Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Satire: High School Students
Satire How to Succeed in School Being a high school student with a fair amount of experience and observation in the field of achieving good grades with minimal effort, I should like to bestow upon current and future high school students some advice that may lead to their success. Before doing so, I would like to make clear that I do not necessarily endorse these methods. It is just observed that the application of these methods is shown to have worked with some of the most highly ranked high school students, the â€Å"elite,†and here’s how they do it, and how you can too.Always wait until the last minute. This may seem counterintuitive, as teachers and parents are always telling students to not procrastinate. However, procrastination is what drives a student to success. Procrastination gives a student the drive to finish that assignment or project that was assigned weeks ago and is due tomorrow. As time boils down, a student’s senses become sharper, allowing the m to focus on the task at hand.How can one not enjoy the excitement of completing a project in the nick of time, or the pride felt when they have bested their friends in a competition of who can survive with the least amount of sleep? This brings me to my second piece of advice: sleep in school. High school life is extremely busy. Students must balance schoolwork, homework, recreation, sleep, and a social life. Since, logically, recreation can only be done outside of school, homework must be done at home, and a social life must include elements outside of school, schoolwork and sleep should be done in school.Students already spend a good eight hours in school. Then afterwards, they must complete hours of homework at home. Therefore, it is only logical that students use some school time to catch up on sleep, as they must be rejuvenated in order to deal with the massive amount of homework awaiting them after school. Study at the last minute as well. Teachers say that students should s tudy a little every day. However, that does not help. By the time of the test, one will already have forgotten what they have learned in the beginning of the unit.Instead, if a student were to study everything last minute, they would remember it all for the test because they have just looked at it. You should study the day before, and preferably, on the day of the test to obtain maximum scores. Pay attention in class. That means, get ready for the teacher to call on you at any minute. It is important to always know what is going on to avoid looking like a fool and getting yelled at. When the teacher is not paying attention to the class, feel free to doze off. You must learn to multitask.Multitasking will help you get a lot more done and make your life easier. A skilled high schooler can do homework, listen to their iPod, watch T. V, eat, and talk on the phone all at the same time. This maximizes productivity and efficiency, giving you time to do other, more important things, like ha nging out or playing video games. Lastly, you must remember that play is greater than work. Play first, and work later. Why, you ask? Well, the fun you have now will release anxiety and stress over the work that you have to do in the future.After all the fun and games, your mind will enter the â€Å"oh crap, I have to finish that project†state. This state of mind will help you keep focus as the deadline looms closer, and maximizes productivity and efficiency as well because you are working your hardest to finish. So there it is. I present to you six pieces of wisdom coming straight from my personal observation of those at the top. Follow my advice, and you will soon find out how much effort is required of those who aspire to be the best.
Your Role in a Small Team
* * Your Role in a Past Small Team and Group Paper * * â€Å"Whether you are one of those people who likes group work or one who finds it frustrating and a waste of time, evidence suggests that groups are here to stay. Human beings collaborate. We are raised in groups, educated in groups, and entertained in groups; we worship in groups and work in groups. †(Beebe, Beebe & Ivy, 2013) A team is any group of people organized to work together interdependently and cooperatively to accomplish a common purpose or a goal. Everyone will come into a situation in life where they are obligated to work in a team or group setting.The team that I am going to reference is one that I am apart of daily. As a manager at my current job I am apart of a team of higher management. There are currently four members of our management team; our store manager, and three assistant managers. As management, are duties are to ensure that everything runs smoothly and associates complete tasks. In addition, i t is our responsibility to set a good example to our team of associates so that we can lead by example. Us as a management team have different qualities then let’s say a team for school or a sport would be.All of us started at different times and at different positions. Because we all come from different backgrounds and experiences we all look at our job a little differently but we still have one goal in common. In the beginning stages of our career we were eager to learn and take on task that we had never come in contact with before. Everything was a new experience and each day was a new lesson. Now as we have progressed in our position and the basic are down some of us have lost interest in our position and feel the need for advancement.Recently, as a team we can’t seem to work together and agree on a common goal for the business. As I mentioned, we are all in different stages of our career so some of us seem to posses more ambition and passion then others. Seeing th e frustration mount, I suggested that we hold a store meeting to address any issues and express our feelings to one another. After our meeting I feel like a lot of animosity and stress towards each other and our job were greatly reduced. We were able to talk about our strengths and weaknesses individually and as a team. My store manager and myself have been with the company the longest so we are usually the ones to take on the leadership role. By us being the leaders of our team we saw that there was an issue and we knew we needed to resolve it. By us taking the lead and organizing a meeting we were able to resolve the issues. Unfortunately, the other two managers lack leadership, which does affect the team as a whole. Our team was not effective, but now it is. We did not all have a common goal among us and roles were not taken seriously.Now we are a team that works together and learned to compromise with one another. Everyone in our team is a understanding and loyal member so that made it easier to build and grown as a team. Communication is such a huge factor in a successful team. Without communication a team will fail and cannot advance. Thanks to our teams constant communication we were able to resolve our negatives and build our strengths. Since we are all different and diverse we had a lot of different opinions among us but that was a good thing.Instead of always thinking â€Å"My opinion is right and everyone else is wrong†we were able to hear each others argument and see everyone’s point of view more clearly. Without a goal a team has no purpose. When a team or a group has a goal in common it gives them motivation and drive to work together and get what needs to be done, done. Everyone in a team should have a role. Weather it’s a leader of the team or just a member every aspect is imperative to a successful team. It’s good to assign one team member as a leader so there is someone to provide structure and make sure assignmen ts or projects are done on time and correctly.According to Beebe, Beebe & Ivy, 2013 â€Å"The role of leader, a person who influences others in the group, is a special kind of role, and more than one person can assume it. †Ground rules should be put in place to ensure everyone is on the same page. Groups and teams are dynamic. A variety of factors influence the ever-changing nature of members’ interactions in groups and teams. References 1. Beebe, S. A. , Beebe, S. J. , & Ivy, D. K. (2013). Communication: Principles for a lifetime (5thed. ).
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Autobiography: three of my childhood memories
In this talk I'm going to discuss three of my childhood memories. These things are very special to me and I've treasured them mentally and physically throughout my life. I'd like to start with a book, this book is called ‘Better days'. The moral of this book is to never give up trying in life, it describes a boy's childhood. The boy is called Tom and he was abused by his family, he was brutally beaten and his parents treated him like filth. But one day he thought that life was about happiness and dreams so he decided to stand up to what he believes in. Unfortunately his wicked parents did not agree and he continued getting beaten. This fragile and disturbed boy wanted to be a teacher, he wanted the opportunity to help children with their education and most of all he wanted to teach children that life is like a drop of rain, you can see it for a moment but eventually it goes. Throughout the story it describes Tom's feelings towards others, he was a kind and considerate person, even to his parents but most of all he never stopped believing in hope. Like read about memories? Read also Flashbulb memory! This story stays close to my heart because it shows that anyone can be who they want to be, but the only way to live that dream is to stick with it and never give up. This story is also an inspiration in my life and it has taught me to never give up believing. Now I'm going to describe a song which to me feels really emotional, it is by a rapper called 2 Pac and the song is called ‘Changes'. This song is about life and how life itself copes with changes. When I listen to this song it reminds me of September 11th because I think that tragic day changed the world for ever. It involved war on other countries and it has ruined many people's lives. When I compare the song and that day of September 11th I think to myself that the world is very cruel and the people of the world are very cruel to each other. Didn't God say ‘love each other like I have loved you ?'; well to me I think the world has broken that promise. This song will stay with me throughout my life and it reminds me to be kind to others and to settle things with peace and not war. Finally, this brings me to my last memory and that is an object that has been with me all my life. It would have to be my flannel. You are probably thinking ‘why a flannel'. Well it may not be an expensive object but as long as it is yours it's priceless. When I was born I had this flannel by my side in hospital, it was just something to amuse and comfort me but from that day on I couldn't go anywhere with out it. This small flannel reminds me of my whole life and it symbolizes me as an individual.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Knowledge Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Knowledge Management - Essay Example It is also regarded as the only advantage that a firm can have over the others for it to be able to survive in a business environment that is unpredictable. Through knowledge management, an organization will be able to view all its processes as knowledge processes which include creation of knowledge, dissemination, upgrading of knowledge and all this will ensure the survival of the organization. Knowledge management requires the involvement of people, technology and processes that are in continuous interaction with each other. Knowledge management ensures the survival of organizations in a business world which keeps changing day by day due to the stiff competition. Organization of knowledge requires responsibility of knowledgeable employees and specialists who will be able to manage knowledge as an intangible asset. The process of knowledge management therefore requires the implementation of the following for it to be effective and they are: knowledge creation, knowledge collection, knowledge organization, knowledge refinement and knowledge dissemination. An ideal knowledge organization is one in which employees who are in different fields are able to exchange and produce knowledge by using technology. This way knowledge will be internalized and adopted within the culture of the organization. Knowledge creation and transfer (sharing) are the main basis of the success of a company in this era as they determine the way in which organization leaders will develop intellectual capital. In order for companies to be able to compete successfully, they have to ensure that they create knowledge through hiring, developing and maintaining competent and excellent managers as they will be able to accumulate valuable knowledge assets. Organizations have to keep creating new knowledge continuously as knowledge keeps changing and it can become obsolete in the future (IchijÃ… & Nonaka, 2007, 4). Tacit and explicit are the
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Leadership Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Leadership - Assignment Example It may be as simple as coming up with a group decision or as complex as establishing a group culture. Leadership is a continuous process wherein a leader tries to move from accomplishing one goal to another for the good of the whole group. Another definition is â€Å"Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills†(Clark, 2008, para.3). In work environments, leadership may be distinguished from management. Leadership is giving the organization direction, having an overview, setting standards and making tough decisions while management is concerned with setting up and managing systems (Harris, 2003). Leadership is about development, vision and growth. Management is about attending to the status quo and ensuring that systems work†(Harris, 2003, p.5). However, in a work settings with diverse groups of people working together, leadership may be a challenge. A good leader has a clear vision of where he is going and sets directions to others towards that vision. He collaborates with other people regardless of their backgrounds on ways and means to reach their goals and not focus the authority on himself. In doing so, he empowers them to be confident in their abilities and motivates them to welcome challenges and opportunities. Because of his positive influence, he gains the respect of everyone to follow his lead while pursuing a common mission for the growth and development of the organisation (Leithwood & Riehl,2003). Top management is the most influential factor for such diverse workforce employees. It enacts policies which may make the task easier, as far as the employees are concerned. The hiring, recruiting and firing policies are devised in such a manner that there are
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Justice and Peace by J milburn Thompson chapter 5 Essay
Justice and Peace by J milburn Thompson chapter 5 - Essay Example It all depends on the concerned individual or family if they still want to be and consider themselves a part of the nation in which they belong. An example of a nation is the Chinese nation. Wherever they are, they all share the same pride of their language, culture and traditions. Almost in every country around the world, there is a Chinatown where the Chinese people continue with their age-old culture and traditions. They still speak their language, celebrate Chinese holidays, use Chinese medicine and follow Feng shui. These people are already citizens of the countries where they reside and yet they are still distinguishable from the rest of the population. These people may be American citizens or Canadian citizens and yet they still identify themselves as Chinese and the rest of the country’s citizens recognize them as such. On the other hand, the term state refers to a sovereign country that exercises control over a population within a defined territory. A state is managed and administered by a government which has legal authority over its people. Membership in a state is determined by the criteria set forth by the government. A state is considered as a legal person in international law that may enter into contracts and agreements with other countries, corporations and individuals.
Friday, July 26, 2019
'Economic development is a prerequisite to democratisation.' Discuss Essay
'Economic development is a prerequisite to democratisation.' Discuss - Essay Example Southern Europe became the first continent to experience the rapid political transformation in mid 1970s. It later spread to the Latin America and some specific parts of Asia in 1980s. Finally, in the late 1980s and even in the early 1990s, it moved to the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and some specific parts in the sub- Saharan Africa. In some countries, democratization is known to have a strong impulse, while in other countries it is considered as a weaker impulse or does not even exist. In addition, it has also been revealed that government and politics democratic forms have been common in some specific parts of the world and less in others. In conducting analysis, various individuals have applied the measures of democracy and development, which are different. This has led to several crucial questions that concerns democracy consequences, emergence, and maintenance being handled. Many different scholars have been committed in analyzing democracy economic requisites. This took place during Lipset (1959) early work. He stated that the chances of democracy being sustained are more likely when a country is a more well-to-do. Regardless of how democracy is measured and when used, the relationship between the democracy and the improved levels of economic development remains to be important and irrefutable. The outcome of this various findings is the weak claim of economic development and democracy just being associated with each other. On the other hand, strong claim has been established that economic development brings about democracy. This results in recognition of endogenous and exogenous theories. The relationship between democracy and economic development is the major existing argument. In this argument, endogenous and exogenous theory differences are examined. In the endogenous theory, democracy is described as being economic development function. According to this theory, development in poor countries increases the chances for democratic transition. The fact ors contributing to this include the increase in the number of middle class who are enlightened, changes in the land, income, and capital relative distribution. On the other hand, exogenous theory opposes this; they insist that democracy does not result from development. According to exogenous theory, longevity of democracy is maintained by the economic development. However, the theory suggests that from the authoritarian rule, the transition to democracy is exogenous to development. This theory suggests that democracy is established with the aid of different factors that are considered as being external to economic development processes. These factors include, elites in authoritarian regimes interacting strategically and relative power alterations, elites who are in the regime and those who are in the opposition having strategic interaction, and individual rights of citizenship being mobilized socially. In addition to this are international factors that are significant. These inclu de diffusion, contagion, coercion, and even globalization. These exogenous explanations does not dismiss the existence of economic development, instead the argument is that in countries with high level of development establishment of democracy collapses. This way the process of democratization is just supported by economic development and not determine by it. In exogenous explanations, economic development is critically handled. It considers that once established, democracy continues in a country. The determining factor here is the economic
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Humanities 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Humanities 2 - Essay Example It is, hence, easy to understand how opera was developed in order to satisfy the Baroque contemporary requirements. To demonstrate this, the opera contains several elements that express Baroque cultural values and this paper will cite them. In order to understand the relationship of the opera to the Baroque artistic style, it is important to explain what it is all about. Here, Guisepi's work becomes helpful. He explained that the term literally means "irregular" and was applied to the dynamic and undisciplined artistic creativity that "grew out of the Catholic pomp and confidence accompanying the Counter-Reformation." Rome is central to this musical development wherein many musicians converge in order to study or find work in numerous choirs and for families like Colonna and Borghese (Sabene 2011). It would then come to symbolize the power of the European monarchies as Baroque gained prominence and popularity. These developments led to a kind of artistic style that is unbridled and s ought to impress and awe. Opera was an inevitable offshoot of this environment since, along with visual art, the Church and rich Roman families and nobles commissioned musical pieces as well. The sheer pomp and pageantry of the Baroque society, particularly of its festivities and celebrations, called for a type of music that would similarly reflect it and its grand events. Stone recounted an account of one important celebration, which could provide an idea of what this point means - the public performance arranged by Medina Coeli in celebration of the birthday of the Queen back in 1696: Before the Royal Palace a huge amphitheater was built on which was performed Scarlatti's cantata Il Trionfo dell Stagioni (The Triumph of the Seasons). This was a performance of Mahlerian proportions with 150 instrumentalists and a chorus of 50; the whole construction was illuminated by some 900 torches and lanterns†¦ In these events the entire community was brought together, not as equal specta tors, but as participants in a celebration of hierarchy, which sought, to image power relations of that society (89). Combination of Art Essentially, what makes the opera Baroque in style is the idea that it combines all music and art forms together. First, it is based "on the linking of text to music such that the music followed and augmented the natural speech flow" (Modern Baroque Opera Newsletter 2004). Then, it would utilize and integrate other forms of art such as literature, drama, painting and elaborate stage settings (Guisepi). No wonder many people and music enthusiasts even today refer to it as one of the most exciting artifact of European art and culture. Opera implies a certain grandness that can only be equated with the powers of the European monarchs and the magnificence of the Christian God. The construction of elaborate opera houses depicted the dynamics of grandeur that characterize the opera. Opera houses in many Italian cities demonstrate this such as the La Scal a in Milan and in other countries as well as like the Paris Opera in France with its ornate ceiling and general architecture considered as a masterpiece of the French Baroque. The cavernous and ornate architecture sought to highlight the drama and grandeur of each performance as with the other elements integrated in the whole experience. It is perhaps safe to say that opera or experiencing the opera is incomplete without the imposing Baroque magnificence of these buildings. The Margravial Opera House in Germany is an
Admission proposal (Topic Data Mining) Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Admission (Topic Data Mining) - Research Proposal Example The need has motivated my desire to complete a PhD program on the subject and I believe that your supervision and capacity of your institution offers me the best opportunity to complete the program and to develop and influence implementation of the proposed framework. Existing literature identifies significance and challenges of data mining. Search techniques ensure availability of data for mining purposes (Weber and Horn 2013, p. 31), and this suggests ease of data mining and its popularity in organizations. is an example of sites that aid data search and its efficiency in availing data is a threat to data privacy and security. Roles of applications such as NoSQL in transforming data management also identify the need for â€Å"governance and stewardship†in operating data (Stiglich 2014, p. 22). Until the year 2013, according to Chen, et al (2013, p. 908), the available technique for ensuring privacy of data in data mining was inefficient and destroyed original data. While ensuring privacy achieved an ethical objective in data use, destroying original data established threats to reliability and validity of availed data. A new approach, which could be subject to other weaknesses, was therefore proposed. Current laws also i dentify a gap in regulating data mining because even though privacy laws exist, the scope of electronic data, especially data third parties possesses, undermines effectiveness of privacy laws. The United States’ fourth amendment suffers this weakness (Harvard Law Review 2014, p. 691) and situations in other countries such as Oman and Singapore suggest lack of suitable legal frameworks across many countries (Chesterman 2014, p. 51). While privacy establishes legal and ethical concerns over data mining, benefits of data mining are necessary for the contemporary environment. Moderating use of data mining is the solution and implementing the study will aid this. The following research question will be investigated. A
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Micro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Micro - Essay Example This will raise the price of gasoline and as a result its quantity demanded will also be decreased (as quantity demanded decreases when price increases owing to the law of demand). In this way, the equilibrium quantity of gasoline will reduced to the new level Q’ and equilibrium price will be raised to P’. Price S’ S D Q’ Q Quantity The impact of increase in equilibrium prices of gasoline can be traced to the consumers of gasoline i.e. automobile owners. As far as the Luxury cars are concerned, which are not so fuel-efficient, the owners of Luxury cars will face increase in operational cost of their automobiles. Thus, the increase in price of gasoline will decrease the quantity demanded for gasoline and so will also decrease the demand for Luxury cars – perfect complement for gasoline. Graphically, in the Luxury car market, the demand curve of Luxury cars will shift leftward and now there is lesser demand of Luxury cars at each unit of their prices. Given the supply of Luxury cars, the leftward shift in their demand will decrease the equilibrium quantity of Luxury cars since the decrease in their demand will lead to excess supply of Luxury cars which will put downward pressure on their price and as a result their quantity supplied will also be decreased (as quantity supplied decreases when price decreases owing to the law of supply). In this way, the equilibrium quantity of Luxury cars will be reduced to the new level Q’ and equilibrium price will be decreased to P’. Price S D’ D Q’ Q Quantity The same impact can also be traced to the market of Economy cars which are fuel-efficient. Since the increase in price of gasoline will decrease the demand of Luxury cars, the consumers will tend to switch to the less-expensive alternative – Economy cars. Since Economy cars are the substitutes of Luxury cars, decrease in demand of Luxury cars will increase the demand of Economy cars. Graphically, in the Economy car market, the demand curve of Economy cars will shift rightward and now there is more demand of Economy cars at each unit of their prices. Given the supply of Economy cars, the rightward shift in their demand will increase the equilibrium quantity of Economy cars since the increase in their demand will lead to a situation of ‘excess demand’ of Economy cars which will put upward pressure on their price and as a result their quantity supplied will also be increased (as quantity supplied increases with price). In this way, the equilibrium quantity of Economy cars will be increased to the new level Q’ and equilibrium price will also be increased to P’. Price S D D’ Q. Q’ Quantity Question 2 Price a S b Price Ceiling D QS QD Quantity At the binding price ceiling – which is the maximum price set below the equilibrium price – suppliers can't charge what they had been. Consequently, some suppliers exit the industry and thus s upply is decreased. In this way, there will be inefficiency in the market as it will prevent some sellers from selling their good to buyers who value the good higher than their cost ("Price ceiling" On the other hand, consumers can now buy the product for less, so quantity demanded increases. This will cause a shortage since quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied. Since producer surplus is area above the supply curve and
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Reasearch proprosal Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Reasearch proprosal - Coursework Example The experimenter will read journals and check databases for previous research in this area. Case studies specific to Montserratian immigrants will be looked at. There will be looking in depth, at the areas these immigrants dominated and changes that has occurred overtime in these regions. Statistical evidence will be explored to determine the number of Montserratians residing in England in comparison to 1995 as a result of the volcanic eruption. A survey and semi-formal interviews will also be carried out with immigrants in order to test this hypothesis. On completion there should be an understanding if there is a profound change in the areas immigrants occupied. These changes could be political, social or economical. Census and crime statistics data will provide an adequate rationale to support the hypothesis. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Name, Class, School - 5/07/2011 Title: Caribbean Immigration to England following the 1995 Montserrat Volcano Eruption I. Introduction Considerable researc h has been conducted referencing environmental disasters and migration of people from danger zones to safer locations internationally. In 1995, the island of Montserrat experienced a devastating volcanic eruption. As T. H. Druitt and B. P. ... The methodology for this research will include quantitative approaches based in statistics from the UK Migration database as well as qualitative research drawn from interviews with Montserrat islanders. This case study should be of value for reference within the larger body of research related to migration patterns following natural disasters. II. The Statement of the Problem Research on the migration patterns that follow natural disasters is important for social planning, immigration management, humanitarian aid assessments, and to other aspects of governance internationally. The Montserrat volcano eruption resulted in a widespread displacement of people who were resettled both locally and internationally. In focusing on the statistical patterns related to this migration to the United Kingdom following the natural disaster, conclusions can be drawn as to how the lives of Montserrat Islanders have changed after losing their homes, the number who settled permanently in the UK, and the effect of these immigrants in the local economy. This can further be evaluated in the context of migration research following natural disasters. III. The Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study is to investigate immigration patterns from the island of Montserrat to the UK as a result of the 1995 volcanic eruption. The focus of this research is to explore spatial migration patterns specifically. The research question asks how mass migration affects the domestic economy in England positively and negatively, through economic production statistics, taxation, use of social resources, etc. The report references the wider research background of environmental
Monday, July 22, 2019
Contemporary society Essay Example for Free
Contemporary society Essay Perhaps the most poignant criticism of the societies in these two novels is the violation of the principals and mores of modern society. In The Wars, death and injury becomes common place, and stopping to help a fellow soldier is not always permitted. That was the rule. No one went back- even for a dying comrade. Only someone wounded could stay with another wounded man No one spoke. The dead all lay with their faces in the mud or turned to the walls of the trench. This was the only way they could be told apart from the wounded. (Findley 118) More difficult to accept that this apathetic view of death is the enthusiasm that some of the soldiers in The Wars felt for the war and the destruction it caused. After being rained on with shells, having a close brush with death, a bright young man with popping eyes turned to Robert and gushed at him: Isnt it marvellous! Privacy is nearly impossible for ordinary soldiers. While on the boat, going to England the men were cramped into spaces meant to hold a quarter of their number The make shift latrines and showers were virtually open forums where privacy was unheard of Up in the first class accommodations, the officers were somewhat better off. (Findley 56-7) This also shows another disadvantage soldiers face that their superiors do not. Sexual abuse is seemingly common and goes unpunished in the novel. Four men rape Robert while his is in a changing stall at Asile Desolà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½. His assailants, who hed thought were crazies, had been his fellow soldiers. Maybe even his brother officers. Hed never know. (Findley 169) Many aspects of the society in The Handmaids Tale also contrast modern societal values. Dead bodies are put on display for all to see. When on their daily walk Offred and Ofglen, stop, together as if on signal, and stand and look at the bodies. It doesnt matter if we look. Were supposed to look: this is what they are there for, hanging on the Wall. Sometimes theyll be there for days, until theres a new batch, so as many people as possible will have the chance to see them. (Atwood 40) Death does not have much shock value to individuals in the Gileadean society, as they have been exposed to it frequently. The Handmaids take part in the execution of a man who has performed crimes against society. There is a surge forward, like a crowd at a rock concert in the former time Now there are sounds, gasps, a low noise like growling, yells hes obscured by arms, fist, feet. A high scream comes from somewhere, like a horse in terror. (Atwood 349) These women, who are not violent in every day life, are so desensitized to death that they are able to vent their anger through murder. Rape is common with the Gileadean society, although it is not recognized as such. Handmaids are required to copulate with their Commander, if the choose not to, they will be sent to the Colonies. With citizens being desensitized to death, enjoying killing and destruction, and the acceptance of sexual exploitation, the societies in The Wars and The Handmaids Tale transgress the morals of contemporary society. The Wars and The Handmaids Tale take place over dissimilar time spans, there are many societal parallels that are criticized in both novels. Soldiers are exploited by their superiors in The Wars, just as the unprivileged citizens in The Handmaids Tale are used solely to benefit the government. Ignorance to the true motivations and actions of the government are evident in both novels. Social mores and values of present-day society are infracted in both The Wars and The Handmaids Tale. Regardless of occurring over different time periods, there are several analogous aspects in the two societies represented in The Wars and The Handmaids Tale, which are criticized.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Planning a Nutritional Education Program
Planning a Nutritional Education Program Nutrition Education Needs Majority of female prisoners have the thought of whether they will have enough food for themselves or for their families due to their incarceration. Half of them were incarnated most of their life and did not know what had happened outside those walls, so they might not be knowing how to shop and where to get food, lacking the skills to cook a meal, and do not know anything about food assistance programs (1). They were so used of having people to cook for them and because of restricted time they were not able to have much physical activity. The usage of literacy sources such as nutritional pamphlets and recipes could enable the prisoners to cultivate a healthy diet with regular physical activities. Preventing them from any nutrition-related chronic disease and help them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Implementing and developing intervention that focuses on skill building and developing healthy lifestyle that incorporate good nutritional practices and physical activity (1). In addit ion, implementing education program on portion sizes and calorie estimation, healthy food purchasing with budget, cooking classes and even food sanitation classes, as well as focusing on healthy eating with a balance diet helps decrease the risk of chronic disease. In summary, a curriculum for this target population should include lessons on nutrition and childhood nutrition (portion sizes, nutritional balance and choice of food), skill in relation to cooking, budgeting, purchasing, and preparing (safe food handling practices and procedures), and physical activity habits. Social Cognitive Theory The major focus of this nutrition intervention is to apply and develop food management skill and making healthy food choices that include meal planning, shopping, and with limiting budget. By providing this skill to the female inmates allow and ensure them the skills they need by following the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) for behavior change. The implementation of this theory was used by the Healthy Cents curriculum that will be followed for this nutrition intervention (2). SCT is based on the idea of having a comfortable learning environment, goal setting, providing opportunities to participate, and skill development to help foster behavior change (2). There are eight key concepts in SCT which consist of environment, reciprocal determinism, self-regulation, behavioral capability, expectations, self-efficacy, observational learning, and reinforcement (3). In Healthy Cents, this program stresses on using teaching lessons in a series to approach in influencing behavior change, providi ng a comfortable learning environment, dynamic interaction of the person, by knowing a person knowledge and skill, help individuals to apply with the knowledge, group work is encouraged, and goal setting using the information that are being introduced during the lesson (4). Participants are express to improve their nutrition and food shopping skills through this program. The main issue with this target population is the lack of knowledge of how to shop and plan a meal with budget. When these female prison inmates are released and re-enter into the society, they will seek for jobs but with their limited education and low literacy levels the chances of getting employed are lower (5). Without a job, they will not have enough money to buy food. Therefore, with this program enabling them to plan and shop on budget yet having a healthy lifestyle. This intervention started with addressing the reciprocal determinism of female inmates participating in Healthy Cents. In Lesson 1 discussed how to make healthy choices on a budget (2). The objectives about this lesson is to allow individual to practice choosing healthier alternatives familiar food and by teaching them the true meaning of healthy foods. The curriculum emphasis on lecturing, focusing on content, provides information, and asking recall questions, focusing on dialogue learning techniques to generate interest and excitement about the topic lesson (2). Each lesson content activities for the participation to apply, they will be divided into a small group setting to do some group activities such as practicing with the information they learn, food tasting, and goal setting for individual. At the end of the class, the participation get to take home tips or message handouts and recipe they tried in the lesson. Concept Need for Nutrition Education Strategies for Change in Lesson Environment Female inmates may not have access to healthy and nutritious foods because of where they live, lack of knowledge of what foods are considered healthy, and do not have enough money to buy foods. Provide information on what foods that are healthy, provide resources (MyPlate) and handouts that are consider healthy foods, and display ways to shop with budget (L1 -L6) Reciprocal Determinism Majority of the female inmates that are being release are from low socioeconomic with limited access to food, limited nutrition education, low literacy which might cause this populations ability to change. Teach about smart shopping for fruits and vegetables (L1), having healthy snacks that they can afford (L2), developing a food budget (L3-L4), educate in planning a meal (L5), and food shopping on a budget (L6). Discuss the importance of these helps them to change the idea that they able to have a healthy lifestyle with a limited budget. Self-Regulation Many inmates who got release currently not practicing healthy eating habits, may need assistance in selecting appropriate goals, problem solving, monitoring, and even decision making. Aid with goal setting, problem solving, and decision making by encouraging the participants to take home handouts and recipes (L1-L6). Also, encourage participants to use what they learned and participate in the discussion concerning their goals and decision (L1-L6). Behavioral Capability Prisoners need the knowledge and skill to manage their food after they are release, so they need assistance and education on how to prepare healthy meals with alternatively cheap healthy food options. Provide information and demonstration on how to shop and plan healthy meals and snacks in way that is easy to follow (L1, L2, L4-L6). Expectations While many female inmates may know that fruits, vegetables, whole grains are healthy for them, they may not believe that is impossible for them to purchase healthy items with low budget. Introduce new ways to purchase healthy food options and encourage participants to try new recipes. Handouts and recipe sheets will be provided additional information and ideas to try after the lessons (L1-L6). Self-Efficacy The target population may not live at the area where they are easily access to grocery store, therefore, they may not try before some of the foods. Promote and motivate the participants in trying new foods and make some changes with their diets. Handouts and recipe provided with additional recipe of trying other food options. (L1-L6) Observational Learning Inmates are being confined with other prisoner in the cells so they often talked and learned from each other. Lessons are taught through observational learning that involved group problem-solving discussion, listening, seeing, hearing and even asking can engage in and to promote understanding to participants (L1-L6) Reinforcements The target populations may not implement on healthy meals option because after they are released the chances of them getting employed are low (5) therefore lack of financial resources which lead to limited access to healthy food. Having low-income which eligible them to participate in food assistance programs. Inform the participants about food assistance programs can help them to access and choose foods with higher nutritional quality (L3). Curriculum The Healthy Cents program in an extension of Food Supplement Nutrition Education (FSNE) by University of Maryland. It is published in the year 2015 and is funded by United States Department of Agricultures SNAP-Ed. This curriculum is designed for adults, parents/fathers/mothers with low-income individuals and families who have limited food resources, limited budget to purchase and prepare healthy food at home. This program combines nutrition education and food resource management principles to encourage limited resource families to make healthy food choices that include making healthy choices on a budget, decreasing food expenses, developing a food budget, planning a meal, and food shopping on a budget (6). The curriculum links tools and methods for improved food resource management with USDA nutrition messages to stretch food dollars and encourage healthy food choices using MyPlate (6). These lessons were developed using the Social-Cognitive Theory. The program was created to last f or 60 minutes per lesson and with the total of 12 lessons. The lesson will be started off with the whole group then will be divided into smaller group of 4 participants each for discussion and activities. Educators able to easily follow along with the lesson plans because it is well-organized format. In the curriculum, there are handouts for the educators about materials that they need and things that are require for each lesson. There is a free downloadable file called Healthy Cents from the USDA website with all the complete information needed to facilitate the lessons. The lesson will inform about who, why, lesson length, where, and what about each topic, materials and supplies that are needed for the class, things to say and side notes for the educators, discussion questions for the participants, activities that will be doing for each lesson, new recipe to try, as well as handouts for the learners. After taking a sample handout from the take home tips, the handout was found to be a 4.3 Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level on Microsoft Word. However, not all handout contains the same literacy level. One of the handout has a grade level of 8.9. Some of the handouts are appropriate yet some is not appropriate for the target population, because with their limited education and low literacy levels (5) and about 68% did not receive high school diploma (7), it will be hard for them to comprehend the harder and higher literacy information on their own. It is important to point out that Healthy Cents contain total of 12 lessons in the curriculum. In this assignment, it will be shorten to 6 lessons that are relevance to this target populations needs. Everyone is provided with a copy of handout about the lesson and recipe to bring home with them. Lesson 1: Making Healthy Choices on a Budget. The first lesson stresses the importance about what is healthy food using MyPlate poster and how to afford and shop smartly for fresh produces. The major goal is to able to choose healthier alternatives to familiar foods and able to identify different ways to buy fresh produce using coupons and with limited budget. Lesson 2: Decreasing Food Expenses. The objective of this lesson is to help individual or families to buy healthy snacks that are affordable. Participants will compare the cost of buying individually packaged snacks to bulk package, make their own snacks and understand that snacks can be affordable to made at home and healthy. they will also practice to read nutrition facts labels to identify healthy foods. Lesson 3: Developing a Food Budget. This lesson is intended to teach the participants to choose between food needs and food wants also developing a plan on estimation food expenses. The participants will learn the 5 food groups that made up of a healthy plate and learn to plan for monthly food budget. They will play a board game that related to the lesson and try some new food that they can make for themselves. Lesson 4: Community Food Assistance Programs. Participants will have the opportunity to get resources and examine the food assistance programs that are available in the community. Practice saving money using coupons to purchase healthier items. Lesson 5: Planning a Meal to Make Life Simpler. This lesson will allow the participants to know the benefits of meal planning and acquire skills needed for developing a weekly meal plan. The learners will taste a healthy recipe that is simple to prepare. Lesson 6: Food Shopping on a Budget. Participants will learn about shopping strategies Practice using unit price compare to prices at the grocery store. Explore the layout of a grocery store and how to find lower cost items by looking at the products on shelves below eye level. Ask the participants to choose one new strategy to try for saving money at the grocery store. This curriculum is quite complete, however there is a gap in the program. The involvement of others who have chronic disease in the program will face challenges. As we know, from the nutrition assessment that there are quite many of inmates have chronic disease due to the foods being served in the prison and lack of physical activities, therefore some might face the challenge of health-related nutrition concerns. They do not have the knowledge on what kind of food and nutrition that meet the needs of their body. Perhaps modifying the intervention to involve lesson on obesity, malnutrition, diabetes, and other chronic diseases that require certain kind of foods and provide alternative food options to help lower health risks that would make it more complete. Other Program Components As the target population focuses on female inmates, it is important to consider a wider age range. This intervention educates on budgeting and how to shop with limited resources. It educates and incorporation of knowledge for healthy food options. It shows about meal planning and budgeting shopping, however it did not educate about portion sizes. American food culture is well known for big portion; they might have calculated and plan their meal but without the proper portion sizes will cause them to over eat which will lead to overweight and obese. Other than portion size, providing hands-on approach and educating on how to prepare meals will have beneficial to the target population. In addition, studies have showed that female inmates must overcome their unique social, mental, emotional, and physical challenges that prevent their ability to blend smoothly back into the society (8). Therefore, emphasis on discussing healthy lifestyle choices and habits for individual or families to create an environment that allows for positive behavior change (8) is extremely important to this population. References Decker, Jennifer and Dharod, Jigna. Nutrition Education Needs of Women Being Released from Prison. Maine Nutrition Network, USM. USDA, Food Stamp Nutrition Education, 2006. Website. Available at Accessed March 1, 2017. Boyle Marie A. Community Nutrition in Action: An Entrepreneurial Approach 7th ed. Boston, MA; pp 87. Textbook. Published 2016. Accessed March 25, 2017. United States Department of Agriculture. Healthy Cents. 2015. Website. Available on Accessed on March 26, 2017. Astray-Caneda, Vivian, Busbee, Malika and Fanning, Markell. Social Learning Theory and Prison Work Release Programs. Florida International University, USA. 2013. Website. Available at Accessed March 26, 2017 Learning to Shop Wisely for Nutritious Foods Makes Healthy Cents. Food Supplement Nutrition Program. University of Maryland Extension. 2017. Website. Available at Accessed March 26, 2017. Harlow, Caroline Wolf. Ph.D. BJS Statistician. Education and Correctional Populations. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Revised January 2003. Website. Available at Accessed March 27, 2017. Reentry Programs for Women Inmates. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice. Journal Issue No. 252. June 2003. Website. Available at Accessed March 26, 2017.
Application Of Types Of Lubricant
Application Of Types Of Lubricant A lubricant is a substance (often a liquid) introduced between two moving surfaces to reduce the friction between them, improving efficiency and reducing wear. They may also have the function of dissolving or transporting foreign particles and of distributing heat. Basically there are many types of lubricants; solid lubricant, liquid lubricant and gaseous lubricant. They have their own purpose and application. They are as follows: Purposes: Almost all the Lubricants perform the following key functions. Keep moving parts apart Reduce friction Transfer heat Carry away contaminants debris Transmit power Protect against wear Prevent corrosion Seal for gasses Stop the risk of smoke and fire of objects Applications: Application of Semisolid and Solid Lubricants Grease lubricants are semisolid and have several important advantages: They resist being squeezed out, they are useful under heavy load conditions and in inaccessible parts where the supply of lubricant cannot easily be renewed, and they tend to form a crust that prevents the entry of dirt or grit between contact surfaces. Grease is a mixture of a lubricant and a thickener; often it is made from a mineral oil and a soap. It may be applied in various ways: by packing enclosed parts with it, by pressing it onto moving parts from an adjacent well, by forcing it through grease cups by a spring device, and by pumping it through pressure guns. Solid lubricants are especially useful at high and low temperatures, in high vacuums, and in other applications where oil is not suitable; common solid lubricants are graphite and molybdenum disulfide. Application of Liquid Lubricants Liquid lubricants may be characterized in many different ways. One of the most common ways is by the type of base oil used. Following are the most common types. Lanolin (wool grease, natural water repellant) Water Mineral oils Vegetable (natural oil) Synthetic oils Other liquids Mechanical devices to supply lubricants are called lubricators. A simple form of lubricator is a container mounted over a bearing or other part and provided with a hole or an adjustable valve through which the lubricant is gravity-fed at the desired rate of flow. Wick-feed oilers are placed under moving parts, and by pressing against them they feed oil by capillary action. Horizontal bearings are frequently oiled by a rotating ring or chain that carries oil from a reservoir in the bearing housing and distributes it along the bearing through grooves or channels. Bath oiling is useful where an oil-tight reservoir can be provided in which the bearing journal may be submerged; the pool of oil helps to carry away heat from contact surfaces. Splash-oiling devices are used where gears, bearings, or other parts contained in housings have moving parts that dip into the lubricant and splash it on the bearings or into distribution channels. Centralized oiling systems usually consist of a reserv oir, pump, and tubes through which oil is circulated, while heaters or coolers may be introduced to change the viscosity of the lubricant for various parts of the system. Many oiling operations are automatically synchronized to start and stop with the machinery. P2) Describe the operation and maintenance of three different lubrication systems. Oil lubricating systems can be divided into three categories: Total loss. Self contained. Re-circulating. Total loss: lubrication points are always supplied with fresh lubricant (oil, fluid grease or grease) at specific intervals (time or machine cycle-dependent) during the lubricating cycle. It is the only system that allows the lubricating oil to drain away or evaporate. Self contained : With self contained lubrication, the oil is contained in a reservoir. A gearbox of a vehicle or a lathe is lubricated in this way. The gear are partly submerged in the oil, this process is called splash lubrication. Oil is carried up to the parts that are not submerged, and an oil mist is created inside the gearbox. Ring oiling is another self contained system in which the oil from a reservoir is carried up to the rotating parts of a mechanism. The ring which is rotating with a shaft is partly submerged in the oil and carries it up to the shaft bearings. Re-circulating: With re-circulating system, the oil from a reservoir is fed under pressure direct to the moving parts or delivered as a spray. The flow is continuous and after passing over the contact surfaces, the oil runs back into the reservoir under the effects of gravity. Maintainance: Oil lubrication systems should be checked weekly. This can be carried out by plant operators or maintenance engineering. If needed the tank or reservoir can be topped up taking care not to let any dirt into the system during the process. Systems should not be overfilled as this might caused increases resistance to splash lubricated parts. It might also lead up to overheating of the oil due to excessive churning. Dip sticks and sight gauges are usually provided to indicate the correct level or depth in reservoirs. Samples of lubricating oil are taken for laboratory analysis at regular intervals as part of a condition monitoring procedure. They are examined to see if they contain any solid wear particles. This can provide useful information to the plant manager and maintenance engineer as to the condition of the plant and machinery. All lubricating oils degrade over a period of time due to oxidation. They should be changed including the filters in a re-circulating system. Human should be careful of lubricating oils, since it can cause skin irritation, it can also lead up to cancer. So humans should always use safety equipments and should also wear protective clothing and maybe goggles for the eyes, when handling lubricating oils. References:, engineering book P3) Describe the operation of one seal, one type of packing and two different types of bearing with a typical application for each one. Seals: For the task , I will be doing oil seal. Oil seals are flange packing having an elastomer lip bonded to a metal cup, these lips are loaded to accommodate shaft running out and helps in sealing. There are two types of oil seals. Single seals , which are recommended only for non-pressure service and are best against good lubricating media. And the other one is double sealing, which are normally used to handle pressure in eiher direction along the shaft. The main function of oil seal is to stop whatever fluid is inside from leaking out the clearance between the shaft and housing. Packing For packing, I will be explaining about gland packing seals. they are usually made of cotton, asbestos, flax or jute. In this packing, compressed synthetic fibers are also used and sometimes impregnated with graphite to assist lubrication. It has the advantage to withstand higher internal pressures than lip seals. in this packing, a collar is tightened so that packing material forms a seal around the shaft. A little amount of water for lubrication and cooling the packing is also allowed to drip to the atmosphere. It is normally used as a seal for both rotating and reciprocating shafts. Bearing: The purpose of the bearing is to support and locate rotating and reciprocating shafts or parts in machines and is to transmit force from one member to the other while allowing their relative motion/ movement to occur with the minimum resistance to motion. Two bearing I will choose for this task are plain bearing and roller bearing. Plain bearing: it is a typical bearing made of two parts. For e.g. a rotary plain bearing can be just a shaft through hole. A simple bearing can be pair of flat designed to allow motion. It has flat , cylindrical or spherical surfaces which slide relative to each other. It can be used to carry load in one of several ways depending on their operating conditions, surface, clearance and temperature. It may be used to comprise a rotating collar with a flat surface loaded against a plain or grooved thrust ring. It is also designed to withstand the forcve acting along the axis of the shaft, parallel to the axis of rotation. Roller bearing: this bearing carries a load by placing round elements between the two pieces. The relative motion of the pieces causes the round elements to roll with very little rolling resistance and with little sliding. A rolling element rotary bearing uses a shaft a much larger hole and cylinders called rollers tightly fill the space between shaft and hole. The bearing are often used for axles due to their low rolling friction. References: handout given by teachers P4) Describe two different types of screwed fastening and two different types of rivet giving a typical application for each one. Screwed fastening are used to make semi permanent joints which allow access and removal of fastened parts for maintenance and/or repairs. There are many types of screwed fastening of which the two I am going to mention here are nuts and studs and set screws. stud and nuts: it is a length of bar which has been threaded at each end, the shorter threaded end is screwed into the major component. It is used for inspecting machine cover needs to be removed regularly for maintenance purpose. Set screws: it is also known as machine screws however it does not used a nut. It is usually used to join a thin plate to a larger component. Screws are available with different shapes of head for different applications. It can be used as locking devices. P6)Describe the arrangement and operation of two different kinds of belt drive, two different kinds of chain drive and two different kinds of gear train. A) Belt drive: A belt drive is a method of transferring rotary motion between two shafts. A belt drive includes one pulley on each shaft and one or more continuous belts over the two pulleys. The motion of the driving pulley is, generally, transferred to the driven pulley via the friction between the belt and the pulley. Synchronous/timing belts have teeth and therefore do not depend on friction. Belt drives and gear transmissions have a much greater life expectancy than belt drives. Belt drives also have relatively high inspection and maintenance demands. There are many types of belt in which I am going to explain two of them; 1) Round belts Round belts are a circular cross section belt designed to run in a pulley with a circular (or near circular) groove. They are for use in low torque situations and may be purchased in various lengths or cut to length and joined, either by a staple, gluing or welding (in the case of polyurethane). Early sewing machines utilized a leather belt, joined either by a metal staple or glued, to great effect. 2) Ribbed belt A ribbed belt is a power transmission belt featuring lengthwise grooves. It operates from contact between the ribs of the belt and the grooves in the pulley. Its single-piece structure it reported to offer an even distribution of tension across the width of the pulley where the belt is in contact, a power range up to 600 kW, a high speed ratio, serpentine drives (possibility to drive off the back of the belt), long life, stability and homogeneity of the drive tension, and reduced vibration. The ribbed belt may be fitted on various applications : compressors, fitness bikes, agricultural machinery, food mixers, washing machines, lawn mowers, etc B) Chain drive: Device widely used for the transmission of power where shafts are separated at distances greater than that for which gears are practical. In such cases, sprockets (wheels with teeth shaped to mesh with a chain) take the place of gears and drive one another by means of a chain passing over the sprocket teeth. The chains used in conveyor belts are commonly block chains, and consist of solid or laminated blocks connected by side plates and pins. The blocks engage with teeth on sprocket wheels. Depending on the material being moved, buckets, hooks, or other devices are connected to the blocks. 1) Roller Chain: Motion transmitted using shaft mounted sprockets. Simplex chain consists of length of single links, duplex is length of double links, triplex is length of triple links. Chain drives should ideally be lubricated and regularly cleaned . However experience shows that this drive method will work for long periods without lubrication or maintenance 2) Inverted Tooth: Also called silent. Motion transferred via shaft mounted pinions (similar to gear wheels.) Higher power power capacities, higher speeds and smoother operation. These drive system definitely requires lubrication. (Oil bath, or spray.) C) Gear train: A combination of two or more gears used to transmit motion between two rotating shafts or between a shaft and a slide. It is a set or system of gears arranged to transfer rotational torque from one part of a mechanical system to another. 1) Simple Gear Train:It is made of few components, a small gear at the centre called the sun, several medium sized gears called the planets and a large external gear called the ring gear. The planet gear rolls and revolves about the sun gear and the ring gear rolls on the planet gear. 2) Simple Gear Train:The most common of the gear train is the gear pair connecting parallel shafts. The teeth of this type can be spur, helical or herringbone. The angular velocity is simply the reverse of the tooth ratio. The main limitation of a simple gear train is that the maximum speed change ratio is 10:1. For larger ratio, large size of gear trains are required. The sprockets and chain in the bicycle is an example of simple gear train. P7 Describe the arrangement and operation of two different kinds of transmission shaft and coupling, two different kinds of clutch and two different kinds of brake transmission shaft rotating shaft that transmits rotary motion from the engine to the differential Different types of shafts: Plain transmission Stepped shaft Machine tool spindle Railway rotating axle Non-rotating axle Crankshaft Propeller shaft Crankshaft The crankshaft is that part of an engine which converts linear piston motion into rotation. The crank and connecting rod mechanism was first used in Roman water mills, to convert the reciprocating motion into rotation, the crankshaft has crank throws or crankpins. More than one piston is attached to the crank to provide a smoother delivery of power to the rotating part, though many small engines such as those found in garden machinery, use only a single piston. The configuration of pistons in relation to each other and the crank and their number leads to descriptions such as straight-4 (four pistons in direct line), V6 or V8. Transmission shafts sizes vary from 10 to 100mm but it can go higher then these figures, the maximum length of shaft usually does not exceed 7m. Propeller shaft Propeller shafts transmit power between the source and the machine, the propeller shaft assembly consists of a propeller shaft, a slip joint, and one or more universal joints. This assembly provides a flexible connection through which power is transmitted from the transmission to the live axle. Axle is similar in shape to the shaft and support bending movements only. The propeller shaft may be solid or tubular. A solid shaft is stronger than a hollow or tubular shaft of the same diameter, but a hollow shaft is stronger than a solid shaft of the same weight. A slip joint is put at one end of the propeller shaft to take care of end play. The driving axle, attached to the springs, is free to move up and down, while the transmission is attached to the frame and cannot move. Couplings A coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together at their ends for the purpose of transmitting power. The primary purpose of couplings is to join two pieces of rotating equipment while permitting some degree of misalignment or end movement or both. By using couplings, savings can be made in reduced maintenance costs and downtime. Thompson coupling Thompson coupling is a constant velocity universal joint that can be loaded axially and continue to maintain constant velocity over a range of input and output shaft angles with low friction and vibration. It consists of two cardan joints assembled within each other, so eliminating the intermediate shaft along with a control yoke that geometrically constrains their alignment. The use of cardan joints within the Thompson Coupling is to reduce the wear, heat and friction. The Oldham coupling The Oldham coupling transmits rotary motion between shafts that are parallel but not always in perfect alignment. Oldham couplings consist of three members, a floating member is trapped by 90 displaced grooves between the two outer members which connect to the drive shafts. Oldham couplings can bear lateral shaft misalignments up to 10% of nominal shaft diameters and up to 3 angular misalignments. Clutch: A clutch is a mechanism for transmitting rotation, which can be engaged and disengaged. Clutches are useful in devices that have two rotating shafts. In these devices, one shaft is typically driven by a motor or pulley, and the other shaft drives another device. Friction clutch: it connects two separate pieces of shaft, it also has levers and springs to disengage/engage plates. The primary disadvantage of friction clutches is the regular maintenance and adjustment that are required, mating parts will wear due to friction (resulting in slippage), springs will lose memory, and other parts will need replacement or adjustment. Positive clutch: A clutch designed to transmit torque without slip. It consists of two mating surfaces with interconnecting elements, such as teeth, that lock together during engagement to prevent slipping. Positive clutches are also known as mechanical lockup clutches. Brake: A specific type of clutch that slows and stops motion by engaging a rotating shaft and a fixed component. Disc brake The disc brake or disk brake is a device for slowing or stopping the rotation of a wheel. A brake disc (or rotor in U.S. English), usually made of cast iron or ceramic composites (including carbon, Kevlar and silica), is connected to the wheel and/or the axle. To stop the wheel, friction material in the form of brake pads (mounted on a device called a brake caliper) is forced mechanically, hydraulically, pneumatically or electromagnetically against both sides of the disc. Friction causes the disc and attached wheel to slow or stop. Brakes (both disc and drum) convert friction to heat, but if the brakes get too hot, they will cease to work because they cannot dissipate enough heat. This condition of failure is known as brake fade. Hydraulic brake The hydraulic brake is an arrangement of braking mechanism which uses brake fluid, typically containing ethylene glycol, to transfer pressure from the controlling unit, which is usually near the operator of the vehicle, to the actual brake mechanism, which is usually at or near the wheel of the vehicle. P8 Describe with the aid of diagrams the general layout and operation of a pneumatic actuation system, a hydraulic actuation system and a mechanical handling system Pneumatic autuation system: A pneumatic actuation system is capable of directing an amount of fluid to the contained volume such that a pressure within the contained volume exceeds a pressure external to the contained volume by a predefined positive pressure. With the pressure controller, It can also adjust the pressure within the contained volume when the pressure external to the contained volume changes. The educator can draw fluid from the contained volume to thereby decrease the pressure within the contained volume. The valve is controllably operable in either a pressure mode or a vacuum mode, where the valve either permits the pressure controller to provide fluid to the contained volume, or permits the educator to draw fluid from the contained volume. As such, the system provides precision pressure control over a broad range of external pressures while compensating for rapid pressure changes. Fig. example of pneumatic aculator. Hydraulic actuation system: A hydraulic system for a sterndrive marine propulsion device directs the flow of hydraulic fluid through the body and peripheral components of a gimbal ring in order to reduce the number and length of flexible hydraulic conduits necessary to conduct pressurized hydraulic fluid from a pump to one or more hydraulic cylinders used to control the trim or tilt of a marine drive unit relative to a gimbal housing. Mechanical handling system: Mechanical handling is simply a row of roller/cylindrical or triangle cross-sectional component. They are mostly covered by a long belt but it is not necessary. The rollers or what ever it is used are rotating and the product/component will be moving along and the other rollers will pull it along like the image is shown below. The component/product will move until it reaches its destination or the end of the roller P9 Describe with the aid of diagrams the general layout and operation of a steam power generation plant, a refrigeration system and an air conditioning system. refrigeration system BASIC REFRIGERATION PRINCIPLES If you were to place a hot cup of coffee on a table and leave it for a while, the heat in the coffee would be transferred to the materials in contact with the coffee, i.e. the cup, the table and the surrounding air. As the heat is transferred, the coffee in time cools. Using the same principle, refrigeration works by removing heat from a product and transferring that heat to the outside air. REFRIGERATION SYSTEM COMPONENTS There are five basic components of a refrigeration system, these are: Evaporator Compressor Condenser Expansion Valve Refrigerant; to conduct the heat from the product In order for the refrigeration cycle to operate successfully each component must be present within the refrigeration system. The Evaporator The purpose of the evaporator is to remove unwanted heat from the product, via the liquid refrigerant. The liquid refrigerant contained within the evaporator is boiling at a low-pressure. The level of this pressure is determined by two factors: The rate at which the heat is absorbed from the product to the liquid refrigerant in the evaporator The rate at which the low-pressure vapour is removed from the evaporator by the compressor To enable the transfer of heat, the temperature of the liquid refrigerant must be lower than the temperature of the product being cooled. Once transferred, the liquid refrigerant is drawn from the evaporator by the compressor via the suction line. When leaving the evaporator coil the liquid refrigerant is in vapour form. The Compressor The purpose of the compressor is to draw the low-temperature, low-pressure vapour from the evaporator via the suction line. Once drawn, the vapour is compressed. When vapour is compressed it rises in temperature. Therefore, the compressor transforms the vapour from a low-temperature vapour to a high-temperature vapour, in turn increasing the pressure. The vapour is then released from the compressor in to the discharge line. The Condenser The purpose of the condenser is to extract heat from the refrigerant to the outside air. The condenser is usually installed on the reinforced roof of the building, which enables the transfer of heat. Fans mounted above the condenser unit are used to draw air through the condenser coils.The temperature of the high-pressure vapour determines the temperature at which the condensation begins. As heat has to flow from the condenser to the air, the condensation temperature must be higher than that of the air; usually between 12Â °C and -1Â °C. The high-pressure vapour within the condenser is then cooled to the point where it becomes a liquid refrigerant once more, whilst retaining some heat. The liquid refrigerant then flows from the condenser in to the liquid line. The Expansion Valve Within the refrigeration system, the expansion valve is located at the end of the liquid line, before the evaporator. The high-pressure liquid reaches the expansion valve, having come from the condenser. The valve then reduces the pressure of the refrigerant as it passes through the orifice, which is located inside the valve. On reducing the pressure, the temperature of the refrigerant also decreases to a level below the surrounding air. This low-pressure, low-temperature liquid is then pumped in to the evaporator M1) . Compare and contrast the operation and uses of flat plate clutches, centrifugal clutches and fluid couplings in mechanical power transmission systems flat plate clutches centrifugal clutches fluid couplings The fluid coupling is operated simply by a hydraulic fluid and the driver bladed wheel. The driver wheel rotates and rotates the fluid in between follows it along and cause the driven bladed wheel to rotate along the hydraulic fluid. The hydraulic and driven bladed wheel are still under motion even if the driver bladed wheel stops. The friction disc is sandwiched between the machined surfaces of the flywheel and the pressure plate when the pressure plate is bolted to the outer edge of the flywheel face. The clamping force on the friction facings is provided by the diaphragm spring. Unloaded, it is a dished shape. As the pressure plate cover tightens, it pivots on its fulcrum rings, and flattens out to exert a force on the pressure plate, and the facings. It is used in gears, turbine and many more. A clutch operated by centrifugal force from the speed of rotation of a shaft, as when heavy expanding friction shoes act on the internal surface of a rim clutch, or a flyball-type mechanism is used to activate clutching surfaces on cones and disks. Weights wherein each weight has an arc-shaped clutch shoe and is pivotally mounted with a lever foot on a carrier disc on the drive end of the clutch. After reaching a specific rpm, the clutch shoes are pressed under the action of centrifugal force against the inner wall surface of a clutch drum for providing friction-tight torque transmission. The clutch drum surrounds the clutch shoes. The centrifugal clutch includes a carrier disc on which the centrifugal weights are pivotally mounted. A cover disc is held axially tight at the sides of the centrifugal weights which lie opposite the carrier disc. This cover disc radially covers the clutch shoes so that axial guide play is provided. It is used in generators. Device used to transmit rotating mechanical power. It has been used in automobile transmissions as an alternative to a mechanical clutch. There is no mechanical interconnection between the impeller and the rotor (i.e. the driving and driven units) and the power is transmitted by virtue of the fluid filled in the coupling. The impeller when rotated by the prime mover imparts velocity and energy to the fluid, which is converted into mechanical energy in the rotor thus rotating it. It is used n aviation, engineering companies and many more. M2) Compare and contrast the operation and use of pneumatic and hydraulic actuation systems Pneumatic autuation system: A pneumatic actuation system is capable of directing an amount of fluid to the contained volume such that a pressure within the contained volume exceeds a pressure external to the contained volume by a predefined positive pressure. With the pressure controller, It can also adjust the pressure within the contained volume when the pressure external to the contained volume changes. The educator can draw fluid from the contained volume to thereby decrease the pressure within the contained volume. The valve is controllably operable in either a pressure mode or a vacuum mode, where the valve either permits the pressure controller to provide fluid to the contained volume, or permits the educator to draw fluid from the contained volume. As such, the system provides precision pressure control over a broad range of external pressures while compensating for rapid pressure changes. pneumatic actuator system provides the advantage of lower weight and more economical construction. One distinct adv antage of a pneumatic system is that it may utilize a source of bottled gas or the like as a potential energypower source. Fig. example of pneumatic aculator. Hydraulic actuation system: A hydraulic system for a sterndrive marine propulsion device directs the flow of hydraulic fluid through the body and peripheral components of a gimbal ring in order to reduce the number and length of flexible hydraulic conduits necessary to conduct pressurized hydraulic fluid from a pump to one or more hydraulic cylinders used to control the trim or tilt of a marine drive unit relative to a gimbal housing. advantages of pneumatic acutators over hydruallic actuators Relatively cheaper. The force transmitter, air, is freely available. Cleaner system as air leakage do not create a mess. Hydraulic oil becomes very hot after continuous use. Can cause injury if someone comes in contact. Generally have open circuits and we dont have to worry about the return circuit. Justify the use of Shell Tellus oil 27 lubricant and the splash lubrication system in the lathe machines in the College machine shop. Shell Tellus Oils oil 27 are premium quality hydraulic oils generally acknowledged to be the standard-setter in the field of engineering hydraulic and fluid power lubrication. The Shell Tellus oil 27 lubricants are mineral oils.It has an active anti-corrosion additive effectively protects hydraulic systems from corrosion. Water collects in the lubrication system due to condensation with soluble cutting fluid and is emulsified to provide further protection. It has excellent anti wear which means that lathe machine can be used for longer unlike other lubricants, it also helps improve the efficiency of filtration systems to reach system cleanliness targets.The dirt can also clean easily off. The lubricant provides anti-war and increase the resistance of the lathe material surface. It also helps to operate under high temperature; actually it works as a coolant. The lubricant also does a quick air release without excessive foaming. Other point is that the lubricant has very low environmental impact because of the zinc free technology. It also doesnt react with other chemical when it is in use. Shell tellus oil 27 has high lubrication properties and excellent low friction characteristics in hydraulic systems operating at low or high speed. Prevents stick-slip problems in critical applications enabling very fine control of machinery.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Essay on Social Hierarchy in The Tempest -- Tempest essays
Social Hierarchy in The Tempest     During Shakespeare's time social classification was much more rigid than today and some members of society were considered superior to other members. Shakespeare provides an example of this rigid social structure through his play, The Tempest. Shakespeare illustrates how superior men differentiated themselves from lesser beings on the basis of race, financial status, and gender. Through the character of Prospero, Shakespeare provides and example of one, who had reason to feel superior, yet treated others equally and with the respect due to them.      The Tempest reflects Shakespeare's society through the relationship between characters, especially between Prospero and Caliban. Caliban, who was the previous king of the island, is taught how to be "civilized" by Prospero and his daughter Miranda. Then he is forced to be their servant. Caliban explains "Thou strok'st me and make much of me; wo... ...lson. "Shakespearian Superman" The Tempest D.J. Palmer (ed.) Macmillan & Co. 1968 Murray, J. Middleton. "Shakespeare's Dream" The Tempest D.J. Palmer (ed.) Macmillan & Co. 1968 Palmer, D.J. Shakespeare's Later Comedies: An Anthology of Modern Criticism. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1971. Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. 1611. Ed. Stephen Orgel. New York: Oxford UP, 1994. Tillyard, E.M. "The Tragic Pattern" The Tempest D.J. Palmer (ed.) Macmillan & Co. 1968 Â
Friday, July 19, 2019
The Neutrino - An Elusive Beast Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research P
The Neutrino - An Elusive Beast An infinite number of neutrinos shoot across the earth's surface every second, radiated by distant stars, and yet it has taken up until the mid 20th century for anyone to realize it. Finding neutrinos in your own backyard is easy. All you need is a ten-ton vat of pure water, 13000 photomultiplier tubes, and $11 million dollars in research funding. More on that later, but first, it would help to know a little more about what you're hunting. The neutrino is an elusive beast possessing neither mass nor charge. The only proof of its existence comes in measuring its recoil effect. In the cold heart of subatomic physics, beyond the protons and neutrons that until recently served as the basic building block of atoms, a wellspring of subnuclear particles have been discovered in recent years. This much-theorized-upon neutrino is one of these particles. Research has discovered three types of neutrinos: the electron neutrino, the tau neutrino, and the muon neutrino. An anti-neutrino particle has also been discovered. All are created as the result of particle decay. Neutrinos, born of decay, are given off as one particle deteriorates into a more stable state. Neutrinos are emitted in positron (another type of subnuclear particle) beta decay while the anti-neutrino is emitted from electron beta decay. As a pion decays into a muon, the muon neutrino emerges along side the muon. When a pion decays, a neutral particle must be emitted in the direction opposite that of the muon in order to conserve momentum. The original assumption was that this particle was the neutrino that conserves momentum in beta decay. In 1962, however, researchers proved that the neutrino accompanying pion decay is different. At t... ...r for the population at large-- make our teeth whiter and cereal flakes stay crunchy in milk -- or is this just science for science's own sake. What's the payback for looking for neutrinos? "Bah!" quips Super-K technician R.J. Wilkes, when asked if neutrino research is a big waste of time. He cites that the neutrino discoveries have opened new doors in astrophysics. Understanding neutrinos means a better understanding of nuclear reactions of stars, as in the explosion of SN1987A. Works Cited: "Detection of the Free Neutrino: A Confirmation", C.L. Cowan, Jr.,F. Reines, F.B. Harrison, H.W. Kruses and A.D. McGuire, Science 124, 103 (1956). "40 Years of Neutrino Physics", Frederick Reines, Progress of Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol. 32, 1 (1994). Websites The University of Washington's Super Kariokande Info Page UC Irvine Physics Department
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Cocultural Communication :: Essays Papers
Cocultural Communication A co-cultural experience When asked to write this paper about a co-cultural experience there was one that jumped right in to my mind. My experience occurred right around a year ago while I working for United Airlines. I worked out of the Canton-Akron Airport so the planes we flew were smaller then the jets out of Cleveland and were propeller planes. One day while checking in passengers like normal for our 5:50pm flight my co-cultural experience came up to the counter to check in. She was probably in her 30’s and was with two of her friends. She was on her way to Chicago to be a guest speaker at a large conference. There was a few things that made this woman unique to me from first sight. First of all she was in an electric wheelchair. Secondly this woman was overweight. Third she appeared to be slightly retarded judging by her actions. And lastly this woman had no arms and no legs. When I found out she was flying to Chicago and not her friends, I recommended that she fly out of Cleveland and that United Airlines would provide her with transportation up to the airport. The reason I recommended this is due to the fact that propeller planes do not have jet-ways that you walk or roll out in to the plane on. But rather propeller planes have approximately 8 or 9 narrow steps that people have to climb up to get in to the plane. For people with disabilities that could not walk up the steps we had a straight back chair to carry them up the steps with. The straight back chair involved a guy at the top of the chair and one at the bottom carrying the chair while walking up the steps. A woman of her size though would be very difficult to carry up the stairs and the fact that the steps are narrow could come in to play also. After my suggestion her friends were very disgusted with me and walked away upset I could tell. No less than a minute later I had a phone call from a represenative of the Americans with Disabilities Act telling me that it was discrimination what I was doing. I explained to him the situation with the steps and that in Cleveland she would be able to roll right onto the plane through a jet-way. Cocultural Communication :: Essays Papers Cocultural Communication A co-cultural experience When asked to write this paper about a co-cultural experience there was one that jumped right in to my mind. My experience occurred right around a year ago while I working for United Airlines. I worked out of the Canton-Akron Airport so the planes we flew were smaller then the jets out of Cleveland and were propeller planes. One day while checking in passengers like normal for our 5:50pm flight my co-cultural experience came up to the counter to check in. She was probably in her 30’s and was with two of her friends. She was on her way to Chicago to be a guest speaker at a large conference. There was a few things that made this woman unique to me from first sight. First of all she was in an electric wheelchair. Secondly this woman was overweight. Third she appeared to be slightly retarded judging by her actions. And lastly this woman had no arms and no legs. When I found out she was flying to Chicago and not her friends, I recommended that she fly out of Cleveland and that United Airlines would provide her with transportation up to the airport. The reason I recommended this is due to the fact that propeller planes do not have jet-ways that you walk or roll out in to the plane on. But rather propeller planes have approximately 8 or 9 narrow steps that people have to climb up to get in to the plane. For people with disabilities that could not walk up the steps we had a straight back chair to carry them up the steps with. The straight back chair involved a guy at the top of the chair and one at the bottom carrying the chair while walking up the steps. A woman of her size though would be very difficult to carry up the stairs and the fact that the steps are narrow could come in to play also. After my suggestion her friends were very disgusted with me and walked away upset I could tell. No less than a minute later I had a phone call from a represenative of the Americans with Disabilities Act telling me that it was discrimination what I was doing. I explained to him the situation with the steps and that in Cleveland she would be able to roll right onto the plane through a jet-way.
How does F. Scott Fitzgerald tell the story in chapter 2 of ‘The Great Gatsby’? Essay
The introduction of Tom’s mistress, Myrtle, in Chapter Two of ‘The Great Gatsby’ plays as the focal point of the chapter. It begins with Tom and Nick travelling into New York on the train, however they get off in the Valley of Ashes, a derelict setting between West Egg, East Egg and New York. The pair stop at a mechanics, and speak with the man who is married to Myrtle, Wilson. Myrtle, Tom and Nick then go to their New York apartment, and have a party with a few other guests. This party is the first real introduction of the mass consumption of liquor at the time, which was due to Prohibition. It highlights the excessive nature of the time, which is a constant theme in the novel, as seen at Gatsby’s elaborate parties. F Scott Fitzgerald uses the narrative techniques to establish the characters, whether they have been introduced to the reader or not already, and to expose the effects of the elaborate, greedy lives the wealthy lived on the less fortunate peopl e. The setting of the Valley of Ashes is key in telling the reader how the excessive lives lived by the wealthy is harming the less fortunate. Firstly, the repetition of the word ‘ash’ allows the reader to fully understand how desolate the Valley of Ashes is. It carries connotations of smoke, and dullness. The word ‘ash’ may be symbolic, as this is where the fire has been burnt out; there are no excessive parties, and the people here are not as colourful or as full of life as those in West Egg and East Egg. Furthermore, the valley is described as ‘fantastic farm and grotesque gardens’. As both farms and gardens are places in which things grow, it could be informing the reader that the mass production of things, along with the wild lifestyles of the wealthy, is causing this destruction, and that it will grow if it continues. It allows the reader to understand that the people living there are almost bi-products of the wealthy people’s elaborat e lives. Another interpretation of this, could be that it is proleptic and symbolic of Tom and Daisy’s actions at the end of the novel, and they are ruining people’s lives, just as the lives of those in the Valley of Ashes have been ruined. The juxtaposition between the grey setting here, and the frivolous and colourful setting of West Egg and East Egg is symbolic of the differences between the people living in those areas, and the kinds of lives they lead. F Scott Fitzgerald uses the contrast and characterisation of Myrtle and Daisy to add to the story of ‘The Great Gatsby’. This can be seen through colour symbolism, and the juxtaposition between the colours that represent Myrtle’s character and Daisy’s character. Myrtle is said to be wearing a ‘spotted dress – blue’. Blue is a rich, sensual colour, which is juxtaposed against the colours that represent Daisy through her clothing, which are white. While white is a colour of purity, blue is a colour of sensuality. This informs the reader that Myrtle is a lot less innocent than Daisy, which we know due to the fact she is having an affair. It may also inform the reader a reason as to why Tom decided to start having the affair with her; Daisy was too innocent for him, and he wanted someone with a more obvious sexual desire and drive. The innocence of Daisy may, however, be seen as ironic by some readers, as she too has an affair, with Gatsby, and kills Myrtle. The reader can become aware that Myrtle is unhappy in her marriage and where she lives, and she is too bright and colourful herself to live somewhere are grey as the Valley of Ashes. The narrator says that ‘†¦ there was an immediately perceptible vitality about her, as if the nerves of her body were continually smouldering’. The use of the word ‘smouldering’ is significant, as it is as if Myrtle is burning, or that she is on fire. The importance of this symbolism is that it informs the reader that she does not belong in this place of ash, as she she feels as if she is a part of the fire, and that she belongs with the people that created the ash, despite the situation she is in with her husband. It could be telling the reader that she wishes to get out of there. However, when she does try to escape later in the novel, she is killed. This could be telling the reader of the social boundaries present, as those from the Valley of Ashes cannot simply leave to be a part of the frivolous lives lived in East Egg and West Egg. The narrative perspective supplied to the reader in ‘The Great Gatsby’ is the voice of Nick Carraway. His character is revealed greatly through this in chapter 2, as his opinion on the party in New York is made clear, allowing the reader to understand that he believes he is outside of the party, and is not like the other people there. This is most obvious when the novel readers ‘I wanted to get out and walk eastwards towards the park through the soft twilight, but each time I tried I became entangled in some wild, strident argument which pulled me back, as if with ropes, into my chair’. This allows the reader to perceive the party as some sort of grotesque affair, which is unappealing. If the narrative voice had been from Myrtle or Tom’s characters, the party would have seemed much more entertaining and enticing. It highlights the fact that people in these settings were drawn into a life of drinking and promiscuity, whether they wanted to be there or not. In addition to this, the metaphor ‘†¦as if with ropes, into my chair’ emphasises the idea that Nick is trapped, almost as a prisoner, or someone being tortured. He is clearly not enjoying himself, and he is feeling forced into staying, as if he physically cannot leave. Alternatively, the use of ‘ropes’ that he became ‘entangled’ in may be symbolic of the tangled lies in which he has become involved in; he is with Tom’s mistress, despite the fact he should be loyal to his cousin, Daisy. The language used in describing New York as a city is key in allowing the reader to understand the relationship between Tom and Myrtle. The sky of the city is described as being ‘like the blue honey of the Mediterranean’. This simile is used to emphasise the sensuality and sexual basis through the presence of the word ‘honey’, which holds these connotations. This allows the reader to understand that due to the fact Tom and Myrtle’s apartment is in this ‘honey’ city, their relationship lies on the basis of sex, rather than deep romance. Alternatively, an interpretation of this could be that the sweetness of honey lures people into the city, and that the people attack it to consume, almost like bees. It allows the reader to understand that people were driven by consumerism. F Scott Fitzgerald uses a number of narrative techniques to tell the story in chapter 2 of ‘The Great Gatsby’. The reader gets a clear understanding of the elaborate lives lived by the wealthy through these techniques, and are introduced to the consequences of such lives for the first time. The introduction of new characters such as Myrtle are also used to enhance the other characters, such as Tom, and his adulterous side. The new setting of New York City also highlights the excessive consumerism at the time, and produces more context.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
RaphaelVisual analysis assignment, discussing Raphael and the fresco, The give lessons of Athens, (1510-1511). It measures 5. 79 x 8. Mom and is house in The Stanza Della Signature, Vati give the sack, capital of Italy. Rafael Sansei or Saint (1483 died capital of Italy 1520) was a study art figure in the get on of the spiritual rebirth. He was iodin of the sterling(prenominal) portraying artists of all clipping and one of the non bad(p)est painters of classical figure groupsl Gerard El grand in his studies of metempsychosis artistry agrees with this statement. He assisted to define the Italian heights Renaissance. 2 Repeals artistic education began early.His get down Giovanni Saint was a painter in the Montenegro court. Raphael in subsequent years trained as a painter and in st seasons surpassed his teachers. Raphael was possibly a student of poring over as their word picture style was very similar only when as Raphael progressed in his studies his compositi ons superseded his teachers works. He surpasses his influential mentor see in the rendering of tender nevertheless powerful beauty. 4 It was in 1508 that Raphael was summoned by pontiff Julius II to work for the Vatican and it is where Raphael created the monumental work, School of Athens. In 1508 Raphael was summoned by Pope Julius II to work for the Vatican, where he produced his set forth frescoes and established his own workshop. 5 The age of the Renaissance needs to be understood in order to study and collar the School of Athens fresco and its profound meanings. The ideas and intimacy of Ancient Greece were of paramount greatness at this while especially in regards to the practice of art. It was an era when past practices were attached a peeled birth. The name Renaissance was commonly used as head as other renderings, renovation and restitution.This overly explains why the artists prescribeing themselves as revolutionaries. They cut their own potential they had a longing to exist. It was a remarkable feat of egotism assertion. 6 The humaneist ideology and pursual of this movement helped to reinvent Classical Hellenic culture. Patriarch was the or so famous of the humanists and was the commencement to put forward the idea of reverting to Classical Antiquity. That this return could only be a peeled beginning and non simply a matter of blur faith. l The humanists were involved in translating ancient texts, such as Plats Times and Aristotle automatic Ethics. They excessively wanted to reconcile naive realism with a well assimilated Aristotelian merely excessively with the three master(prenominal) faiths Christianity, Judaism and Islam. 3 These rediscovered ancient texts could restore man to a place in a universe that was ordered differently from the Aristotelian origination. 4 Humanism and its influence transform the Renaissance artists practice, their methods of scene and the subjects expressed. The ideas of the Anc ient Grecians alter the fields of philology, medicine and theology. 5 The reinterpretation of the sciences, maths and physics can be seen with the new developments in flick at this term. To verbalize ab expose renaissance art is to talk setoff and foremost closely the broader cultural phenomenon of the Renaissance itself. 6 The Renaissance was non a eon whereby the ideals of Classical Greece were Just regurgitated. It was the false of antiquity which must not be interpreted as a sozzled concept. 7 Certain inventions were universe introduced in relation to painting during the Renaissance. lovely gives a chronology of events in relation to the theory of emplacement. 8 In 1300 Ghetto introduced elementary rational perspective. It is story that Ghetto draw freehand a perfect circle, firm establishing the art of draftsmanship even though he had no grasp of numeric science underlying it. In the 1330 and 1400 artists came advised of measurement, using guide marks to help paint the advance of the walls for frescoes. In 1342 4, imbroglio Lorgnette understood the near approximation and definition of a vanishing point.It was also understood that the ancients had substantial some kind of systematic perspective method, (at least in stage design). In 1425 Brucellosis peepshows demonstrated the possibility of use up coincidence of natural vision and natural vision in a unconquerable put. In 1435-6, painting could be defined as a kind of windowpane circumscribing the intersection of a at once sur organization with the pyramid of visual rays. In 1450 experiments in Ariel respective by Flemish painters created nook in landscape backgrounds through a series of increasingly cool and demented color zones.During 1450 60, thither was evidence of a mixed perspective system sometimes bifocal in appearance, sometimes in separate planes, sometimes true tho usually found on complex calculation. In 1498 the manuscript On inspired Proportion by Luck Pi ccalilli was published. Historians pee suggested that the diagrams within this manuscript be attributable to Leonardo dad Vinci. l The knowledge gained by artists through these new principles of mathematics and physics were integral in their judgement of the satirical blank shell. The application of perspective was no longer a rudimentary subprogram but based on legitimate constructs according to certain laws which led to science of pictorial space. 2 Renaissance artists rediscovered human anatomy with the study of Classical Greek and Roman statuary. To reproduce the third property of space and support of the figures by representing plug in terms of perspective, this optical realism in relation to the material population with correspondingly tonal realism. The pictorial space required the construction of perspective called oceanography which rejected the undefined representation of space in Byzantine and gothic frescoes.Based on the idea that space was homogeneous, it wa s conceived of as axial and could be applied to a flat surface, devised by theoreticians of art, it aimed to be natural in the lead becoming artificial that is to say based on geometry. 3 Valley Reese describes the fresco School of Athens as sumptuous, a vibrant and vivid intellectual scene. It has vaulted architecture, three Greek arches leading to the glorious thumb beyond. Raphael has put great political campaign into the space of this painting. in that respect argon echoes of the pantheon structure. The construction is a large space and is determined in genuine antique style. 4 Wisped states that The architecture contains roman elements but the usual semi circular setting having Plato and Aristotle at its centre might be alluding to Pythagoras watchful 5 Jill Grayer comments that Raphael deliberately romanticists Greek space. That he intellectualized it for a purpose. It echoes or imitates the grandest buildings in Rome the g grizzlyen house of Nero and it makes refere nces to famous paintings. It does not represent a type of goy worship but has a rhetorical importance. It is rhetorical fantasy. L Elegant also comments on the paintings mythical capacity. It was not a time of illusion, if myth did come into it, it was be vital myth. 2 The Renaissance can be defined by its residual to the previous historical era, The snapper Ages. Elegant states that the The Middle Ages was an era entirely steeped in darkness followed by the radiant click of the Renaissance. Although the eminent art critic, John Risking saw the Renaissance as no more than than the decline of the middle ages and having at its affection puritanical origins. 3 John Risking was not alone in this view as Elegant states that the Naz arne painters ND the Pre-Reappraises also saw the Renaissance in this way.In the thirteenth Century, the artist Ghetto represented life and used painting methods that differed from the apparitional art of the Middle Ages. He unruffled presented his fi gures as in a frieze but he was interest in the different contours and relief of the face and delineated these. He introduced the everyday life into tragic or fantastical scenes not so much as the coded legend as the active life of the fabled beings depicted. 4 Elegant emphasizes the difference amidst these two periods of history. The Middle Ages was stuck in a rut of using tired old Byzantine motifs.Tuscany was virtually a burying ground of classical ruins. The Renaissance was a time when painting broke free from spectral decoration. Its purpose was to no longer break or to elicit an emotional rejoinder from the faithful but to make them participate, through their own personal experiences, in a reconfiguration of sacred history. 5 Jeanie Anderson acknowledges that religious themes still played a major position in art, during the Renaissance. Religious art remained the most Copernican subject matter in the Renaissance as it had been in medieval art, but now portraits and sto ries fromClassical Antiquity were introduced into the artists repertoire. 6 Elegant also states that this was a time when old theoretical frameworks were demolished when the Christian universe, a strained compromise among Ptolemaic astronomy, Aristotelian cosmology and the veridical commands of the bible collapsed. 1 The fresco School of Athens was housed in the public program library of Pope Julius II. It had been a tradition during this time of the Renaissance to divide books into subjects and classification. The books in the library were divided between subjects such as philosophy, law, poetry, and theology.These books were housed underneath the frescoes. The image above would shine the range of books underneath. It was know that Pope Julius II used or drive very few philosophical books and only read law and theology. 2 Angier Hobbs comments that the Christian religion is taking into account and adheres to the religious and philosophical thought of the past and embraces i t. Melvyn Bragg states that the truth is seek by philosophy and found by theology and kept by religion. 4 This painting was an expression of the time. It denounces authoritarian principle and all religions and philosophies atomic number 18 being abated. They are influencing each other, a spirit of marvel which was constantly active. The classical gentlemans gentleman chimed with a new sensibility one which was altogether free of dogma. There was a wish of distinctive Judgment during this time and the mathematicalness up of thought. 5 In Repeals painting School of Athens, the figures are identified as having different ideas. An energetic debate is being practiced and the scholars are discussing law, astronomy, physics, philosophy, theology, mathematics, and poetry including music. 6 The Vatican library consisted of classical references, and it protected Greek culture.It was a refuge of Greek learning, as the scholars of Classical Greece had been forgotten in the intervene y ears before the Renaissance. 7 Jill Grayer discusses the figures in the painting, School of Athens. Hypoxia, a Greek Manipulations philosopher in Roman Egypt can be seen and wedge of Alexandria represents an ancient Greek mathematician and engineer. Penalties, a stoical philosopher represents poetry and Diatom of Matinee is a female philosopher who plays an grievous role in Plats Symposium. She is giving Socrates the teaching of love.It is unusual to have women centrally viewed and to be given such status. Inspirational poets and painters are depicted. Euclid is represented and there are great Christian philosophers, theologians and on the other office of the room are poets and lawyers. The central main figures in the painting are of Aristotle and Plato. Plato is pointing to the sky and Aristotle is pointing towards the ground. Egyptians are personified, as well as Zoroaster who was before the time of Abrahams teachings. Statues of Greek gods are seen on either side, Apollo and A thena.Classical, pagan, Renaissance scholars and religious leaders are represented. In this painting we have the cream of intellectual thought. There is a harmonious aspect to this world as conflict is left egress of the frame. (Who is better than another? ) There are plenty of philosophers not paying oversight to Plato and Aristotle. It has the complexity of intellectual thought and represents the time. l Herbert Read in his book The content of Art reinforces this idea. The Renaissance was a time where minds were consumed by intellectual curiosity. 2 Wisped suggests that well every Greek philosopher can be found within the painting but determining which are depicted is backbreaking since Raphael made no designations outside possible likenesses and no anthropometry documents to explain the painting. Raphael had to invent a system of iconography to allude to various figures for whom there were no traditional visual types. The identities of some of the philosophers in the picture such as Plato or Aristotle are undeniable. Beyond that credit of Repeals figures have always been hypothetical. 3 Jill Grayer states that not a lot of people knew about Greek architecture. 4 She goes on to say that he would not have known these texts Plato and Aristotle. He was only interested in basic knowledge of tradition. He was not a scholar but a painter. There was no evidence that Raphael had a formal education, or knowledge of Plato and Aristotle philosophy. l Although Jill Grayer later mentions that these ideas would have been talked about and debated ceaselessly during the Raphael had moved to Florence in 1504 and then to Rome in about Renaissance. 1508. Both cities were major centers for High Renaissance Art.Other artists who worked in Florence were botanic and Michelangelo and they all relied heavily on steady draftsmanship. Drawing was the basis of their paintings which is confirmed by present day x- ray bibliographical analysis which shows strong drawing downstai rs the minted surfaces2 It was said by one of his friends, Elegant states, that it was Repeals greatest Joy to be taught and to teach. 3 With such changes and developments in painting and knowledge being disseminated it is unlikely that Raphael would not have been influenced by these new inventions and new discussions.Giorgio Vassar who was a close friend and modern of Raphael claims that he was angel like. Raphael was modest and good. tranquilize and always ready to conciliate, he was thoughtful of everyone. 4 Herman J Heckler introduces Vassar as a man who knew and admired Raphael. He writes with an assurance of a an he knew, prize and loved. 5 Although Elegant states that such a description is disappointing and uninteresting. Vassar describes him like a professor. 6 Artists during the Renaissance were perceived as heroic and were Just as important as statesmen, 7 so Vicars comments were not wrong or made out of context.
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