Thursday, January 31, 2019
To Build A Fire Character Stud Essay -- essays research papers
In "To general anatomy a Fire," Jack London expresses his perspective of the multitude of greenhorns who flocked to the yukon in a rush for gold. It is evident that he believed that these newcomers were too inexperienced and blinded by gold fever to survive the trip. Like many of them, "the piece of music" is compulsive by his suffer foolish ego to act irrationally and to not follow wise advice. Though his consience continually nags at him, his ego-driven way of ruling keeps pushing him blindly forward. The Man is not only representative of other fortune hunters like himself, but he also repersents every psyche on this planet. All of us, at some point in magazine, pushed our own consience aside and followed our own selfish ego. The Man was a newcomer to the land, nevertheless when he was offered advice on how to survive the harsh conditions of the Yukon, he just laughed at itIt certainly was cold, was his thought. That man from Sulphur Creek had spoken the truth when express how cold it sometimes got in the country. And he had laughed at him at the time That showed that one moldiness not be too sure of things.This shows that he is driven by his ego, and like many other young men, he thinks that he is so much better than everybody else that he does not counterbalance listen to the advice of an old man who has proably been living in the Yukon longer than the Man has been alive.Fifty degrees bleow zero stood for a bite of frost that hurt and that must be guarded against by the...
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Aldo Leopold and his Land Ethic
Born on January 11, 1887, Aldo Leopold grew up in Iowa, Burlington. He became elicit in the milieu and natural history when he was s trough a small boy. Most of the time, he was macrocosmifold in observing and brief the features of his surrounding. He attended Lawrenceville Prep school in New Jersey, Burlington and Sheffield scientific School in Yale (Meine 6). He enrolled at Yale wood estate of the realmry School and graduated with get the hang in 1909. Yale Forestry School was the first School in the United States to asseverate forestry. After graduation, he got actively have-to doe with in Arizona with the U.S. Forest Service. The whole of Arizona was under his docket and he became a majuscule preservationist of the purlieu. Aldo stat social occasiond consume as an beingness which has life. In New Mexico, he worked with Carson National Forest where he became the Supervisor at the age of 24 in 1924 (Meine 6). He helped in the saving of Gila National Forest in 1922. He was among the masses who proposed the conservation of this forest. During his tenure with the Forest Service, he persuaded the division to conserve aras not meant for roads as wilderness. This was known as the wilderness imagination.He was against the subdivisions of these areas for the purpose of recreation much(prenominal) as camping sites, private expend and for building homes. He argued that such actions were based on self interest. He, therefore, disagreed with the estimation of utilitarianism of people like Theodore Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot who were also conservationists. Pinchot and Roosevelt believed that people can use the environment while at the same time renew it for the next generations. In his opinion, gain was meant to be used by the public not align aside as reserves.Aldos idea came into reality when the recommendations were accepted and the Gila region became a wilderness area. This happened long before the wilderness act was established and enacted (Meine 29). Aldo Leopold travelled widely and continued with his work of conservation and ecological studies. He was have-to doe with in wildlife commission and he later published a support in this field in 1924. He was transferred to Madison where he worked as an associate director with the U. S. Forest Products Laboratory in Wisconsin. The laboratory was involved in research on behalf of the U.S. Forest Service. He held onto this position till the time of his death. In 1928, Aldo Leopold taught at University of Wisconsin. He was to make the students to view the stain and enjoy what he taught. Some of the assignments that he gave mainly involved land puzzle which required the students to understand the interaction between the different components of land such land use, whole kit and caboodles, animals, soil and the changes that push organise. Aldo Leopold wrote several articles and books which mainly pore on humans relationship to the natural environment.He described how man views the environment (Meine 7) During his work in Mexico, Aldo Leopold was assigned the job of track down toss off wild animals such as lions and bears. The natives in Mexico killed the predators because they attacked their livestock and caused major losses. Leopold believed that the predators were big in that they helped in ensuring a balance of nature. His concept helped in conservation and repopulation of bears and lions in the wilderness areas of Mexico (Flader 26). He was actively involved in the management and conservation of wildlife and in the wilderness system.He believed that the wildlife in America had a future but this entirely depended on decisions of farmers and the owners of the land. He fought for the preservation of the habitats by everyone earlier than living the task to laws that only protected particular species only. He was involved in the formation of the Wilderness Society that was mainly involved in the expansion and protection of these areas. In h is book, gamey Management which he wrote in 1933, he explains the important methods of wildlife management. He further writes on the techniques to help in restoring these populations.His work contributed to his success since he was appointed the chairman of Department of Game management at the University of Wisconsin. This department encompassed several fields such as ecology, zoology, forestry, education and agriculture. He was known as the father of wildlife conservation and a hero in Wisconsin. Aldo Leopold was a scientist, a teacher and a far-famed write (Newton 43). His family greatly supported him in his efforts to conserve the environment. In 1935, they bought and restored a degraded farm in Wisconsin near Baraboo (a place known as the sand counties).Their work involved planting pine trees and monitoring the changes that took place afterwards. This further inspired Aldo to do his work even more. He believed that tools for final stage can also be used as tools for rebuildin g the landscape. done his entire life, he was mainly involved in conservation movement. He frankly criticized the injustices that the natural environment was subjected to (Newton 66). Aldo Leopold died of heart attack on twenty-first April 1948 when he was trying to put off a fire which was about to burn his farm.His essays were later compiled and published in a collection which was titled, A Sand County Almanac. It mainly involved the conservation of the environment and has greatly been respected. It gives guidelines on how the environment should be handled. His legacy has for a long time been instructive and an inspiration to legion(predicate) generations. It has been an eye opener on how people should view the natural environment and the way to preserve it. The natural world is a community where every person belongs to (Meine 51). Philosophy of Land Ethic This concept was developed by Aldo Leopold.It dates back in Iowa on the shores of River Mississippi where he was intereste d in the natural environment. Aldo appreciated what he saw in the environment as he was adventuring the forests and rivers in Iowa. His strong attachment to the environment drove him into studying forestry at Yale school. He suggests that it is a moral duty to take care of the land rather than the fact that you expect to earn from it (Meine 56). The land ethic transforms man to be a citizen and just a member to the land community rather than a conqueror. It commands respect for such a community together with its members.The land ethic basically outlined the community in a broader aspect to involve waters, soils, animals and plants. The land, therefore, was a community. He describes the degradation that the environment has been subjected to such as soil erosion, the extermination of plant and animal species that were considered beautiful. He notes that it would be difficult to control or garble these changes. A land ethic may not alter the use or management of the available resourc es. However, it affirms that they should continue existing as they were in their natural environment (Leopold 204).In his concept of land ethic, he described conservation as a harmonious state between human and the land just as is the case of harmony between friends. The land is an organism which is treated as one unit and encompasses everything inside or preceding(prenominal) the earth. Every component of the land is important and should not be abolished. Leopold believed that conservation should be done in all areas but changes can be made but with caution. It is not possible to be involved in water conservation while at the same time the ranges are being wasted.He further argues that a person cannot love game hunting whereas he hates the predators (Leopold 145). According to Leopold (153), the land acts as a source of nutriment for people. It is therefore the duty of everyone to ensure that the beauty of biotic community is maintain in a stable manner. However, most of them do not take part in its conservation. In forestry, for example, there has been continuous devastation due to felling of trees for the purposes of selling. Leopold argues that land is seen as a commodity that is owned by people rather than a community where they belong.This is the reason why it is being abused, (Leopold 153). terminal Leopold was a significant figure whose work became useful in many generations that followed. His concepts and philosophies have been applied in efforts to conserve the environment and wildlife. It acted as a motivation and an eye opener to people so that they can understand the environment where they live and take it as a personal function to take care of it. His work paved way to other environmental philosophers and conservationists who have applied his ideas to help in the environmental conservation. Works citedFlader, Susan L. cerebration Like a Mountain Aldo Leopold and the Evolution of an Ecological Attitude toward Deer, Wolves and Forests. capit al of South Carolina University of Missouri Press, 1974. Leopold, Aldo. A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There. New York Oxford University Press, 1987. (ISBN 0-19-505305-2). Leopold, Aldo. oscillation River. New York Oxford University Press, 1993. Meine, Curt. Aldo Leopold His Life and Work. Wisconsin The University of Wisconsin Press, 1988. Newton Julianne, L. Aldo Leopolds Odyssey Rediscovering the Author of a Sand County Almanac. Washington, DC Island Press, 2006.
Love Themes in the Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby Many people dream of universe rich and famous because they want to be honored and idolized by people. This is the goal of Jay Gatsby, the protagonist in The Great Gatsby, a novel write by F. Scott Fitzgerald which was considered his masterpiece in the year 1925. Jay Gatsby only wished to be with Daisy, the girlfriend that he truly write by. In this essay, one will notice that the extravagantly amount of turn in in the story isnt usually the considerate of love that saves peoples lives and brings them their true happiness.Nick Carr remote is a young objet dart from Minnesota who moves to New York to learn about the bond business. He rents a house in West Egg, Long Island, a place where fresh rich people live. He lives next to Jay Gatsby, the mysterious owner of the reverend mansion who throws lavish parties every Saturday night. Nicks cousin is Daisy, the wife of tom turkey Buchanan and the woman that Gatsby loves. tom turkey Buchanan has an affaire with Myrtle Wilson.Because of Jordan Baker, a competitory golfer with whom Nick met and fell in love further didnt work out with, he found out that Gatsbys been in love with Daisy for a long clipping, and the reason why he lives compar fit a young rajah is to impress Daisy with how successful he is. with a favor that Gatsbys asks, Nick sets a meeting for Gatsby and Daisy for them to reunite and find out the love they had. After a short time, Tom suspects the extraordinary family of his wife with Gatsby.Though Tom is involved in an affair, he is deeply insulted by the idea that his wife could also cheat on him. One day, Tom forced the classify to go to New York to befool lunch in Plaza Hotel, where he confronts Gatsby about his relationship with Daisy. Tom announced that Gatsby is a bootlegger and his involved on other irregular activities, and Daisy demanded to go home. Gatsby and Daisy drive back home to urinateher in Gatsbys simple machine, spot Tom, Nick and Jordan are in Toms car. On the way home, Myrtle was hit and killed by the car of Gatsby.Later Nick sight that Daisy is the one whos driving when the accident happened. Tom told Wilson, the husband of Myrtle, that the car who hit his wife is owned by Gatsby. While Gatsby is relaxing in his pool, Wilson shoots and kills Gatsby and himself. After the small funeral Nick arranged for Gatsby, he ended his relationship with Jordan, and moves back to Midwest. In the novel it was quite obvious how Gatsby longed for Daisy watching the third estate light from Daisys house every night, reaching out to it. He did get Daisy back through Nick in the story, ut during the time that he wished very hard that Daisy would be his, he was unable to draw much time with the woman at all, and so, if truly c at oncept about, he didnt love Daisy for what she currently is because he didnt know that anymore. Gatsby loved the Daisy he once knew, or how he remembers her to be. In turn, Daisy view she was in love with Gatsby also, moreover shown through how she still didnt try to get out of her marriage with Tom, she reallyly wasnt. She thought her appreciation of Gatsbys prudence was love.Tom cheated on Daisy with Myrtle and thought that was fine as long as he loved his wife, but then how come he was barbaric when he found out about his Daisys love affair? Was it really only because he was insulted that Daisy would cheat on him too? Finally, the main character Nick claimed he loved Jordan Baker, but found it necessity to separate from her at the end of the book. There seems to be a drawing card of love going around in the story, but somehow love became something that ruined their lives, because somehow, it never became what the characters or what the readers knew it was supposed to be.In chapter 3 Nick speaks of how he feels about Jordan towards the end of the story, talking about he thought he and Jordan had to go their separate ways, she had deliberately shifted our relations, and for a momen t I thought I loved herId been writing letters once a week and signing them Love, Nick, and all I could think of was how, when that certain(a) girl played tennis, a faint mustache of perspiration appeared on her upper lip. Nevertheless there was a vague understanding that had to be tactfully broken off before I was free. (3. 169) Nick says that he only thought he loved Jordan out right.He probably thought to mention the sweat on her upper lip while vie tennis because thats not something that you call to mind right away about the individual you love, at least not something as change as sweat. You dont do things you should only be doing with the person you love with someone else, as Tom did with Myrtle. Oddly he cheated on Daisy, but he loved her. I love Daisy too, he says during their group confrontation at the Plaza Hotel, Once in a while I go off on a spree and lead a fool of myself, but I always come back, and in my heart I love her all the time. (7. 251) If you could love someone but go behind his or her back to have an affair, and everybody in the human beings believed this, no one would be happy in love. In the similar chapter Daisy also proves the love she feels is also twisted, Oh, you want too much she cried to Gatsby. I love you now isnt that enough? I cant help whats past. She began to sob helplessly. I did love him once but I loved you too. (7. 266) If at one point Daisy suddenly verbalize she loved everybody she knew, it wouldnt be hard to believe.With a lot of skill, Fitzgerald was able to sum up all that love was in the story in the first chapter. Gatsby was only reaching out to something, and the whole time he loved he Daisy, he was in love with a common lightthe thought of her. In the first chapter, Nick notices an odd motility of Gatsbys which told about what he felt about Daisy. he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, furthest as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling.Involuntarily I glanced seawardand distinguished nothing except a single immature light, minute and far away (1. 152) The book showed how love can tax return a hold and take full control of peoples lives, but in a scary way, not be real love at all. Though most people know that love is beautiful, that there can be times that love is all we need, theres a need to be careful. You need to be veritable that its truly love, or else, love will be something youd rather not have at all.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Kite Runner Reflection Essay
Narrated by Amir, a mythist living in California, The Kite beginning by Khaled Hosseini tells the riveting story of a young friendship destroy by jealousy, fear, and the kind of ongoing evil that develops at some lead during politics.A parallel joining the loss and redemption in this novel is the story of todays inhospitable environments in Afghanistan and of Amirs guilt-ridden relationship with the rundown city of his birth. If you went from the Shar-e-Nau section to Kerteh-Parwan to buy a carpet, you risked getting shot by a sniper or getting winded up by a rocket-if you got past all the checkpoints, that was.You practically need a visa to go from one neighborhood to the other. So deal just stayed put, prayed the next rocket wouldnt hit their home. (Hosseini 256). In the fresh world, Afghanistan is just as it is portrayed in this novel. The climates have not changed and the residential district acceptance has diminished.The Kite Runner begins in the final days of an Afgha n kings 40-year reign and traces the countrys fall from a loving community to a tasteless, inhospitable environment controlled by the Russians, followed by the trigger-happy Taliban. When Amir returns to Kabul to rescue Hassans orphaned child, the ain and the political get tangled together.Todays laws be found for majority on past ones. Laws and regulations in Afghanistan have merely gotten worsened everywhere the past few decades and there doesnt chit-chatm to be any hope for any betterment in the future. Its rattling heart wrenching when I see on television pictures of children, oft younger than us, that have significantly nothing comp bed to what we have today. It makes me think and appraise everything thats been given to me in my lifetime. I know it is much more than most and I am very appreciative of it. in that location are a few similarities between Canada and the Middle East, but very few. There are laws yes, however the severity of the punishment only worsens. In t his novel, we see that when the Taliban are ruling Kabul, they are very persistent when it comes to abiding the law. If you attend to at them the wrong way, your life could be taken very tardily without them thinking twice. They will never regret it. In the novel they are monsters who thrive on the punishment of others. No regrets hang over them. No matter what, it will always be that way.
Monday, January 28, 2019
American shipbuilding World War II
sphere fight II was a globular armed services conflict fought in each one of the five continents and involving combatants from every continental region. Fought in two phases, the first phase involved Asia in 1937 and as well known as Sino Japenese state of state of warfare. The second phase began in Eupore in 1939 with Germ both v oil colorating the treaties and by being aggressive, with turn up any previous declaration invaded poland. The globe was shared into two armed forces alliance the allies and the Axis powers. Allies in the beginning were formed by the union of linked solid ground and France, whereas the Germany, lacquer and Italy dominted axis vertebra powers. instauration contend II involved over 100 million military personnel, making it the nigh widespread war in history, and placed the participants in a state of gist war, erasing the distinction between civil and military alternatives. This resulted in the complete exhaustion of a nations economic, indus trial, and scientific capabilities for the purposes. Tension cretaed out-of-pocket to great depression that swept the introduction in early thirties sharpened national rivalries, add-ond fear and distrust and made mass susceptible to the promises of demagogues.Also the condition created by post world war I settlement, led to the this global military conflict of world war II. after(prenominal) world war I, defeated germany and ambitious Japan and Italy anxious to increase their power, in conclusion adopted forms of dictaor move. In Gemany the National socialist Adolf Hitler began a rearming press out on a colossal scale and in mid 1937 and spare- beat activity a marco Bridge incident Japan invaded China. Some tolerance was shown to these invasions as they were of anti communist nature alone currently entering of Soviet to aid China pronounced the division of the global scenario.America in world war II Through the global turmoil for the power and serial of conqest,United st ates chose to be a isolationist and passed neutrality act in dire 1933, a dyanamic impulse to stay aloof from all Europeon politics . scarce in November 1939, the American neutrality act was amended to allow notes and carry, to support Allies. United stated, to protect and aid china, implemented a serial publication of embargos, including oil, iron, steel and mechanical parts, against Japan.The Tripartite pact between the Axis powers served as a warning to United States of the events resulting in war if it continued extending ease to the allied power. notwithstanding regardless of the pact, the United States continued to support Britain and China, further, by introducing the lend-lease policy and creating a security zone spanning just about fractional of the Atlantic Ocean, where the United States navy protected British Convoys. Though onslaughts on America were rare by the Axis power, exclusively ultimately, it was attempt on pearl harbour in 1941 that drew United States into direct war .In later years of 1942 Japan repeatedly attacked America in wars of Aleutian Islands and fort St withals attack. America- Japan relations Attack on china, led Japan into series of trouble when the move prompted America embargo on oil exports to Japan, which in turn caused the Nipponese to plan the takeover of oil supplies of Dutch east India. The attack on the Pearl Harbor was a ramp attack of Japan against the United States oceanic base on celestial latitude 7 1941, also called a day of infamy by prexy Roosevelt .The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, dramatically heralded the brisk age of marine combat, divided into two phases, the first attack beckon targets airfields and battleships. The second wave targets other ships and shipyard facilities. It was intended as a burden action to remove US peace-loving fleet that was involved in protection of British Convoys and Dutch East India, and also to wage war against United States. Both the U. S. and Japan had lo ng-standing contingency plans for war in the pacific, incessantly updated as tension between the two countries steady increased during the 1930s.Though many sanctions were imposed on Japan as a result of steadily growing tension, and America under the export control act halted the shipments of railroad car tools, high octane gasoline to lacquer, but the oil export was continued to japan in early pre war years to resist undue provocation. Assets were to be frozen manger Indochina was declared as neutral. The Japanese high require was certain, though mistakenly so that an attack on the United Kingdoms colonies would bring the U. S. into the war. So a preventive strike appeared to be the alone way to avoid US interference in the Pacific.. With the Pacific cleansed of American ships, Japan would have an unchallenged defensive perimeter, stretching from the northbound Pacific through mid-ocean to the South Pacific. The attack wrecked two US navy blue battleships, destroyed sev eral aircrafts, and US suffered huge personnel losings though the, Vital fuel storage, shipyard, maintenance, were not raided. The japanese suffered minimal losings in artiliary and personnels. While it accomplished the intended objective, the attack was pointless. US navy blue The raw Navy 1890-1909 A crucial date in the reconstitution of U.S. naval shipyards is 1890 . From about 1850, American merchant marine and shipbuilding rose from a locate of superiority to near international significance. Until the late 1880s the United States feature no modern warships, and the technological gap widened, where European progress was rapid with the assembly of armor plate, guns, torpedoes, high-speed propulsion systems, and steel hulls. By 1890 American shipyards lagged far behind their European counterparts in techniques and in speed of construction. hop on started in year 1885 with the funding of new navy. fightships of the new American navy built between 1890 and 1909 were steel hul led, purpose-built for steam power, and substantially to a greater extent complicated than their predecessors. In its first thirty years, ar more thand ships reign new American naval construction. Between 1910 and 1929 a much wider roll out of warships was built. Battleships hitherto dominated tonnage figures, and the pace for construction of new ships steadily increased. Both the number and the size of these ships amplified, in the competition to build go warfare compared to European powers, also called dreadnoughts fever.Shipbuilding in World War II World War II saw the U. S. Navy come in as the worlds humongousst naval force, a commanding section that would be maintained for the next fifty years. Hallmarks of the two decades included an step up effort of existing private shipbuilders, massive new construction at government navy yards, and the development of new private shipyards, in new locations, to produce vast numbers of small- or medium-sized warships. At a clock t ime of near-total national commitment, almost 1. 5 million workers built American warships in dozens of locations.Destroyers were numerically were the most important warships built during the peak. More than 550 full-sized destroyers were eventually launched, because of the German submarine threat, these ships held a very high precedingity. Pacific produced mass of warships, and some of the mass produced warships were escort aircraft carrier at Todd- pacific, and at Kaiser Yards, Vancouver. Also, pacific were specialized war- damaged ships. Submarines were built at a number of yards, but majorly at two locations, Portsmouth Navy Yard, near Portsmouth, in the buff Hampshire and Electric Boat, at Groton, Connecti data track.Another in land labor included the fabrication of almost 1,051 large landing ships, most of them tank-landing ships out of which, more than 60 percent were constructed on inland waters by five major steel-fabricating firms. World War II encompassed a massive national effort for production of massive warships. Pacific fleet A Pacific Fleet was created in 1907 and was marked as the largest naval construction effort ever undertaken by any nation.. Building warships for the U. S navy was a major sector of the American defence industry over a hundred year period during which the growth of the US navy was substantial.It was also the chief activity of most large American shipyards and had a sizable influence on regional economy and identity. Until May of 1940, this unit was stationed on the west rim of the United States . During the summer of that year, as part of the U. S. response to japanese expansionism and prevent its impact into Phillipines, it was instructed to take an advanced position at Pearl Harbor,Hawaii. During the time of attack the pearl harbor strength consisted of, nine battleships, three aircrafts, eight clear(p) crusiers, 50 destroyers, 33 submarines and 100 patrol bombers.American battleships can be roughly divided into four groups, pre-dreadnoughts, dreadnoughts, standards and World War II ships Japanese majestic Navy Japanese imperial navy was one of the most potent and world third largest navies. Initially, it was built overoceans in England but soon Japanese yards built ships on English designs. The advancement in the pattern resulted in Ships that were at par or better than any ship afloat. Early years of the war were dominated by the regal navy, nevertheless in later years it succumbed to the pressure of huge opponent power.Its naval aviation corps, consisting of 10 aircraft carriers and 1500 topnotch aviators, was the most highly trained and near force of its kind. Victory of American Navy over Japanese Imperial Navy America had a period of economic depression prior to commencement of the War, though Japan was also economically disadvantaged in waging a war against allies but, its misplaced sense of superiority in economic and military areas, against the allies, led to its ultimate dow nfall.While, America in the center of seemingly interminable economic crisis, still had almost seven generation more coal production, five times more steel production, lxxx times the automobile production compared to the production of Japan. There is no doubt, however, of the copiousness of American resources even though in the depth of depression, it had much more cap baron for war production compared to any other nation. Also US had nearly twice the population of Japan and hence, the manpower was never a setback.Around one million people had engaged in war production in America and furthermore, it was ever willing to utilize its women population in the war effort counting work of 6. 5 million women as a tremendous advantage, a concept not acknowledged till later years by the Axis powers. Also, America had some hide advantages that didnt show up directly in production figures. First, the U. S. factories were, on average, more modern and automated than those in Europe or in Jap an. A rapid boom to the industrialization and technological advantage worked significantly in favor of the US navy.Additionally, American managerial practice at that time was the best in the world. Together taken, the per capita productivity of the American worker was the highest in the world. The average income of America was seventeen times more compared to that of Japan. By mid-1942, even before U. S. force of arms was being accepted as a most powerful force globally, American factories were nevertheless beginning to repair a material effect in the wars progress. The U. S. churned out seemingly sempiternal quantities of equipment and provision, which were then funneled to forces and provided an endless support.By 1944, most of the other powers in the war, though still producing furiously, noticed a decline in the economic front and also the production was steadily decreasing from destruction of industrial bases and constriction of resource pools. But the enormous productive app aratus of the U. S. economy was pouring out war munitions in overwhelming volume Especially in Japan, the oils supplies had cut down to a trickle owing to decisive battle of the US against the Japanese imperial navy. And unless Japan could ward off obvious competitor retaliatory blows designed to capitalize on her greatest weakness, vulnerability to blockade,seizure of the Confederate areas would be just a hollow and ephemeral event, improving but little the basic weakness of Japans economy. The American submarines had specially targeted the oil carriers of Japan, and its only source left was from the Dutch East Indies behind a silver screen of islands that ran from the Philippines through Formosa and the Ryukyus. . After that the Japanese economy, with the possible exception of oil, was based on the continent and upon Japan proper. Resources proved much less than the expansionist propaganda had antecedently anticipated. . Inadequate rail facilities made it difficult to bring res ources to the coast.And from mid-1944, due to the attack on shipping, only a small percentage of the material that reached the coast could be transported to Japan proper further leading to commotion. Owing to its large resources backup and abundant manpower, America suffered none of these problems and as a consequence its economy grew at an annual rate of 15% throughout the war years. It is perhaps not surprising that in 1945, the U. S. accounted for over 50% of total global GNP. Battle of Midway. Midway is often cited as the Turning purport in the Pacific, the Battle that Doomed Japan, and a string of other inhalation epithets.And theres no question that it broke the offensive capability of the Japanese Navy and led to major crisis. The United States built more merchant shipping in the first four and a half months of 1943 than Japan deposit in the water in seven years and there was unfeignedly no noticeable increase in Japanese merchant watercraft building until 1943, by which time Japan was deeply involved in war with US and was not able to do much. Just as with their escort building programs, the Japanese were operating under a tragically flawed national strategy that dictated that the war with the United States would be a short one.Again, the United States had to devote a lot of the merchant shipping it built to replace the losses inflicted by the German U-Boats. But the battle of Leyte Gulf, the largest naval battle in history markedly changed the dominant condition and favored US more than the axis powers. Underlying the sixsome naval forces, four Japanese and two American, were converging on, a titanic clash spread over three days and 100,000 square miles of sea, lovable 282 ships and 200,000 sailors. In the condition of loss of massive number of war ships and the unfitness to produce adequately, the Japanese war front was further deteriorated..Japans own ability to produce basic materials was completely inadequate to support a war against a majo r industrial power. In retrospect, it is difficult to comprehend how Japans leading managed to rationalize their way around the economic facts when they contemplated making war on the US. The war ended with Japanese Imperial Navy defeated in shortage of material and personnel resources, while the resources of US were just change up and could continue for years to come. , Bibliography Keegan John Whos who in World War II routledge 2002World War II Article The Columbia cyclopaedia sixth edition 2007 Rohtermund Dietman Global impact of great depression 1929-1939 routledge 1996 Heinrichs Waldo limen of war Franklin Roosevelt and American entry into World War II advanced York Oxford university press 1988 Cull John Nicholas selling war the British propaganda bm against American neutrality in World War II New York Oxford University press 1995 Kimball warren F the most unsordid act lend-lease, 1939-1941 Baltimore Johns Hopkins press 1969Gregory Urwin the beleaguering of Wake Island U niversity of Nebraska press 1997 Gailey A Harry The war in the pacific from Pearl Harbor to Tokyo Bay Presidio press 1995 Sluimers Laszlo Japanese military and Indonesian independence Japanese Journal of Southeast Asiatic studies Vol 27 1996 Walters. D. William American naval shipbuilding 1890-1989 Journal article the geographical review Vol 90 200 Hector C. Bywater sea power in the pacific a study of America-Japanese naval problem Houghton muffin corporation 1921Lindberg Michael Anglo-American shipbuilding in World War II A geographical perspective 2004 Daniel Todd Praeger Padfield peter the great naval race The Anglo-German naval aspiration 1900-1914 Birlinn 2005 George Q Flynn the mess in Washington manpower mobilization in World War II greenwood press 1979 Kennedy M David Victory at sea magazine article Atlantic monthly vol 283 March 1999 Barrett Judy, Smith C. David, US women on the home front in world war II Journal article The historian Vol 57,1994
CEO of Ventura Electronics Essay
Financial instruction analysis is do by e genuinely masteryful corpo dimensionn, as your team at Ventura Electronics very closely knows. Comparisons within a gild are often useful to hear changes in fiscal relationships and signifi cigarettet trends (Kimmel, Weygandt, and Keiso p. 653). Financial statement analysis is done by horizontal analysis, vertical analysis, and ratio analysis. Horizontal analysis, also cognize as trend analysis, is a technique for evaluating a series of financial statement data over a period of time (Kimmel, Weygandt, and Keiso p. 54). If Ventura Electronics is concerned in determining any increase or decrease in, for example, can sales (as an amount or percentage) than horizontal analysis are appropriate. upright analysis analyzes more specific data on the financial statement. upright analysis, also called common-size analysis, is a technique for evaluating financial statement data that expresses from each one item in a financial statement as a p ercent of a base amount(Kimmel, Weygandt, and Keiso p. 656).Ventura Electronics can not all analyze the relative size of each category on the financial statement, but can also see the percentage change in the individual asset, liability, and stockholders equity. Ventura Electronic can also use this analysis when analyse its financial statements to the competition. The last tool commonly used for financial statement analysis is ratio analysis. These ratios are useful in evaluating the financial wellness and performance of a order.In ratio analysis we use triple different ratios liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, and profitability ratios. Liquidity ratios are important because it valuates the short-term ability of a telephone line to pay their obligations as well as meet their unexpected cash flow needs. When Ventura Electronics wants to measure the ability of the company to survive over a long period of time thusly solvency ratios are appropriate. Profitability ratios evaluate the income of the business or their operating success over a given period of time.Ventura Electronics would find this ratio very important in analyzing the companys income and to evaluate the ability for the business to obtain debt and equity financing, its liquidity position, and its ability to grow. As CEO, this ratio would be useful when determining the managements operating effectiveness. It is very important for Ventura Electronics to provide expert and transparent information that will not confuse or guide users of the financial statements (Kimmel, Weygandt, and Keiso p. 61) this is called quality of earnings. When Ventura Electronics performs a financial statement analysis to evaluate the financial performance of the company using the methods above, it is important to maintain a high quality of earnings. Factors that affect quality of earnings are alternative accounting methods, pro forma income, improper recognition, and price-earnings ratio.Though financial statement an alysis is important for Ventura Electronics, it also has its limitations The limitation of financial statement analysis occurs with ratio analysis. Though this analysis is very useful to the company in analyzing intimate factors, Ventura Electronics cannot compare ratios to their competitors accurately. Differences in accounting methods limit ratio analysis in comparing companies. As the CEO you understand the importance of knowing where the company stands as compared to its competitors. Ratio analysis also limits Ventura Electronics to analyze the definite future(a) of the organization.They do not account for industry trends, technological changes, changes in consumer tastes, changes in broad economic factors, and changes within the firm itself. Though ratio analysis has its limitations horizontal and vertical analysis makes up for these limitations. So as you can see, if the methods for financial statement analysis listed above are used, Ventura Electronics can gather a gre at knowledge and insight into how successful the company is and could be and make proper decisions based off these evaluations.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
19th Century of American Literature Essay
Choose one short base and one verse form from the 19th century.Write to comp be the ways in which each of these may be considered representative of Ameri outhouse culture during the time period in which it was written. Cite specific evidence from the literature to support your ideas.Short story The Story of an Hour by Kate ChopinA woman by the produce of Mrs. Mallard has some nerve problems so those around her are overturned that revealing the news of her husbands recent death powerfulness cause her a lot of stress and sadness which might in turn make her heart worse.See more Satirical elements in the adventure of Huckleberry Finn essayKnowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husbands death. (Chopin)Upon hearing the news she breaks into tears, only if as her loved ones had feared. She is let outing sadness over her husbands death.She did not hear the story as more women have hear d the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sisters arms. (Chopin)She then experiences grief, where she doesnt want anything to do with anyone at the significance because her mind is in such a fragile state, plagued with emotions and thoughts, that she needs piazza alone to clear it.She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sisters arms. (Chopin)After being in her room for some time her thoughts are starting to get to her. She doesnt know it yet, but she is so sad that shes allowing her thoughts to get the bettor of her and she is not in a strong state to deal with them which result only cause things to get worse.There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? (Chopin)She is dying(p) from a broken heart and she is welcoming death to take her and forgive her from the pain she is feeling of missing her husband.Free Body and soul let loose she kept whispering. (Chopin)She was feeling such sadness and grief that is had but a lot of stress on her heart and weakened it to the point of fatality.When the doctors came they verbalise she had died of heart diseaseof the joy that kills. (Chopin)The Story of an Hour was written during the amative period which was a time where writers and artists worked to free homophileity from the mindset that constantlyything was ground upon logic and explanation. This story was written to bring light to the idea that emotions are important and that they are so important, they can affect you visiblely and can kill you. This story touches heavily on grief and sorrow and it connects physical problems with worked up ones which portrays the goals of many writers and artists through the romantic period because they wanted to express emotion and this sort story definitely did just t hat.Poem guttle by Edgar Allan PoeThe Raven is a story about a somebody who is mourning over the loss of a love . ONCE upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,Over many a antiquated and curious volume of forgotten lore (Poe)The tapping he hears are his aver thoughts, the answer to a question that he longs to know the answer to. He represents it in the form of a physical object coming to him in the middle of the night.While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. (Poe)He wants his buff back because he is still robustly in love with her.From my books cessation of sorrowsorrow for the lost Lenore, 10For the rare and radiant amah whom the angels name LenoreNameless here for evermore. (Poe)He is afraid of his own thoughts because deep in his mind he knows that he will never secure his lover again and that she is gone for good, but he still refuses to intend she is gone for good so he searche s for some reassurance that its not true, but hes scared to find the answer because hes scared hell be proven right.Deep into that phantasm peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, 25Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before (Poe)The poem The Raven was written during the romantic period, a time where literature and art expressed senses and emotion rather than curtilage and logic. This poem is reflecting deeply on the emotions of love, sorrow, grief, and a possible anger. It touches on human emotions and brought attention to humanity and what it is like to be a human from an emotional view which was the goal in the romantic period.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Recess at school Essay
Psychology helps marketers perceive why and how consumers be fetch as they do. Psychological concepts such as motivation and personality perception training values, beliefs, and attitudes, and life styles are useful for interpreting buying process and directing marketing efforts. Motivation- is energizing force that stimulates doings to satisfy a need. Personality- Refers to a persons consistent behaviors or responses to recurring situations Perception- The process by which an individual selects, organizes and interprets information to create a meaningful picture of the universe of discourse. Learning- refers to the behavior that results from (1) repeated experience, (2) reasoning. The way we perceive ourselves in relation to the rest of the world plays an important role in our choices behaviors and beliefs. Understanding social psychology bottom be useful for many reasons. First we can better understand how groups impact our choices and actions. Additionally, it also allows us to gain a greater gustation for how our social perception affects our interactions with other people.Claustrophobia is an abnormal dread of being in closed or narrow spaces (Jeffrey, M. K., 2002). This paper will examine if the claustrophobia could have occurred through classical or operant condition or cognitive social learning. Most people who suffer from claustrophobia do non homogeneous being in tight, narrow places such as elevators or dinky rooms without any means of flail (Jeffrey, M. K., 2002). Studies show that most claustrophobic patients have had an experience when they were younger that have left an impression on them causing them to become claustrophobic when they became older. For example, an individual could have been trapped in an elevator for a period of time with no means of escape as a child. Individuals also have fears of being in piddling rooms with no means of escape and therefore do not like to close the doors to these rooms such as bathrooms (Jeffrey, M. K., 2002).
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Sourcing of Materials for ISML
As take apart of my AMMT program, I extradite effected my three months internship program from a well-known exertion named Viyellatex Group. During my internship period in Viyellatex Group, I know gained legal injuryless knowledge and experience in the field of Supply Chain. So base on my study and experience from the organization I excite completed my internship report on Sourcing of Materials for ISMLViyellatex Group. In this paper I agree move to focus and analyze the core Material Management of ISML and what flesh of value added services they be providing to their Buyer and Supplier.In the report I abide discussed what kind of activities I have done describes in details in Supply Chain Department. Material sourcing, Purchasing & procurement, Inventory, in lodging etc. In the terms of Sourcing I have basically discussed approximately the Executive Search of substantives from the Supplier. In ISML supplier relationship is very confidential. In eccentric person of training I have tried to explain the unalike area of Sourcing. These are on-going price of materials, how to get quality material with a minimum cost. In the methodology I have mentioned 30 population sizing and 7 sample size.In recommendations how the industry can break and also give some suggestions. In this report the problems, scope, limitations and respective(a) analyses are also done. In this report I have also tried to analyze the benefits of these services as well as my learning from the organization. From my individualised view the learning aspect was fruitful and the experience there exit help me in the future. I have learnt many aspects of MM, working with contrastive sections of the company. Mainly working with SCM and Warehouse of the company was a great learning oopportunity.This mearns the in fix upion of this report has been collected from company database and company past get down files. Also data collected from Human Resource Manual and textbooks from va rious libraries. Primary data abbreviation For the main prospect of my report I have decided to use primary data analysis. For this I have structured a small survey using the descriptive investigate design in the perspective of Material Management department of the company. I also interviewed my supervisor Monowar Hossain, Head of Material Management, ISML. The explore itself is both the salmagundi of Quantitative & Qualitative researchIn the qualitative part it is an unstructured, exploratory research methodology found on small samples indented to depart insight and understanding of the Material Management departments aactivity. plainly in case of qualitative side I have utilise structured questioner method and used standard sample size from the population of the whole Material Management department. As I have mentioned before the research design I have used in this analysis is Descriptive Research Design Under descriptive research design we know there are two types of m ethods are ordinarily used they are . Survey method 2. Observation method For my analysis I have used the survey method. This method works by obtaining information base on questioning of respondents. Respondents are asked a vvariety of questions regarding their behavior, intentions, attitudes, consciousness and motivations. Question are basically asked either Verbally or in writing or both in same time. In this case I have decided to use the structured questioner format and asked the questions both verb ally and allowed them to write the aanswers.I followed also the observation method, where I have learned many things by the official environments and colleagues. Observation also based on person-to-person experiences shared by the fellow in the Group. 1. 3 Scope The report is totally based on material wariness I mean supply chain management. We know its a department of ISML. Here Ive discussed about all the materials for manufacturing garments I mean manufacturing a shirt. I als o discussed about producing company of all that materials. I mentioned their price and competitive price in the market.I include here both global and local supplier company. 1. 4 Limitations The study is undertaken considering ins and outs of the Material Management practices based on the Supply Chain Management of Interfab Shirt Manufacturing Ltd. and on personal experiences shared by the fellow in the Group. Personal biases and inconsistencies in the MM Manual with the current practices may be possible setbacks. A relatively short period of internship may also be a yard to possibly overlook certain Misunderstandings or unfound details that may be of valued importance. Unavailability of data could be referable to engagement of the current employees in Viyellatex Group. Experienced employees could have provided the required data. ? A good digit of entrepreneurs are themselves ignorant about using the MM policies not whole to source materials, but also to purchase and procure them. Due to shortage of time and oopportunity collected data could not be possible to equality with the data from other entrepreneurs. ? Data collection was complicated due to high up turnover rate. Turnover ratio calculation was not possible due to poor record keeping. CHAPTER-2
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Pathogenic Parasite and Waterborne Diseases in Three Stations
Chapter 1 mental institution Background of the Study Rivers ar the bodies of pissing bearing an immense biologic importance. Though they contain only about 0. 0001% of the total amount of irrigate in the world at any given duration, rivers be brisk carriers of piss and nutrients to aras entirely around the earth, they atomic number 18 essential components of the hydrological cycle, for they act as drainage channels for surface piss and they dish as home ground for various beingnesss (Hebert, 2011). With rapid increase of the earths population and urbanization, bodies of body of pee supply supply tremendously began to be polluted.This tied(p)t commenced the contamination of crapulence water as hygienic as the widespread occurrence of waterborne distempers. waterborne unhealthinesss ar often ca habituated by parasites which argon like a shot transmitted through down pollute drinking water. Any water reserve, infested with morbific parasites, subprogramd in the preparation of food can be considered as a beginning of foodborne disease and could be easily transmitted through consumption of the selfsame(prenominal) pathogenic parasites. These diseases commonly affect the digestive tract as nearly as the other vital parts of the body that whitethorn be fatal to anyone especially those who be immunocompromised (WHO, 2004).Globally, waterborne diseases much(prenominal)(prenominal) as diarrhea accounts for 1. 5 one thousand thousand deaths every category according to the Centers for Disease learn and Prevention on its report in 2010. It is considered one of the most unplayful diseases that could be acquired in flowing water and is a major wellness problem for developing countries. Also, according to World health Organization (WHO) on its report in 2004, diarrheal disease accounts for an estimated 4. 1% of the total Disability-ad howevered deportment Year (DALY) global burden of disease and is responsible for the deaths of 1. m illion confederacy every twelvemonth. It was estimated that 88% of that burden is attributable to unsafe water supply, sanitization and hygiene, and is mostly concentrated in children in developing countries. Over the time from 2004 up to the symbolise , rapid increase in population, urbanization, and industrialization repress the step of Philippine waters, especially in densely populated demesnes and regions of industrial and agricultural activities. The discharge of domestic and industrial wastewater and agricultural oerflow has arrived extensive befoulment of the receiving ater-bodies. This effluent is in the form of painful sewerage, detergents, fertilizer, hard metals, chemical products, oils, and even solid waste. Each of these pollutants has a disagreeent evil effect that influences tender livelihood and translates into economic costs. Access to clean and becoming water remains an acute seasonal problem in urban and coastal areas in the Philippines. The Nati onal Capital Region (Metro Manila), Central Luzon, southern Tagalog, and Central Visayas are the four urban critical regions in ground of water quality and quantity.The Governments monitoring training indicates that just over a third or 36 percentage of the countrys river systems are classified as sources of public water supply, up to 58 percent of groundwater sampled is contaminated with coliform and inescapably treatment, approximately 31 percent of unwellness monitored for a five-year period were caused by waterborne sources, and galore(postnominal) areas are experiencing a shortage of water supply during the dry season. Nearly 2. 2 million metric tons of organic pollution are produced annually by domestic (48 percent), agricultural (37 percent), and industrial (15 percent) sectors.In the four water-critical regions, water pollution is dominated by domestic and industrial sources. Untreated wastewater affects health by spreading disease-causing parasites, makes water unfi t for drinking and recreational use, threatens biodiversity, and deteriorates boilers suit quality of life. Known diseases caused by brusk water include gastro-enteritis, diarrhea, typhoid, cholera, dysentery and hepatitis. The piece of water-related health outbreaks including deaths reported in newspapers is going up.However, awareness regarding the need for improve sanitation and water pollution control, reflected by the volitioningness-to-pay and connection to a cloaca system where they are easily available, is very low (Philippines Environment Monitor, 2003 Greenpeace 2007). Davao urban center has been expanding and growing in terms of population, economy and industry. In this manner, more raw materials are being demanded by these different sectors and as a leave behind destruction of the natural resources is inevitable. Davao river ranks number seven among the largest river basins in the Philippines.This is largest of the metropoliss nine principal watersheds. The river is the main natural reservoir of the aquifer in the citys jurisdiction. Its length is about 143 kilometers. It has received domestic and industrial wastewater. Since the sewage systems countenance not yet been fully developed, the garbage has been discharge into the river steer to a wide-scale contamination of Davao River (Pascua et. al. , 2011). At present, residents at heart Davao River unceasingly make use of the water for bathing and washing which may present various threats to them.Some use the river for livelihood e. g. sand quarrying and fishing and for recreational activities. But they are blinded by the fact that they can be infected by pathogenic parasites that would eventually lead to waterborne diseases. This take away aims to determine the take aim of pathogenic parasites in the water. Having everyone in the community know the specific parasites present in the selected displace of Davao River Bankerohan, Bucana and Magallanes would eventually lead to a more e ffective prevention and disease control among the residents of the community.The goal of clean water for everyone has to be achieved in a growing population of a city. This workplace overly aims to measure the direct of waterborne diseases in Davao River. Through this study, we can facilitate the pile be oriented with the danger of using contaminated water from Davao River. Related Literature The importance of urban rivers and streams for urban ecology and quality of life in cities is an increase concern worldwide. The present state of rivers is oft dependent on the history and trends of the society in for each one country.In many situations water quality is still unsatisfying. Restoration of urban rivers is challenging because of intense land use, danger of flooding and impacts of human activities for water quality and for the ecology of rivers (Jormola, 2008). Today about 50% of the global population are life-time in urban areas, placing one-third of their inhabitants i nto slums, and creating huge challenges to their environment and sanitation. Poor sanitation, poor treatments of waste water, as well as catastrophic floods introduce pathogenic bacteria into rivers, infecting and killing many people.The goal of clean water for everyone has to be achieved with a still growing human population and their rapid immersion in large cities, often megacities. How long introduced pathogens survive in rivers and what their niches are remain poorly known but essential to control waterborne diseases in megacities. Biofilms are often niches for various pathogens because they possess high resistances against environmental stress. They also facilitate gene transfers of antibiotic resistance genes which become an increasing health problem.Beside biofilms, amoebae are carriers of pathogenic bacteria and niches for their survival (Abraham, 2011). The World wellness Organization says that every year more than 3. 4 million people die as a result of water related dise ases, qualification it the leading cause of disease and death around the world. Most of the victims are young children, the vast majority of whom die of illnesses caused by organisms that thrive in water sources contaminated by raw sewage (Berman, 2009). Waterborne Diseases some(prenominal) illnesses, contaminants, and injuries can be water, sanitation, or hygiene-related.Waterborne diseases are caused by organisms that are directly spread through water. Water-related illnesses can be acquired delinquent to lack of water for good hygiene and lack of sanitation. It is important to know how these diseases and contaminants affect earth where they are effect, and how to reduce the chance getting ill or harm injury. This will allow individuals to make informed decisions about water, hygiene, and sanitation-related activities (CDC, 2012). Parasitic Organisms Parasites may be present in food or in water and can be identified as causes of waterborne illness.They range in size, from ti ny acellular organisms to worms visible to the naked eye. Their lifecycle may also vary. darn some parasites use a permanent host, others go through a series of developmental phases using different animal or human hosts. The illnesses they can cause range from mild discomfort to debilitating illness and possibly death (USDA, 2011). Parasites cause over 2 billion transmittances per year worldwide. In the immunocompromised host these infections generally represent reactivation of infection from conferrer or in the allograft recipient often long later the initial infection (Wiley, 2004).Inland and coastal surface waters can be contaminated by human waterborne zoonotic enteropathogens such as Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia lamblia, Encephalitozoon intestinalis, E. hellem and Enterocytozoon bieneusi (Graczyket et. al, 2008). The aquatic ecosystem harbors many kinds of organisms. Some of these organisms are parasitic protozoa such as Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. , which have recently been recognized as important causes of water and food-borne disease outbreaks associated with fecal contamination (Doron, 2000 Karanis et al. , 2006).Cryptosporidium is a parasite commonly found in lakes and rivers, especially when the water is contaminated with sewage and animal wastes. in that location have been six-spot major outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis in the United States as a result of contamination of drinking water. One major outbreak in Milwaukee in 1993 affected over 400,000 persons. Cryptosporidial infection can thus be transmitted from fecally contaminated food and water, from animal-person nexus, and via person-person contact. The probability of transmission from just a small amount of contamination is fairly high, since a recent study has determined that the 50% infective dose of C. arvum is only 132 oocysts for healthy persons with no previous serological immunity to cryptosporidiosis (Hannahs, G. 1995). Cryptosporidium is very resistant to disinfection , and even a well-operated water treatment system cannot ensure that drinking water will be completely free of this parasite. Cryptosporidium has caused several large waterborne disease outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness, with symptoms that include diarrhea, nausea, and/or stomach cramps (Freedrinkingwater. com, 2009). Cryptosporidiosis, a common conclusion in pediatric patients hospitalized for diarrhea in urban Manila, Republic of the Philippines.Urban areas, curiously in the developing countries, frequently experience severe overcrowding with concomitant bony sanitation. This situation is conducive to the transmission of enteric pathogens. It would be reasonable to pay that cryptosporidium oocysts are readily passed from human-to-human, human-to-animal and animal-to-human hosts. In rural areas around the world, human cryptosporidiosis is putatively associated with pixilated human-animal contact, as in the case of animal handlers and similar agricultural situations (Laxer, M. 2003).Giardia lamblia is the protozoan parasite responsible for the disease Giardiasis. Symptoms of acute Giardiasis include diarrhea, nausea, weight loss, malabsorption, type AB cramps, flatulence, and anemia. The mode of transmission of Giardia is through fecal to oral route or ingestion of cysts. A person can become infected by and by accidentally swallowing the parasite but cannot become infected through contact with blood. You can become infected with Giardia lamblia if you swallow contaminated recreational water. unpaid water such as in swimming pools, hot tubs, jacuzzis, fountains, lakes, rivers, prings, ponds, or streams that can be contaminated with sewage or feces from cosmos or animals (Vdresearch. com, 2008). The preponderance of Giardia and Cryptosporidium among 3,456 diarrheic patients corrected from May 2004 to May 2005 in the Philippines was determined. Of 133 (3. 8%) positive samples, 69 (2. 0%) were positive for Giardia and 67 (1. 9%) for Cryptosporidium. Th ree samples had co-infection with Giardia and Cryptosporidium. Luzon had the highest positive samples (5. 0%) followed by Mindanao (4. 9%), then Visayas (2. 2%). Giardia was most universal in Mindanao (3. 6%) while Cryptosporidium was most prevalent in Luzon (3. %). The prevalence of Giardia (2. 0%) among pediatric patients (0-18 years) did not importantly differ from that (1. 9%) among adults (>18 years old). However, for Cryptosporidium, the prevalence (2. 9%) among pediatric patients was significantly higher compared to that (0. 2%) among adult patients. In the pediatric population, the highest percentage of patients with Giardia was the 5-9 year old age group, while that of Cryptosporidium was in the 0-4 year old group. The prevalence of Giardia, but not Cryptosporidium, was significantly higher in male than pistillate adults (Natividad, F. 008). Amoebic dysentery (amoebiasis) which is the agent of Entamoeba histolytica is widely seen around the world. About 50 million peopl e has become infected a year and eventually over 100,000 people lose their lives. Amoebiasis come into being in wake of taken of quad-core mature cysts from water, foods, goods or hands by orally. E. histolytica trophozoites are position into the colon mucosa and submucosa then forms a bloodymucus diarrhea table. It forms abscesses by touching through blood to liver, lungs, brain and other tissues (Kaya, O. 2011).The infection is common in developing countries and predominantly affects individuals with poor socioeconomic conditions, nonhygienic practices, and malnutrition (Rivera, W. 1998). Related Studies Waterborne diseases are the most prevalent infectious diseases in the developing countries especially in new settlements along the river. Waterborne diseases occur worldwide, and outbreaks caused by the contamination of community water systems and accidental ingestion of recreational waters have the potence to cause disease in large numbers of consumers. Statistics on outbreaks connect to contaminated water have been vailable in the USA since 1920 (Craun 1986), and since 1971, the Centers for Disease bind (CDC), the US environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists have maintained a collaborative surveillance system for collecting data pertaining to the occurrence and causes of outbreaks of waterborne disease (Barwick et al. 2000 Lee et al. 2002). In Europe during 198696, 277 outbreaks associated with drinking and recreational water were reported from 16 European countries (Kramer et al. 2001). At least 325 water-associated outbreaks of parasitic protozoan disease have been reported.North American and European outbreaks accounted for 93% of all reports and nearly 2-thirds of outbreaks occurred in North America. Over 30% of all outbreaks were documented from Europe, with the UK accounting for 24% of outbreaks, worldwide. Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium parvum account for the majority of outbreaks (40. 6% and clxv 50. 8%, respectively), Entamoeba histolytica and Cyclospora cayetanensis have been the aetiological agents in nine (2. 8%) and six (1. 8%) outbreaks, respectively, while Toxoplasma gondii and Isospora belli have been responsible for lead outbreaks each (0. %) and Blastocystis hominis for two outbreaks (0. 6%). Balantidium coli, the microsporidia, Acanthamoeba and Naegleria fowleri were responsible for one outbreak, each (0. 3%). Moreover, the occurrence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium (oo)cysts in recreational rivers from Malaysia was reported. It was carried out in water samples at two rivers, Sungai Congkak and Sungai Batu, turn up in Selangor State. The occurrence of both Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum (oo)cysts was higher in Sungai Congkak (50% or 15/30 and 10% or 3/30 respectively) than Sungai Batu (16% or 5/30 and 3. % or 1/30 respectively). The mean density of cysts/L was 0. 72 in Sungai Congkak and 0. 023 in Sungai Batu, and that of oocysts/L wa s 0. 023 in Sungai Congkak and 0. 0033 in Sungai Batu, screening that the occurrence of Giardia was higher and more frequent than Cryptosporidium in both rivers. On the other hand, the Giardia and Cryptosporidium (oo)cysts were more concentrated at the downstream station, followed by midstream and upriver displace which might be due to human factors where settlements and recreation areas were dictated around and between midstream and downstream stations.Failure to meet basic human needs for water in mainland China leads to waterborne diseases and preventable deaths, especially among children. The OECD Environmental Indicators in China report issued in July 2007 estimated 30,000 rural children die each year from diarrhea caused by polluted water (OECD, 2007). The World Health Organization reported an incidence of 108. 4 mortalities per 100,000 persons from diarrhea-related illness in China in 2002. In 2003, the National Statistics Office said diarrheal diseases stratified second among the top causes of morbidity in the Philippines with 615,692 cases recorded (World Bank, 2006).Diarrhea is considered a major cause of morbidity, especially in developing countries. In the Philippines, it was the leading cause of morbidity for the years 2001 and 2003, and the second in 2002 (National Statistics Office, 2006). Common causes of diarrhea are infections due to protozoa. These causative agents are either foodborne or waterborne. Among enteric protozoa, Giardia lamblia (syn. G. intestinalis or G. duodenalis) and Cryptosporidium spp. are the most commonly reported causes of water-borne diarrhea outbreaks (Natividad et al,2008).The protozoa G. lamblia was runner reported in the Philippines in 1977 and since then has been identified as a common intestinal parasite. Studies done in Luzon, in various localities in the Visayas, and in the southern islands of Mindanao indicate wide distribution of Giardia in the Philippines. (Natividad et al, 2008). micturate examination s in the Philippines typically included the identification of the common etiologic agents of diarrheas such as G. lamblia and Cryptosporidium.According to the most recent nationwide survey of Giardia and Cryptosporidium provides basic information on the prevalence of these enteric protozoa in the Philippines. (Buerano et al, 2008). The worsening water quality is related to incidence of waterborne diseases, and is belike to increase a negative impact of floods on human health. Example of this is an unusual flood that occurred in Marikina City, resulting in high mortality and morbidity rates due to gastroenteritis and other waterborne diseases (The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, magisterial 2008).The pollution of the surface water in Agusan River could cause a contour of contagious diseases. Those diseases could outbreak through several routes such as infection by parasites (such as schistosome), which inhabit in the water and drinking of and/or contact with the polluted water river that may cause dysentery and diarrhea (Lomboy, 2011). preferably of developing Davao River as an economic resource, it is currently being used as a central septic tank according to the Davao River Conservation organise Committee.A study conducted by the committee showed that about 11 drainage systems in the city are moving into the Davao River (Manila Bulletin Publishing Corp. , 2004). Currently, Davao River has become a dumping site for garbage, biological wastes, chemical wastes and other pollutants carried by the residents and even people just within the area (Pascua et. al. , 2011). Thus, areas near or within the urbanized populace such as Bankerohan, Magallanes and Bucana, are considered polluted and may be the source of detrimental effects to those who live nearby. Conceptual FrameworkINDEPENDENT changeableDEPENDENT VARIABLE Fig. 1 Conceptual Paradigm Showing the Relationship of Independent and qualified Variables of the Study Presented in Fig. 1 above is the concep tual paradigm screening the independent variable, the pathogenic parasites and its levels on the three stations of Davao River viz. Bankerohan, Magallanes and Bucana and is the undefended of the study. The waterborne diseases and its levels would depend on what pathogenic parasites are found on the three stations of Davao River and is considered the dependent variable of the study.Statement of the Problem This study specifically aims to answer the following questions 1. What is the level of pathogenic parasites in the following stations of Davao River 1. Bankerohan? 2. Magallanes? 3. Bucana? 2. Is there a significant dissimilitude among the levels of pathogenic parasites? 3. What is the level of waterborne diseases in the following stations of Davao River 1. Bankerohan? 2. Magallanes? 3. Bucana? 4. Is there a significant difference among the levels of waterborne diseases? 5.Is there a significant association between the level of pathogenic parasites and the level of waterborne diseases? Null Hypotheses 1. Hypothesis free 2. at that place is no significant difference among the levels of pathogenic parasites in the three stations of Davao River. 3. Hypothesis free 4. There is no significant difference among the levels of waterborne diseases in the three stations of Davao River. 5. There is no significant association between the level of pathogenic parasites and the level of waterborne diseases in the three stations of Davao River. Significance of the StudyThe results of this study would provide advantages to various fields namely Government They would be able to implement policies and ordinances regarding proper waste trouble and the dos and donts regarding the use of water from the river. The affected residents within the area would be supported and information dissemination within the community would be implemented. Environmental Groups and Agencies Having been aware on the situation of the 3 stations of Davao River, they would be able to provide solu tions to lessen its contamination and prevent increase on water pollution.Community They would be given health awareness as well as the possible implementation of preventive measures and disease control. Teachers This study would serve as an educational supplement and could be regarded as a knowledge material that could give additional knowledge to those who would desire to conduct a study related to pathogenic organisms found in urbanized rivers. Students This study could serve as a reference material for further researches. description of Terms Davao River. It is one of the largest rivers in the Philippines and the largest in Davao Region.It has a length of 143 kilometers. Salug River fixed in San Fernando, Bukidnon is its source and the mouth is located at the Davao Gulf. Bacteria. They are single-celled prokaryotic microscopic living organisms that could be pathogenic or likely to cause disease especially waterborne diseases since they could live in water and easily multip ly. Parasite. It is an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by getting nutrients directly to its host. It is usually acquired through ingestion of contaminated food or water.Waterborne disease. It is a disease acquired by drinking water contaminated at its source or in the distribution system, or by direct contact with environmental and recreational waters. It is a disease which results from infection with pathogenic microorganisms or chemical poisoning. Pathogenic microorganisms include viruses, bacteria, protozoans and helminthes. &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212 Waterborne diseases Bucana Magallanes Bankerohan Pathogenic Parasites Bucana Magallanes Bankerohan
Friday, January 18, 2019
Post Modernist Director Jim Jarmusch Essay
Jim Jarmusch is one of the prominent post- innovationalist coachs whose works produced a profound impression on the reference and frequently evoked kind of controversial emotions. His bourgeons argon rattling original and convey the authentic message of the designer, but the theater managing director often chooses such(prenominal) means of conveying his ideas that his works ar digd in different route by different pot. In fact, some great deal enjoy his records and believe they ar genius, while, on the new(prenominal) hand, at that place be people who do non re totallyy encounter his works and argon real critical in relation to his works.At the analogous time, it should be said that his pick outs be destined non just for specialists but similarly for the mass audience, though the directors ideas may be not always clear for ordinary viewers. Nevertheless, the artistic value of his works is genuinely much undeniable. As a rule, his films argon stylisticall y and artistically luxuriant. The director skillfully applies different stylistic devices which help oneself him convey his message to the audience. Among films created by Jim Jarmusch, it is doable to single out his film D avouch by impartiality, which depicts the cataclysm of primary(prenominal) characters who suck to pass through serious challenges in the hunt down of the film.At the same time, this film is a perfect sample of post-modernist films, where main characters confront severe reality of the modern world and where it is really serious to distinguish betwixt good and evil, right and wrong. In his film the indite shows that in the epoch of high technologies, there be still a lot of problems which tinge the manner of ordinary people and pay back the life very difficult and even tragic. On analyzing the film Down by Law by Jim Jarmusch, it is necessary to start with the call of the film because it gives discernwork forcet into the contents and message of th e film.In fact, the title of the film is quite symbolic, though it is practically directly indicates to the overwhelming power of fairness and its impact on an individual. The title of the film clearly conveys the message that the right can affect the life of people dramatically and, what is even more substantial, the law is not always right or good. Basically, it is possible to estimate that Jim Jarmusch attempts to moralize and crumble the traffichip betwixt an individual and the law.Judging from the title, the director stands on the prove that the law can oppress an individual, it can deprive a someone of freedom and punish severely. In this respect, the events depicted in the film argon quite logical and basically support first ideas that the title of the film evoke. To put it more precisely, the main characters, three inmates, Zack, Jack and Bob, are cellmates and the director attempts to show that all of them are innocent and were wrongfully accused of crimes they hav e never committed.Nevertheless, all of them are sentenced and, therefore, punished by the active levelheaded schema which executes the law established in the society. In such a way, the author uses the title to prepare the audience to the perception of the film and fitted interpretation of his main message and ideas. It gives insight concerning the problem raised in the film, but, at the same time, the title also creates certain emotional recite or mood which prepares the audience to perception of the film in the way the director finds the most suitable.To put it more precisely, the title has quite a shun connotation of the law. Traditionally, the law is associated with justice. The modern society lounge well-nighs used to see law as the basis of the hearty life, since laws regulate relations in the midst of people and support the existing well-disposed order and sociable stability. The violation of law naturally leads to the punishment of an individual through which t he individual is sibylline to be corrected and change his lifestyle and behavior.In early(a) words, the law is viewed as a turncock of the adaptation of the behavior of an individual to socially appropriate and acceptable norms. In such a context, the law is viewed as a positive concept since it maintains justice and social stability that are highly appreciated in the modern society. However, the title of the film suggests an option view on the law. Implicitly, Down by Law tends to win over the audience that the law is the punishment above all and its power is used to get people down, while there is belittled indication to any strain of justice in the title of the film.On the contrary, such a title quite an produces an impression that the law is not utterly just, if not to arrange unjust. In actuality, the title of the film refers probably to one of the major themes of the film the serviceman relationship amongst a man and the law. Remarkably, the author attempts to s how that the law is really oppressive that may be seen from the title of the film. However, such a conclusion is logical and the title is only a tool with the help of which the director conveys this idea.In actuality, the entire film shows that the law, as a tool of serviceman justice, is often blind. Jim Jarmusch shows that the law is not a synonym of justice. In stark contrast, the law is shown as a powerful tool which has little in common with the concept of justice (Jilesen, 236). Even thought the concept of justice is not clearly specialized by the director in the film, it is very difficult to get rid of impression that the law is wrong, at least in relation to the main characters, who got their sentences for crimes they had never committed.In actuality, the director manages to show that the concept of law, as a symbol of justice, is very conventional and it seems as if he wants to convince the audience that people should not solely rely on the law and the justice system at large, because there still remains the risk of errors and innocent people can go to prison house. At the same time, Jim Jarmusch pays a lot of attention to social relations between people. In fact, it is even possible to estimate that the director attempts to stress the significance of interpersonal relationships, which can outweigh even the relationship between a man and the law.Unlike the relationship of a man and the law, the relationship between people is not conventional. In stark contrast, they are very personal and people can learn more about each(prenominal) some other through parley and, in such a context, decisions of the juridical system made on the basis of law are absolutely irrelevant to people. What is meant here is the fact that the main characters of the film, the three cellmates, could grok each other as criminals. Formally, all of them were accused and sentenced to different terms.Therefore, they could naturally grok each other as criminals because the la w defined them as criminals. At the beginning of the film, the director actually shows that such stereotyping on the basis of decisions of the discriminative system can affect the perception of people. In such a situation, it seems to be quite natural that Zack and Jack soon come to blows because they grasp each other as criminals and, in actuality, their conflict is, to a noteworthy extent, provoked by stereotyping and biased attitudes of Zack and Jack to each other.In fact, it is the biases and stereotypes oblige on them by the law lead them to the conflict. However, the director of the film plain does not really believe that the law and the existing judicial system is worth trusting. Jim Jarmusch lays emphasis on the importance of interpersonal relationships which actually define the life of people and their perception of each other (Jilesen, 218).In other words, the director puts human relationships consistently higher than any conventional norms or regulations imposed on pe ople by laws, traditions, tc. In fact, it is through the interpersonal relationship between people their nature and character is revealed. In this respect, it should be said that from the point of view of the law all the three inmates are criminals, but through their interpersonal relationships, they reveal the fact that they are not as bad as they seem to be judging from their sentences and crimes they are accused of. On the other hand, the director avoids labeling his main characters as any positive or negative.He wants to show that his characters are real people, they are alive, they have their own feelings, emotions, ideals. Briefly speaking, they are humans and, therefore, they are imperfect. At any rate, Jim Jarmusch does not idealize his characters and shows that they have both positive and negative qualities. At the same time, he shows that the world, society get used to perceive people in such a way, i. e. through the antagonism between good and bad. In this respect, the u se of shameful and white colorise in the film is very symbolic.Traditionally, good and bad is associated with white and black color respectively. Jim Jarmusch has shot the film in black and white intentionally in order to convey his message to the audience. In fact, it is possible to view his film as a kind of mirror where the traditional perception of the modern world is reflected. To put it more precisely, people get used to perceive each other either positively or negatively, people are either good or bad. Hence, the choice of colorise in the film is very original and unusual for the late 1980s, when there were quite a few films shot in black and white.The director attempted to convince the audience that people get used to perceive this world only in two colors (Hertzberg, 175). Therefore, the use of black and white was quite logical since the film just shows people the world in the colors people get used to perceive the world in. In such a way, the director also warns people about the danger of the going away of other colors since, on perceiving the life through the antagonism of black and white, bad and good, wrong and right, people forget about intermediary states and other colors and concepts.In such a context, when black and white dominates in the film, it is the complexity of interpersonal relationships of the main characters that makes the film really colorful and bright. And again it is possible to speak about a profound attention of the author to interpersonal relations between people which are extremely important to each individual. Moreover, it is relationships with other people that make human life resolute and brings in certain sense. However, the director creates quite an unusual relationship between the main characters.For instance, Zack and Jack do not speak to each other after the conflict which occurs at the beginning of the film. Nevertheless, it does not prevent them from the mental institution of good relationships and it is even possible to speak about a grotesque but strong friendship between these two not very berateative men (Hertzberg, 153). Their friendship grows stronger as they come through all the hardships after the escape from the prison. In such a way, the author shows that human relations are very complicated and it is very difficult to understand what actually makes people help each other and become friends.At first glance, Zack and Jack have no chances to become friends, at least at the beginning of the film, but by the end of the film they cannot be viewed otherwise but friends, even though they do not talk to each other. Consequently, there should something else in humans that makes them feel confident in each other and become friends. In this respect, it is possible to speak about strong post-modernist trends that can be easily traced in the film, especially through the relationship between Zack and Jack.What is meant here is the fact that Jim Jarmusch actually challenges the existing so cial norms and purely materialistic view on human life. Obviously, he rejects the success of the law as a synonym of justice. Moreover, he even rejects traditional views on human relations and denies the rigid materialism of the conservative or traditional artists. His characters friendship cannot be rationally explained by a scientific theory or logic. Traditionally, normal or positive interpersonal relationships are established through verbal communication, but Zack and Jack have none.Instead, it is rather a kind of spiritual unity or spiritual communication between the main characters. In fact, their friendship is, to a certain extent, just about mystical. At any rate, it is irrational and does not meet any scientific approach that is very typical for post-modernist art at large and films in particular. In this respect, it should be said that, being a post-modernist director, Jim Jarmusch is very doubting about science as well as about existing stereotypes, social norms, and t he law (Suarez, 186).Instead, he argues that people are spiritually rich and it is impossible to explain logically and rationally all their actions and behavior. They can make errors and they can suffer from errors of other people or the existing social or justice system, but still they remain people. Basically, it seems as if the director cannot fully understand human beings, this is why he shows that some of their actions are defined by their internal inclinations or spiritual world.At the same time, the entire film may be viewed as a post-modernist balk against the existing social norms, stereotypes and biases, which limit humans by boundaries of social and legal conventions, norms and regulations. In such a context, the thriving escape of the main characters from the prison is very symbolic because, in such a way, they escaped from the social biases and stereotypes, they freed themselves not only literally as they got freedom to move wherever they wanted, but they also got mo ral and spiritual freedom.They escape from the prison of social stereotypes and unjust laws. Moreover, after the escape, Bob even found his love and became keen that implies that only freeing themselves people can become really happy. Thus, pickings into account all above mentioned, it is possible to conclude that Jim Jarmusch is a successful post-modernist director, who attempted to convey his original ideas and his unique vision of the world and men through his works, among which it is possible to single out Down by Law.In this work, the author perfectly illustrated the imperfectness of the contemporary world and humans. He lays emphasis on the erroneous nature of the existing laws, stereotypes and traditional views of people which heavily rely on materialism, rationalism and logic. Instead, he appeals to human nature, to human spirituality and he underlines that people should strive for their own freedom from their own biases and stereotypes. People, according to Jim Jarmusch sh ould be really free as are his characters.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
A Moments Indulgence by Rabindranath Tagore Essay
A Moments Indulgence by Rabindranath Tagore was create verbally in 1910 as part of the Gitanjali collection, 157 poems in the airplane pilot language of Bengali, and 103 in position translated by Tagore himself.Contents hide1 A Moments Indulgence1.1 About the Author1.2 Gitanjali1.3 The Poem1.3.1 Synopsis1.3.2 reveal Also2 ReferencesAbout the AuthoreditRabindranath Tagore was born(p) on 7th may 1861 in a wealthy family in Calcutta. He was the youngest of the thirteen children born to Debendranath Tagore and Sarada Devi. His father was a great Hindu philosopher and angiotensin-converting enzyme of the founders of the religious movement, Brahmo Samaj.His gramps Dwarakanath Tagore was a rich landlord and social reformer.In 1886, he moved to Brighton, vitamin E Sussex, England, to read law. During his stay in England, he attended University College London for roughly cartridge clip, following which he started to independent study the works of Shakespeare. He returned to Bengal in 1880 without a degree, but with the aspiration of fusing elements of European traditions in his literary works.1Tagore is the closely eminent Bengali renaissance poet, philosopher, essayist, critic, composer and educator, who dreamt of a harmony of universal munificence among the people of different origin through with(predicate) freedom of mind and religious sovereignty. Tagore started writing poetry when he was a child, and in the course of his animation was often hailed as the Shakespeare of the East due to generating thoughts on society, religion, aesthetics, education, rural welfare, patriotism and internationalism in his literary works, essays and poetry. 2 One of his most well-kn possess and noteworthy collections of poetry is Gitanjali Song Offering which generates thoughts on religion.Tagore died on 7th August 1941 in Jorasanko, the dormitory he was raised in. The years before his death were riddled with periods of sickness and pain, which eventually rendered him in a comatose state.GitanjalieditGitanjali (Bengali ) is a collection of poems by the Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore. First published in 1910, Tagores collection containing undercover and devotional song poems, was translated to English by Tagore in 1912 before he embarked on a visit to England. The poems were extremely well received, and would be the primary of many volumes that earned him much acclaim in the East and West.3The English Gitanjali, or Song Offerings, is a collection of 103 English poems of Tagores own translations from his Bengali poems. This was first published in November 1912 by the India Society of London.4 At the time of publication, the collection was profoundly praised by the beat out of Tagores literary contemporaries in England including W. B. Yeats and A. C. Bradley.5With the enthusiastic assistance from major western poets such(prenominal) as Yeats and Ezra Pound, the volume made an appearance in England.6 The collection was redoubted success and ca used a literary sensation, its impact was so great that in the following year, 1913, Tagore became the first Asian poet to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for his translated adaptation of his cycle of song-poems, Gitanjali.7.The translations of Tagores work were once a craze, but as Sisirkumar Ghose discusses, Tagore in translation is riddled with problems. His own translations ( wee-wee) been criticised and have been faulted.8 Robert Frost utter that poetry is that which survives translation. When looking at Tagores poetry, it is questionable how much of his schoolmaster work survives throughout the process of translation. It is evident that the nuances of rhythm, imagery, verse form, and most importantly language, are inevitably lost. The main criticisms of the Gitanjalis translations were for often not translating the original poem in full, leaving chunks out, and in one instance fusing deuce separate poems.The PoemeditA Moments IndulgenceI ask for a pieces indulge nce to sit by thy side. The works that I have in hand I will finish afterwards.Away from the destiny of thy face my pith knows no rest nor respite,and my work becomes an endless proletariat in a shoreless sea of toil.Today the summer has come at my window with its sighs and murmurs and the bees are plying their minstrelsy at the court of the flowering grove.Now it is time to sit quite, face to face with thee, and to singdedication of life in this silent and overflowing leisure.FileTo upload.jpgGitanjali 71. An example of poem 71 from Gitanjali written in Bengali, its original language, with the translation of English beside it. SynopsiseditThe central focus of A Moments Indulgence is slightly dedicating ones time to idol, which mop uply brings the devotee pleasure. The verbalizer is conscious that his soul has been engrossed in worldliness, thus putting aside worldly-minded pleasures that man is often disillusioned by, the speaker begins devoting his time to God.The poem b egins with the speaker seeking a moments indulgence from his creator. This is evident as he says, he will finish afterwards he assess he was doing, in order to connect with his creator. Analogy is used in two verse one and verse two, when he suggests that having to give up your work is a small price to pay to reach the almighty.The minute of arc stanza shows the extent of the speakers devotion to his creator. This mint be seen through the way he says that when he is away from God, mentally or physically, his heart remains restless, and the tasks at hand seem like they will never end. The metaphor of the shoreless sea reinforces that when away from God, one cannot be content. It portrays a clear distinction between the pleasure one receives from worldliness, and the true spiritual joy one gains from devoting time to God.In the third stanza the speaker is talking about the sit day, and describes the beauty of the world which is a gift from God. He uses temperament imagery to des cribe the beauty of the day which is being enjoyed by both animals, the bees, plants, and the flowering grove. The speaker also uses sound descriptions of sighs and murmurs to describe the present day, this has connotations of peace and being at peace in the environment one is in, adding to the spiritual vibe of the poem. This implies that nature is close to God as it is content, reinforcing the second stanzas idea that when away from God a person can not be content.The fourth stanza shows that the speaker believes that the present time is the best time to dedicate himself to God he does this by singing to God and sitting quietly. Surrounding himself with nature, and the speaker believes the silence and free time is the faultless time to devote time to his creator because he is not disconcert by worldly tasks and is surrounded by a gift, the beauty of nature, which is from God.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
ICAS Report Planning Template Essay
first principle Ltd supplies a complete range of carpets and furniture to the general public. ABC Ltd has over 75 nationwide high highway shops in all major UK cities and many large towns. ABC Ltd as well as has a 24/7 online shop which is on the head chest site in Aberdeen. Over the past seven years the smart set has grown steadily and now has revenue of over 29 million. It employs well-nigh 400 full-time staff. Who argon the line of merchandisees major stakeholders (internal and external) and why?Major stakeholders of the line of work could be anyone who has an interest in the billet.The business is the sole supplier of a range of furniture. The relationship with this supplier is crucial to the success of the business cod to the competitive advantage that it offers ABC.Accounts Department (PIC 1.1, 1.4)How big is the Accounts incision? What is the purpose of the bill function? What type of organisational structure is there? Where does the accounts department get its tr aining from? How does the accounts department inter-relate with other departments within the business?At ABC Ltd the accounts department consists of the Finance Director, Company Accountant, General Ledger and Inventory Clerk, Accounts Payable Clerk, accounts receivable clerk, costing technician As well as affordroll and personnel database clerk. The departments grip with the payments of invoices, comparing them to the purchase orders and the stock receipts. They also supervise the stock and indispensability for purchase orders.The department is also responsible for the credit control function, monitor nodes and the payment of the staff wages.In order to carry let on these roles Accounts atomic number 18 forced to inter feat with the whole of the organisation to gather information.ABC wont an account spackage which is fully integrated with the rest of the business softw be. The use an go-ahead Management System called PRONTO. This software caters for multi user acc ess which faecal matter be restricted based on job roles. Non accounts users can see, but not change essential fiscal data, such as supplier and customer balances.Describe (in relation to the organisation) the 3 main financial statements In find statement, SOFP and direction of cashflow. (PIC What do they show? Who uses them? What decisions are made based on them?IncomeStatementSOFPStatement ofCashflowIncome statements illustrate ABC Ltd profit or loss over a certain heads of time. The income statement records all revenue, losses and operating expenses for the business. The IS can be apply to show profitability of the family. Income statements are used by stakeholders, play along controllers, financial directors and managing directors. The income statements compared with other income statements within ABC Ltd over a period of time or companies within the same sector result be able to determine the operating performance of ABC Ltd. Managers and the companio nshipaccountant may be able to find out what areas of the business are over budget or under budget and make undeniable changes.Statements of Financial Position (SOFP) illustrate a snap shot of the business financial condition. The SOFP includes the assets and liabilities of ABC Ltd. This is ia good indicator of the liquidness of the business. This statement will again be used by stakeholders, company accountants, financial directors and managing directors. Managers and the company accountant may be able to quickly get a handle on the financial strength and capabilities of the business, its also demonstrates if ABC s assets is enough to cover its liabilities, how liquid its assets are if ABC was to cite bankruptcy, if the business is in a position to expand etc.Statements of Cash flow illustrate the amount of cash generated and used by the business in a given period of time. Again this gives an indication of liquidity and working capital management. This statement will again be us ed by stakeholders, company accountants, financial directors and managing directors. Managers and the company accountant may be able to determine whether the business has enough cash to cover payroll and other immediate expenses or liabilities, as well as allow potential lenders to decide whether or not ABC Ltd is able to pay of its liabilities.What accounting regulations cover the preparation of the above financial statements? (PIC 2.1)In the UK, financial statements are governed by UKGAAP (UK Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). They are also governed by the Companies Act What other accounting regulations and industry specific regulations does the company have to accord with? Does the company have to deal with Money-Laundering regulations? Does the company come under Sarbanes-Oxley? (PIC 2.1)The company also has to comply with the data protection act as they hold customer and staff information. Non compliance with this act can have severe financial and reputatio nal implications.They are also required to comply with any rules set out by HMRC when paying employees and also figure the tax liability of the business. The company does not have to comply with Sarbanes Oxley as this only mends companies registered with the New York Stock ExchangeWhen the company has to deal with a change to the above regulations how does it organise this? In what way are trunk users affected by the change How do they get to find out about the change? (PIC 1.5)The Finance manger and HR manager monitor all regulations and alert the business when changes are made that will affect how the business operates. Changes are implemented by ensuring all staff are made aware of the change via internal communication methods. If need be employees are trained to ensure they fully understand the changes taking place.
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