applicants requesting U.S. immigration. The USCIS Website The USCIS website has directions for getting started on MyUSCIS, which allows an applicant to review their entire case history. All an applicant needs is the applicants receipt number. The receipt number has 13 characters and can be found on the application notices received from USCIS. The receipt number begins with three letters, such as EAC, WAC, LIN or SRC. Applicants should omit the dashes when entering the receipt number in the web page boxes. However, all other characters, including the asterisks, should be included if they are listed on the notice as part of the receipt number. If missing the application receipt number, contact the USCIS Customer Service center at 1-800-375-5283 or 1-800-767-1833 (TTY) or submit an online inquiry about the case.  Other features of the website include filing forms electronically, checking office case processing times, finding a doctor authorized for completing a medical exam for adjusting status and reviewing filing fees. A change of address can be recorded online, as well as finding local processing offices and making an appointment to visit an office and speak with a representative. Email and Text Message Updates USCIS allows applicants the option of receiving an email or text message notification that a case status update has occurred. The notification can be sent to any United States mobile phone number. Standard cell phone text messaging rates may apply to receive these updates. The service is available to USCIS customers and their representatives, including immigration lawyers, charitable groups, corporations, other sponsors, and you can register for it online. Create an Account It is important for anyone who wants regular updates from USCIS to create an account with the agency to ensure access to case status information. A helpful feature from USCIS is the online request access option. According to the agency, the online request option is a web-based tool that allows an applicant to place an inquiry with USCIS for certain applications and petitions. An applicant may make an inquiry on selected forms that are beyond posted processing times or selected forms where the applicant did not receive an appointment notice or other notice. An applicant can also create an inquiry to correct a notice received with a typographical error.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Independent Review of the Housing Market in Sydney Essay
Independent Review of the Housing Market in Sydney - Essay Example i. In examining the overriding structure of the Sydney housing market a number of notable points were discovered. Recent shifts in the Sydney housing market have had substantial implications for the structure of real estate sales. In this context of understanding, there have been recent shifts in the type of economic structure exhibited in the Sydney housing market. Bell (2011) indicates that for many years the Sydney housing market wavered between perfection competition and monopolistic competition as middle class citizens participated in a market with larger corporate entities that operated in larger scale real estate. However, with the recent economic recession, coupled by social and economic shifts, increasing numbers of citizens have been restricted from entering the housing market. It’s been noted that, â€Å"Australia, once the exemplar of modestly priced, high-quality middle-class housing, to now the most unaffordable housing market in the English-speaking world†(Zappone 2011). Within this context of understanding, it’s noted that the Sydney housing market has increasingly shifted towards an oligopoly, as the only individuals able to gain market access are corporate entities with substantial sums of money, or upper class individuals. ii. There are a number of elements that characterize the real estate auctions in the Sydney housing market (Bidder’s Guide, 2011). In terms of common or private value auctions, the auctions are private in that the agent is not permitted to show the Bidders Record to anyone. In terms of sealed and open bidding, the bidding is open as the auctions are generally open, except that individuals must disclose their name, address and proof of identity to the selling agent. The bidding method is such that individuals need to raise their hand and let the auctioneer know they are going to make a bid. The winner is determined by who bid the highest, but the auctioneer has the ability to reject bids that mig ht not be in the seller’s interest. It terms of price the buyer pays the price for the auction, and is required to pay a 10% deposit immediately upon winning the auction. iii. There is a process where buyer’s can potentially purchase items prior to auction. This process occurs as individual buyers submit prices for bid before the auction goes up for sale. The auctioneer then has the ability to accept or decline these auction prices according to the seller’s interest. If several bidders submit an auction bid prior to auction, then the auctioneer has the option of choosing the bid in terms of the seller’s interest. There is also a reserve price that must be met in order for the auction to be sold (Bidder’s Guide, 2011). iv. There are a number of recommendations that have been made regarding potential changes in regulatory practices in auction that could be made to improve the NSW real estate market. The current system functions to withhold certain in formation after the auction. In these regards, the auction purchaser is not revealed to other participants. In this auction environment, the lack of transparency makes it possible for sellers to collude in an environment that promotes an oligopoly in the housing market through restricting sales to potential buyers. As Zappone (2011) notes, the Sydney housing market has become the third most expensive in the world. Through increasing
Friday, November 1, 2019
Instructional Technology Learning Invironment Essay
Instructional Technology Learning Invironment - Essay Example Instructors and students can communicate easily through Google hangout. It has a number of features that make it the right tool for technology learning environment (Edutopia, 2014). My study focuses on instructors of K-12 classes’ usage of Google hangout and needs analysis. Google hangout can be used by different groups of people and for different purposes. In this study, I will consider learning institutions and their stakeholders such as administrators and parents as the population to use Google hangout. The objective is to improve the monotonous traditional classroom by captivating the entire learning process through use of technology. It is simple to have a Google hangout. You only require a Google plus account. If you got a Gmail account, then you already have a Google account and you just need to set up a Google plus account. The people you want to be communicating with also require a Google account and a Google Plus account. Once you have followed the mentioned steps, all you need is to simply click â€Å"start a hang out,†invite some people and start a live video conference (Murphy, 2012). Students can participate in live stream educational conferences or interviews. As noted earlier, hangouts allow a number people to take part at one time so they can be ideal for connecting classrooms. Take a picture of a book club or any other club spread over the country with weekly class meetings to discuss what they have been learning. Hangouts can also be used to link students with their teachers or experts all over the world. For example, an author can talk to many classrooms at one time in a worldwide book club. Scientists can talk to a wide audience of students about an important concept, or simply share their experiences with students all over the world at one time. Hangout use is not confined in classroom setting. Students can also share their learning experiences with their friends (Edutopia,
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